Pen Drive Data Recover | Specified module could not be found | Rundll fix | Shortcut virus solution

Pen Drive Data Recover | Specified module could not be found | Rundll fix | Shortcut virus solution

Computer Tech

55 лет назад

176 Просмотров

Specified module could not be found | Rundll fix | Shortcut virus solution

Easiest way to remove shortcut virus from Pendirve without data loss
Recover usb data and fix this error by following simple steps !

Code for CMD -
attrib -h -r -s ():*. /s /d
Note - (Disk initial) ... Everything should be in small letters except for disk initial !

This video will cover following problems -
The specified module could not be found
RunDLL error in flashdrive
RunDll eroor in usb
rundll error
there was a problem starting the specified module could not be found
specified module could not be found
windows 11
the specified module could not be found usb
specified module could not be found
windows 10
rundll the specified module could not be found
Shortcut virus in pendrive
error the specified module could not be found
Rundll error in pendrive
Shortcut virus in usb

#Computer #rundll #specifiedmodulecouldnotbefound #usb #shortcutvirus #pc #windows #pendrive #shortcutvirusremoved #Rundllerrorfixed
#tech #techtokarena #solution

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