Fallout 4: Where is Vault Tec and do they still monitor the Vaults? (Lore and Theory) #PumaTheories

Fallout 4: Where is Vault Tec and do they still monitor the Vaults? (Lore and Theory) #PumaTheories


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White Ikiryo
White Ikiryo - 05.11.2023 15:28

Considering the strong Enclave presence in Chicago, I am going to guess that is where they are considering the Enclave was behind the Vault-Tec project, probably under the lake in a massive complex.

Either way, screw Bethesda for messing up the Enclave lore and Brotherhood lore in 76.

Dillpickel67 - 20.09.2023 23:11

I really do hope we get to see more into the command of vault tec or parts that are still in power in some places

Qakuo - 10.09.2023 22:29

who else wants vault-tec as a joineble main end game faction in fallout 5, if we ever get one

Legatus Tacitus
Legatus Tacitus - 01.09.2023 02:57

I know its not canon, but the Enclave in the FO4 mod "America Rising" is perfect: shadowy, powerful and not necessarily evil. To them, the end justifies the means. Plus, I dont know what the accent is, but the accent of General Ward is awesome and perfect for a general.

I am not a fan of how Bethesda does the Enclave: the local boogeyman that always fails...a joke of a faction.

Evan Porter
Evan Porter - 24.08.2023 00:30

I don't think Vault-Tec is part of the Enclave. In a security terminal inside vault 111 there are clear instructions: "Following a nuclear event, Vault-Tec will monitor hazards such as radiation levels, enemy invasion, subsequent attacks, and other factors. Once conditions are deemed safe, this terminal will receive an all-clear notice. Upon receiving the all-clear notice, Vault-Tec personnel may be evacuated at Overseer discretion. Disregard any notices from organizations or individuals not associated with Vault-Tec. including government and military. Residents are not to be disrupted or evacuated. Vault-Tec will attend to their needs remotely once Vault 111 staff has been evacuated.".
Since Vaul-tec said to disregard anyone who wasn't them, even the government, and the Enclave claims to be the US government I think it is unlikely that these two organizations are the same.

Simon Macomber
Simon Macomber - 31.07.2023 23:54

There were 122 Vaults constructed that we know of. Vault-tech lied about the intent of most of the vaults, so they also likely lied about the number of vaults built. I'm going to guess that the people who were in charge of Vault Tech before the bombs dropped are all gathered in Vault 01, where they use cryonics to stay alive where they wake up periodically to monitor the results of their various "experiments" in the Vault Network.

I don't think that the Vault Tech experiments need to be considered real, because the "science" being done is haphazard and more tantamount to torture than they are "real" experiments.

D. L. Hemmingway
D. L. Hemmingway - 24.07.2023 17:16

I use the Dweller's Refuge mod from the list of mods on the Steam server for Fallout 4 and have a Vault-Tec built "Vault"" in the backyard of the Player's house in Sanctuary Hills. I use it as a bolt-hole for my main character and his spouse as I am using the Nora Spouse Companion Mod from Nexus.

Moonlight Soldier
Moonlight Soldier - 17.07.2023 19:24

Don't forget james and madisen lee

WacoKid - 14.07.2023 07:46

In my mind vault tec was just a front for the enclave or at least heavily funded by the enclave

Big Green
Big Green - 09.07.2023 07:26

Vault Tec corporarion would make a great final boss for this franchise.

Big Green
Big Green - 09.07.2023 06:41

What's the point of all this research if the apocalypse has already happened, though? There is no society that can benefit from the information learned. There wouldn't even be any reason to use it.

abx42 - 05.07.2023 08:23

The way I figure it. Yeah, sure, we blow ourselves to Kingdom Come. But that wouldn't mean the satellite network would be down, and I'm sure Vault-Tec has the description key to log in.

applegamer20 - 26.06.2023 23:03

Imagine Vault tec returning as the main antagonists in fallout 5. All the experiments from past vaults make returns with their results being utilized by the faction to create a unstoppable force

Anthony Bottigliero
Anthony Bottigliero - 13.06.2023 06:02

Vault-Tec, the REAL evil in the Fallout series.

Cody T.
Cody T. - 05.06.2023 00:30

Spoiler, vaultec is actually the board from outer worlds and no one knows thebworld got destroyed

Sasquatch Bill
Sasquatch Bill - 18.05.2023 19:20

I've learned from ppl who worked on Fallout 4 that the original story had the protagonist looking for their child after a group come into Vault 111, kill the protagonist spouse and kidnap their 6 month old infant. Originally this would spark a search of the Commonwealth for their missing child and result in learning about the Institute and the other factions. Throughout the first and second act the protagonist is following false clues that eventually lead them to finding the Railroad - which would launch the 3rd act by introducing the protagonist to the Railroad's most valuable agent - an Institute Mole - Your Child. In the 4th act the protagonist would learn that their child is one of the scientists working in the Synth Creation program - who is also working to exact revenge on the Institute leadership and free the Synths.

thsharpsword - 20.03.2023 09:20

ncr and great kahns come from vault 15

Jeffrey Hewitt
Jeffrey Hewitt - 15.02.2023 05:27

I always assumed they were part of the Enclave.

