How Celebrities Deal With Fame?

How Celebrities Deal With Fame?


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@calibreeze4461 - 31.12.2023 10:58

Tell me about it...

@n0stxigaa._ - 08.12.2023 12:05

It really sucks when all you really wanted to do is show your talent to the world but it takes away all your power, privacy, dignity,etc. I wish celebrities could be treated like normal human beings and not as puppets. My dad was a celebrity in a huge group in the early 2000s “ City High” he would talk about how much the industry was just using him and his group and their say in anything was taken away from him and his creativity was put aside. He was basically a puppet. And it destroyed his mental heath. I may not be on the best terms with my dad but is still feel really bad for him.

@brandistanley7195 - 07.12.2023 22:09

Yes they are celebrities and famous, but they're also human beings.. Fans I'm guessing tend to forget that.. Yes they understand what it means to be famous, but that doesn't mean they don't deserve a private life.. Fans tend to have the mentality of "they asked for this, or they had it coming" and in a way yes, but that doesn't mean they don't deserve a life outside of being famous, where they can just relax with friends and family.. everyone deserves that.. Stop putting celebrities on a platform they can't live up to, ya know? Like I said.. We're all HUMAN!

@luisbassooon - 26.11.2023 19:09

Shut up, that's why all of you celebrities are rich.

@Dulzothegreatmusic - 01.11.2023 12:53

celeb advice 101 - stop valuing being a wild animal and follow Jesus

@isaacdynys6518 - 26.10.2023 01:03

Theyre unhappy because they sold their souls to gain this fame. You cannot be superstar for free.

@BobaFett734 - 15.10.2023 18:50

Ok everyone tell me if you had a chance to start your life over again and be a celebrity, what type of celebrity would you want to be? I’ll go first. I would want to be a singer, actor, voice actor, dancer, musician playing the guitar, songwriter, and martial artist. I would be in many movies and tv shows both live action and cartoon. I would want to start my career as a baby like the Oslen twins.

@classy2322 - 13.10.2023 23:57

Aspiring singer/songwriter actres business woman here and I know I will be big I just hope for my own sanity I’m not as hounded as these people human beings are … this is what I want and have prayed for since I could talk ❤prayers to them 🙏🏾

@VibraniumDetector - 31.08.2023 06:33

Only 0.00086% of world's population is famous, that means its extremely hard to get there; but once you get there things go downhill coz you need to sacrifice your soul and life just for entertaining the crowd around you! When you stop, you will never able to feel that again, you will feel depressed and you still wants to continue what you do, till you are old! You have dedicated your entire Life for others (just to keep em entertained). That means once a celebrity is always a celebrity there is no going back.

@rosecoloredtimes - 11.08.2023 06:18

It’s a weird thing man

@ilck-ym-blals7385 - 02.08.2023 17:50

Most people are money making machines

@JAMBI.. - 09.07.2023 21:52

Arianna Grande is such a sweetie God bless her soul. Sing baby

@Wings_of_foam - 02.07.2023 00:50

These people are living my worst nightmare.
I couldn't live with so many people knowing me and people taking my picture wherever I go.
I would literally kill myself!

@as7736 - 30.06.2023 10:19

Awesome thanks

@williehudson4013 - 18.06.2023 05:40

Listen these people know what they did to get there after they realized it was a deception they have second thoughts you willing to go against god for this but your in satan's house you know what you did

@Dogslayalldayasqueen - 05.06.2023 05:12

Most people think being famous is a DREAM. but for some people, it’s not. Maybe some of these celebrities just wanted to do their passion. Like singers love singing, but they might not wanna be famous, they just wanna be normal. Some people didn’t actually wanna become famous. They just loved that hobby so much, they wanted it to become a job. Even though singers are pretty famous. They are human too, maybe they do not wanna be surrounded by paparazzi. Being famous may be hard for some people, but they are sharing their opinions. Some people enjoy being famous, some people don’t. And that’s okay! It’s an opinion, everyone has an opinion.

@ratio3869 - 05.06.2023 01:40

Oh boo fucking hoooo

@tvix_x7659 - 21.05.2023 00:23

celebrities actin like they have real difficulties

@ChantelTV - 16.05.2023 21:21

OMG LOL at the very very end haha

@harlemw651 - 28.03.2023 08:24

Great compilation!

@ZILEUC - 27.03.2023 16:37

I have no sympathy for celebs because how can you sit here and complain about living the lavish life, when you have more than enough money to walk away and retire for life but choose not to.

@salonikullar3627 - 04.03.2023 07:27

Taylor swift is so wise

@zoram671 - 28.02.2023 11:10

They like it they really do it.
It's just that they don't like the too much day when they are embarrassed.

