Does it pay to represent yourself in court? ‍ BBC

Does it pay to represent yourself in court? ‍ BBC


2 года назад

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J R - 13.11.2023 16:58

The BBC = bBc 🤪

J R - 13.11.2023 16:57

Go and sit in the Court System For a YEAR ….and you will See and learn, 😂😂😂🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿😎

J R - 09.11.2023 16:11

Because they want you …£££££££££££££££££ 😳 you get Good Solicitors…The Rest ….😔

Fatnurseslim - 07.10.2023 01:59

Third time representing myself regarding family cases (narcissist ex!). It’s not easy, but I keep the children and truth Paramount

Master Plan
Master Plan - 05.10.2023 07:02

I despise pigs🐽, crooked lawyers, and crown prosectors.
100% it is worth representing yourself.

Gooders - 20.09.2023 16:42

Thanks to all of the corrupt and incompetent diversity hires freeloading off of the judiciary now, you're much better off representing yourself in court. At least the judge will be able to understand you, presuming she speaks English.

Paul Gibbons
Paul Gibbons - 06.09.2023 12:52

Self represent if you can. They will keep Ransoming kids as long as. people pay them.
Think of the team never pay family law workers.

Rufan - 24.07.2023 21:56

Nobody's going to be on your side like you are. The judiciary's corrupt as hell; the legal industry's a toxic workplace which views clients as the enemy. Add to the fact that diversity hiring has filled the whole profession with incompetent grifters well out of their depth, so, yes, I think so.

The Cult of Johnny Del R. Souls who Died in April.
The Cult of Johnny Del R. Souls who Died in April. - 27.04.2023 01:04

Costs thousands

Mr P
Mr P - 07.04.2023 17:44

It definitely does!keep it simple... and tell the truth.

Juliet Crowson
Juliet Crowson - 05.01.2023 04:47

Outdated adversarial trial procedures skew outcome to guilty but who believes what lawyers say?
Did Jesus

Juliet Crowson
Juliet Crowson - 05.01.2023 04:45

Dentists rely on honesty whereas lawyers....?

Trey Donovan
Trey Donovan - 05.11.2022 10:46

To understand the true quality of people, you must look into their minds, and examine their pursuits and aversions

Paul Gibbons
Paul Gibbons - 25.08.2022 18:18

Magistrate courts is a lottery it does not really matter.
But I took it to Crown Court an won that one.
Family Courts I lost out an got zero contact with my kids. Because I self represented.
Crackheads and junkies have walked out with more contact than me because they put a solicitor on their credit card.
It's a barbaric system.
Family Courts are all about the money. Get representation or come out with nothing.

Paul Gibbons
Paul Gibbons - 25.08.2022 18:14

If you ain't got the money to self represent an don't want to be saddled with debt.
You have to accept charges that are not really true.
An people will treat you with contempt because you can't pay their wages.
An they call this justice....
I was never truly aware of the countrys class system in my day to day life until I went to court. Its fair to say I had no idea I was part of an under class.

Andrew Ovenden
Andrew Ovenden - 20.07.2022 15:59

Well this is just a typical biased BBC video to tell the people to not try 🙄 the uk is just fuked

Jag SINGH - 24.01.2022 07:24

My friend paid circa £550 for his solicitor to say around 20 words in a criminal court. He said he could have just said the same as verbatim like his solicitor, 20 easy words spoken by his rep; honoured with a conviction, & a £200 fine! And then the just above a monkey paid for the services of a bog standard services of a darn solicitor🙄

Xeonophon - 12.01.2022 04:51

put some white men in , this is not diverse enough. racist bbc

Dai Davies
Dai Davies - 04.01.2022 22:22

Don’t know but i do know i won’t PAY to watch BBC

Vladimir OnOccasion
Vladimir OnOccasion - 04.01.2022 10:40

pure propaganda

zoom - 04.01.2022 00:45

No it would be like speaking English to a bunch of people who speak Chinese.