T10(not a fake, corporate or political actor)
T10(not a fake, corporate or political actor) - 07.02.2023 04:52


MΛX - 30.01.2023 20:23

It would indeed seem plausible that the Enclave, acting as decedents of the US government would have incorporated the operations and staff of Vault Tec.

James Milton
James Milton - 11.01.2023 00:37

Bethesda really beat a dead horse with the evil Vault tec trope. Vault tec supposedly wanted to travel to the stars. You would need a population of millions to support such a tech base.
Its just become lazy writing at this point.

Brandon Bugatti
Brandon Bugatti - 26.11.2022 01:42

Am I the only one who wonders who is the director or ceo of vault Tec

Bad Morty
Bad Morty - 07.11.2022 11:44

I'd say it's a good bet to they were killed by the institute. before i watch the video i wrote this :) they may have killed/kidnapped vault tec when they got your baby.

jerrydinoballs - 04.11.2022 09:40

I like your videos but the pisspoor audio is too hard to look past

Andy F.
Andy F. - 20.09.2022 23:40

Where is Vault-Tec? Probably in hell.

BigDaddyPancakes - 17.09.2022 02:20

In a way vault 87 kind of had a revolt

Alexmarr7224 - 06.09.2022 07:10

You know when you die, you loose all bowel control. That means every Ghoul that's chasing you has a biscuit in their bloomers as they cahse you and fall on top of you

Joseph Cote
Joseph Cote - 22.08.2022 09:36

Private vaults? Bradburton had a mini-vault under his office at Nuka World, and there was a whole vault that the rich folks commissioned under the hotel in Far Harbor.

ben tarbuck
ben tarbuck - 29.07.2022 11:38

I would love to see more from post war vault tec, but i could 100% see them being reduced to robobrains or just an AI now

Legend Rings
Legend Rings - 17.07.2022 00:37

They dont open your pod in 111 remotely, they use a terminal in the vault

GrumTV - 10.07.2022 00:56

vault tec is being built up as a main antagonist faction somewhere down the line.

J Check
J Check - 10.05.2022 10:16

Lol wow you take over half the video to even attempt to answer your question. That’s impressive

Ot3p - 15.04.2022 15:11

Vault-Tec's real headquarters is probably in a state that is so lame and poor that no one would care to throw bombs at.

dark20blade88 - 06.04.2022 07:10

Okay so i have a theory. What if vault-Tec was somehow being control by the zetas, and the experiments they did in the vaults was because of them. Edit i know this is old but i wanna see if ppl like that theory

Eduardo David Suárez Luna
Eduardo David Suárez Luna - 22.03.2022 15:40

well obviously if theres no humans theres gotta be something there

tommy colton
tommy colton - 07.03.2022 22:28

The brotherhood could be using the information the learned from vault tech and are now trying to keep the info from humanity

Celsetial Archives
Celsetial Archives - 06.03.2022 14:14

Wasn't there a vault that had somewhere around 99 med and 1 woman

And another the other way round

domzdaman373 - 24.02.2022 18:45

Think the real mystery here is why you didn’t see how much your mic was clipping my dude.

Lokimoki - 19.01.2022 22:45

Vault Tec was started by two Zeta 👽. They had a friendly wager, one didn't think the other was capable of human testing on a planetary scale.

Fallout 5 is going to be a Mt Rushmore super vault. Kind of an empire strikes back, with many familiar factions. The legion is on the run and the NCR with the help of the Mojave Nation was on an expansionist offensive now completely stopped. Now they have to come together to survive and only with the help of BOS and the Commonwealth will any of the factions remain. Unite the factions before the enemy pushes west to the sea to meet their new allies (their old counterparts).

Vortexiiixii - 30.12.2021 14:48

I think Vault 111 was active and when Kellog come in, he killed everyone in Vault 111.

MattyBatty - 20.12.2021 22:59

There gotta be a vault In a major city that has vault tec inside

Brian Kenney
Brian Kenney - 19.11.2021 17:11

Its not a green flashlight its just the screen brightness being jacked all the way up

Cheevo Smith
Cheevo Smith - 18.11.2021 00:46

Duh, it's at the Hotel Rexford!!!!

Michael Jacksin
Michael Jacksin - 14.11.2021 00:49

vault tech mightve also been research for the institute for data realistic synths

Michael Jacksin
Michael Jacksin - 14.11.2021 00:42

Manhattan or New Mexico for fallout 5 either Manhattan project or vault 001

Michael Jacksin
Michael Jacksin - 14.11.2021 00:37

vault tech was the company side of the institutes research
