How to Host a FREE Website on Google Cloud Platform

How to Host a FREE Website on Google Cloud Platform

Tony Teaches Tech

3 года назад

134,420 Просмотров

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कौलभास्कर - 22.09.2023 20:52

Please make a similar video on website with next.js

Deepak K. Gupta
Deepak K. Gupta - 06.08.2023 17:39

Tony, thank you so much for creating this and many other easy to follow "techno-educational" videos! I am wondering if you can point me to a video or any other guidance on how can I host my spare MacBook Air (MBA) as a server for creating and running website (and other uses such as Postgres SQL server)? I understand that I need to get a static ip address to host the MBA server on the internetI, but am not able to find clear instructions anywhere.

Pertak - 16.07.2023 20:51


hemanth srivathsav
hemanth srivathsav - 15.07.2023 10:35

So this works for a month right

dtuk - 10.06.2023 14:37

If i use ads how many days it's run ? Can I make 1 day ads only

Ajay P
Ajay P - 27.05.2023 21:56

How do you save after editing .conf file? Thanks

Deepak Murthy
Deepak Murthy - 05.05.2023 22:28

Excellent video. Although Google Cloud has many capabilities, I would choose Oracle Cloud for hosting a free WordPress website because of their provision of 200 GB storage, 1 GB memory, and an AMD processor under free tier.

Ashish jain
Ashish jain - 02.05.2023 00:51

Hi Tony, have been following you for quite some time. Thank you for your great work.

I have hosted my website using GCP free credits, but now want to downgrade to minimize my monthly billing - could you help me know

1. How to move VM to a new region
2. Is it possible to host it for free in 2023 because of I don't see the free hours as of now based on your suggested steps

Thank you!

usagi moon
usagi moon - 23.04.2023 05:35

PLS give me ur email easy for me ask u please guide me slowly

usagi moon
usagi moon - 23.04.2023 05:35


Wynand Van Der Merwe
Wynand Van Der Merwe - 12.04.2023 00:00

very good, got it done 3hrs. nginx gave errors for conf file. suggest to manually go to sites-available and sites-enabled and sudo rm everything there then create a conf file with vim and do the simlink ( as beginner took like 2hrs to get past this step ). Now working thanks very much great video.

Property stock business 1349
Property stock business 1349 - 05.04.2023 12:52

I don't know if I can do that, any beginner manage to get it setup?

Tim Mitra MTJC SpockCast
Tim Mitra MTJC SpockCast - 20.03.2023 01:15

QQ is it possible to combine the hosting of multiple sites as in your other video? I have a bunch of friends and family sites on my VPS server so I looking for a cheaper way to park those WP sites.

ALEX TERIEUR - 12.03.2023 16:49

excellent step by step tutorial
i am not a geek but i made it to the end 🙏

Andrew Sharapko
Andrew Sharapko - 28.02.2023 08:40

Thanks for the great tutorial!

Andrew Sharapko
Andrew Sharapko - 28.02.2023 08:26

This is an INSANE helpful tutorial! I think @google should add this to their tutorial database.
Thank you so much!

TushaarK - 28.01.2023 13:30

502 Bad Gateway error

Zack Niziolek
Zack Niziolek - 08.01.2023 23:15

Getting stuck at the text edit portion. How to I exit and save?

Jon S
Jon S - 07.01.2023 20:01

It looks like the free tier changed to E2, is going to make a difference between N1 and E2?

SAlEX Korsan
SAlEX Korsan - 26.12.2022 21:01

is it Life Time Free ??

Mourad Al Damarawy
Mourad Al Damarawy - 10.12.2022 19:48

1 G.B bandwidth is actually a drawback

Philippe Bazinet
Philippe Bazinet - 10.12.2022 00:48

You deserve a +1 subscribe and +1 like. Very good tutorial. I've been using GKE to deploy my stateful web app. Everything worked fine, except the .htaccess redirection. I was using Apache. I could not figure out how to solve this problem, for weeks! I tried your simpler solution to use google compute engine and everything works fine. Thanks.