Morleymobproductionz - 03.01.2022 21:50

when you enter a court are entering under maritime admirality law(the law of the sea) or it is assumed you are.. you are entering the court representing your person, the legal fiction which is your need to be entering a courtroom under common law are not your name and you don't own your name. There is a big difference between legal and lawful and the both have been merged together as one.

statue.. A leglislative rule of a given sociey, given the force of law by the consent of the goverened
so leglislation is not law, acts and statutes are not law, the law society; i.e police judges barristers traffic wardens solicitors, don't even speak the same language, they use legalese, English words with different meanings.
There's at least 11 editions of the black's law dictionary now.
why would the words keep changing?

In legalese a person can be defined as a business or corporation.
corp-oration =(dead speak) Latin
when your was born a legal fiction was created, with out your parents knowledge, and this is how you are tricked into paying for fines, taxes, tv licences, etc.

the queen was given her authorty through the coranation oath, a binding contract between the crown and the people.
This is where she was given her sovereignty.

To be sovereign is to have complete independant authority over your living flesh and bone body.

The queen swore to uphold the laws of the land and the law of god written in the gospels, but she has broken that oath as there is nothing written in the bible about legality.
the word of god is the word of god it doesn't change, but the queen has changed it.
The government gets it's authority through the queen, the queen gets her authority through the people.

The queen is thought to be the only sovereign but ths is untrue.
Everyone born in the U.K is sovereign.

Acts statutes codes leglislation does not apply to man or woman, although it is presumed consent.
A business can't do business with humans, as it is dead, an entity that only exists in a legal framework and that's why your person(birth certificate, legal fiction, strawman)was created, and you unknowingly, represent it.
Common law is humans making law for humans over centuries.

legal - maritame admirality law(law of the sea)
lawful- common law(law of the land)

I think it's time some people picked up some books, did some real learning, filled out their affidavits, got them signed and stamped by a notory public, and claimed back their individual authority for themselves.


So if you go to court, represent yourself as a man or woman claiming common law juristiction.
Ask the judge to see his oath of office and offer him your affidavit.
Once stamped by a notary, only two people in the country can overturn it, the queen and the archbishop and i'm sure they will have other pressing matters to attend to.

You are the one with the authority and by giving your CONSENT you give it away. Consent can be written, verbal or even your silence; consent can be achieved when you do nothing.

So yes representing yourself in court is worth it, just make sure that you are representing yourself as a man or woman under common law juristiction and not your legal fictional title.

Juan Fe Peña Rivera
Juan Fe Peña Rivera - 03.01.2022 10:43

a beautiful news is through of Jesuchrist we have salvation and eternal life
believe in the place where you are with all your heart and mind in the holy Bible in
st Jhon 3 : 16 , Romans 10 : 9 - 13 , Acts 4 : 12 , st Jhon 14 : 6
st Jhon 11 : 25 , st John 1 : 12

The Ultimate Reductionist
The Ultimate Reductionist - 03.01.2022 09:55

Why do these people talk as though courts and law are some sort of "provable absolute" like science and math are?
Why does ANYBODY (even those with the opposite opinion)?
Least of all in an ANARCHY - i.e. capitalism - like the UK. Human law is worthless garbage. If somebody forces you to court, you go lobby the politicians to change the law that forces you to court. If some law says the outcome, verdict etc of your case, trial, depends upon how much money you give to some lawyer, then you can go change THAT law.

Films, Movies, TV and Actors
Films, Movies, TV and Actors - 03.01.2022 06:44

What a wondeful video! Thanks very much for sharing. I would like to know exactly where to source that information from.

TheIrritatorMan - 03.01.2022 06:34

Cool video

Keith Rosenberg
Keith Rosenberg - 03.01.2022 06:12

If the court system, US or UK, is so difficult to navigate and so many cannot afford legal representation one must ask why that is so.

Davy Doo
Davy Doo - 03.01.2022 05:45

Common Law is the only law..... Stick your legal where the sun doesn't shine.....

