If Genshin Impact Did This They Could Easily Get Me Back...

If Genshin Impact Did This They Could Easily Get Me Back...


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@f.b.l.9813 - 23.05.2024 17:58

yeah, there were a couple of really good combat events in the past but it's those very same events that caused a bunch of casuals to complain and let's face it, most Genshin players are casuals who prefer baby games, so Genshin will stay as is.

@israeloliveira2083 - 05.04.2024 02:49

What's up guys .

The quest : Seek for the memory with Arama ; in some point can't occur , the monsters to keep going the quest don't appear .

So what can I do solve it ?

Since now thanks !

@justapassingthrubystander8735 - 23.03.2024 22:26

I heard that these problem is a fruit of toxic casual community voices being bigger than the silent majority.

It is said that when new things in game feels too hard they can send thousands of email complaint per day to the cs.

They are the reason behind the dissapearance of the hypstatis event, magu kenki event, permanent labyrint warrior, and really hostile Environment like in Inazuma.

If its true then no wonder, they basically hold hoyo gi on gun point.

@Kazimo7 - 23.03.2024 08:15

Yo Mtashed, there's this game called Honkai Star Rail, and in this game there's this game mode called Pure Fiction, where you lots of waves of enemies, and there's also this other game mode called Simulated Universe, where you also fight lots of enemies and bosses.

@itachi7976 - 22.03.2024 22:48

Genshin don't care about "Genshin creators"

@vince6918 - 22.03.2024 11:43

The true essence of Genshin Impact of mint picking.

@domikatz - 22.03.2024 07:12

Story skip, I cant make it through sumeru. Faster dailies more teleporters less flower picking

@nicklegege7305 - 21.03.2024 02:14

Na you will still milk this game for contents because you live off this game

@1000yel - 20.03.2024 17:27

check this upcoming game , Azur Promilia gameplay by the azur lane team, another genshin like game about to compete with mihoyo!!

@ExeCratXD - 20.03.2024 05:17

Sir Michael, can you give a feedback on the Genshins Potions event. I enjoyed it. Many players and Content Creators also enjoyed it. It doesn't matter if you will hate it or like it. Just be honest❤❤❤

@Darkzyboiii - 20.03.2024 01:21

Just let it goo already, genshin is hopeless

@rafaeljherrelmernilo3388 - 19.03.2024 17:08

for me its the resin system that sucks compare to star rail

@milky1234123 - 19.03.2024 12:17

it would be cool if they added a buffed version of bosses that have new attacks or use some new team line up to beat them. For example one would require only bring elec characters to beat it and you get maybe more drops from it if you defeat. It would have a lot more hp and hit harder so making it much more of a challenge. Genshin has the ability to make this work but they do not

@daniel336600 - 19.03.2024 11:39

Yes it’s if they did do something with the game it would feel bad because they didn’t let us know what is cooking for the long term players and they have only focus on new players

@nottyseel949 - 19.03.2024 09:37

Abyss World Level.
Roguelike mode in OW maps.
Co-op Siege/Tower Defense where you defend the cities.

In other words, make the game an open world action combat game, instead of an open world visual novel gathering sim, with a combat holodeck minigame.

Nothing complicated needs to be added and these are the same suggestions I made year one for months straight until I realized they did not actually read the feedback.

Also, make it so Leylines can be used to farm Artifact Boxes since Leylines are 1000x more fun than Abyss Domains (because they're actually in the OW)

@Shadow528 - 19.03.2024 05:39

Hey Mtash, try out the NEW Spiral Abyss! I’m sure you can’t get 36 Stars, this time!!! it’s a small portion of End Game Content you want!

@Eiron - 19.03.2024 05:08


@reivell3699 - 19.03.2024 03:29

You talk like Mihoyo wants you back in, you're a blacklisted creator, if anything, they would rather pay you to get you ACTUALLY quit and move on.

@sthele6096 - 19.03.2024 03:22

User Generated Content might save u Mtashed. Hopefully the job ad is for something substantial and not some lame events.

@vinlan7757 - 19.03.2024 03:09

Definitely play with the modifiers in abyss more maybe change up some bosses or even double up some of them and have us fight two of them simultaneously like the regisvines. A genshin equivalent to pure fiction, don’t add more floors to abyss but maybe add a high score type system that incentivizes going for better times that rewards mora or something.

