Coronavirus: How safe is air travel during the pandemic?

Coronavirus: How safe is air travel during the pandemic?

Global News

3 года назад

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@shemdickson7235 - 19.08.2021 14:49


@TheFoundersofJoy - 20.09.2020 21:07

Awesome vid! Inspiration for my content. Keep it up!

@jeansmasengi9543 - 30.08.2020 04:01

R Tre KB

@hawkcob6349 - 25.08.2020 01:40

Scamdemic! This covid can be knocked down with hydroxychloriquine aka an inexpensive widely available malaria drug for the past 60 years fixed the covid! Ya and we believe the bought out media and it gov handlers.

@graytongoldsmith7764 - 24.08.2020 14:07

I’m from the Virgin Islands and we were doing so well... virtually no active cases, schools were able to open but tourists came in and we’ve now got ~200 active cases and are back under lockdown...

@Hana.Q - 24.08.2020 08:15

Full flight is allowed, and low risk. But not allow to open regular full-time school. This is soo funny.

@Mrhoboo - 23.08.2020 23:50

Science disproves the narrative!!!

Hospitals are reporting PCR test produces 85.6% false positive... and serology tests are producing 95% false positives and combine this with the recovery rate is 99.96% as reported by the CDC.

The CDC also produced an article stating they are very close to having a test which can tell the difference between Covid-19 and the regular flu..... so where are the infection rates coming from!!!???!!!

The CDC admits they combined both tests for their data. In other words, the combined percent of each test is equivalent to saying... in a population of 5 people, 8 people have tested positive for "the rona". Yeah, its literally like that!

Career criminals convinced the masses to hand over their right to free air and charge a "penalty tax" for non compliance... aka "BREATHING".

You do realize government and media have helped kill more people than all natural disease combined worldwide.... right?

The CDC finally admitted you really can't get the virus from surfaces so gloves shouldn't be worn... and faucci already stated long ago and written articles (with the CDC and the W.H.O.) masks will do nothing for protection... combine all this to a sickness[sic] who's infection rate is 0.1% and the recovery rate is 99.9٪ also stated faucci.

1st question: According to gov, 100% of the world's population is going to have covid even if they take every and all precautions.... so how does wearing a mask and forcing others to do the same protect you from something you are 100% "GUARANTEED" to get?

2nd question: The official recovery rate is 99.9%.... I repeat, "RECOVERY" is "NINETY NINE POINT NINE PERCENT" according to the CDC, WHO and the top covid expert[sic] Fuacci.... so what the hell are you worried about? You do realize you have better odds of dying from a sexually transmitted craps?

You see, the gov has finally figured out how to literally tax the air and you are complying to an air tax demand, even though 100% of the population is going to get a sickness where the recovery rate is 99.9%!!!

You as a living being, who CANNOT survive without air, somehow you allowed government to convince you air should be taxed through fines?

So may I ask, why are you taking the word of gov, the same entity you have called all your lives, stupid lying thieves, but this time expect they're telling the truth?

Remember that one time government and media told the truth?


@ivanrufeo - 23.08.2020 17:35

And now we defending safe travels. The plandemic keeps going.

@dracovirals7705 - 22.08.2020 15:54

We want china to be DESTROYED. They made our way of life miserable!

@dracovirals7705 - 22.08.2020 15:53

Check them all at airport and maintain distance!
Use common sense you morons!

@silvialogan9226 - 22.08.2020 04:58

In my opinion, I would not say that it is safe to go in a plane to any place because I do not know whether the people are infected with COVID-19 or have been in contact with people who had the virus. For now it is best to stay at home.

@neolskum8286 - 21.08.2020 20:34

Why do the media keep calling the Media Strategy Exercise "Event 2O1" a pandemic. Don't they have reporters to find out no one is sick, except the "experts" and "sci-fi-intists" thinking they will fool everyone.

@feefoolabooboo - 21.08.2020 18:44

Please look into Flair flight 737 August 6 from Vancouver to Toronto and find out why it hasn’t been added to the website although Toronto Health authority has knowledge and information about the person with COVID that was allowed to fly anyway ( they landed in Toronto after contaminating passengers who were flying from Vancouver to Edmonton and Toronto) I received a call 12 days after we should have isolated. Not temp checks at either airport and this is a HUGE error that can cost lives.

@josephleonard2809 - 21.08.2020 17:06

Happy birthday
Democratic convention
democratic convention was like a large birthday cake lots of candles and things to say but no clear understanding of what the policies were

Joe Biden
Joe Biden was the center of the cake The Goo the moist cake..he said a lot of things reminiscing about the past and bad things about Trump and no clear idea what the policies were said nothing about real time issues

Looting and rioting in Democratic cities

U.s. postal service part of the Obama administration for 8 years new postmaster only on the job for two months

What he would do different or hasn't been done for covid-19

Your safety the safety of your family from looting and rioting and major Democratic cities

There was a lot of things said in a lot of hot air as the candles burned out around him the American people were waiting for their gift but left with an empty box

there is no clear understanding of what the real policies are Joe Biden needs to stop practicing on a teleprompter in his basement and answer real questions

@josephleonard2809 - 21.08.2020 16:59

Joe Biden
Joe Biden in his 20s took a train to Washington where he was caught plagiarizing speeches and lied on his application

30 years of failed policies

Three times strike out running for president

A son Hunter Biden Uncle Daddy who married his dead brother's wife

Dodging spousal maintenance and child support payments

Said nothing about real tiny issues or anyting no clear idea of what the policies are

It is time for him to stop practicing in his basement reading off a teleprompter in answer real questions

@goosegander3747 - 21.08.2020 15:45

Trump/Pence 2020! Don Jr 2024!

@James-485 - 21.08.2020 14:55

Stay home ρέ . Don't go outside . Don't you see what is going on ?

@funinthesun622 - 21.08.2020 13:16

Just more FEAR MONGERING, stay home if you are fearful, it's that simple

@theredboneking - 21.08.2020 12:30

Watch.....PLANDEMIC 2 INDOCTORNATION.....on Bitchute

@wildandliving1925 - 21.08.2020 12:16

No thanks.

@nolanrussell518 - 21.08.2020 12:15

Wait wait wait.... discussing the protests against the lockdowns and not discussing the effect BLM RIOTS have had? Seems suspect.
