How A Wind Powered Sawmill Works- AMAZING

How A Wind Powered Sawmill Works- AMAZING


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P1TT - 08.11.2023 07:24

That last detail about soaking the logs for a year... Game changer. 🤯

ivan55599 - 23.10.2023 15:30

After the Great Collapse, this could be a potential sawmill type, where is no rivers.

Иван Исаков
Иван Исаков - 04.09.2023 17:39

Could this be how the pyramids were built?

david skelton
david skelton - 02.09.2023 04:16

I’m a carpenter. I love this video!!!!😊

yazach35 - 19.08.2023 04:30

This video is awesome, I wish he did stuff like this instead of prepper paranoia nonsense. It really makes me sad to see where the channels gone

Lila Nedaria
Lila Nedaria - 03.07.2023 01:20

Fascinating video, thank you for sharing. The process of soaking logs in water is called water conditioning. Removing the sap and sugar from the lumber helps preserve the wood against insects and fungi. It could also help against warping and cracking as you have mentioned, depending on the species.

D K - 19.06.2023 21:14

you would think it'd be easier to pull down but look at the tooth direction of the pitsaw in the picture

CombatMosquitoTrainer - 31.05.2023 15:31

Amazing bit of engineering. Thanks for the tour.

Gábor Szász
Gábor Szász - 04.04.2023 21:59

Imagine how pricy lumber gonna be with zero carbon. Yeah.

duckpuddles - 02.04.2023 09:18

In the old days you certainly did not want to be the guy underneath the log, hence the phrase "Top Dog" which means the best job position.

ECLiPSE - 28.03.2023 15:00

It is in the Netherlands as I see from the shoes. Where is this exactly. I want to see this

Thomas Humphreys
Thomas Humphreys - 25.02.2023 04:07

Just to say I visited this place last week and was totally amazed! The windmill was pulled down in 1942 but rebuilt with those amazing plans in 2007. And the guide said at their peak there was nearly 200 of these sawmill windmills!

LifeIsThePrayer - 11.02.2023 21:16

Wow! I love this!
Spent many years working on a sawmill but this is amazing!

Benny Robles
Benny Robles - 11.02.2023 15:06

We often went to such places in Holland when I was in school. Most of the windmills were used to pump water. Holland is a few meters below sea level.
Greetings from the Dutch Caribbean.!

I SAW THAT - 09.02.2023 08:22

You're a weirdo for grounding your bed, but this video was great!

Joseph - 04.02.2023 19:23

Wow that is so cool

Tobias Lord
Tobias Lord - 20.12.2022 22:37

Thanks for sharing

Marcus Franconium
Marcus Franconium - 08.09.2022 17:29

The logs in the water is something that is fairly used by many wood pruducts. back in the day , the old paper mills would have wood in the water for sertain amounts of time to get the best quality paper.

Re N
Re N - 23.06.2022 04:22

video too shaky

Art Diary
Art Diary - 08.06.2022 08:00

man, this is genious. specially the feeding mechanism. it is so beautiful.

Zack Perry
Zack Perry - 04.06.2022 08:19

Holy I didn't think you could get a wind powered saw mill thats crazy

Bussi - 27.05.2022 12:55

You call everything you don’t understand as brilliant and elegant. You are just extremely ignorant, you are just as stupid as your smartphone

gregoriodia - 20.05.2022 15:10

Koog aan de Zaan?

Eduardo Gitassi
Eduardo Gitassi - 10.05.2022 00:06

Whats this place named, please?

Lucas Zaborowski
Lucas Zaborowski - 10.02.2022 01:19

If you have any power to your dad’s broken give it to me

Lucas Zaborowski
Lucas Zaborowski - 10.02.2022 01:19

Ilfhave any power to the broken give it to me

Steve sayer
Steve sayer - 31.12.2021 21:28

L never thought you could get a wilnd mill to run a saw mill. What happens on hot sumerdays. and no wind at all..

MrWolfSnack - 16.11.2021 12:08

i can imagine that takes forever but its completely autonomous

maxpolaris99 - 27.10.2021 21:31

How old is the design?

