Why Don't Jews Believe in Jesus?

Why Don't Jews Believe in Jesus?


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John Rodriguez
John Rodriguez - 26.11.2023 03:50

Yeshua Ha'Mashiach: Jesus Christ The Messiah. King of kings and LORD of Lords, The King of the Jews, The King of Israel. 🇺🇲🇺🇲❤️♥️🇮🇱🇮🇱✡️🕎🕍✝️☦️⛪🙏🛐📖😇👼🕊️🇻🇦‼️

Gapeyan Pereira
Gapeyan Pereira - 24.11.2023 14:52

I love Jesus ✝️❤ n he is the only truth 🙏✝️❤

Helen Liu
Helen Liu - 24.11.2023 11:56

Jews is your ethnic background, where you are come from as a person. Christian is your faith, your spiritual identity. There is no conflict in between. Judaism and Christianity are different believe system, one can only choose to believe one, however their God might be the same.

Lance Coffman
Lance Coffman - 22.11.2023 17:13

Question when you kept saying Jewish and Christians getting along but keep showing Catholics and Pope. Do you feel Christians and Catholics are same I dont.
Regardless great video, we all have to respect each other and help one another. Some religions as we know dont agree on that

Ruby Jeans
Ruby Jeans - 21.11.2023 06:16

Since a child, I have felt Christ's presence. I cannot imagine my life without Him. I am Catholic and have a deep faith. I only wish for people to experience Christ's love. With that said, I support Israel & the right for Jews to exist.

No Name
No Name - 20.11.2023 23:17

I hate people with wide mouths, they always lie and they seem to be creepy

Aymen - 19.11.2023 21:52

God said in Quran about Jesus (peace be upon him):
" And [mention] when the angels said, "O Mary, indeed God has chosen you and purified you and chosen you above the women of the worlds. O Mary, be devoutly obedient to your Lord and prostrate and bow with those who bow [in prayer]." (Quran 3:42-43)

" [And mention] when the angels said, “O Mary, indeed God gives you good tidings of a word from Him, whose name will be the Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary – distinguished in this world and the Hereafter and among those brought near [to God ].

He will speak to the people in the cradle and in maturity and will be of the righteous. She said, "My Lord, how will I have a child when no man has touched me?" [The angel] said, "Such is God ; He creates what He wills.

When He decrees a matter, He only says to it, 'Be,' and it is. He will teach him the Scripture and wisdom, the Torah and the Gospel, And [make him] a messenger to the Children of Israel, [who will say], 'Indeed I have come to you with a sign from your Lord in that I design for you from clay [that which is] like the form of a bird, then I breathe into it and it becomes a bird by permission of God.(Quran 03:45-49)

"[The Day] when God will say, "O Jesus, Son of Mary, remember My favor upon you and upon your mother when I supported you with the Pure Spirit and you spoke to the people in the cradle and in maturity; and [remember] when I taught you writing and wisdom and the Torah and the Gospel; and when you designed from clay [what was] like the form of a bird with My permission, then you breathed into it, and it became a bird with My permission; and you healed the blind and the leper with My permission; and when you brought forth the dead with My permission; and when I restrained the Children of Israel from [killing] you when you came to them with clear proofs and those who disbelieved among them said, "This is not but obvious magic." (Quran 5:110)

Embargoman - 19.11.2023 06:02

To say I am a Catholic and yes Christianity started with Catholic/Orthodox and yet their form Protestant branches.

Jesus exist and I do believe in a Christian state within the Jewish State that one day it will be living in peace and harmony until the second coming of Jesus.

Lori's Cooking Channel
Lori's Cooking Channel - 18.11.2023 21:46

That's exactly the reason you will always or Jewish have no peace. Always on threat but Christians always on the side of the Jewish as your support. How many more years the Jews are waiting and expecting the real Messiah would come .The Messiah would come when the Houties from Yemen gonna shower you guys with rocket and missile . Your Jewish ancestors died many centuries and centuries and centuries but your expected Messiah to come to help you has not come until Hamas come to harass again you place . Your Prime Minister said never again terrorists will threatened Israel Israel I don't think so .The world we live is full of evil and chaos is everywhere and at the end of the day its still the Christian world is supporting the Jews that's the fact.