@gagelovz90000 - 05.02.2023 19:41

hearing ariana grandes part was just said considering how someone bombed one of her concerts and killed many people

@fredgilaten9031 - 29.01.2023 11:17

They are all lieing, acting like victims so you feel sorry for them and glorify them even more. If they don't like their career and fame, they can always quit and go find a 9 to 5 job somewhere and live a normal life. People this is an example of not being grateful of the gifts you are given, instead they are displaying covert narcissism.

@drunkdonkey1009 - 10.01.2023 12:34

Hearing them whine is so annoying

@kevinnahai924 - 18.12.2022 07:23

This is insane. Anybody who complains about having endless wealth, praise, adoration, and access needs to pause and realize that they are luckier than 99.999% of the population can even dream of.

@AP__Anthony__ - 01.12.2022 08:29

When I see someone in general famous or just someone I wanna take a pic with I always ask is it cool if I get a pic? And if they decline then I say okay no worries have a great day. And move on

@Healthy_Stuff279 - 27.11.2022 03:28

What is up with the music? We came here to hear the conversation or whatever, not listen to music. It drowns out the conversation, I can't even hear it... 😠😠😠😠

@xanox23 - 06.11.2022 23:56

And this is why I never wanted to be famous

@aubreymontyf.l.3766 - 22.10.2022 01:34

Wow The vibe of selena is definitely like a normal person i like that 😂👌👌

@abhaydenis7437 - 21.10.2022 01:31

Celebrities achieving fame, saying they don't like the media coverage and security, yet won't give up that fame, what a fucking joke. Let's do some math:

1. the media works to condition us to obsess and worship these people who take a shit and pollute like everyone else
2. then some obsessed d-bag decides to stalk a celebrity, the said celebrity, then benefits from the idolisation that the masses provide, that perpetuates profit, and some small percentage taking it too far
3. they then complain that they do not like being famous, even though they want for nothing, and sound like it sounds, that 90% of all celebrities are from privileged background, 10% are from working class
4. That 90% certainly want to perpetuate their privilege, but live a normal life????? Stupid right?!!!!

fame + media + mass worship = $$$$$$ or no fame + no media = $, and maybe $$$$, so either give up the fame, and media coverage or don't fucking complain. You sold your identity, and it made you wealthy, or you had wealth already, and gained access to more, either way, fuck you, and stop moaning.

@TheReignMakrrr - 15.10.2022 03:57

if making millions is the cost then sign me up!

@tyronebateslibra9435 - 03.10.2022 16:38

Yea that's why ppl get out the lime light, the way how wicked the world is. Some many ppl troll u & they try to pressure u to do things u don't feel comfortable with.

@karenpuopolo6965 - 29.09.2022 16:39

I wanted it more then life to be remembered to be so financially secured for what I love. Most jobs don't pay enough for rent it celebrity makes more money then they even realize. Doing retail for 7 hours a day and working in general is a waste of your life. Being a celebrity you get it all. Doing what you love, being remembered and the fincially freedom

@skrillawarlock - 28.09.2022 02:40

It’s my biggest dream idc if it’s stressful

@cianbroderick4145 - 15.09.2022 01:58

So brave

@Dakkadot09 - 10.09.2022 07:14

You signed up for this FOH...Thats the consequences.

@backsteinfisch3894 - 30.08.2022 19:06

They are only famous, because of media, businesses and fans. They literally only have a "job". They do what they love. I in general don't understand why everyone is so obsessed with them. Just enjoy their movies, songs, etc. You can "normally" praise them, but then leave them alone.

Man...some people save lives everyday, educate people, help animals, protect the environment, invent things. Why is nobody idolizing these people? I don't get it?

@twopeaksnorth8184 - 30.08.2022 12:51

No words.

@richardjefferson2445 - 26.08.2022 18:10

Not bad

@tuanas458 - 18.08.2022 17:05

Ariana sold her soul. Break up with your gf??????

@syklystevens2581 - 18.08.2022 07:04

U think u got it??
But got it just dont get it til there's nothing at all ... 3k

Ppl get paid to keep ur eyes on u and take pictures... they tell a 1k words...

@scarletdamsel3139 - 18.08.2022 03:38

it's the Mafia in hollywood that's a place you don't want to go lol trust me screw the fast money unless your ready to denounce everything INNOCENT lady gaga making money for people she said ✨🤔💭 THINK! she's saying she has a pimp they all do

@OiVinn-eq1ml - 17.08.2022 12:13

I don’t sorry for celebrities. They can quit that lifestyle anytime
