Debunking '15 Inventions Created By Black Americans’

Debunking '15 Inventions Created By Black Americans’

Don't Walk, Run! Productions

2 года назад

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Anveshi Jain
Anveshi Jain - 07.01.24 20:51

the friction heater was invented by the great pedro vera in 1869 self service ticket machine invented by the great englishman thomas edmondson in 1840

Anveshi Jain
Anveshi Jain - 07.12.23 15:55

the ice cream mechanical scoop disher or mold was invented by great yank george william clewell in 1878 who called his invention the ice cream mold and disher tin ice cream conical key scoop in which he patented that same year

Anveshi Jain
Anveshi Jain - 07.12.23 15:46

the first voice over internet protocol or voip was invented by great daniel cohen in 1990 and by 1995 received a patient rightful to commercialize on his company vocaltec

@IgnMega - 03.12.23 17:51

did you know that africans share the same top part of their spinal column with the three vertebrate from the bottom of part of their neck to the top part of their backs with the gorilla only difference is the size but the shape and everything else exactly the same which no other races have

Anveshi Jain
Anveshi Jain - 20.11.23 23:48

touch tone phones invented by great joseph b engel in 1941 fax invented by great alexander bain scottish inventor 1843 caller identification invented by great theodore george ted paraskevakos in 1969 fiber optic cables invented by great narinder singh kapany in 1952 so called black yank dr shirley ann jackson is a fraud she did not invent jack s**t once again black history month has been rendered untenable diligent unaphorism unarticulate not supported by FACTS

Anveshi Jain
Anveshi Jain - 20.11.23 23:17

the first portable air cooling unit was invented by great yank willis haviland carrier in 1902 he also founded the hvac systems

Anveshi Jain
Anveshi Jain - 20.11.23 23:07

the worlds first clock or time piece invention dates back to egypt in the year 3500 and it was called a sun dial

Anveshi Jain
Anveshi Jain - 19.11.23 21:24

the refrigerator was invented by a great scottish engineer called william cullen in 1820 he created the vapour compression cycle which is used today also great ferdinand phillippe edouard carre the inventor of the portable refrigerator truck which transported ice cream blood plasma meats medicine and dairy products in 1844 black history month lie once again has been rendered untenable not supported by FACTS

Anveshi Jain
Anveshi Jain - 19.11.23 20:58

actually the egyptians where the first to invent a process of using iron to make things and did this over 5000 years ago unlike africa who started in the century 250bce and all they did was refine it as they couldnt make alot of things because of where they were they needed water a furnace and air to blow which cannot be done by hand black history month lie once again has been rendered untenable not supported by FACTS

Anveshi Jain
Anveshi Jain - 19.11.23 20:35

actually english chemist joseph swan invented the filament for the light bulb in 1860 and better it in 1878 which he patented that very year the great thomas edison did a successful similar version which he patented in 1880 2 years before latimer did anything on electric lighting

Coon Si Soon
Coon Si Soon - 19.11.23 20:17

black americans have not created lots of great inventions they simply refine existing ones like the super soaker which was around in the late 1940s as a water pistol the computer monitor already existed in 1973 but not in colour what the so called black inventor done was take the television sets buttons away hardly a invention stop this black history month disparage of lies

Justin Case
Justin Case - 14.11.2023 06:37

Black Americans have created lots of great inventions. So it pays to do better research and disclose some of the inventions that really were created by these good and brilliant people.

Cuda Von Chev
Cuda Von Chev - 10.11.2023 16:48

I glad Ive never watched these phony black invention baloney

Cuda Von Chev
Cuda Von Chev - 10.11.2023 16:45

another fool

Chief Wahoo
Chief Wahoo - 07.11.2023 00:32

mechanically refrigerated trucks were invented in 1925, for ice cream

Chief Wahoo
Chief Wahoo - 07.11.2023 00:16

There already existed "ice cream scoops" especially called another name (disher), Cralle supposedly made an improvement decades after the device had been developed.

MrsShocoTaco - 06.11.2023 17:41

If grasping fir straws was aprofession, that guy would be a milkionaire.