Our's Planet: 3-6-9
Our's Planet: 3-6-9 - 02.12.2022 05:13

CLI is more difficult for setup configuration then GUI, Can I setup in visual interface

Shafti - 22.11.2022 15:52

عالی استاد

Swarte Piet
Swarte Piet - 14.11.2022 14:58

1GB of traffic is not a whole lot... Just web crawlers will probably eat a huge chunk of that.

Keblin - 04.11.2022 23:45

How popular would a blog need to get to reach the free limits? I know it takes years of work to get a blog going but I am just thinking to save a headache later I can just pay for hosting now lol. My fear is Google Hosting might be expensive if I brake the free tier limits. Does anyone have an answer that isn't too techy. Like how many visitors to my site would make me go over the free tier bandwidth?

Markus Patzer
Markus Patzer - 20.10.2022 14:59

Thank you Tony for this awesome video, after that for me it was relative easy to setup a google cloud vm. I use the e2 vm with 2pu+2gb ram, on Hesti apanel with apache-nginx. But my worldwide ttfb speed is slow between 500-900ms - I wonder this vm should be fast at 200ms what is wrong there? Have a nice day !

Jack Beale
Jack Beale - 02.10.2022 01:23

If this was a guide on how to create a webpage for Welcome to nginx! Then you succeeded. For Wordpress not so much :(

Aarif-Shah - 19.09.2022 11:32

Is this free for 1 year or free for ever ??

Dorin S
Dorin S - 07.09.2022 17:34

If you don't have a domain name use the IP instead. Also remove default link file from /etc/nginx/sites-enabled if you want to get wordpress home page

kimie126 - 03.09.2022 15:26

My panel dont have this message "your first 744 hours of f1-micro are free"
Its not going to be free for me right?

gbhupenmail - 27.08.2022 08:25

Excellent!!! Excellent!!!! Excellent !!!! Great job Bro!!!!

Matthew Wise
Matthew Wise - 02.08.2022 02:52

for the command: systemctl restart nginx I am getting the feedback: "Authentication is required to restart 'nginx.service'. Authenticating as: Ubuntu (ubuntu). None of the passwords I set work here--did I mess something else up earlier?

GDH1971 - 25.07.2022 13:30

Thank you Tony, worked like a dream 🙌

Michael Mai
Michael Mai - 21.07.2022 01:50

i think your video is outdated because the gcp has a whole different user interface @tony Teaches Tech

kingananas2.0 - 16.07.2022 09:59

For what are the 300$ trial credits

Ali Ahmad
Ali Ahmad - 13.07.2022 02:42

Hello, i have a LMS website my students can register and buy any course they want, but currently i'm using AWS s3 storage with s3bubble player to stream the video content through my website pages with a high level of security that block any one to download or screen record any video from the website.
now i'm building a new website like the old one but i want to ask if google cloud storage offer the same layer of security the any one cannot download or screen record any video or image and do they offer "pay as you go" pricing for video streaming??
Thank you in advanced

Fariz Gamidi
Fariz Gamidi - 11.07.2022 13:57

Many thanks! Is it possible to create more than one VM Instances which meet these free tier conditions and will be free of charge?

Mihaly Freeman
Mihaly Freeman - 11.07.2022 01:02

Why would you need to do all the SSH routines. Google cloud already deploys WP and the entire OS. Am i missing something here?

mauwiks - 02.07.2022 05:41

Is this free forever still available?

Pedro Dasilva
Pedro Dasilva - 23.06.2022 19:41

is this still available from GCP ? I got to the the point that shows the "$5.08/month", but it doesn’t say anything about the first 744 hours being free.Not sure if I am doing something wrong or it is not available anymore.

Mpuks Digital
Mpuks Digital - 20.06.2022 12:53

Great video man, helps a lot. Is it possible to host the domains emails too? How would one do that?

log kyakehenge
log kyakehenge - 20.06.2022 09:24

its showing vim command not found what to do?