Dayon Mage
Dayon Mage - 07.09.2021 02:27

The book "Growth of The Soil" by Knut Hamsun brought me here. The book is a Nobel Peace Prize winner in literature of the year 1920. A highly recommended novel on a tiller of the earth. A Norwegian self-made man starting his own farm in an earlier century. The book follows how he starts out anc begins as a humble peasant, but through his utilitarian and persevering work-ethic he cultivated rural land into a profitable and prosperous farm complete with his own barn, mill, flocks of sheep and goats and cows. And his wife also is merely a simple and salt-of-the-earth type woman, and yet they become quite wealthy and prosperous by the end of the book, they also discover a copper mine on the edge of their property, which makes them even wealthier as a family. A heartwarming book, with a good utilitarian self-reliance message to readers. Not to mention the book encourages modern readers to take an interest in things like how a water-powered sawmill operates and other things that involve European history, western agricultural advancements and implements, and the differences/similarities revolving around the industrial revolution's impact on how tillers of the earth carried out their work. "Growth of the Soil" is a highly recommended book that's been translated into over twenty languages and sold millions of copies over the course of many decades. It is very sad to compare this to the modern-day 21st century desecration that's been inflicted upon the decimated Western European countries, and the red-handed betrayal committed by our very own U.N. officials, the economic acts of betrayal counted least among these. The deepest circle(s) of hell are reserved for those who voluntarily import Islamic terrorizers and anchor-baby migrant families into their own homes and lands. An utterly irreversible act of self- sabotage and self-ruin that threatens to erase and usurp the very host-population and host-culture that made Norway and Sweden great nations in the first place. Great nations are born of great peoples. And all it takes is a rabble of conniving and treasonous pawns to turn their backs on their own and sell out their own past, present, and future in exchange for a kabob-stick and annoying rap music while they wrongfully make for one's own daughter.

JamesTheFurst - 26.08.2021 08:37

I saw your short of this and accidentally opened the full video looking for more info

marnix kamminga
marnix kamminga - 25.08.2021 23:06

Anybody know what this mill is called / where it is?

Scholastic School
Scholastic School - 25.08.2021 02:43

We owe this mechanical technology to the Medieval Ages!

Jon Mcintire
Jon Mcintire - 07.07.2021 20:50

It is genius , like a swiss clock😯😉😁

Jon Mcintire
Jon Mcintire - 07.07.2021 20:49

How do you push the log , expert gear use😀😀,configuration😀😀

nodieusa - 25.06.2021 15:22

Next video: Testing the cheapest wind powered sawmill kit on Amazon

Roger Collins
Roger Collins - 22.06.2021 18:24

What is the name of the sawmill in this video?

DeathByDabz Gaming
DeathByDabz Gaming - 01.06.2021 18:15

Please tell me where I can get my hands on the Blueprints - The world needs more clean natural ways to Mill. Absolutely incredible.

Dixon Cider
Dixon Cider - 12.05.2021 17:47

Fun Fact: The men that would saw the planks by hand were called "dogs" and the lower ranking sawyer in the dirty pit was called the "underdog" which is where the term "underdog" comes from.

Jeffrey Cunningtown
Jeffrey Cunningtown - 18.04.2021 05:57

I made it with Woodglut plans!

Jose Peixoto
Jose Peixoto - 08.03.2021 09:59

sound is just too low... except the ads, those are loud enough lol

THE PUBLIC EYE - 01.03.2021 10:52

They should not run wind with you there.

Edward Hogan
Edward Hogan - 04.02.2021 00:51

I was intrigued as to how the speed of the cutting blades was exactly related to the wind speed. i thought that some kind of gearing or regulators had been invented by the " clever clogs" that delivered an even up-and-down speed to the saws?

mtn moto adv
mtn moto adv - 02.02.2021 10:44

The ingenuity of our European ancestors is something else. Also interesting to note that the steam/combustion engines weren't brand new inventions but rather the evolution of pre-existing ideas.

JaLynn Smith
JaLynn Smith - 27.01.2021 01:25

Wow! I would love to see things like this in person! Where is this or are there any in the USA?

Curtis Jordan
Curtis Jordan - 15.01.2021 01:44

humans are impressive creatures

Manfacility Metal Works
Manfacility Metal Works - 12.01.2021 16:58

Interesting fact for you. The guys working the pit saw were called dogs. The top dog and the underdog. That's where the saying comes from.

Hi im Ryan
Hi im Ryan - 10.01.2021 05:30

WOW I never knew they are using the chuckey cheese ticket cruncher to cut wood

Wa3ypx - 03.01.2021 04:42

I like the use of Roman Numerals