MrsShocoTaco - 06.11.2023 17:31

It's as if they seek out key words and base their analysis on that alone.

dallen18 - 06.11.2023 06:42

We have to understand that Black American history is so deliberately destroyed that everything they truly invented was stolen and claimed by slave owners. When Black Americans were enslaved, they invented things to make their jobs easier during that time whatever blacks created was taken and claimed by slave owners. we can also talk about rich whites paid little money to steal black inventions.

EALS - 02.11.2023 05:06

i'm genuinely thankful to African Americans for making buying ice-cream possible.

Joule-Trix - 02.11.2023 03:51

For number 8 he did clearly say that it was a contribution to the fridge

I Denou
I Denou - 01.11.2023 19:19

Maybe they weren’t the inventors, but they were great innovators nonetheless!

Killvoid - 31.10.2023 12:54

Its funny that debunking buzzfeeds video actually led to a more informative and interesting video. Thanks

nashei pow
nashei pow - 27.10.2023 07:03

To invent is also to improve if this is not true then American hasn't invented much of anything that wasn't crudely designed in some other part of the world or in nature. Understanding inventions include improvements which generally end up being the modern versions. But no you rather say its origination and even then you are not digging deep enough, if you did you would find that a lot of things existed long before Europe's first settlers. Jist sayin if you going to debunk then dig deep and if improvements don't count then dig deeper. Note just ask windshield wipers guy if you make any sense when his improvement revolutioned wipers and he's a Whyte guy.

nashei pow
nashei pow - 27.10.2023 06:43

So when you gone Debunk Edison hmmm?? Note cite your work

Mr Beegle
Mr Beegle - 25.10.2023 08:24

I put a couple stickers on my computer that, in my opinion, improved the look of my computer. Therefore, I invented the computer.

Zero Degreez B lo
Zero Degreez B lo - 22.10.2023 23:59

#1. Who did? OK, I'm not surprised.
Didn't make it to three
So sad...

Keith Porter
Keith Porter - 20.10.2023 03:06

Actually, the ORIGINAL video is quite correct and not misleading at all. This video is a trolling response.

M - 15.10.2023 22:19

Education is the enemy of delusion

M - 15.10.2023 22:19


Stop appropriating English
Stop appropriating English - 12.10.2023 03:45

We need segregation and those who stealing White history must be sued by the estates of those inventors blacks steal from

effart369 - 11.10.2023 23:22

Gotta love how "making improvments to something" equates to "inventing something". These people don't care about the facts, just building a narrative.

Waywind - 11.10.2023 15:46

I know a little 5'6 diminutive, obese, Jewish New Yorker who actually thinks elevators are a black invention.
They had elevators back in ancient Rome fyi, to hoist animals into the fighting pit, they probably had them long before that too.

But this guy actually believes that they were only invented in the 19th century, because he's too ignorant to look up the fact that Alexander Miles only made improvements to elevators with a door design, rather than inventing it in its entirety.

This stuff is confirmation bias

James Andrews
James Andrews - 11.10.2023 12:25

Every time i see that weird ice cream scoop, I'll be thinking of this video.

Cave Beast
Cave Beast - 08.10.2023 08:44

I can think of no inventions of blacks that are original creations except for a harpoon tip from 20000 years or more ago.

BrickTKidd 3
BrickTKidd 3 - 05.10.2023 23:52

Look at all the racist who couldn’t wait to comment😂

Eric Klein
Eric Klein - 04.10.2023 17:32

What was the purpose of the person of color as to his reasoning for making the video of inventions in the first place.?

Jack Brown
Jack Brown - 04.10.2023 13:47


MS - 04.10.2023 03:30

Al Gore says he invented the internet

/l.l\ - 02.10.2023 02:31

Can’t believe this guy like what was the point of this video. People actually listen to this?

Allison Rowe
Allison Rowe - 28.09.2023 23:57

Latimer is the one who put the filment in the light bulb. If you actually went to Edison's house you'd actually know that because they said it. Sorry you can't handle truth.

