How to set up a Keil IDE 5 Project - Program the STM32F4 Discovery Board

How to set up a Keil IDE 5 Project - Program the STM32F4 Discovery Board

Learn Embedded Systems

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R1S8K - 16.07.2023 12:03

I installed v5.38

With including USE_HAL_DRIVER, I get 13 warnings, and when I remove it I get 4 warnings.

Also I can't change the xtal.

Snake 579
Snake 579 - 24.03.2023 04:36

Thanks for doing what my teacher couldn't

Durgaram Jayavanan
Durgaram Jayavanan - 04.01.2023 19:27

very Good explanation and easy to understand, Thank you for the same.

王宇 - 19.10.2022 02:22

oh god this video was helpful and made me see light at the end of the stm32 tunnel. PS: cubeIDE just makes me want to jump off a bridge sometimes

Ömer Faruk Uslu
Ömer Faruk Uslu - 07.09.2022 17:01

The Xtal frequency part seems off to me. How can i open.Can you please help me.Thamk you.

Eyüp Burak Yılmaz
Eyüp Burak Yılmaz - 29.06.2022 21:17

I have error called "Required C 99, but current is C 90" How am I suppose to corrent it?

Sneha - 09.06.2022 13:32

Thanks for the tutorial! I have followed all the steps properly but get an error in the manage run-time environment window that says "Required C 99, but current is C 90"
Whatever I do after that can't be uploaded to the board. Please help me rectify this 🙏

The solution is as follows-
In the 'options for target' settings go to C/C++ tab and choose C99 from the drop-down menu for 'selected language'


Em Outras Palavras - Marlon Couto Ribeiro
Em Outras Palavras - Marlon Couto Ribeiro - 11.03.2022 21:08

Thank you so much. My Keil version is from 2014, I followed the steps for the same board and got this error when trying to build it: ".\Blink_Eight.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol SystemInit (referred from startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o) " I the code I had to change BSSR to BSSRL to turn on and BSSRH to turn off (w/o the +16). How can I fix it?

Sheng Jingbo
Sheng Jingbo - 08.03.2022 02:17

very good video,thanks from China!

Maпiғҽsт - 28.01.2022 04:39

Keil is pronounced like "Kyle"
Keil is a German software subsidiary of Arm Holdings. It was founded in 1982 by Günter and Reinhard Keil.

yf - 27.12.2021 11:15

You are very clear. Thank you very much.

Midouni wafa
Midouni wafa - 05.12.2021 19:26

very helpful thank u

Giorgi Aptsiauri
Giorgi Aptsiauri - 11.11.2021 18:29

EDIT: fixed.
I found the solution. the for loops are optimized out. Make the variable i declaration as:
volatile uint32_t i;

I get these. LEDs light up, and they never go off

main.c(30): warning: signed shift result (0x80000000) sets the sign bit of the shift expression's type ('int') and becomes negative [-Wshift-sign-overflow]
GPIOD->BSRR = 1<<(15+(16)); // Set the BSRR bit 15 + 16 to 1 to turn respective LED off
~^ ~~~~~~~~~
main.c(30): warning: implicit conversion changes signedness: 'int' to 'uint32_t' (aka 'unsigned int') [-Wsign-conversion]
GPIOD->BSRR = 1<<(15+(16)); // Set the BSRR bit 15 + 16 to 1 to turn respective LED off

Farag Lagn
Farag Lagn - 22.07.2021 02:22

Why do you choose I2C and SPI? in other words, Can I choose just CAN in 3 CAN nodes? or there is a rule to choose these things?

manab kalita
manab kalita - 26.06.2021 15:52


Dude Kishore
Dude Kishore - 11.05.2021 20:24

Can you plz make aa complete chapterrrr plzzzz
Like i2c ,uart, adc ,spi

saveplanet - 10.04.2021 20:09

The tutorial was simple and easy to understand. Thank you for uploading this. Please can I request if you may include few more sessions related to Interrupts,Timers and ADC/DAC etc specific to ARM Cortex M4 viz. STM32F407. Thanks again.

jamesmasonic - 05.04.2021 00:59

Is Keil µVision free ?

Prayag Jain
Prayag Jain - 18.03.2021 20:12

actually for me the leds are only a switched on position when i am running this code. Can u please help?

Mani in Germany!
Mani in Germany! - 08.03.2021 09:06

really great tutorial

Mani in Germany!
Mani in Germany! - 08.03.2021 09:06

Is all videos available related to stm32f407 discovery board with keil 5 sir?

Ken Wallace
Ken Wallace - 19.02.2021 17:40

A very clear explanation- thanks. While you installed HAL drivers, the example program only uses direct register writes. I actually prefer this but find the project folder is bloated with many megabytes of unused and unnecessary files. A video on a "minimum" project folder would be useful - one that contains only the pointer constants to registers (stm32f4xx.h) and the startup file. Then one could add just the CMSIS or HAL files as desired.
