Custom Audio Player with Web Component and Web Audio API

Custom Audio Player with Web Component and Web Audio API

Before Semicolon

2 года назад

28,486 Просмотров

Ссылки и html тэги не поддерживаются


Before Semicolon
Before Semicolon - 13.03.2023 20:13

How do you solve audio player needs of your projects now?

Would like to see the same implementation in a specific UI library or framework?

- react
- angular
- vue
- svelte
- web components
- other

Jonathan Orrego
Jonathan Orrego - 04.08.2023 20:25

I am now struggling with the streaming, because i am serving the audio from a proxy and i get hundreds of calls when you start playing with the progress bar, is there a simple way to limit the calls? may be if the progress bar has less positions? thanks a lot!

ArSaCode - 18.06.2023 03:44

Cool, but now I don’t know why any of this works.

Lesson Gustav
Lesson Gustav - 16.06.2023 14:30

This one saved me hours of try and error. Thanks Mate

Руслан Куц
Руслан Куц - 03.06.2023 23:12

Thanks for your video. The player works nicely, but I found a little bug and don't know how to fix it. (maybe that's my problem, not yours)
On my main page, some players play a particular song. Then, I visit another one using <a href="....html">...</a> and then go back to the main page in the same way. As soon as I visit the main page, all audio players start playing all together and there is a huge chaos. I hope You can help me, thanks!

Kanga - 18.05.2023 19:28

Hello, how do you think we can make this work on ios devices and safari because there is no support for the webkit-slider-thumb ?

CrossHair - 10.03.2023 06:18

Neat.. (BUT) I am stumped .. No Audio when I click <play> (yes I have the sample mp3 named "audio2.mp3" .. Progress Bar moves forward.. (But no Sound or spectrum) ?? any Idea WHY ??

Hello IT
Hello IT - 05.03.2023 20:55

thank you so much for this work, please tell me how to make sure that when playing another track on the page, the first one is paused

hello - 19.02.2023 02:49

geezeus way above my head tbh

Andre Wang
Andre Wang - 17.02.2023 16:03

Thanks for the tutorial. The source code works perfectly in Safari after adding an audio file. Chrome however doesn't have a good luck. The duration and time value works well but the actual sound doesn't play. Does anyone have a clue?

LOOK AROUNDS - 11.02.2023 15:38

How autoplay code?

Doug fredricks
Doug fredricks - 23.01.2023 02:49

Looking to spice up the Google site audio player.

Yigit Diri
Yigit Diri - 22.11.2022 01:08

having issue with: MediaElementAudioSource outputs zeroes due to CORS access restrictions for FILE...

Rage Radio
Rage Radio - 07.11.2022 11:08

Is there a way to capture a webcams audio and put into a html or css, script for a webpage. I have been trying to find a way to install my cams audio while I am in a live video session to my webpage but have not found any scripts showing how to do this? I also like to see if I can put a listen live to my show button when clicked it goes into the webpage and show a player for my live broadcast. is there a way to do this??

RomieVTheDon - 10.10.2022 09:04

About 400 lines of JS and 25 lines of HTML. Simplicity in mind, my brain is fried with all of the algorithms lmaoo I need to learn more before taking on this much without a reference.

Yore NEU
Yore NEU - 11.09.2022 18:18

great work, I really like it

CARLOS CARTY - 12.06.2022 17:04

Please multitrack player for web

Eugen Ispas
Eugen Ispas - 31.05.2022 15:28

Hi everyone, can you help me ? How can I make the sound bars with rounded corner like bar-radius: 5 (or something like this)

Oleg Burbela
Oleg Burbela - 15.05.2022 15:59

Thanks for yout great explainer.
Can I ask?
How to make to playe only one track in same time, when on the page plased several audio players?
