Does More Vram Equal More FPS? (1GB vs 2GB)

Does More Vram Equal More FPS? (1GB vs 2GB)

Tech By Matt

6 лет назад

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JeredtheShy - 20.12.2021 09:05

"Prices are insane now" oh, past Matt you sweet summer child

JeredtheShy - 20.12.2021 09:04

Watching this in 2021 is even funnier

YTSZAZU - 10.11.2021 13:14

I have some bad stutter with 1 gb Vram cards r7 260x for mechwarrior 5 and resident evil 2. Need to set textures to very low

Nathaniel Bolden
Nathaniel Bolden - 03.05.2021 02:57

I still play with a 2 gig gtx950sc and I still get 50-60fps on medium setting with a mild overclock!...and still playable on AAA titles on high/epic with various tweaks!...oh how I'd love to grab a rx6800xt...also still can play RE3 and GTA 5 on my HD7750 1GB on medium settings i have a Ryzen 5 1600 overclocked to 3.9ghz with 16 gigs of Ram the hd7750 is in my sons rig he has the Athlon 200ge with 16 gigs of ram

Mohammada Aprilianto
Mohammada Aprilianto - 02.05.2021 06:10

what keyboard did u use?

SalveMonesvol - 18.10.2020 06:09

What happened with part two? The 7850 is very powerful for having a version with just 1gb. I'd like to see how much difference memory really makes in newer titles.

Serenity Succubus
Serenity Succubus - 19.09.2020 05:21

did you just said 16gb 2400 mhz dual channel ram?

Mohammed Ali
Mohammed Ali - 29.08.2020 02:20

i get 30-35 fps on lowest setting 720p in gta 5 with my intel hd 4600 i7

Vlogs with Ankit Nayak

#vlogs #ankitnayak
Vlogs with Ankit Nayak #vlogs #ankitnayak - 01.06.2020 22:06


russell deterala
russell deterala - 31.05.2020 18:47

How much do i need if i have ryzen 5 2400g with vega graphics and 8gb ram?

pears - 27.05.2020 21:37

Guys how much fps does a MSI RX570 GAMINGX 4GB DDR5 get in fortnite????????

pears - 27.05.2020 21:36

I have a 4gb one is it good...?
Edit: im not even joking idk

Who Is Oni
Who Is Oni - 05.05.2020 12:45

Thanks Matt

Towsif_8_12 - 17.01.2020 19:42

Obviously the game will be less laggy with more vram, but mostly amd cards like rx 560 8gb makes no sense in front of rtx 2060 6gb.

jaden - 02.11.2019 16:55

can you please put international links matt

Study_With_Me - 06.10.2019 12:21

Test it at 4gb ram and you will be able to see the clear huge difference.

Sophia kate
Sophia kate - 28.08.2019 05:08

Im still using Hd 7850 ddr5 2gb dual fan and i can still play latest games on high settings! Watch my videogames recorded on my channel!

BoxofTruth - 22.06.2019 05:42

I found a 765 mb gtx 460 gpu for 30 dollars. Will it be worth it for low setting six siege gameplay?

ApelKoy - 11.05.2019 20:09

Gta 5 fps are maybe the same but 1gb version may have a lots og stuttering

LavaGamer 21
LavaGamer 21 - 30.01.2019 08:42

hd 7850 is crap
just throw it in the thrashcan

Maher Jl
Maher Jl - 21.01.2019 11:58

thx you man

SudaneseChamp - 19.01.2019 11:08

Vram doesn’t mean extra memory 99% of the time. Vram is how good of a resolution you can have. Textures and stuff. The better the texture the more demanding of Vram space.

E C - 19.01.2019 03:30

Sapphire does an excellent job on their card setups.

OcihEvE - 17.01.2019 09:07

The way I understand it, VRam won't improve average fps. It will reduce load stutter as more VRam means less loading textures to ram.

Ember - 22.12.2018 14:31

I got a 4GB GPU and i still get 40 FPS on WW3 on 1080 and lowest settings

Al 8A
Al 8A - 15.12.2018 06:46

if i have 2 gb of video ram and 4 gb ram , should i downgrade 1 gb of Vram for 5 of ram or should i stay as i am now?

Meme Boi
Meme Boi - 24.11.2018 01:13

Got that 1gb hd 7570 when I turn everything on low and use file config to turn of hdr, confetti, water splash boom I got 35fps in watch dogs 2. God bless lowspecgamer.