Moises Rocha
Moises Rocha - 18.11.2023 11:18

Hahaha.. thanks

Lenny Cooke
Lenny Cooke - 17.11.2023 06:52

Have you heard about any modern Jewish prophets lately ? Meanwhile, Christianity has a ticker-tape of Saints and Holy people in their history, what a coincidence...

Erevien - 17.11.2023 04:57

Muslims convert too. Don't be a hypocrite

Stuart Ellis
Stuart Ellis - 17.11.2023 04:03

You forgot some important parts. Like the resurrection.

Derrick Wilson
Derrick Wilson - 16.11.2023 19:06

marine judeans and proto judeans were not the same ethnically, the area had already been colonized by the Hittites , Greeks an roman’s jesus came from the native judeans. white supremacy has been the social construct for 2,000 years, which was one of the internal issues plaguing the levant at the time . proto judeans and the Sanhedrin corrupted Judaism and removed God as Chief , ushering in rabbinical judaism which is what Jesus/Yeshua was speaking against, which led to them killing and disbanding in revolutionary political party. Jesus isn’t God but profit of god and a example of a perfect human being who was willing to shed his self ego to allow Allah to exist in him through his actions and thoughts

Saki Yoshida
Saki Yoshida - 16.11.2023 16:09

god won't save you if your a Jew

Thereisnoeye - 16.11.2023 06:00

Jesus can be the son of God. At least for a Vedic perspective. He would be what we refer to as "Paramatman" or fully self-realized human being. A Paramatman is generally considered to be God in the flesh.

No Name
No Name - 15.11.2023 10:17

What a joke this is, they keep their lies alive and runing, in the jewish encyclopaedia, jesus isn't this well represented nor is Christianity, tell us what jesus is subjected to in '' HELL '' but you will never do it.

YUZROYAX - 15.11.2023 07:32

Since all these religions started in around the same area. It would only make sense to follow the middle easts biggest religion today. Which happens to be islam.

Christianity makes no sense. Paul wrote 80% of the bible. Plus why would you be able to kill, r@pe and steal and still go to heaven because you accept jesus as your lord? Jesus was just a man.

Bugen4 - 15.11.2023 01:47

I hope the Jewish people accept Jesus Christ before it's too late.

Hyoba - 14.11.2023 20:36

This video is meaningless to me since you do not challenge the idea of Jesus being a messiah with biblical scripture; instead, you jump to the conclusion only by saying that Judaism does not believe in such a thing. We would appreciate being informed and learning more about your understanding of the Torah to challenge the New Testament scripture. Perhaps you could look into some pertinent sections to back up your argument and better comprehend your points of view. biblically Jew/Yehudi means a people from the kingdom of Judea(from the tribe Judah who went to southern Israel with a tribe of Benjamin), that's it. it is not religion. if a person from Judea became Christian, he is still Jewish/Yehudi, it's his/her tribe which she came from, and you can't take their identity.

Metro Byt
Metro Byt - 14.11.2023 17:31

Jesus cannot be the Jewish Messiah. Jesus was a biblical bastard born from an adulterous woman, therefore Jesus had no tribe, so he doesn't have the davidic lineage. Besides, Jesus didn't fulfill the most basic messianic prophecies in the Hebrew Scriptures.

MuhammadalSayf1 - 14.11.2023 16:46

Fucking how many messiahs you had.

Isabella Kathryn
Isabella Kathryn - 14.11.2023 09:14

Great video, I’m fourteen and was brought up with Christian traditions and was almost baptized Catholic before I found Judaism, now I’m almost 2 months into my conversion process to Judaism only about 8 more months, im converting reform because the orthodox won’t except me until I’m 18 so I’ll convert orthodox eventually!

Rozleen 🌸
Rozleen 🌸 - 13.11.2023 22:34

Jew is a race. It is not religion .They can be everything 😂 jews dont know what's the name of their religion

Deegee - 13.11.2023 20:10

I agree tbh I was born into a catholic family but I agree with the Jewish religion on this matter 100% Christianity is filled with to many contradictory things same with Catholicism how do I convert?

