Ender 3 V2 Manual Leveling and First Print

Ender 3 V2 Manual Leveling and First Print

Tiny Machines 3D

4 года назад

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@jacodiedericks3045 - 18.10.2020 13:57

Hi nice Leveling g code, i have purchased the Ender 3 v2 but dont have a nice Bed leveling g code i did not purchase the printer from you as i am from South Africa but can you please help me with your G code for the Bed leveling Please

@CjF2194 - 18.10.2020 19:36

Should put self-leveling bed on your system for your 1st print

@maribel7196 - 27.12.2020 04:34

What if nothing is printing. Does that mean I have the nozzle too high?

@miccr2655 - 26.01.2021 07:13

What is the best printer for lithopanes?

@jones8185 - 12.02.2021 01:46

Hello from germany!
Nice Video!
Can you share us the testing G-Code "TM_Corner_Level" please?

@7kortos7 - 01.04.2022 03:45

this has the same feel as "How It's Made"
