8 Questions to Find Your Purpose

8 Questions to Find Your Purpose

Teal Swan

9 месяцев назад

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Flower Puff
Flower Puff - 13.10.2023 04:00

do yo understand how to ask your doctor?

all the world's a stage
all the world's a stage - 13.10.2023 02:45

Your mind, blows my mind! 🤯

DEACOSTA - 13.10.2023 02:19

That will b the day when we cry

FaszomTelivanGecivel - 13.10.2023 00:13

Teal is in teal! ❤

Karen Naqvi
Karen Naqvi - 12.10.2023 22:48

Gosh.. excellent points.. 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽✨✨✨❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥

Zian Niculae
Zian Niculae - 12.10.2023 21:44


may - 12.10.2023 20:36

Right when I needed, thankyou so much❤❤

pierre - 12.10.2023 19:28

god will be a bast...rd, till permitt the bad in this universe

Carolina La Cosologa
Carolina La Cosologa - 12.10.2023 17:09

Humour. I love making people laugh, and I actually use it as therapie :)

Edel Leon
Edel Leon - 12.10.2023 14:17

i am just here to suffer in your place

Clu - 12.10.2023 13:19

Today I decided to wear my poncho around town, forgive me.
I needed to get better water colour paper, so I got an A5 pad although I also needed better oil painting paper but forgot.
I wanted to get a sandwhich for lunch but felt I probably shouldn't as I already had the greek pita wrap yesterday evening as thats white bread. But I did get a Fruit and Nut Ben's Cookies I'm going to save for after I've had my sweet potato with tuna for lunch.

Bad 1C3
Bad 1C3 - 12.10.2023 12:52

This woman is so full of woke crap its unbelievable.

flora fatale
flora fatale - 12.10.2023 09:25


F*uckYouYoga German
F*uckYouYoga German - 12.10.2023 09:17


AdrianoGiovanni - 12.10.2023 04:53

💚🙏 you look beautiful, good work..

Djak Hem
Djak Hem - 12.10.2023 01:22

This video made me so deeply unhappy

Privacity user7777
Privacity user7777 - 12.10.2023 00:46


Shimmer Pickles
Shimmer Pickles - 11.10.2023 20:29

Great video, Teal.

masonmopar - 11.10.2023 19:43

You’re so beautiful I hope I pass you randomly one day. I would recognize you right away 🤩

Chris L
Chris L - 11.10.2023 19:02

My purpose is to share this story.
The Story of Adam and Eve.
There was this lady Eve, and she knew this fellow Adam, and they lived in a garden. The garden of Eden, a garden which covered the whole of our blue-green earth.
And one day, Eve ate some fruit, and she evolved the ability of language, and her words flew through the garden like witches on broomsticks, poking Adam and telling him everything he did right, everything he did wrong, everything good, and everything evil.
And so it was that Eve’s new ability allowed her words of thought, but it came at a price for language displaces instincts and so she could no longer live in the garden as did the bears and the wolves and the chickadees but now had to live upon the Earth surviving by her logic, emotions, and curiosity.
Now it should be mentioned that Eve wasn’t just one woman, she was all of women, kind or otherwise, in her day’s journey of evolution, and Adam wasn’t just one man, kind or otherwise, he was all of men in his day’s journey of evolution, and a day is one-seventh of a measure of time, as in they were living in the seventh age of creation and God was resting.
And we might recall that Adam was found to be naked, and that’s not to say he wasn’t adorned with a figleaf-pattered shirt, but rather that he had lost the thick coat of fur that had once covered the human body. A coat like that which covers the bear and the wolf and the otter. And with the loss of fur, his exposed skin evolved the ability to sweat, keeping him cool and allowing him to toil upon the soil for the not-so-symbolic fruit of labor.
But what of the snake, you wonder? That slithering symbol of danger to the visual mind became the hissing voice of danger to the auditory mind. A voice which, through Eve, spoke the first and most human words ever whispered. “Gossip”
Attached to an old idea? Is it time for new interpretations?

Natalia L
Natalia L - 11.10.2023 18:04

Is learning valid as answer to Number 1? I feel it's not active...
Because it would just imply reading and being online....

Daphne Dhondt
Daphne Dhondt - 11.10.2023 13:24

I love and hate these video's. But now, I just feel lost... I could't awnser any of the question...

onreact - 11.10.2023 12:51

You don't believe in the "pre-birth intentions" part? You can just follow your joy as a guide.

When something makes you joyful, it's easy for you and you are in a state of flow or complete immersion when doing it then it's probably your calling or purpose right now.

Also it can be something like scrolling through Instagram or playing video games.

It does not have to be "a real job" according to what others consider to be appropriate work (usually something like being a doctor, lawyer or architect).

Just check yourself whether you are scrolling or gaming to distract yourself or whether you truly enjoy it. It has to be something active though.

Watching TV or streaming all day is easy and immersive but also distracting and passive so it's probably not your purpose. You just passively consume it.

So Instagram and games can be your purpose, just like skating or street art even if it does not "pay" yet or gets respect from others around you (especially authority figures like parents or teachers).

Do you actively select the accounts you follow (instead of just mindlessly watching what the algo serves you by default)?

Do you interact with others? Then you can become a social media manager, content curator or influencer yourself.