Sole Belitalia
Sole Belitalia - 12.11.2023 21:58

Who crucified Jesus? 😢😢 didnt it all start from his own pointing Jesus out and selling him ( judas) .. Romans ( Poncius Pilate) didn't he say what has this man done to his own people who condemed him ..that he wasnt associating himself to their wishes and washed his hands on what they wanted insisting he be crucified!!
Idk.the way things are explained and portrayed..
To state .. and the Romans crucified him.. but no specific on how and from whom it all started from..?
From biblical readings and studies movies also made for many decades based on its research..scenes where the people of Jesus were asked for last comfirmed wishes.. then Roman soldiers were ones to carry out their wishes cuz they had to rid of him the crufication of Jesus didnt it come from wishes of Jesus's own people at that time millions of yrs ago? !! Idk.. clarification is missing here!! Passion of the Christ movie was terrible to watch how he "Jesus" thinking in real life from those times how he was violently whipped!! Tormented spat on! Then put on the cross nailed hands and feet left to dry out dying ..no water burning in his horrific wounds .😢😢😢
To see how those who sold him out when it started thundering and raining..they got scared to see how he was in contact with his father God as it was thundering
fiercely the earth was trembling😢😢😢

Thomas McElwain
Thomas McElwain - 12.11.2023 15:34

If Jesus was Jewish, should not the followers of Jesus be Jewish too? You would think they would follow the same religion as their leader and founder, and not go off inventing new doctrines.

Ghetto Gothix
Ghetto Gothix - 12.11.2023 02:19

The Jews themselves telling you Je/Zeus is a Roman Invention. But Christians accept the brainwash.

JacksonFreeze (Music,Gaming)
JacksonFreeze (Music,Gaming) - 11.11.2023 21:18

You sould point out that the end is just your opinion cause you are not speaking the truth there. Its just something made up by you guys

Dews Joy
Dews Joy - 11.11.2023 17:52

Theological understanding of Judaism with Jesus as the rabbi is not the same as one we have right now i.e. through the lens of many Christianities of our times like evangelism. What many Christian groups fail to see is the chronological incorporation of gentile practices as the Christian religion evolved and took form in its present day outlook. A very basic example that comes to mind, within many Latin rite Catholic churches there is no need to remove footwear before entering but in many syro malabar rite churches it's never been a practice clearly taking influence from Moses and the burning bush where God instructs him the sanctity of the place. This is just one of the many million differences that organically evolved. Like it would be impractical to remove footwear in western Europe or anywhere where the weather is extreme doesn't mean one is wrong. Let's hope not to corrupt the message of Adonai through the people he worked with for the people of this world

SHARON ANNE - 11.11.2023 09:31

Jews are jews
Hebrews are Christians

SHARON ANNE - 11.11.2023 09:29

Apparently the Jews didn't suffer enough...to do this to the Palestinian people is the epitome of EVIL

Adam Dudley
Adam Dudley - 11.11.2023 07:43

Love your channel brother ✡ shalom

Daniel72 - 10.11.2023 21:30

When Christians asked me why I don't believe in Jesus I encourage them to be much more specific, because the question has different answers. Do I believe if Jesus as the Messiah? Not at all, for the reasons already explained by the video. He did not defeat the Romans military, nor he reinstalled the Kingdom of Judah nor brought the Messianic era. To be honest, I dont believe in any messahias at all. Ignorance of Jewish history make many Christians to believe that Jesus was exceptional but he was not that special. In the 1st century CE many rabbis wandered Judah preaching and teaching, and many times their followers would start considering them The Messiah. Jesus was one of those rabbis. I don't believe and don't care about all this Christ-messiah thing. I think that is a myth invented by another Jew named Saul (aka St Paul). Some Christian scholars have admitted that historic evidences point that neither Jesus nor Saul planned to create a new religion. Not at all. Both Yeshua and Saul were pharisees, which means they were Torah observers. Jesus teachings are influenced by Hillel and by the Essenes, that's why Christianity is messianic and apocalyptic in nature, because of the Essenes influence. Jesus Jewishness irritates both Christians and Jews. To me Jesus was born a Jew, lived as a Jew and died a Jew. It would be beneficial if Judaism reappropriated the historic Jesus and de-christianized him. For Christians it would be beneficial to de-romanize Christianity and go back to its Jewish sources.

