Why Finland has the Best Education by Michael Moore

Why Finland has the Best Education by Michael Moore

May Sóc Montessori Education

7 лет назад

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Alex's aquariums
Alex's aquariums - 06.10.2023 18:17

Im from England and I hated school. I would jump the fence every chance I got . Then I got myself kicked out so I didn't have to go back . I don't think I would of been the same in Finland

Amelia Foley
Amelia Foley - 05.10.2023 21:57

My son never has homework. He’s in 2nd grade but the teacher sent home a note saying they are trying it out, I hope it sticks!

Point on a wave
Point on a wave - 05.10.2023 03:23

I wish I could have moved my kids to Finland when they were young.

Danilo RFz
Danilo RFz - 26.09.2023 22:44


Brittany Hayes
Brittany Hayes - 25.09.2023 04:20

How do these people memorize their study material then?

Amadeuz81 - 17.09.2023 01:44

You make it look like school is heaven over here. My personal experience when my mother forced me to school the first day was that I cried and tried everything not to be sent to prison. I even promised to cut the grass, do the firewood and never to be bad again if my mother wouldn't force me to go to prison(yes I called it prison because it was a place where they removed your right to do what you wanted).

I was always strong in maths and logic, but slow in reading and writing. Then the artistic side never interested me. So I do hope they do a better job today to see the needs of a child and not only go by the average in class. You can imagine how it feels to sit in a classroom watching while the teacher gives golden stars to the ones managing the 1 times 1 to 10, then the next time 2 times 1 to 10 while I was already solving my sisters math problems at home and she was 1 year above me. Then again the other side when we had to write and read, I was always the last one to be done, always had to sit there while the others got to go outside and all they said that I just have to read more at home. At 8-9th grade I made up a own way to solve math problems and the teacher could not explain to me why it was wrong but it gave the correct answer every time so after fighting with her about who of us was smarter it ended up with me teaching myself 9th grade math because I told the headmaster that if you put me one more time in the same room as that teacher "I will do things that I will regret"(my chosen words were a lot worse). I did get my revenge by beating her favorite in the math competition earning 100 marks and sending her golden girl crying. I did end up turning in every test empty in protest after that she gave me a 0 pointer in the first test for using the wrong number so my grade went from 10 to 6. So I took a 10th year and got it back to 9. Like the headmaster used to say "I have so much potential" but the school system sort of pushed me out because a bookworm was seen as better than a natural. I probably have some kind of dyslexia because I do mix letters and miss letters. Yes I have tried but the damage is done, after 9th grade I have tried 2 different vocational schools, high school, University and 2 different university of applied sciences. Only thing I have completed was High school because the headmaster had been my older brothers teacher and helped me. I could get into any school that used natural science as the majority of the points in the entrance exam(thats most of the schools), but I was not able to even complete one of them because when it came to reading and writing it just took too much time(so I started working instead every time).

Like my classmates have noticed that I have been better because they have asked me for help instead of the teacher. So yes the teachers did notice my gifts and did punish me for even thinking that I am good. Like so many times I have asked a classmate to come up and show their test and how they did get 5/6 points for using the wrong numbers or missing a step of a calculation while I got 0 with even having done the exact same mistake(like I cheated if I missed a step). So yes they have noticed and even said "I demand more of you, you should be able to do better" but none of them have once tried to help me learn how to read and write faster so that doing some homework wouldn't take the whole night.

I have noticed in life that my brain doesn't work like most others, like I cant just stop analyzing everything(it feels like that) so try reading then when your brain is busy doing other stuff(so yes I am the one asking questions about every little detail so probably annoyed the teachers when they had to answer "because it just does" or "it aint part of this course"). Like now I am analyzing my life. You read fishbowl, I start to imagine/question what kind of fish is in there, what sand is used for the glass, is there any plants in it, is it a big one or a small one and so on... Stuff that doesn't really matter, only makes my reading take longer, makes me tired and could be details that a book will tell me if I would just make it a bit further along. I could list faults in me for a long time but the one that the school could have fixed was my reading and writing or at least stamped me as damaged goods getting everyone knowing to avoid me later or even help me. As a child it was mostly reading and writing but now I have hard time to complete things because my brain gets bored when it already knows the solution and I am just too slow to do it or can't do it right. At work the boss complains about me doing it too perfect so I know I am working in the wrong area, like who would rake loose gravel water pass straight without using one when the gravel will settle and deform anyways plus that you will roll it to compress it even more.

