Top 10 MMORPGs to Play Right Now in 2023 - Best MMOs Available

Top 10 MMORPGs to Play Right Now in 2023 - Best MMOs Available


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artem haight
artem haight - 04.10.2023 06:55

I don't think this guy plays some of the games he named on here.

Ronnie Neville
Ronnie Neville - 02.10.2023 08:44

give us a real list not this main steam bs everyone is playing i want some pc only games like Age of Armor. not these games everyone has on every other console or ones that pop up right away when you google best mmo this is trash show us real games for real gamers not main stream garbage!!!!!

Xieo TV 2
Xieo TV 2 - 02.10.2023 04:15

Didnt pit runeacape but put world of Warcraft, craazy

Xieo TV 2
Xieo TV 2 - 02.10.2023 03:55

How dare you show that snowy hell for albion show the ardent forest of limhurst you northern rat.

JVD 333
JVD 333 - 01.10.2023 08:08

ESO is definitely the Best option, but I wouldn't suggest it without a subscription, ur resources are limited without.
- The biggest downside is that it is So Big. It's very Easy to lose track of what to do or where to go.

JVD 333
JVD 333 - 01.10.2023 08:00

No MMOs are worth playing in 2023. Until they start making MMOs in Unreal Engine 5 everything just looks and feels OLD.
- BDO is close, but the Huge Japanese influence (English subtitles), bullet spongy enemies, Horrendous RNG crafting, and endless Bloat makes it a pretty hard pass.

Mark - 23.09.2023 21:16

Eve sucks, for me, because there is zero way to turn off pvp. At all. Ever.

Cuisine Art
Cuisine Art - 22.09.2023 06:22

Lost ark is dead, have fun grinding and rejection.

Beau Damien
Beau Damien - 19.09.2023 21:40

Everyone of these games are so old and out dated. How about some new MMOS to play in 2023.

bankaiii bankaaa
bankaiii bankaaa - 16.09.2023 02:13

Albion is awesome and maybe the best mmo in this list, eso is good for some time then gets boring, gw2 is not bad, lost arc perma ban you if you are not active also it's massively pay to win. Wow is wow, everybody knows what it is.

Star Girl
Star Girl - 13.09.2023 14:46

i enjoy dc universe more than any game that is in this video
its fully voice acted, so fun!

Jemcrystal - 12.09.2023 03:34

I like the option of first person but not be forced to play in 1st because it causes motion sickness.

Jemcrystal - 12.09.2023 03:32

Box to play does not mean you can play it forever. You must keep buying the dlc's or you can't keep up with the other players. Better than cheaty ass sub but still don't say someone can own and play forever. You burn up the content and buy the next dlc. That's not playing forever. That's BURNING UP CONTENT in short order.

Tom Catt
Tom Catt - 11.09.2023 11:29

old stupped games all crap

FooknGroovn - 11.09.2023 04:20

On the GW2 review you said pvp was normalized and you can just jump right in. It's partially right. Except there are skills you don't have access to that lvl'd vets will have and your builds will just not stand up to theirs. Unless they have changed things.

Nynke de Boer
Nynke de Boer - 06.09.2023 19:45

Wow that cape is sick! GL all!

D M - 04.09.2023 07:35

Nexus TK (the kingdom of the winds) been online since 1997 still going

G - 02.09.2023 13:32

He said Black Dessert 😂😂😂 am out, ba bye

Meta Morpher
Meta Morpher - 26.08.2023 22:16

same as every other one of these videos, next please.

ColdNapalm42 - 25.08.2023 14:48

New World might be worth playing in a couple more years of development. Mortal 2 might be worth playing with a couple of years of development IF they keep the current monetization system...which they won' it's not even worth considering. Lost Ark is dead. And EVE...really?!? REALLY?!? Hey want a second job that you pay for instead of getting paid? Than EVE is for you.

petris1289 - 24.08.2023 19:51

the only bad thing about guild wars is that my laptop cannot handle it without uninstalling a lot of games, cause it has only 236 gb full space

Slipshank D
Slipshank D - 17.08.2023 20:46

all old worn out games

Steve - 12.08.2023 06:45

Albion start as pve but turns into pvp. Pve goes from T1-T4 on rss then you have to go into pvp areas to farm higher rss, the world map is what 90% pvp it takes 12million in silver to do things instead of buying with real money. void

DrinkingWalrus - 06.08.2023 16:17

Lord of the rings online.

