Parents sew recording device in toddler’s jacket, capture day care worker threatening to harm kids

Parents sew recording device in toddler’s jacket, capture day care worker threatening to harm kids


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WildCatsFast - 04.10.2023 02:36

Well its the parents fault... should've check what employees they have in that facility....

I check the skin shade and decide for myself...

JudyJetson3000 - 23.09.2023 19:20

KinderCare should have cameras in their daycares and MONITOR THEM..

Zaycream21 - 15.09.2023 02:08

Where can we find similar recording device to do the same for our children?

ponispal - 25.08.2023 18:00

The eight tenets of Cultural Marxism (Critical Race Theory):

(1) Support of the Third World immigration and refugee invasion of the West. Cultural Marxists adamantly insist on Third World immigration and refugees for the West, and oppose the deporting of Third World invaders. Support of Third World immigration (both legal and illegal) is the #1 precept of Cultural Marxism.

(2) The promotion of concepts like anti-racism, diversity, multiculturalism, multiracialism, white privilege, racial reconciliation, unity, critical race theory, social justice, structural racism, systemic racism, anti-whiteness studies, etc. All these concepts can traced directly to Cultural Marxism. These concepts barely existed 100 years ago and were popularized by Cultural Marxists beginning in the 1930s.

(3) Cultural Marxists want to insist that things like gender and race really do not exist and are merely “social constructs,” although genetics shows that both do exist.* For instance, using Structure geneticists can easily cluster people into racial groupings.

(4) Cultural Marxists denote anything they oppose as “hate speech” in order to try to censor it. Cultural Marxists are vehemently opposed to free speech.

(5) Cultural Marxists want to erase white people (European-descended peoples) from history, which includes removing from public places statues and paintings of white people, removing White / European authors from schools, renaming streets named after whites, and casting non-whites to play historical white characters in movies and television programs.

(6) Cultural Marxists adamantly support globalism and oppose nationalism. Cultural Marxists also support the ‘proposition nation’ which is a Cultural Marxist idea that stresses only ideas matter to constitute a nation. The traditional notion of a ‘nation’ (from the Latin nasci) is rooted in ancestry and blood: blood and soil.

(7) The support of transracial adoption. Cultural Marxists vehemently want white people to adopt non-white babies instead of making white babies. In short, they want whites to be cuckolds. (There is a strong correlation between cuckold pornography and transracial adoption, as both want whites to raise the spawn of a black man.)

(8) Cultural Marxism is basically an anti-white ideology that supports the dispossession of white people and the eventual "blending white people out of existence" through Third World immigration, race mixing, and transracial adoption. Cultural Marxism, in essence, is anti-white (i.e. opposed to people of European ancestry).

Sarah Sophia
Sarah Sophia - 11.08.2023 19:15

stop sending your kids to strangers for the majority of the day everyday

Gina Jennings Muller
Gina Jennings Muller - 12.07.2023 03:46

Which device is it?

cal30m1 - 24.06.2023 13:39

Is the duel income really worth permanently traumatizing your child?

Locsandallthings - 12.06.2023 04:46

I need device names anyone

Carmen Delgado
Carmen Delgado - 20.05.2023 08:57

What is wrong with these abusive people?

HeyGirlHaaay - 19.05.2023 04:19

😮 shame on them

Aaron Guerrero
Aaron Guerrero - 18.05.2023 15:03

" I dunno when im gonna trust strangers with my kids again" ... FOOL! the answer is never.. n thats y ur in this situation.. its ur fault

Aaron Guerrero
Aaron Guerrero - 18.05.2023 15:00

Take care of your own damn kids or dont have any.. i work my wife stay at home.. if u have to leave your kid somewhere n have both parents.. u shouldn't have kids.

jessica m
jessica m - 17.05.2023 19:37

This is why i stayed home with all 3 of my children. You cant trust anyone

Bernadean Greene
Bernadean Greene - 17.05.2023 00:41

My husband and I struggled when we had our last baby because we were afraid of this and possibly even more, that could have happened to him. His dad stayed home while I worked, for 5years. It was tough But our son was safe and neither one of us are in jail. Quick story... My mom told me a story about when she was young and her cousin. In what made me be the way I was as being a parent. My grandmother and my great aunt both were single parents, just moved to city trying to make it. They both worked at the same place. My mother and her cousin was watched by a lady in their building, and she said that the lady would make them sit in the corner all day, they couldn't move from that spot. One day, her cousin, who was younger than my mom, got the lady's son toy car and was playing with it, but the lady son started crying and wanted it. She said that the lady snatched her cousin up and took him away...she said, she didn't see what the lady did to her cousin but he screamed and when she brought him back to living room, he was sleeping, and she laid him on the chair. She said when my grandmother and great aunt picked them up and my great aunt went to change her cousin, that all the skin on both sides of his thighs was peeling off with the pants. They had to call the ambulance and they called the police but before the police got there, they had to take the lady to the hospital too because my grandmother and great aunt beat up the lady. The lady poured boiling water on him... he was a baby, around 2yrs, my mom said she was 4yrs...She said he was in the hospital for several months, and had to get skin drafts. I can't imagine, l already know what would have happened. They are children, innocent, can't protect themselves. We have to work in order to take care of our children but it's so hard to trust anyone. If you can't handle the job of care giving, or any job at that manner, people need to find another job to do. Don't destroy other people lives. Stay safe...🙏🙏🙏💓

Han - 14.05.2023 03:16


Pattiecakes 1
Pattiecakes 1 - 12.05.2023 07:15

Those poor babies 😢 I couldn’t imagine that happening to my 5 month old baby. I’m so scared to send my baby to a day care.

