How To Check Your Solar Is Working With Monitoring

How To Check Your Solar Is Working With Monitoring

MC Electrical

1 год назад

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dandel351 - 21.08.2023 16:44

Just checked my solar performance . Since I don't have a full year of solar data to use yet I was curious as to how well the system is performing so far with the data I have compared to the estimate my installer provided before installation.
Glad to say I'm doing well. I must say I was getting used to the big totals I was getting during summer. I was a little worried I was having shading issues or dirty panels , but it just turns out the lower output in winter was normal in the end.
Glad I know the trick for the Fronuis system now that will be quite handy going forward.

Ian Ferguson
Ian Ferguson - 10.08.2023 14:11

Top video. Enabled me to check all aspects of my solar system and utilise the Fronius Premium info. Thanks Mark.

Lewis Graham
Lewis Graham - 03.05.2023 13:18

Hi Mark, great video. Im about to get a large 20kw 3-phase residential system installed with fronius symo and sunpower panels. Would the catch solar relay provide me with all this data on the fronius apps? Or would i be better of getting the three phase fronius smart meter. I want as much consumption/export data as possible, but also really want the catch power relays load control features. Cheers.

hankjay - 03.05.2023 11:31

Thanks Mark that was very helpful, I have Fronius premium and haven't taken the time to set it up properly, so that will be next.
I do have a question though. I have looked at the Fronius vlog about settings in my Fronius Solar monitoring to set my battery usage ( we have a 7.5 HVS BYD ) to zero when there is a blackout forecast or when the electricity supplier wants to work on the infrastructure. Could you do a vlog about this?

Stan Moderate
Stan Moderate - 08.04.2023 07:38

Great knowledge base.

AusGuy - 29.03.2023 01:15

What is high grid voltage from? As in above what is a issue?

Jan - 26.03.2023 13:06

Hello, have you been able to check how Fronius shows the mains battery charge? In my opinion it does not count it and that causes errors in the data. The data shown by Fronius and the data shown by the electricity distributor do not match.

Edijs Egli
Edijs Egli - 15.03.2023 19:21

Hi:) Make please new video about GVDPR Fronius function? AC voltage control... Thanks.

Catherine Wilson
Catherine Wilson - 31.01.2023 05:11

Mark, just discovered your very informative videos. Thank you, you have produced an incredibly useful series of videos for new solar users or those considering producing. I wish I'd discovered your series before we installed.

Derek Brownless
Derek Brownless - 25.01.2023 00:46

Using app on iPhone etc you can see a lot of history for free

Paul Paterson
Paul Paterson - 22.01.2023 10:56

Great stuff Mark. I was pondering whether my panels had degraded or it was a weather related issue as I suspected. Thanks for putting my mind at ease regarding panel degradation and just too much rain. Cheers.

Blair Millward
Blair Millward - 21.01.2023 10:32

I like the idea of having "grandma" level of information, and lets say "nerd" level of information in a suitably named video series perhaps?

Henrik Preben Nielsen
Henrik Preben Nielsen - 20.01.2023 09:25

Tak for dine gode videoer. har du målinger for måske defekte batterier fra Fronius deres ejne mærker , jeg tænker på forbrug på ca. 12 watt som ikke er forbrug, men måske defekt batteri!!! MVH Henrik

Smart Energy Lab
Smart Energy Lab - 20.01.2023 08:10

Hi Mark, loving your "Know Your Solar" series... such good basic information for customers. Keep it up!

frits duwel
frits duwel - 20.01.2023 08:09

Thanks PRO

Chris Humphries
Chris Humphries - 20.01.2023 05:54

Another great video. Would be interested in a more in depth look at the Voltages & Currents and anything else to make sure things are performing as they should be.