Allison Rowe
Allison Rowe - 28.09.2023 23:55

Go to the patent office and look. It's called improvements. And ours was the ones that they used. And by the way we are the ones that taught Europeans ironworks. Africans were smelting iron in Africa long before yt were.

Jeanette Marosi
Jeanette Marosi - 26.09.2023 23:19

😂😂😂I love you Andrew

ebandzekan - 24.09.2023 06:16

People just, one thing you can all google myths about Black Inventions. There are nearly 60 of them rewritten from Whites and given to Blacks.

sup me
sup me - 22.09.2023 15:49

You gotta subscriber.

sup me
sup me - 22.09.2023 15:44

Yeah, now now they're saying grandmaster flash invented turn tables.

sup me
sup me - 22.09.2023 15:43

The automatic gear shift is the dumbest invention ever. If you can't use a manual, you shouldn't be driving. That's why we have so many c*** drivers out on the road, thanks, man.

sup me
sup me - 22.09.2023 15:42

Yeah, well, some of these people may have innovated existing inventions. They didn't invent. That's the problem with this narrative... lies to kids to try to inspire them will only fail.

Nzambi Kongo
Nzambi Kongo - 16.09.2023 01:25

Everything came from Kemet.

Rick Ogden
Rick Ogden - 13.09.2023 14:33

blacks in the UK did not invent stabbings, looting, rioting and all round nasty behaviour but they sure did take all of those things to the next level.

Atum Nehisi Ta - Neteru
Atum Nehisi Ta - Neteru - 13.09.2023 13:15

You're a funny Neanderthal

ronny huggins
ronny huggins - 09.09.2023 02:24

did you debunked columbus racist?

Floyd Thompson
Floyd Thompson - 04.09.2023 18:21

Biden "lied" about the light bulb, trump KNOWINGLY lie about an election and caused an insurrection at The Capitol. Your video is very educational, but the political bullshit is unnecessary and distracting.
EVOLUTION, perhaps best heard in music, is a natural process. Necessity is the mother of invention. GLOBALLY, many very similar inventions happen about the same time, just as every auto maker is developing electric cars today. In the United States, it becomes not a race to market, but a race to patent to control the wealth. With wealth, you can buy an equally viable invention to eliminate competition, which is part of American History. Claiming responsibility for something you didn't do, or erasing something you didn't do, BOTH ARE A DISGRACE, and usually done by so called "historians".

notalefty999 - 03.09.2023 12:31

Regarding the clock building claim, unless I am missing something here, isn't a pocket watch essentially the same mechanism produced on a much smaller scale and therefore more advanced? Saying you built a clock after studying a pocket watch to me sounds like saying you invented the indifference engine (a very early form of the computer) after studying your smart phone.

OnlineEbola - 30.08.2023 05:35

I mean it's a typical book report from a black person. Incoherent , rushed , and poorly researched .

EyeInTheSky - 29.08.2023 07:02

I get what you're trying to do with this video, but it's incredibly disingenuous to claim that someone who "improved" upon an existing invention wasn't the actual inventor, and then turn around and say the original invention of a black man Isn't the modern device we use today.
Thats literally trying to argue both sides. Either give credit to the original inventor, or give credit to the person who helped modernize it. Don't just twist the story to fit your stupid narrative. And btw i hate this woke bs, too... I just have more brain cells than you do, clearly.

Kiyoone - 22.08.2023 23:02

1984 guys.

Anti-Them - 20.08.2023 15:29

just found another article about fake black inventors. wish i could give this video 2 thumbs up.

Turfloor - 19.08.2023 07:38

Why are all the Black inventers named "Thomas" could they not have invented some different names for people back then?

Max F
Max F - 15.08.2023 09:57

They have about under 15 inventions that were actually 1st time inventions to their name. So the name of the video should have been 15 inventions that black people contributed to...which is still really significant.

black panther
black panther - 13.08.2023 15:37

He didn’t go into the details of the refrigerator because in the past they used ice 🧊 to keep things cool so basically you had a cooler