TwinTek - 27.07.2023 15:35

I would absolutely love to see a huge massive open world, mmorpg, lotr style game with giant community, factions and lore where the players make the story and events. Like an alternative fantasy reality.

Kershaw County Matters
Kershaw County Matters - 27.07.2023 06:46

I absolutely hate pvp games! What are you really beating, someone else's ping time?

hummingbirdcity - 25.07.2023 19:38

EVE is a different vibe from every other MMO. I miss it.

YEE TIAN TIAN - 24.07.2023 07:13

only western gaming?

Billy_Cross - 22.07.2023 10:29

However, why would you not want to PVP in black desert online? That’s the only thing the game has it’s a fucking PVP game that’s it. The crafting is shit. It’s too much work and too complicated to do it. I’m not saying people don’t, but you don’t go to play black desert online for the crafting black desert online has a fairly decent combat and that’s it. That’s only thing it’s worth playing.

Billy_Cross - 22.07.2023 10:28

Oh no it doesn’t in BDO I have to do the PVP quest to enable PVP. I can stop draining levels at whatever level it is 5560 whatever and I never have to participate in PVP.

mmgaming - 12.07.2023 02:19

Bruh hypixel skyblock is easily the best check it out 😂😂😂

bobo bobo
bobo bobo - 09.07.2023 13:31

eve seems fun but its such a sausage fest

bobo bobo
bobo bobo - 09.07.2023 13:28

wish new world didnt look so sh`t though

troynov1965 - 06.07.2023 07:31

I been playing GW2 for 8 years and well I do not like the direction and meddling the devs have been doing . Im ready to move on to something new so I am here looking.

BadMoon - 05.07.2023 07:47

The fact that Lost Ark is on thisblist tells me you dont know much. That game is trash. Lol.

SomeCatchyName - 04.07.2023 04:38

saw WoW and just lost respect


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I advise people to stay away from Albion, it really sucks to play atm, the world being entirely controlled by huge guilds you won’t have fun playing, you either join a big guild and become a pawn with progress given to you or being solo and playing the game on.10x difficulty even getting out of a city

James Ray
James Ray - 29.06.2023 21:05

jesus christ it's looking grim for the future of MMORPGs if this is the list...

BOPIUS - 29.06.2023 03:03

Black desert is way too pay to win

Billy_Cross - 21.06.2023 09:09

OK, sorry you didn’t get there but I did my defense. You more or less repeated the bit about the cost of all the scrolls giving different information each time I think one diamond that you can buy for about $25 a text Simon said to go buy a perk five to $15. Personally I paid 20 bucks for it when I bought it.

Billy_Cross - 21.06.2023 09:08

OK, elder scrolls doesn’t pack require a cookout doesn’t require but if you’re going to play it with any kind of serious as you need a subscription, you need die ESO flops primarily for access to the crafting bag because otherwise crime think it’s just not an option cramping bad gives you unlimited crafting storage, but it also the death of scription gives you access that all the time that except for most recent expansion so if you want to play all of the continents in elder scrolls, buying a subscription even bang for for several years and it’s going to be cheaper than buying every expansion and DLC that come out.

Billy_Cross - 21.06.2023 09:07

Call dislike comment in ESO is because of the way the toolbar system works fine because of the soft black nobody fucking dislikes combat in that because they can’t lock onto their target and I met they just like it because you gotta keep switching back-and-forth between bars

Billy_Cross - 21.06.2023 09:05

Color scrolls combat isn’t a highbred NFL will take back or like every other combat Annie Daniel playing now almost anyone anyway, all right I will admit I am play Baller mortal and it sounds like Morrow you literally got to be facing your opponent at whining at them but even PTO electro lock on your opponent so you’re always pays no the grandfather of action Conrad or the one that’s given credit for it has a lock on function that keeps you always say singer target and always attacking your target. Him know you change the lock on to something else Most action Conrad gave both games that claim to have action come back and I should be free games or lock box, so it really is no different than cab targeting help me that the irony is Dav targeting it’s fucking easier games like all of them online add Truax and Conrad or if you chose to you could find out if you slam start at Keith so that you never mess with your Sprowls you know when you’re trying to keep somebody alive when he was in your ribs for the hell you’re just blocked, so wow you could use manual targeting most people chose to use them targeting cycle through your target so you have the one you want and then just keep adding last target gas for Sproul last part of Kansasville last birthday but you literally cut Casas bro drop it manually on what you want to go on that’s all you usually got to target in the first white and a big battle cycling through target toilet was a pain in the ass Going slow but y’all need to quit pretending like action combat really exist because it doesn’t most things that are called action come back have a small block on Consol is almost always die. Do you want to Joyce text Joe push down while your appointment at it in your forever lockdown at target and pacing back target average Sproul, or action you take will go to that target.