Josefstone52 - 04.11.2018 03:19

Wtf that's too much difference between them

Hot Diesel
Hot Diesel - 29.10.2018 10:30

i have 1280x1024 reselution and 1gb vram and will my fps be same with 2gb vram with 1920x1080?

mobilebazar rana
mobilebazar rana - 25.10.2018 09:23

I am not clear what you make this

Luis Maiocchi
Luis Maiocchi - 16.10.2018 04:54

I think the reason for this is DDR4 memory. Typical DDR4 memory is clocked considerably higher than DDR3 and DDR2 and when the system starts using DRAM for VRAM overflow, this would impact results as Steve from hardware unboxed tested, that when a game is using less than %100 VRAM, memory speeds have very little impact, but when VRAM usage exceeds %100, memory speeds are more influential. It think this is were the perception of needing XYZ amount of VRAM comes from, because if you tested on a system that used DDR3 or DDR2 memory, the 1gb card would have performed noticeable or even substantially worse.

vankata Siva
vankata Siva - 15.10.2018 12:50

1gb of vram compensated by ram

XProducerX - 29.09.2018 23:47

i have hd7850 1GB. not bad..

Sm00th GAMES
Sm00th GAMES - 29.09.2018 23:04

there might've been a little bit of cpu bottleneck in the gta v test as that game is heavily cpu bound.

Sound FX
Sound FX - 03.09.2018 19:11

No the GPU uses the ram not vram and gets more vram so it can run gta5 easily

Raoul Duke
Raoul Duke - 22.08.2018 23:11

Your rig is way too powerfull. You should test with some older cpu/ram config.

Anthony Quigley
Anthony Quigley - 22.07.2018 09:05

2gb is way too low. I always monitor Ram usage on all my games over the last few years. The average Vram usage my games are using is about 4.4gb (thats average over 20 games on highest settings), and the Max is actually 6.3Gb Vram in use. So unless you have 8gb at least of Ram you may not getting the very best out of your system, 16 and 32+ gb is not needed, and is silly to be honest, as it'll never get used, and all it actually does it puts more pressure on your CPU and Graphics cards and increases the delays as the electricity has to travel further over many more trips back and forth, as all that extra ram needed to be checked fro the CPU side every couple of ms. Get 8gb if you need an upgrade.

Aaron Garza
Aaron Garza - 18.07.2018 08:13

VRAM matters. Especially if you a going to use the card in an older PC with DDR3 or DDR2.

If you turn up texture detail, use AA, etc... You start to eat into the VRAM. When you run out, you start to dip into system memory.

Resolution also matters. Lower resolutions use less VRAM.

When testing like this dude you need three metrics.

1. Avg fps.
2. 1% minimum frame rate.
3. 0.1% minimum frame rate.

You also don’t want to use a Ryzen 3 even for older cards like that. You need more CPU to start to really show differences.

You also want to Ultra settings to put max load on the GPUs.

You can always start at Ultra and start working your way back using presets. Taking readings from each setting as you go along.

Game choice also matters. Most Esports titles barely use 2GB at Ultra settings. Anything under that and you honestly won’t see a difference because you aren’t really using any VRAM.

SteelRhinoXpress - 15.07.2018 21:06

you could have 4gb of vram but if the memory bit bandwidth is shit and it comes with shitty slow ass vram (nVida GT 1030 with DDR4 vram) than no amount of vram will matter, because slow vram will become your gpu's bottleneck.

Masta Das
Masta Das - 07.07.2018 11:41

In Gta, if you had put up it on Ultra, you would see more diff i guess.

AlexIsLeftist - 04.07.2018 00:27

normally when a card is offering a lower vram model and a hgiher vram model it tends to be that it cant push the higher amount of vram to begin with and its jsut a premium that peopel will pay more for
vram does not - fps
but at higher resolutions or anti aliasing, filtering etc the cards with higher vram may hold out better

DjDeets Dropping Those Funky Beats
DjDeets Dropping Those Funky Beats - 28.06.2018 04:17

This is a really good video

more aju
more aju - 22.06.2018 09:21

Graphic vram are use-oriented and thus when vram usage depends on need of the game if a game needs only 1 gb
Uncertain of graphics vram the cpu will process only 1gb of total ram and thus will not increase the performance
It will be stable at the greatest fps
Every games need for vram is different so it depends totally on game and motherboard and cpu that how graphics will work

Killians Klassics
Killians Klassics - 02.06.2018 10:11

The reason gta v was similar on both is bc ya have a healthy 16gb ram so while the 1gb card swaps for dram the pc has enough to not be affected and from what i saw ya shouldve tested turning textures up to actually USE the extra vram and THEN there would be a huge selling point for the 2gb model. The 1gb would suffer sometimes if lets say someome puts it in a pc with like 4/6gb ram bc there would be limited extra dram for it to use. I would like to see you make another video on this

ThatGuyRed - 02.06.2018 09:39

That's the exact same 7850 that i have

Salty Slappy
Salty Slappy - 01.06.2018 23:17

this may be off topic, but what keyboard do you use?

Taiwo Olaleye
Taiwo Olaleye - 27.05.2018 23:54

run crossfire or sli 2gb

DDemolition King
DDemolition King - 21.05.2018 21:52

The gpu vram over flowed to your page file. when doing vram testing on stand alone cards dissable the page file so cup runs mobo dims n your gpu vram has no place to request help.
