Living out Nikita's wet dream for USEC and BEAR encounters

Living out Nikita's wet dream for USEC and BEAR encounters


2 года назад

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@chasef1077 - 01.01.2023 13:48

Nikita would be proud

@TurricanNP - 22.06.2022 12:55

I do not get whats it is about USEC and Raiders?

@TurricanNP - 21.06.2022 16:17

I am playing Bear my best gaming m8 is playing USEC, now watching this i feel my Bro! :D

@ryanzahn6581 - 04.03.2022 00:40

I've been tricked a few times, and I'm not gonna say that they shouldn't do that, cuz all's fair, but i might just start opening fire when someone tries to hey buddy me lmao

@kevinzillmer - 03.03.2022 11:43

I was completely expecting a betrayal

@stevenbush8262 - 02.03.2022 02:11

I still can't belive before voip I had been fighting this guy for a while in resort, were both injured medding up. And for some reason we both decide to just say fuck the fight, let's loot together. Ended up running through resort opening all the rooms we got keys to, then extracted and waved goodbye. Good times

@typer2909 - 01.03.2022 19:38


@park5782 - 28.02.2022 01:20

Tarkov bad bruh people care about the loot more then they care about having fun

@tylerluth5604 - 27.02.2022 22:15

Dude I can’t trust anybody anymore

@russetburbanks275 - 27.02.2022 12:18

I love the video!

@vmann8168 - 26.02.2022 10:44

If only there were greater incentives for working together encounters would more often be more dynamic.

@stenkamx5406 - 26.02.2022 10:16

Oh man I love voip on tarkov so much. Had so many positive encounters even if not all were with pmcs. Mostly scav but pmc encounters as well

@bryanpetty5880 - 26.02.2022 07:15

Still can’t spawn with randos though. Lol, they just clean your gear.

@santiagomonzon2929 - 26.02.2022 06:05

It's not always about the Loot spiderman.

@KarnivorActual - 25.02.2022 15:28

There needs to be a lot of incentive for teamwork between PMCs. That’d really make the game so much better.

@cookiebandit101 - 25.02.2022 09:26

Voice coms has changed tarkov drastically. I think its helped it alot.

@chiefr9627 - 25.02.2022 07:48

I had a run on Interchange and found a bolt action (Need Close Range Kills). Made my way through the garage and came out near the no backpack hole, and saw a hatchling. I took a shot and missed, then Voiped "Sorry I have the bolty quest". The man stopped dead in tracks to let me do it. I felt so guilty that I tossed him a rig loaded with loot, and told him to leave. Just talking to people changes the whole dynamic. So now I keep my mouth shut since I have several PMC kill tasks.

@Kalasherie - 25.02.2022 04:40


@teeth716 - 24.02.2022 23:55

Dude it awesome that you reply to almost everyone And you’re a friendly Tarkov player. +sub

@andrewd626 - 24.02.2022 14:28

Only ever had 1 toxic experience with voip. A scav me and my buddy made friends with as PMCs betrayed us after securing an air drop. He agreed we'd all leave at the shared extract on interchange. I put him down after he executed my buddy, later I died from the bleeding. No one walked away. It was a sad day we all had great shit

@yaboi-km2qn - 24.02.2022 07:15

I don't really like the idea of voip. I don't want to get guilt tripped into helping people.

@MsBatboss - 24.02.2022 04:59

I was friendly in first week of voip, in second weak streamers started using voip to bait other players, in third week I was getting by 4men teams yelling friendly or hello, friend, need help?. Now every voip users gets bullet.

@Hunter-vw8kd - 24.02.2022 04:54

This is a treasonous

@danny1ft1 - 24.02.2022 04:47

Jeez so many people are crying over not being allowed to loot or quest because a bigger boy kills them, the game is there to be played how you like, you want to do a friendly run great but don't feel like you're entitled to say "oh I'm friendly." And expect to live you're either in the way of someone's game or you are someone's game so don't expect every experience to be the one you wanted.

And as for voip people shouting. "I'm gonna fuck you pussy!" It's no worse than USEC voice lines lol and most the time they're just having a laugh, I've witnessed some pretty funny trash talk and it's not toxic trash talk just joking about and it's been good win or lose, people have come into the guys stream I've played with and said good fight lol, it's a pvp game, in the words of a USEC Pmc "just die already!"

