Emerging Technologies & Foreign Language Learning

Emerging Technologies & Foreign Language Learning

Patrick Mannion

2 года назад

60 Просмотров

This was just a course assignment, and it's not great quality. If you watch, please beware that my monotone voice may make you feel sleepy. LOL. But still, I hope it might be useful for somebody.

Note about mistake at end of video (now edited out): At the end of the video I suggest an alternative form to the "Sydney School" in which there are two parallel cycles of reading and writing. My idea is mistaken because that's exactly what the Sydney School does. I just didn't understand it well when I made the video and thought I had come up with a new idea (which this genre approach already employed). Also, "Sydney School" is more of a nickname than an actual name of an approach. The name of genre approach that employs concepts and metalanguage from Systemic Functional Linguistics is "the Teaching Learning Cycle." Also, I refer to SFL as SFG (Systemic Functional Grammar), although it seems the former term is used much more than the latter in discussion of genre approaches. I edited this part out.
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