@travousbieber3939 - 19.03.2024 00:19

Isn’t it the same dev as HSR? Kinda don’t think they care, ya goon. 😂

@spartacurt - 18.03.2024 23:28

Why not an infinity floor? One floor that never ends and only the most cracked accounts can last for several minutes. Whale world record videos for that would be amazing to watch 🤩

@lockysigarlaki163 - 18.03.2024 22:09

easy content, right?

@lyquidvenom5959 - 18.03.2024 18:59

I'd love a realm/dungeon that has unlimited waves of monsters , longer you last the greater the rewards. great way to farm exp and put the characters to the test !!
Like COD zombies ~! or like Darksiders Crucible !!

The Knave is coming out,... and my off set of artifacts can already wipe the map of monsters

@ArtezanOnline - 18.03.2024 16:42

We care Mtashed, but the normies is too stronk. I see ppl fussing about the current alchemy event which is such a comfy event for casual leisure gameplay and they fuss cuz you have to read. They literally dont wany anything that you have to apply 3% brain power. It so mindnumbingly depressing to see.

@jonomate - 18.03.2024 10:43

No rewards just mean it's another tea pot and tcg.

@AbsoleonDisaster - 18.03.2024 09:55

Recently, Hoyoverse has started giving up their effort on the Teapot as well. When they add things, they don't increase the total load so there's still an extremely limiting factor on what you can do. If you want a specific example, they stopped adding trees that can hang over ledges. It seems like they're giving up on endgame and homeworld now.

@AshkiiB - 18.03.2024 08:27

hes quitting again

@rim-1or4wr1y - 18.03.2024 01:43

I had to stop playing genshin around the time I got furina. She was so OP, I couldnt play with her despite wanting to. I had NOTHING to work with. I paid my way to get her (the only character I did, btw, other than that I bought bp/welkin) and I COULDNT PLAY WITH HER BECAUSE THERE WAS NOTHING TO PLAY WITH. My dissapointment grew with the 3 wishes event, realizing I might never actually be able to enjoy my furina AT THE VERY LEAST and Im not looking forward to arlecchino (eventhough she was my favorite) because shes just another dps unit. I dont need her. I have no use for her because shes just another massive damage dealer for a game with nothing to kill. And thats really a shame.
The only thing they can do to bring me back is to literally just do what HSR already does. But I know they wont. And unfortunately, over these years ALOT of damage was done and even if they DO do it, Its hard to say ill ever love the game the same ever again.
I desperately want to play with the characters I labored to get, to play, to build...
If genshin wants ME back they need to add in A BUNCH OF EXCELLENT FUN, PERMANENT FEATURES and actually start loving their own game.
Otherwise its just not worth it.

@EdDrow - 18.03.2024 01:30

They released a building guide in the game without content to use built characters.

@ryanbenedict2754 - 18.03.2024 00:22

Rlly Mtashed? How many more times are we gonna do this ol man?😂

@liquid_cheese9930 - 17.03.2024 23:53

I actually really like the boss rush event they are doing sometimes. I would be down for it being a permanent content, it's just that currently the max difficulty doesn't give you any rewards cause they are scared of alienating more casual players who can't even 9* floor 12 of spiral abyss.

@xxflashxx7624 - 17.03.2024 21:10

i don’t think the game care about winning you back😅since you already play it and already spent money on it

@darksyde300 - 17.03.2024 20:37

You couldn't pay me to come back lol

@jakedeiwert - 17.03.2024 20:26

agreed with your point at the end. i commented on reddit, once, that i wish they would stop allocating resources towards goofy mini games and got downvoted so hard. they literally didnt understand business and were making arguments about how it's a different team or department that makes tcg and or the mini games. they just dont get it that a business chooses what projects to spend time and money on. truly weird mindsets for some of the casual genshin players.

@palientologist - 17.03.2024 19:23

Why do people want more Abyss floors when it will still be the same boring content you can faceroll with Hyperbloom?