If I'm doing a friendly run I ain't gonna cry if someone rats me by pretending to be friendly it's all part of the experience, if you're stressed about getting quests done and scared to lose gear you're playing Tarkov wrong.

@samuelarambel7317 - 24.02.2022 04:25

This is pretty late, but after seeing this godsend of a clip, I was wondering if you'll be streaming anytime soon? I found your twitch but it seems to be inactive since last year and I would really like to watch you

@anthonydonate9938 - 24.02.2022 04:23

Aquafps - theres a disturbance in the ratdom

@MrArmenian17 - 24.02.2022 04:14

"nice meetin ya man" ...... BRRRRTTT

@ls200076 - 24.02.2022 02:25

Good thing you've never encountered a

@AndysBackpack - 24.02.2022 02:20

Voip has been hillarious for me, and most people are pretty chill TBH

@TheOrigamiGuru - 24.02.2022 01:44

chefs kiss Beautiful :D

@wens999 - 24.02.2022 01:24

since all of u guys like friendly encounters so much u could try dayz? people seem kinda rude on tarkov lol

@classified9583 - 24.02.2022 01:03

God i love tarkov not quite roleplay

@dankhill7917 - 24.02.2022 00:00

Together we defeated the Germans. Just think what else is possible if we work together...

@jamesjordan7635 - 23.02.2022 20:56

Lmfao when you went to eave at him, I was fully expecting you to just Head, Eyes him 😂😂

@SeudXe - 23.02.2022 19:10

Is there a low ready option for your gun because I wouldnt feel comfortable if someone pointed their gun right at me lol.

@Some_Sleepy_Guy - 23.02.2022 13:26

Never encountered voip or Teamwork on the EU Servers we are Just build different XD

@thepolitestranger - 23.02.2022 06:02

Extracted with 2 random 70KG luggin chads at D2 yesterday. Came to a diplomatic resolution and left together unscathed. There are good ppl out there lol

@craftagiraffe25 - 23.02.2022 05:39

This video got me to watch the tarkov trailer. Bad ass

@DemonDragonGD - 23.02.2022 03:29

I honestly love voip as you can build a deeper connection to your environment.

@SammyWhiteley - 23.02.2022 03:00

VOIP has made Tarkov such a nicer place tbh

@dd-km2ne - 23.02.2022 00:33

VOIP is the best thing that's ever happened to Tarkov, second to not being able to gamma weapons

@Cescc02 - 23.02.2022 00:27

Still feel bad for having killed an unarmed (holstered weapon) pmc a few days back.. He tried to surrender and we accepted BUT his squad (2+) tried to kill us from behind (helmet ftw).. couldn't explain to him why we couldn't trust him anymore before the shot to the face.. Hid his stuff from scavs in good faith tho..

@NoLorne - 22.02.2022 21:38

Fate would have us meet as foes, but this raid shall make us brothers.

@ThatsBitchassness - 22.02.2022 21:21

Love to see it! Last night me and my 3 homies that are new to the game ran into interchange and heard alot of commotion around the corner. For fun i asked yall good ? And it was a 4 man in Kiba arms. They all shouted yo man were in Kiba come in with your axe out n grab some shit if you want. So we went in axes out and grabbed some guns off the walls and they said yo lets go extract safe room togther. Was fully expecting to be killed when we got there but nope they were all so dope. Wish all encounters were like that

@tacticalmailman8912 - 22.02.2022 14:50

When you looked at him to wave I thought you were about to shoot him lmao

@fragfox0430 - 22.02.2022 08:54

The game isnt usec vs bear, or player versus player, its just everyone versus those dirty fucking scavs

@KingBigbirdGaming - 22.02.2022 03:13

My goal for this wipe.

@BigBossAlex90 - 22.02.2022 01:52

We definitely need more friendly players like you!

@53Memati53 - 21.02.2022 22:18

I wish Nikita implements some kind of system that encourages teaming up and where you get punished a little for betraying the contract by reducing scav karma. But first scav karma or pmc karma eventually need to matter.

@dogwater6793 - 21.02.2022 20:04

Yes but VOIP users need to be more friendly so we can get some juicy clips from daddy stimpee
