PoE| One With Nothing but DPS

PoE| One With Nothing but DPS


4 года назад

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Berto - 17.08.2020 20:13

Remenber when facebreaker has fucking 1k phys. Yeah good ol' days

Red Salmond
Red Salmond - 01.05.2020 18:21

I am currently testing a herald stacking version of this, it is super difficult to do but if you manage somehow to get 5 heralds and 3 res auras, your dmg becomes super super hight. Way more then what you usually do with Hollow palm... The only issue here is life, max life is very hard to come by, that is why u need more then 1k dex to make it worth the boots u using for this. Starkonja's is BiS if your not going the herald way... 70 dex, 100 life and 10 atk speed? Yes please. As for the body armour, Astral plate is BiS no matter how u see it. I mean, you could use a shaped helmet for your movement /auras and use a 4-9 ex astral plate that gives you dex, attributes and the -15 mana, you do not need crit, you already have 1200 PDPS weapon (hallow palm). That is way more then any 2H in game that you can think of (even with double corrupt). Of course a synthetised 1100 Pdps might sound better but those cost a few mirors in standard... You can even stack Bleed/Impale which is nuts! It boosts your dmg by a few folds... you thought 200 mil dmg was insane? This notable can get you there... with enought dex. The other thing is, you can use Dancing Duo blade to gain free Onslaught and Rampage which both are multipliers :) I really ho[e GGG buffs the rest of the notables instead of nerfing herlads and this butifull jewel I expect One with nothing jewel to cost 5ex+ in the next league so enjoy it while you still can!

Max Thor
Max Thor - 24.04.2020 12:24

i was told that unarmed cannot dual weild. weird

Herrm - 11.04.2020 18:51

@DonTheCrown when will you be updating this for cluster jewels? I am running this build now and would like to upgrade it. Thanks man!

bobb420 - 09.04.2020 20:15

hollow palm with deathbringer and herald stacking for some stupid damage

ChLz2K - 06.04.2020 11:49

I already got the raider hand cyclone 1m dps 1.1k dex this is fcking funny build

Big Prodemais
Big Prodemais - 31.03.2020 17:18

name weapon? rusted sword?

Breno Pedretti
Breno Pedretti - 25.03.2020 04:23

Yo, Don! Could you build this guy for end game, simulacrum, etc? I really want to play Hollow Palm but Im a dumb trying to create builds, and when I went to the forums tying to discuss the build, found many ideas but even more arrogant people... so, if you could help, I would appreciate!

Film Kişisi
Film Kişisi - 23.03.2020 03:00

how much that b.armour?

soundslikecadiz - 22.03.2020 12:36

Can you do a chieftain infernal blow varient of this build?

Albany Fx
Albany Fx - 22.03.2020 04:53

If we don’t use cyclone. POB still said I should use impale. It’s still the next largest dps support gem. Is that correct?

Caio Guerra
Caio Guerra - 21.03.2020 18:57

what if i do as chieftain infernal blow saitama build?

fangere - 20.03.2020 10:46

this man calls it a budget build then hinges the build around a 1 ex jewel, and multiple expensive dex-stacking jewels.

Florian Renner
Florian Renner - 20.03.2020 00:42

what about raider?

Kyle Vaughan
Kyle Vaughan - 19.03.2020 07:35

This jewel shouldn't have been put in the game.

Hannya - 19.03.2020 04:46

anyone know if the dancing duo would interact with one with nothing after they spin out? feel like having 3 things spinning at the same time would be interesting

5ean 5ean
5ean 5ean - 16.03.2020 16:08

I also thought Gladiator is a great choice for defense and Challnger charges.

Chatsky - 16.03.2020 10:18

Just calculations. Where is the gameplay? Where is the testing in the game?

G. Waits4Gainz
G. Waits4Gainz - 16.03.2020 02:47

deffinitly thinking a impal scaling fast attacker cyclone or something woudl be really cool especialy with the explody chest or nodes potential. plus u can prob find some res all over the place lel

G. Waits4Gainz
G. Waits4Gainz - 16.03.2020 02:46

YESSSSSS haha ive been waiting and lookign for someone to do an awsome build around hollow palm!!!! this will prob be my second char build after leageu start net worth to have a ton of fun. i tried building it myself around a 20.0 AS raider with large onslaught scaling but i just feel like i have no clue how ot plan for survivability hahaha

Neo Chengwee
Neo Chengwee - 16.03.2020 01:08

Is the armor really gonna be better than the evasion

Maggot the Madman
Maggot the Madman - 13.03.2020 20:42

You can use The Dancing Duo for free Rampage/ two minions aswell.

