Instagram to LinkedIn Post - How to Publish Instagram Posts to LinkedIn Automatically

Instagram to LinkedIn Post - How to Publish Instagram Posts to LinkedIn Automatically


2 года назад

11,046 Просмотров

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Amanda D’Ascanio
Amanda D’Ascanio - 09.06.2023 00:52

Its not working for me. what do I put in the required field "Content Title" "insert data from previous step"

Helen Putsman Photography
Helen Putsman Photography - 13.02.2023 23:18

I tried following your instructions but Pabbly Connect cannot find my Linkedin Profile under 'Author'.😞

GK - 19.01.2023 08:50

Useful Stuff!. Thank you.

Cathy Adams
Cathy Adams - 16.10.2022 18:23

I want to post on Linkedin a fost NOT from my IG account but from someone else's account. Can I do it? Thanks!

sahar . m
sahar . m - 12.09.2022 23:37

I tested your application but each workflow only works for one post.!! when i try to upload new post it doesn't share on linkedin i must create new workflow and do all the steps again in order to post the same media on linkedin

Tarot card with Reshma Rana
Tarot card with Reshma Rana - 06.08.2022 17:52

only video will share, or post text also

shawn_parker - 11.05.2022 08:29

can i connect linkedin page to insta page ? and do I have a choice to not post all the content but of my choice?