My point is not to shit on them or myself or boast, my point is that our system ain't close to perfect and I hope they are still improving it. Like you have to be able to notice that someone needs help before 8th-9th grade and my school days had more than enough extra time for me to recieve that help. I can sense when people are less intelligent than others in an area or if they are just shy so would think others can do that too, its not like a superpower to be able to read another person when they are showing how good they are in a certain area(Like you have been to the doctor and when they start to speak latin you know they don't have an answer but are trying to look smart, because when they do know the answer they will explain. So yes, not a superpower). They had to notice that I was slower when writing and reading. I did once get to visit the special teacher at like 4th grade after that my mother called the school but according to her all I needed was to read more so we did one test and that ended there. It's too late for me, "you can't teach an old dog to sit" but I hope that someone like me will get more help even if they don't cry for it. Like we have a saying here that we dont visit the doctor before we pee blood. I do know that they give titles to every kid these days but when you start to hand em out to every child for every minor thing then they sort of loose value. You could argue that my parents should have had me read books, they did but I always fell asleep and the school should be the professional people when it comes to teaching someone how to study.

I do not search for a prognosis, I was just here to say that it ain't close to perfect and some kids might need that extra time for something else than playing. So if we are the best I really feel sorry for everyone else like me because they will struggle and try and try only to fail if someone won't help them on the way. Maybe they did try but I was too stubborn to notice them trying, then maybe they should had some tools like a baseball bat to remove some of that pride(my point is that you can help a person too stubborn to accept the fact that they need help and kids are way less stubborn than adults, even easier to bribe than adults plus that you can ask the parents for help so its 3 against one). You can't wait for a kid to ask because it took me 15 years of school before I noticed that it was a problem for me but I still kept trying so been in school for a total of 20-26 years. I could still today get into any school but “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”, so I will stay at work even if another profession might suit me better.

Jose Caballero
Jose Caballero - 06.09.2023 21:00

Proof that capitalism is not always the best choice, extreme capitalism and socialism are bad

Natalie Libka
Natalie Libka - 03.09.2023 21:57

Thank you for sharing this documentary!

Yiren666 - 28.08.2023 15:29

I wish my next life will be on Finland.. here in our country the education system is hell.

wwwvik1 - 27.08.2023 12:34

Nonsense!! Stop advertising that county in the north! What results does the education yield? High Unemployment? Suicide? Drug addiction? Don’t believe this! And fake comments as well!

pie319 - 10.08.2023 07:39

Syempre gusto ng Pinas top 1 din. Top 1 sa patagalan sa school. Sama mo pa aga ng gising at late ang dating sa bahay dahil sa traffic 😅 nung Grade 4 pa lang anak ko, 7:10am-3:40pm. Ngayon back to face to face at Grade 8,, hanggang 3:50pm na. Hindi pa kasama pag may sports pa mga bata hehe!!
Well, mas grabe pa rin sa Korea kasi pag naiisip ko.

Cactusjuggler - 21.07.2023 14:08

Homework DOES have a place in education. However, the way homework is set up needs to be thought about very carefully. The tasks that kids face when they are home alone, in many cases without parents that have any education of their own, needs to be accomplished and mastered without struggle. Some skills demand practice over time. And example of this is reading. That's why I think reading as homework with a few tasks connected are good and needed. It should not take more time than 20-30 minutes. Over time, this should be an automated process to benefit pupils education.

SATS - 19.07.2023 05:08

This makes me think our American system is based on selling books

Mary Ann Clark
Mary Ann Clark - 13.07.2023 04:41

May I share this? I am a SB candidate in a predominately R area and believe in so much of this!

Oxxal - 04.06.2023 15:48

The kid of the prime minister of Finland goes to the same school as the garbage drivers kids. You really have to think twice if you are trying to cross them.

Jonah Rattler
Jonah Rattler - 29.05.2023 12:08

This is Beautiful

Confused - 17.05.2023 06:42


Robert McPherson
Robert McPherson - 30.04.2023 17:15

Flint Michigan invented the “community school”.