Giri - 13.03.2020 13:59

Love this build video.
Small check : for some reason the audio is a little clippy on few word pronunciations , may be just my phone. :)

V for Vayne
V for Vayne - 13.03.2020 13:29

Well I don't really like the assendancy to be honest.I mean it looks really squishy.Maybe some gladiator with block etc? Any thoughts on dancing denish? I know that you got your reasons to pick zeker maybe you should inform us as well

Peter Chopper
Peter Chopper - 13.03.2020 12:33

Oh no not dash,last time i tried it my character dashed backwards, on console lol

Tay - 13.03.2020 08:40

This just feels like a noob trap

pushanka - 13.03.2020 07:11

There doesnt seem to be any downsides to using dancing duo with this! Free onslaught, rampage, and you can slap maim/blind on the dervishes. Should be fun

Dat Harass
Dat Harass - 13.03.2020 06:01

Use 1.5 speed to finish the video before league start

panos zafirakis
panos zafirakis - 13.03.2020 05:56

so we drop of berserk skill?

Sy Unknown
Sy Unknown - 13.03.2020 05:43

anyone do the pob with rigwal's + crit? or is flat better?

xardas149 - 13.03.2020 04:17

Not gonna lie, capping out at 7mio dps on an impale build seems rather unimpressive compared to Facebreaker.
Without any cool skill that is only useable with the keystone it is just facebreaker but WAY worse because of how many gemslots and the value from a shield is lost. Less damage, less utiltiy/defense seems awful.

There has to be a diffrent build dand I am kinda surprised Don looked for it or was this really the best he coul come up with?. Maybe as we are going Dex Stack and get ridicilous amount of base damage, ofc there might be an option with Cold Version and Use things like Fractal Thoughts ( sad for the crit multi but whatever), the same mod on an influnced amulett with % attribute and maybe Cold to Core Cluster notable? Hmm dunno maybe hard cause we cannot 100% convert without gloves.

Dunno either way this is rather dissapointing (not Dons fault maybe, if the keystone oesnt offer more thats it), but being so much worse then facebreaker is kinda a joke.

Mr J
Mr J - 13.03.2020 03:41

now revisit your pob and remake this video

sylvain bassou
sylvain bassou - 13.03.2020 00:39

is it possible to have a PoB for the zerker/champ impale cyclone starter plz? thx

M.Oskar - 12.03.2020 23:42

name that char Apachai Hopachai :D (Y)

dominges - 12.03.2020 23:21

Why not Assassin crit? I mean, it would scale a lot better plus you have elusive and won't have problems with Int and Dex pathing. Dodge+Evasion+Infused Channeling and the dmg reduction from Elusive would be more than OK. You can even try to incorporate Poison too but not sure how good poison would be in this setup.

Kuan-Tsen Chen
Kuan-Tsen Chen - 12.03.2020 23:05

Cool idea, I am thinking melee assassin/trickster too, both could be great with wildwrap.

Zeph - 12.03.2020 22:33

Damn, this build has a load more options than a facebreakers build does, for example you could get a purity of elements (can get it as an item mod) and not have to worry about resists as much, could also get hatred or herald of ice potentially.

sober667 - 12.03.2020 22:17

Not going ele conv is a waste with how much extra dps you gona get from staking and ele overload wich you dont need much base crit for and helm with ele dmg with dex stacking gona be stupidly powerfull ( that sgona be my 2nd build after cold conv Spectral shield throw)

Uroboros - 12.03.2020 22:07

-15 mana is not warlord only. Every single mod that fossils gave before is still available from said fossils. You now have a 2nd option of obtaining them.

SuperNoemata - 12.03.2020 20:25

I am so hyped for this build type! unarmed for the win!

alex k
alex k - 12.03.2020 20:09

Newplayer question: why would you want to take armour over evasion? for what ive read evasion is superior no?

Jackzera - 12.03.2020 19:12

I came for the video, i stayed for the music. Thanks for D2 nostalgia.

Momo - 12.03.2020 18:56

Wouldnt it be better with gladiator bleed explosion and dual wielding block? You are also closer to dext nodes and can transfer all that dex to armour.

Cooke1896 - 12.03.2020 18:47

Made the concept for a similar build yesterday but with Ice Crash. One addition to your build: I think you are better off with a Brawn jewel instead of the rare flat Dex jewel. Good luck in the league, I wont start with my Ice Crash variant though. Will most likely be my second build for the league.

Sarvashaktimaan - 12.03.2020 17:27

You should look into the archmage support. You can actually get 2000+ flat lightning damage without really sacrificing anything.

Everlastiny - 12.03.2020 17:24

Too bad you can't use gloves, shaper's touch would have been a nice addition

RONNEL CRUZADA - 12.03.2020 17:23

Being unencumbered is the state of not having any main hand item, off hand item or gloves equipped.

Is it one of those 3 not having them? or 3 of them at once?

mrawdog - 12.03.2020 16:18

this looks like its going to be very very expensive, ill stick with animate weapon this league

Emilgod - 12.03.2020 15:54

Cool idea i had was going non crit with glad for 80% block/spell block while picking up most of the good dex stuff got around 3m dps with impale 6k life and the block which sounds preetty neat

Cuniving - 12.03.2020 15:40

why not go crit with the ammy?
