How Hentai Destroys Your Mind

How Hentai Destroys Your Mind

Pax Tube

1 год назад

357,446 Просмотров

Hentai is one of the most damaging aspects of the Internet in the 2020s. What makes it so destructive, and what can we do about it?

A shootoff of the anime industry, hentai is ravaging the minds of tens of millions of people. While many of them are minors, who are especially vulnerable, hentai negatively impacts the bodies & minds of everyone. Young and old, men and women alike. Parts of the anime industry and many anitubers aren't helping the situation.

In this video, I dive into the hentai problem, and break down all the ways it's hurting people, as well as how we can address it. This is how hentai destroys your mind.

How Pornography Destroys Your Mind

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Sources for the information cited in the video:

Sam Loule:

Woman's story:

Love, T.; Laier, C.; Brand, M.; Hatch, L.; Hajela, R. Neuroscience of Internet Pornography Addiction: A Review and Update. Behav. Sci. 2015, 5, 388-433.

Laier C, Schulte FP, Brand M. Pornographic picture processing interferes with working memory performance. J Sex Res. 2013;50(7):642-52. doi: 10.1080/00224499.2012.716873. Epub 2012 Nov 20. PMID: 23167900.

Hijacking The Brain - How Pornography Works

Pace, S. (2014). Acquiring Tastes through Online Activity: Neuroplasticity and the Flow Experiences of Web Users. M/C Journal, 17(1).

Kühn S, Gallinat J. Brain Structure and Functional Connectivity Associated With Pornography Consumption: The Brain on Porn. JAMA Psychiatry. 2014;71(7):827–834. doi:10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2014.93

Huang S, Zhang Z, Dai Y, Zhang C, Yang C, Fan L, Liu J, Hao W and Chen H (2018) Craving Responses to Methamphetamine and Sexual Visual Cues in Individuals With Methamphetamine Use Disorder After Long-Term Drug Rehabilitation. Front. Psychiatry 9:145. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2018.00145

Internet Porn - Worse Than Crack?

Hernández-González M, Amezcua Gutiérrez C, Martin AS, Sánchez KR, Guevara MA. Sexual arousal decreases the functional synchronization between cortical areas in young men. J Sex Marital Ther. 2013;39(3):264-79. doi: 10.1080/0092623X.2012.665815. Epub 2013 Jan 28. PMID: 23356552.

Skakoon-Sparling, S., Cramer, K.M. & Shuper, P.A. The Impact of Sexual Arousal on Sexual Risk-Taking and Decision-Making in Men and Women. Arch Sex Behav 45, 33–42 (2016).

Kühn S, Gallinat J. Brain structure and functional connectivity associated with pornography consumption: the brain on porn. JAMA Psychiatry. 2014 Jul 1;71(7):827-34. doi: 10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2014.93. PMID: 24871202.

Afifi, Tamara & Zamanzadeh, Nicole & Harrison, Kathryn & Callejas, Acevedo. (2018). WIRED: The impact of media and technology use on stress (cortisol) and inflammation (interleukin IL-6) in fast paced families *. Computers in Human Behavior. 81. 265-273. 10.1016/j.chb.2017.12.010.

Gwinn, Andrea Mariea, Nathaniel M. Lambert, Frank D. Fincham, and Jon K,Maner, “Pornography, Relationship Alternatives, and Intimate Extradyadic Behavior,” Social Psychological and Personality Science, (2013), vol.4, no. 6, 699-704.

Seigfried-Spellar, Kathryn C., and Marcus K. Rogers. “Does Deviant Pornography Use Follow a Guttman-like Progression?” Computers in Human Behavior, vol. 29, no. 5, 2013, pp. 1997–2003.


#how_hentai_destroys_your_mind #how_hentai_destroys #why_hentai_destroys_your_mind #effects_of_hentai_on_the_mind #hentai #hentai_websites #harms_of_hentai #anime_degeneracy #impacts_of_hentai #hentai_psychology #anime_psychology #anime_industry #hentai_industry #problems_with_hentai #lolicon #loli #should_hentai_be_legal #legality_of_hentai #bad_anime #pax_tube #pax #hentai_review #anime_review #quit_hentai #how_to_quit_hentai #nofap_motivation #quit_porn #nofap
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Carlos D Gutierrez
Carlos D Gutierrez - 22.11.2023 05:54