There are also many gaming jobs now. Sometimes new types of work just develop and you can be among the first to get paid for something. I only knew that I loved to write and then became a blogger for example.

Coming back to the esoteric pre-birth intentions: assuming that you chose your fate before being born allows you to take full responsibility for your life. You also stop being a powerless victim of circumstances that way.

So it's a conscious state of mind I can highly recommend even when you don't believe in concepts like rebirth.

Clarence Z
Clarence Z - 11.10.2023 12:33

I think my purpose is something related to making food! Ever since I was a kid, I loved watching my dad cook in the kitchen. I would watch him skin the fish and cook it, make gumbo, and I would be so curious and asks lots of questions. I loved watching my mom bake and make desserts. I never really got a chance to express too much interest in cooking as I got older because I was in survival mode and found ways to cope to get through my kid life. As an adult in college, I would didn't want to take the broke ramen option, so I got fancy and made my own recipie, chili cheese dog rigatoni, in the microwave hahaha. Now, as I have my more, I make a lot more food and I love baking! I make desserts to give to my coworkers and friends and they freaking love it and it gives me so much satisfaction and joy. A lot of them even say my cheesecakes could really sell or I should open a bake shop. I love watching cooking shows, Gordon Ramsay too. I even told myself of money wasn't an option of open some sort of dessert shop or food truck or something. Everything she said confirmed in me that cooking is definitely my purpose. It feels right.

Miguel Chapa
Miguel Chapa - 11.10.2023 11:20

Your name was my favorite color. This one is my favorite video games

ashdon knight
ashdon knight - 11.10.2023 11:16

I've written these questions down so I can go through them but how do I even begin ? What do you do when you feel you have nothing to offer, your childhood was so bad you can't remember anything good I liked to do apart from run away from home ?
I've said yes to so many negatives in my life to please others that's effected me.... how do I even get to the point I can answer these to find my purpose? ❤

Alias - 11.10.2023 10:53

Miss swan u are really really nice thank u so much !!!!!!

Javier Agosto
Javier Agosto - 11.10.2023 05:11

I love this Lady

Lynda Sullivan
Lynda Sullivan - 11.10.2023 01:26

Teal you're always so impreseive❤

Bette Hicks
Bette Hicks - 10.10.2023 22:53

Thanks for this vid

Gabrielle Price
Gabrielle Price - 10.10.2023 22:53

Hair is gowjus❤

Miloslav Draco Oon
Miloslav Draco Oon - 10.10.2023 19:16

🙇 domo arigatto, Sense! Very important teachings today! VIT

robin westermann
robin westermann - 10.10.2023 18:28

Yeah, I'm outta here.

Miloslav Draco Oon
Miloslav Draco Oon - 10.10.2023 17:50

Being and not being are two contrary, but not contradictory, “contradictory” opposites. If the purpose is fulfilled, he doesn't linger and moves on! 🤔

Sarah McNicol
Sarah McNicol - 10.10.2023 16:14

Brilliant Teal 👌💚

XavierBasurto777 - 10.10.2023 13:35

my purpose in life is to stay an enslaved prisoner until the day i die because of human beings who are all stupid.

N V Clarke
N V Clarke - 10.10.2023 12:31

Thank you, Teal. Absolutely great. You reaffirmed it for me that I am on the right path, and yes, it changes.

Rata_Tree - 10.10.2023 10:42

I work in mental health. One job at an adult mental health day service and the other at an adult mental health respite house. I would work these jobs 24/7 and for free and if I was to die in 2 years I'd do just this. My jobs are hard some days but the the small moments of realisations in peoples eyes is worth the energy, stress, sadness and grief I experience on those hard days.

The Sound of Everything
The Sound of Everything - 10.10.2023 09:32

Y. How do I find mine??😮

Leila Austin
Leila Austin - 10.10.2023 07:41

Purpose is one of my favourite subjects and I love your videos on that topic! They have helped me a lot and continue to do so. Thank you! One thing that I would like to add though is that I feel like we shouldn't discard things that we can do all day just because they might be considered "escapism" or "waste of time" by the general public. If you enjoy playing game all day long, who knows, maybe your purpose is to be a streamer? If you enjoy reading books the most, maybe your purpose is to become a book reviewer? If you can scroll through Instagram 24/7, maybe your purpose is to be a social media analyst who takes a deep dive into the mechanics of social media and then shares that information with the world. And so on.

x - 10.10.2023 06:25

I wonder teals opinion on pro choice vs pro life I’m going to guess the latter

Edson Navarrus
Edson Navarrus - 10.10.2023 04:52

First, the general purpose, humanization

Damian Jones
Damian Jones - 10.10.2023 04:35

You look a lot like my wife Teal. She has similar eyes, similar hair to you. Very sexy! Anyway, you looking a bit thin, hope your taking care of yourself and not worrying too much about what other people think of you.

bill murray
bill murray - 10.10.2023 04:15

I am fine with that I am. All this purpose stuff complicates an otherwise simple existance. I am only a man. Cute chick!

Nicole in Wonderland
Nicole in Wonderland - 10.10.2023 03:32

I very much enjoyed this video ❤ my body had physical reactions to certain things being said and it was really cool and comforting feeling!

Pete Radio
Pete Radio - 10.10.2023 01:17

Are you tired of Teal Swan?

New channel here, discover rare truths before your friends and everybody else.