Billy_Cross - 21.06.2023 09:00

Put Albion online PVP is only in certain regions in the game isn’t designed around BBB. That’s not the primary focus of the day that’s like Ultima online. It’s just a big ass fan box. You can do whatever the fuck you want. I mean you can literally never be VP if you want this crap

Billy_Cross - 21.06.2023 08:56

Just made it more attractive there in the world PVP where is your dear actually count to 10 your character regression call Irene I like the idea of being able to jump in to the normalize Serena PVP instantly I remember deal. Where is Juan? You’re pretty much junk been almost immediately and you were got access to care that was used for PVP if you got access to all your abilities, things like that flat world, PVP as well Parkway I would like to play Gilmore stew.

Billy_Cross - 21.06.2023 08:55

No also would jump right on that for different reasons obviously because the PVP in Kilgore Stewart fundamentally different I mean it was like doors wanna call normalize you can jump ran immediately to PVP and you get dies from scaled up to one level I don’t feel like it was level 18 or something and doors. Wanna hurry I don’t know it’s the same but still DVD was all normal. I figured Duncan immediately made competitive, but aside from that the quest thing in the story everything is supposed to be so fantastic. I would play that too but they never saw fit put it on consul and I won’t play a PC game ever again maybe on a iMac it every time there I I have been thinking about buying a back, but I will never fly back to James Deas, Tony fucking cheaters and everything. I don’t care what it is you’re doing a PC they’re involved after people you’re playing against her cheating.

Billy_Cross - 21.06.2023 08:53

I would definitely even spend 60 or 80 bucks whatever it cost to get that standard or Deluxe Edition on Myrtle online if it came on Consol, assuming that that it was properly ported bad for people that didn’t understand that controls scheme on Consol understand that you have to make the user interface fit, cancel my PC but if it were properly ported, I would definitely buy it in a heartbeat But I didn’t install Jake reminders of all from online back in the day. PVP going on everywhere. yeah I’m trying to get shit done to do maintenance on your character your house gather materials, whatever Consuela looking over your shoulder rent that’s what made games like that fun and I don’t exist anymore hardly at all Evening games on overworld PVP white BDO do you quickly end up a Ave criminalL Lennon Signal I don’t know I think the desert you can work off the car motor bad karma in the desert. Tell Ed well damn online if it ever got ported over to Consol is old and and interior and the graphics were it was I had her it’s time, take the difference between elder scrolls, an older online when you cross a server boundary in elder scrolls, do I have to go to a certain play bankroll correct date or a mountain or a pass through the mountains and Alderaan? Why do you just ran back-and-forth across Riverline. She didn’t notice from Serbia hasn’t general momentary hesitation as you cross the burger line But you’re just ran wherever you want it and if you got the dad to the Cottman want to go further you don’t finish it for sale portal online to gives me definite nostalgia surrounding out from online and able to run around and kill people lose their shit even if I’m just going to go pile it in a Chaska probably destroy it for resources. That was so much fun.

Billy_Cross - 21.06.2023 08:50

In portal online to whether you like the game or don’t like the game it has a lot going for it you know persistent world your housing is there out in the world somewhere like all of them online followed which means there’s probably not a lot of chasing after gear because the gear really can’t be as important as the skill I wish I was on Consol not sure how complicated the control team is sometimes that’s why it’s not on Consol but I really wish it or a game similar to it was on top goal and please don’t reference BDO video of that shit game to play on cock hole and even on Consol it as a PDF centric control, steam and beginner paid for July horseshit Trying to play radio with any kind of Jill is ridiculous because you know you need fucking key bind you need a keyboard, but you can mine gave the action so that you can properly pull off combo and on top video socks and every other way the housing as shit it’s instant if you don’t have a gigantic house and you go inside or with a big character, you end up clipping through walls and ceilings in the white not text you in the flipping through everything on berserkers anyway BDO is a good concept is Jeff not great or people on Consol and it’s not great anyway the housing stocks that the white skill system everybody praise this is way too over complicated and why does it have such a complex life skill system in active that is primarily a PVP game