*all scientific research show it does "
Care to provide the poer reviewed articles where reputable research institutions, not some journalist ramblings, but actual peer reviewed articles in a scientific jornal like Nature to back such bold claims.

n0nexReb0rn - 21.11.2023 16:20

Me, watching this while sorting my hentai gallery for later "use"

Esté Marco
Esté Marco - 21.11.2023 01:18

oh yes and next step, ban all video-games bc they create a lot of addiction? just don't give your kids internet free access and solve your own addiction problems.

i obviously agree on cp being illegal tho

Code Line
Code Line - 19.11.2023 17:27

replace "hentai" with "anime" in whole video and nothing changes

Dave Murray
Dave Murray - 19.11.2023 16:42

Sad to say, I've very much an Canadian Otaku who though Hentai is less bad then real porn. 😢 You broke my little bubble.
Sadly, this is such a comfortable way of life, I don't see myself going back to the drama, hardship, money pit, of dating,
UNLESS I succeeded leaving for Indonesia, or Thailand, or Vietnam, or Kurdistan.
Dating in Canada, is buying a yearly ticked for way more problems then fun.
The Lolita genre is truly disgusting tough

LazyKirby57 - 16.11.2023 10:41

I am so glad I managed to stop before I became too addicted. Honestly looking back, porn in general really disgusts me now. Listening to video game music is a better pasttime by lightyears.

Flathead Gg244
Flathead Gg244 - 15.11.2023 01:06

Been preaching this shit for years, thanks man.

Mark The Studious One
Mark The Studious One - 14.11.2023 10:46

Lmao the fact that every time he talks about hentai advocates he shows trash taste lol

Aidin - 12.11.2023 17:41

Very good video, should be more popular. All kinds of pornographic content are tools of satan.

User - 11.11.2023 08:23

Apart from the lolis, all of this sounds like something an anti-mask/anti-vax would say.

dog guy
dog guy - 10.11.2023 17:54

Ok i have to correct you, erotic images and porn was in Japan long before the allied occupation and the imperial government, heck prostitutes were a common thing in edo Japan, to say porn is a new thing for japan is just false

Armor Bearer
Armor Bearer - 09.11.2023 10:42

I do not know how much you know about Japanese culture, but it would be interesting if you did some research about hikikomori. If hentai can be linked to increasing hikikomori rates, your argument will receive a huge boost in credibility.

Gloverfield - 08.11.2023 22:32

So your solution for fixing hentai addiction is censorship?

People advocating for censorship end up losing their freedom sooner or later, you're literally no different from the "Leftist" you so love to criticise...

aldimrmr - 08.11.2023 11:58

I love this channel, you have such a great video 😁👍❤️🇮🇩

FastestFail ???
FastestFail ??? - 07.11.2023 22:45

This guys channel is so weird. Like i always agree with the baseline of what he's saying but then he just say some brain dead low IQ thing. Like the US forcing japan to be democracy , japan attacked the US. That not our fault they tried to take over the world and lost.

Im pretty sure it because he's catholic(this part is a joke .. Kinda)

Jiri Slavicek
Jiri Slavicek - 06.11.2023 21:13

That's sick!

Mollof - 06.11.2023 08:49

I'm happy I never got into Hentai :)

The King of The Crusades
The King of The Crusades - 06.11.2023 05:27

as a respectable member of the anti-anime legion we do our best to save people from stuff like hentai.

tanko.reactions - 06.11.2023 00:06

all the ancient religious writings push for celibacy or if one falls short of it, sex confined to the bounds of marriage.
for example, the most popular religion in the west, christianity, has in its core allegory, the crucifixtion, baked in the fact, that cristos, the sacred oil which is inside of you, needs to be kept within ("accepted") so that it may have the opportunity to rise up the 33 vertebrates of your spine in order to go into your skull ("golgotha"), where the "crucifixtion" takes place.
this sacred oil is refined and the non-physical substance it transforms into, nourishes your soul, which then leads at some point to the birth of it which is a literal event.
this is when you get what the buddhists call the "rainbow body" or the christians term for it, the "glorified body" or the taoists term for it, the "conception and birth of the immortal fetus".
all of it hinges on the fact and ability of a person to be able to keep his seed within.
the one and only commandment is to overcome the "serpent", which is allegorical for lust.
it is the serpent which beguiled adam and eve, which led to them "eating" (having sex).
this interpretation is evident by verses like proverbs 30:20 where it states that the prostitute "eats" and wipes her mouth and says she has done no wickedness.