Santa Claus
Santa Claus - 11.05.2023 02:27

Let me guess - nothing will be done to these day care workers - because they are "of color". Welcome to "new America".

K .D
K .D - 10.05.2023 01:42

My child use to go to kinder care in nashville and i almost beat the director up because they were letting sick kids sleep on my child sheets. Put someone else's underwear on him that was discussing. They suck everywhere all kinder care facilities.

Milahan PhilosophersCorner
Milahan PhilosophersCorner - 09.05.2023 20:52

Stop trusting strangers with your kids.

Milahan PhilosophersCorner
Milahan PhilosophersCorner - 09.05.2023 20:51

Mom's, leave work and raise your little ones instead.

Nobyteme2 DrM
Nobyteme2 DrM - 08.05.2023 01:36

Wow, this grandma would be very, very upset!

Macki B
Macki B - 07.05.2023 19:46

The age of technology so every class should have cameras in,, so parents can check on their children and the teachers…. ❤

Gerdie Albers
Gerdie Albers - 07.05.2023 08:34

Hearing about how Americans teach their children, also in pre-care, could be called CRIMINAL.....,!! Grown-ups should teach children in stead of treating them as paria's....!!
May many more parents put devices in their children hair or get more bad teachers to be sacked.....,!!.

Kathleen Macfarland
Kathleen Macfarland - 07.05.2023 08:05

Sick world!!!!!!

brian hamel
brian hamel - 07.05.2023 00:34

Let this be a lesson and NEVER LEAVE YOUR KIDS WITH STRANGERS 😒🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦🙄

Maggie McCauslin
Maggie McCauslin - 06.05.2023 23:08

I don't get why you work with innocent kids just to treat them like that?

Luxurylifela20 - 06.05.2023 20:53

I’m glad these children are safe now but I don’t understand parents like these. If I noticed big behavioral changes in my child and was genuinely concerned, I couldn’t imagine sending them back for even one more day. What if this day she was badly hurt? Ultimately your kids are your responsibility. Don’t sew recording devices into your child’s clothes. Parent them yourself or immediately find them somewhere safe to go. This seems like parents more interested in a lawsuit or come up than their child’s actual safety.

Michael Foster
Michael Foster - 06.05.2023 03:59

What race

TaT - 06.05.2023 01:12

The ppl working alongside these 2 women are just as culpable imho. This is horrible, those poor children.

Brian Cleveland
Brian Cleveland - 06.05.2023 00:31

You shouldn't allow thugs to babysit your kid's !

Mauricio Ellis
Mauricio Ellis - 05.05.2023 22:15

Microwave society.

Zzazs - 05.05.2023 20:29

thats young people now 30 or younger

Mi Do
Mi Do - 05.05.2023 14:49

At least I can see a good thing in thia incident, that the parents truly care about her kid.

In a society where people are willing to kill their unborn child to continue their studies or careers, this incident is shocking but not surprising.

GraceRune - 05.05.2023 05:23

Well done to these parents, you did the right thing. All children need our protection and as adults those carers have a duty of care.

J Rodriguez
J Rodriguez - 04.05.2023 23:31

Imagine recording to protect your child and other children and it being investigated for terrorism

Robz DeLucas
Robz DeLucas - 04.05.2023 19:50

The breakdown of society

Alisha Wolfe
Alisha Wolfe - 04.05.2023 19:02

'Sew' 😂😂 🤦🏻‍♀️

Nunyo - 04.05.2023 18:13

Should be Cameras in all day cares. If the employees don't like it get in another field of work. Grocery stores are recording but daycares arent? nah

Beauregard Rippey
Beauregard Rippey - 04.05.2023 17:06

The husband was a wet mop.

i11egitimate - 04.05.2023 15:24

Gotta be Ethan Hunt to keep your kids safe these days.

Jane Tannerevans
Jane Tannerevans - 04.05.2023 08:57

how about raising your children yourself instead of day care centers?

Meme Copeland
Meme Copeland - 04.05.2023 07:48

I know kids can be testy but if you cant be patient around kids just dont work there.

ellen okland
ellen okland - 04.05.2023 02:05

Welcome to the world. People are bastards.

Jesse - 04.05.2023 01:14

That is messed up!
Of course, you have a 1.5 year old kid, and you absolutely HAVE to both work, and send the poor kid to day care? Why did you have a child, exactly?

grunky0 - 04.05.2023 00:48

Sadly nothing will come of this. 👎

Berkie Allen
Berkie Allen - 03.05.2023 21:54

Black women are the worst stewards of children on planet Earth.

Integr8d - 03.05.2023 21:29


Bottom of the Map
Bottom of the Map - 03.05.2023 21:04

Exactly why you only get a daycare that has live video footage

Karmen - 03.05.2023 17:50

I honestly wish they would've put their faces on the screen, that way nobody in childcare can hire them‼

DruMcDoo - 03.05.2023 11:46

Great idea and commend her parents for exposing these criminals.
Would be a great to sew them into the clothes of the eldery being looked after in care homes too when abuse is suspected.
I have a friend who inspects UK nursing homes and says it's acomplete lottery whether they get good care or not. In her experience care varies from excellent to 'One flew over the cuckoo nest' style appalling sadistic treatment. This is in 2023.