Erwin Cavite.T.V
Erwin Cavite.T.V - 03.01.2022 03:50

Happy new year wow, the videos you uploaded are great, I hope one day I'll be as good as a vlog like you, iDoL, shout out to the video ERWIN CAVITE TV VLOG from Philippines

Ronnyfilco - 03.01.2022 01:12

I won custody of my son representing myself. My ex made it easier because she's a f'n nutcase...also put together a comprehensive "evidentiary package" and got some good advice on self-litigation. If you're not a complete idiot and the opposing lawyer've really got a chance.

James Smith
James Smith - 03.01.2022 00:44

Sure, if you’re goal is going to jail!

Keith White
Keith White - 03.01.2022 00:41

The biggest corruption in a court is the solicitor and judge has already spoken about your case and your solicitor comes back and says to you , you got to plead guilty because the judge want you to and if you plead not guilty then your given a longer sentence and how corrupt is that . The black mail suite they uses to call it . The biggest corruption in a court room , no judge or solicitor or barrister should be talking to each other especially being friends etc that is one-sided corruption and no defendant is safe from this . Half of theses big professional people are Freemasons all for one cause all agree on one purpose and all are corrupt in any shape or form .

Kuitaran( Heatmorus )
Kuitaran( Heatmorus ) - 02.01.2022 22:15

Interesting video

The power of Tawwakul
The power of Tawwakul - 02.01.2022 22:04

Yasmin mogahed

S H - 02.01.2022 19:56

Better call Saul

Common Dude
Common Dude - 02.01.2022 19:55

A Lawyer's first duty is to the court, not you. A Lawyer can not assert your inalienable rights, as this is YOUR responsibility, alone.

ZXC WKH - 02.01.2022 19:48

人生は、平等に、一度だけです。  ですが、身体機能、頭脳は、平等では、有りません。  善悪二元論機能観念無い者達は、神様に、相談する事です。 最高裁判所長官、弁護士会長、検事総長は、神様ですか?   彼等に、相談する事では、有りません。  どの様な国家政府機関創るのか?    大統領、総統、首相は、神様ですか?  違います。      人生相談は、占い師、牧師、神主、住職に、相談ですか?   彼等は、神様ですか?

Pedro Camarena
Pedro Camarena - 02.01.2022 19:44

To tell the truth is no crime. UK government, please free Journalist JULIAN ASSANGE !

Kieren Moore
Kieren Moore - 02.01.2022 18:33

“He who represents himself, has a fool for a client …”

Kieren Moore
Kieren Moore - 02.01.2022 18:30

The law is an ass … particularly at the lower/magistrate level … The things I’ve seen … 🧐😑

only me
only me - 02.01.2022 18:21

no choice in family court unless you're rich, tories stopped legal aid for family matters years ago. It was not rocket science to do it yourself, I have

KozyChar - 02.01.2022 17:50

Hmmm..? Idk

Anything’s Possible Music
Anything’s Possible Music - 02.01.2022 17:41

Just don't do anything bad and you wont need to go to court. Simples.

Rod - 02.01.2022 17:38

Can y’all make an episode on how the law is used to disenfranchise & marginalize minority races?

Scottycrayon - 02.01.2022 17:29

Only do it if you’re intelligent

Scottycrayon - 02.01.2022 17:28

It pays if you are honest and in the right.

ENGLISH STARK - 02.01.2022 17:27

For what's going to be coming at the BBC I would recommend The BCC pays for good representation your going to need it with what you done to Alex Belfield and others the wait has been long but Justice will provail in the end

Asif Khan
Asif Khan - 02.01.2022 17:21

Clearly it depends on what you in Court for and how much evidence you have. If you have the truth and some evidence then clearly the courts system is fucked. But everyone knows that, much like the leaders of the eu, us and UK and the puppet's they have put forward to leave some of these countries they have bombed, murdered and stolen their resources

BlackCrow1016 - 02.01.2022 17:20

Ive represented myself before. And I came out alright, on the other side. Not to say it wasnt stressful though.

Tracy Heaslip
Tracy Heaslip - 02.01.2022 17:18

Why is the queen not supplying the funds for legal aid? I personally feel that the money the queen lives on and her family should be supplied to the legal system for poor people! I'm not implying the queen needs to give up everything but she should make sure her countrymen have legal due process!