basically, all religions of old and all ancient cultures, revered the serpent aka the dragon.
you will always find the myth, one one way, shape or form, where the supposed hero (you) slays the "dragon" (lust) and gets access to the treasures it was guarding (immortality).

this is the holy grail. it has been hidden in plain sight, in allegories, in "dark sayings of old", as the bible puts it.

it is in every single religion. for example, in buddhism it is packaged in other terms, stating that the source of suffering is desire / attachment to desire. but no one is directly told that the mother of all desires is lust. buddha did not overcome his desire for food during his night of enlightenment, to become enlightened.. google it, see what the buddhist devil (mara) tried to do to rob him of his enlightenment. it should be eye opening.

your glory (literally) depends on how well you can be asexual. not in a chemically, castrated way, but being physically healthy and having sexual vigor, yet still transmuting that naturally through sheer will and effort.
this is the battle between heaven (your higher self, your will) and hell (your lower, physical aspects, your carnal, animal side).
this is the war in heaven (your mind).

the hero HAS to slay the dragon.

as allegorical Christ says - overcome the serpent.

or as modern myth has it - santa claus will come down your chimney (spine, its cristos) and if you have not been "naughty" (but sexually continent), will give you your reward.

in taoism, the whole thing is hidden behind food allegories, stating that one must go on the "bigu" diet, which is the grain free diet. contextually speaking, in the asian part of the world, grain was the main staple of food and there was barely anything else.. this is obviously not talking literally about grains, but about that, which is POPULAR, namely - lust.
taoists have the most elaborate formulas for how the great work, the internal transformation, can be done, but all of it is hidden in their cryptic, allegorical, metaphorical writings, which most people know as alchemy, trying to transmute "led" into "gold".. the meaning of led is a mortal man and gold is an immortal god. the whole thing happens internally and the cornerstone of it all, in ALL religions, is Christ (your seed) and him crucified in golgotha - your skull.

there has never been any other way from the beginning.
this is the only way to turning you back to your full glory.

this is what our precious inheritance in forms of ancient scriptures, are all telling us, if we are willing to give them the benefit of the doubt as a modern person, who is quick to dismiss those things because of arrogance and misinterpretation due to taking them literally, not realizing that they are all codes, hiding the worlds most important secret!

TL-DR: dont nut.
the fabric of the universe is counting on you not nutting!

1EyeDDevil - 03.11.2023 16:15

All this is fucking simple to solve. Moderation

Sa-Atti Ayield
Sa-Atti Ayield - 03.11.2023 15:19

I agree with pretty much everything you said, even if some of your arguments devolve into straw-manning common arguments for hentai. Pornography in general is destructive to the mind and when consumed broadly, is destructive to society. However, I do not follow your advocacy of legislation, and ISP or social media intervention. First of all, I don't trust governments or corporations to regulate any form of speech without somehow using this as a power grab.

Second of all, one of your arguments that hentai affects more than just the individual is flimsy. Unless I somehow missed something (which is possible because I was playing minecraft while listening to this video), you said that hentai doesn't affect just the individual who consumes it because it is "broadcasted worldwide". Yes, it is broadcasted to millions... of individuals who choose to consume it.

Third of all, it is and should ALWAYS be the parents responsibility to raise their kids. Not the government, corporations, or anything resembling a governing body. Yes, there are many bad parents, and I am not disputing the damage porn can do to those who start consuming it as children. Governments can get away with banning a great many things, both good and bad, on the justification that they are just protecting children because their parents are too irresponsible to do so. As I said, I don't trust them to not use this as some sort of power grab. You can bet your ass that governments are going to continue pushing for more censorship under the guise of "protecting the children", which is just going to cause censorship of political ideas that are actually helpful to society.

You say countries that allow pornography are doing it "under the guise of freedom of speech" as though it is not freedom of speech. I wonder what definition of free speech you are operating on. I was under the assumption that it meant any form of speech either written, spoken, or in the form of art, that isn't depriving others of liberty. Pornography is very harmful, but only to people who allow it to harm them by consuming it. Regardless of what pornography is trying to evoke out of the viewer, it falls into the art category.