Native Sugar Shack
Native Sugar Shack - 10.11.2023 21:19

There IS NOT a single Jewish person on planet Earth and alive today that follows all 613 commandments. That's unfortunate because Jesus himself negated the very idea of salvation by grace when in The Gospel of Matthew he answered the question, "Good Master, what must I do to enter the kingdom?", to which he replied, "Why doest thou call me good? There is only one that is good, that's God. If thou wilt enter the Kingdom, FOLLOW THE LAW!". Jesus was a practicing Jew, his "LAW" was the law of Moses. He didn't say "Believe in me and be saved by grace", he didn't say "Follow Me And Be Saved". Jesus said "Follow The Law."

RespectfulMind - 10.11.2023 18:40

Jesus is the truth the way and the life ❤✝️🙏

Audio Artisan
Audio Artisan - 09.11.2023 23:41

Didn't Judaism derive from Zoroastrianism? Kind of like how Christianity derived from Judaism?

nate higgerson
nate higgerson - 09.11.2023 23:04

Jesus was not a jew, he was a GREEK

Ewww - 09.11.2023 21:19

Being a Jew or Jewish is not Judean.

Jewish = Jewfaith (modern Rabbinical Judaism).

On the other hand Judeans were an ancient race that were wiped out by the 3rd century.

What you have today is only the religion which survived.

Are modern day Christians descendants of the ancient Christians at the time of Jesus and Paul ? No.

Neither are modern day Jews. They are Jewfaith.

Gas Light
Gas Light - 09.11.2023 13:51

Well you’ve got to get this then. Jesus Christ, was born a Jew, and killed by both Jews and Gentiles, eventually proved that He is the saviour of the whole world by his resurrection from the dead after 3 days, and the historiographic evidence for this is indisputable. Without coming to the saviour of the world, people have been and will still be going to hell. Jews for Jesus is one of many benevolent movements that is meant to pull you out of your ignorance.

jay vlogs
jay vlogs - 09.11.2023 13:43

Jews are right

Rijo Abraham
Rijo Abraham - 09.11.2023 09:33

But God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise; God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong;

Babygremlins - 09.11.2023 03:06

the entire old testament and its sacrificial system are prophecy about jesus, many of which he fulfilled if you read it you'll see isaiah 53 daniel 9 for example. read the dead sea scrolls bible as much as you can to avoid some of the alterations done on the masoretic text

cjane - 08.11.2023 23:39

It's interesting how you use Orthodox as a synonym for Orthodox Jews. For me as a European Christian Orthodox are Orthodox Christian.

So I was like: what? He converted from being an Orthodox to being a Christian - but wasn't he Christian already 🙈?

...until I understood what you meant with his name etc... guilty of European ignorance 🙋🏼‍♀️

GOKUbLACLIVESMATTER - 08.11.2023 03:16

Jesus is Jewish

Nithyasree Sathyanarayanan
Nithyasree Sathyanarayanan - 07.11.2023 16:03

The things Jesus Christ did in the new testament was literally a game changer bro. Because only in the new testament did the Lord truly show himself as the ever merciful and loving father who seriously wanted to save us despite us being ungrateful and undeserving. And that was through Jesus Christ for his fate was to give his life up in the cross to save all the sins of the world. We have been forgiven for the sins done since Adam and Eve and if you read it, you will feel so much relief and will be so glad. We will always be forgiven for our sins except for the unforgivable sin which is blasphemy and wilful rejection of the trinity (meaning someone rejects the trinity even after knowing what it truly means). The 10 commandments of the old testament have also been modified because you are not forgiven because you follwed the commandments or you did some sacrificial ritual, you are forgiven because you truly repent and have huge faith and love for the trinity.

And no, there's supposed to be no idol worship even in christianity since it was never advocated. Also, christianity is not polytheistic because the trinity are different forms of one God who influences the world in different ways.

Christians make mistakes, some of them being the worst and arrogant. But Jesus Christ and his teachings were never wrong. I belive this even if I'm not christian.

H W - 07.11.2023 04:23

Good question. I don't want my tax dollars going towards genocide. Dont want that blood on my hands.😢 The universe is watching us all. Think we should be worried.😮 What happened to humanity???