@umarfaroq7561 - 17.03.2024 19:19

keep yapping they will do nothing

@SpinDlsc - 17.03.2024 19:04

What I'd like to see:

• Challenge options for the overworld, such as upping the world level all the way up to 10, with 9 and 10 including AI changes for overworld monsters, including overworld bosses.
• As with above, add two new challenge options for each Trounce Domain - basically a level 9 and level 10 boss with bigger stats and AI changes
• PVP mode in multiplayer, akin to some of the old multiplayer RPGs
• Up the Resin cap to 240, and increase Regen rate to 10/hr
• Increased Fragile Resin opportunities
• "Abyss Portals" in the overworld that let you take on waves of monsters, with rewards given based on the number of waves you complete, and each wave getting progressively harder, up to 15 waves.
• Starglitter Shop rework, where you get all the current featured banner characters and weapons available in the shop, plus all standard characters and weapons available permanently.
• Reduce pity for losing the 50/50, by making pity 80/140, or something along those lines. That way, if you lose the 50/50, you only need to do up to 60 more pulls, rather than 80.
• Up the featured weapon rate to 60/20/20, with 60% being your choice weapon, 20% being the other featured weapons and the other 20% being standard, and have the 2nd 5-Star guaranteed if you lose the 60/20/20.

I could go on more, but these changes alone would give me enough incentive to want to return and support the game more.

@Sergmanny46 - 17.03.2024 18:27

Bro, 4 years and we still have to pander to casuals? This is getting annoying.

@sparo241 - 17.03.2024 18:09

for me i would comeback if they give me a skip option for when I don't wana hear paimon talking or slice of life kind of stories

@Sakiyah1 - 17.03.2024 17:37

I actually havent explored the newareas since 4.2 ijust dontfeel like it, after that its just main events, abyss resets, now i cant even do it all, maybe clorinde is gonna make me comeback? Kinda sucks i love this game really but this emptiness whenever I play it man.

@youtubedoang1188 - 17.03.2024 17:30

One of the great idea that some rpg games used as an end game content is putting 1 element for an entire dungeon or tower. As mtashed said, it should be pretty awesome to build a team for one of every elements. Would be great to be implemented in genshin homestly…

@reezwave - 17.03.2024 17:12

Genshin really is missing out on what I love about mmorpg games like procedural dungeon, huge raid boss, rare drop item, etc.. (I get that this is technically single player action game, but it's just a miss of opportunity to mix content from other genres instead of stuck with their limited spiral abyss)

@kitsune220 - 17.03.2024 16:28

I login for the rare event I find interesting and story updates. I don't care about missing primos. I still love exploring new areas but I haven't played abyss in over a year and I don't miss it. If I'm craving combat, I play something else.

@zzzzzygaming - 17.03.2024 16:09

All they need is a floor 13 with 3 teams instead of 2.

Many players gets to one trick trick most of the content with your Nationals, Hyperblooms etcetc.

But what will people do when your hydro appliers like Xinqius and Yelans run out? What will u do when ur buffers like Bennett and Furina runs out?

Theres so many characters available rn, yet theres not much reason to build and try out more of them or pull new ones.

@sadiejohn7753 - 17.03.2024 16:04

if they gave me back the money i wasted on them , that will bring me back , games boring only mobile consumers stick to this game

@WastedTalent83 - 17.03.2024 14:07

when genshin will slowly die, private server will make all these changed mihoyo never did, like it happened with other games, specially Ragnarok online.

@WastedTalent83 - 17.03.2024 14:03

i agree, the only thing i NEVER want and totally hate. is the environmental damage
that thing is so retarded. If you're good at playing and dodge everything, but still get damage or die because the STAGE fukking kill you. Is the most idiotic thing i ever seen..
Unless they make something like parts lava floor, and enemies get damage too if they step onto it.. I'm also sick of seeing enemies that for some magical reason are always immune to everything that damage you. They are made of diamonds lol.
but yea, i'd love to have something which give me a reason to keep my primo and pull for constellations to get stronger, because right now.. i got neuvillette c1, raiden c2, and Yae C6 , and there is literally nothing i cannot melt unless they are immune to those elements.

@chrisunknown8556 - 17.03.2024 09:24

Stfu and stick to osrs genshin is dead please post some rs content