I have went and skimmed past your video on pornography and haven't really seen any argument from you that convinces me that it shouldn't be considered free speech. Yes, it is a major contributer to the downfall of western society, but that is more because of millions of individuals who continue to consume it and because porn companies continue to brainwash people about it's debilitating effects. Banning porn isn't going to stop people from making bad choices, and thus isn't going to save society. Just look at how the alchohol prohibition went. I am more fine with going after all of the porn companies who have been pushing propaganda about pornography, as you outlined in your previous video. It's better to tell people how bad a thing is for them and let them choose to consume it if they want, just like with cigarettes, drugs, and alchohol (all of which I think are also bad to consume). In terms of legality, I don't care if people want to ruin their own lives.

Correct me if I missed something.

09_shawn_lifts - 03.11.2023 02:05

I’m only like 1 week clean at this point. I found this form of content about 1 year ago and as you can imagine. I. WAS.OBSESSED. It was terrible. But now I’m 1 week clean . And I never watched lolicon content luckily.

09_shawn_lifts - 03.11.2023 01:56

Watching hentai right now ngl

asher - 02.11.2023 21:50

as somebody born in 2009, my generation has failed

Synneko - 02.11.2023 09:37

Ironically I started watching anime and hentai after I wanted to die and do... questionable things to the people that constantly caused me pain, I was the most typical type of loser in school. I guess the only way I could ignore all the pain of the real world was through an escapism, and I also hear the same people that caused me hell saying it's bad for me... I think it's the stupidest hypocritical thing I've ever heard, not saying you, I mean those people specifically, if anything it only made me even more nihilistic with all going on.

Call me Bungus
Call me Bungus - 02.11.2023 09:23

Very true

Jason Phimister
Jason Phimister - 01.11.2023 09:24

OH NO! NOT BDSM!! AHHH enjoy your vanilla ice cream looser

Jason Phimister
Jason Phimister - 01.11.2023 09:18

yup hentai lovers really wanna take over the world!! new world order!!

Jason Phimister
Jason Phimister - 01.11.2023 09:16

japan sounds BASED

Jason Phimister
Jason Phimister - 01.11.2023 09:16

you just like make claims and dont back them up, wonder why men are leaving society.

Jason Phimister
Jason Phimister - 01.11.2023 09:15

oh and much more ! watch out yall! loll this dude

The First of Errathen
The First of Errathen - 01.11.2023 02:44

Bro literally has the power of God and anime on his side.

garfield - 31.10.2023 08:51

idgaf lol i will still love hentai

Teana - 30.10.2023 08:54

Thank you for opening my eyes 😢

CarCombat - 30.10.2023 03:47

I think if americans are to blame that should be on the pop culture more than the writing of Japan's constitution.
The normalization of degeneracy not freedom of speech.
Just think about it. Female characters in anime and hentai are usually like american strippers with big milkers.

But my biggest problem with the video is the conclusion that we'd have to ban porn.
I agree it's a kill or be killed problem but I think it'd become like the unending war on drugs.
If anything the answer is the TRUE conversion and sumission of those countries to Christ.

Eliot Anderson
Eliot Anderson - 28.10.2023 12:42

Tewelde Ambassajir
Tewelde Ambassajir - 25.10.2023 21:55

Ironically this is true. Hentai is porn. Lolicon is disgusting and so is NTR.

Retro orthodox
Retro orthodox - 25.10.2023 01:01

“For she has brought many down to death; her victims are countless.”
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭7‬:‭26

JustAvy - 23.10.2023 01:53

I havent see nit yet

yuden tshomo
yuden tshomo - 22.10.2023 13:07

No more overflow

Rootfish - 22.10.2023 09:37

Can relate I used to be addicted to weed

Mugaka Murakumo
Mugaka Murakumo - 21.10.2023 17:42

I think what stems from the creation of that video is a man who UNDERSTANDABLY hates that stigma attached to "anime" that it is is ALL hentai.

He needs to understand that that mentality could apply to CARTOONS in general. And it is a fallacious one.

Ruby King
Ruby King - 21.10.2023 15:03

Yeah definitely F this video. You trying to censor porn? And on a government level? GTFO dude. Your way of thinking is Fing dangerous. You just want to police others morales like the conservatives from decades gone.
Hey everyone lets ban porn, and then violent movies, and then violent and sexual songs, and then lets get the video games, and then lets just get rid of all the things that we don't agree with.

And theres a reason why CP is banned. It doesn't take an fing genius to figure that out!
