BEST WRITING SOFTWARE FOR WRITERS: Which Writing Tools and Software I Use and Recommend

BEST WRITING SOFTWARE FOR WRITERS: Which Writing Tools and Software I Use and Recommend

Write with Claire Fraise

3 года назад

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Paul Caskey
Paul Caskey - 25.10.2023 06:25

I'm surprised more people don't use Ulysses. I switched to it because Scrivener required the use of Dropbox.

Zack Francis
Zack Francis - 17.09.2023 23:08

Your cute Claire

kenneth fisher
kenneth fisher - 24.08.2023 18:54

I think you're gorgeous.

Dranipani - 22.08.2023 14:01

Excellent video and tips - thank you for that.

Rob Lovicz
Rob Lovicz - 15.08.2023 05:43

I love onenote for outlining and notes

Micah Madru
Micah Madru - 13.08.2023 02:00

Checked out scrivener and pro writing aid per your recommendations for my first book I'm working on.

Kasey Wahl
Kasey Wahl - 08.08.2023 13:26

I used Scrivener for a long time, but I've actually switched over to Notion for most everything organizationally speaking. I still use Scrivener for manuscripting, but world building, notes, outlining, goal-setting, and building a database that I can reference throughout the process are much easier to do in Notion. And Notion is free!

Notion feels like a piece of software made for digital natives. Scrivener feels like technology made for people who are transitioning from typewriters and cork boards into the digital world.

Sage McCann
Sage McCann - 05.08.2023 03:18

Hi Claire,

Thanks for sharing your approach to writing and some tools as well. I’m also using Scrivener for a science fiction/fantasy novel. My trouble is that I often get ideas for scenes, world building, and whatever else for my story…when I’m not actually writing; I end up quickly writing them down in a note on my iPhone I call my ‘scrapbook.’ It’s just a place for my brainstorming, like your sticky notes but a lot less organized. I need an app to not only quickly write ideas, but also organize and draw connections. Any suggestions?

bhadresh - 31.07.2023 10:19

very useful

Anna Hegenberg
Anna Hegenberg - 18.07.2023 13:41

In Scrivener you can also view the whole book in one linear document. The first icon of the three on the right side of the search bar does that. And there is a way to format in the compiling function that saves you a lot of editing dramat that you had when just compiling it instead. It is designed to do that. There is no live tracking on changes but if someone you send it to has scrivener as well, they can use Scrivener's tool to track changes and send that back to you. I think I just talked myself into using scrivener. I only don't like the fear of a zip file breaking or getting deleted and another small thing. I can't find what word can that scrivener cannot, besides of existing without the other. Anyway, play with Scrivener a bit too and you may want to change this video haha. Nice hair. Thank you for helping me with decisioinmaking

Frank Morales
Frank Morales - 10.07.2023 19:03

❤happy writing

maddetox - 01.06.2023 05:29

I use Scrivener to write in. I use Grammarly and Pro Write Aid to edit. I use Word for page layouts and send them to print.

ILTC - 25.05.2023 15:03

I've been searching through Scrivener videos and found yours. This was incredibly useful. Thank you for so many useful insights and such a powerfully succinct evaluation. I also enjoyed your energy level and enthusiasm. Post it notes are incredibly useful. At the moment I use them as a Kanban board for doing tasks on one of my home office walls. I think it is a great idea though for brain storming and keeping track of ideas and components as you assemble and place them. Whiteboards are great thinking tools too. I've taught a lot of ESL classes in a few countries as well as my own, and the minute I have a whiteboard marker and a whiteboard I am good to go. I haven't tried Prowritingaid before so will look into it. I have Scrivener downloaded but haven't used it yet. I've been pondering a plot line for a while now, and think I am ready to launch into it. I'm looking forward to exploring your videos. Please keep up the great work ! Cheers. Simon Inglis (Australia)

jrockdolly - 23.05.2023 02:41

have you ever tried dabble? - i appreciate your video. thank you.

michael phillips
michael phillips - 15.04.2023 20:43

How many books have you accidently or intentionally been the main character of ?...asking for a friend lol

Ross Farengael
Ross Farengael - 05.04.2023 17:10

Very interesting, this does give me a lot of tips, as a new writer.

M N - 31.03.2023 05:50

Have you used chapterly?

Logicallycommonsense - 30.03.2023 06:55

I have a book idea I would love to pitch to you are you interested?

Johnnie Pegues
Johnnie Pegues - 29.03.2023 02:43

Can you offer some suggestions for someone who writes longhand but does not type

makkuro - 21.03.2023 19:03

Thank you for the content and beautiful smile. Best wishes.

ProudAutism MommaBear
ProudAutism MommaBear - 16.03.2023 04:20

Sent this video to my teenager who writes his own rpg characters and backstories for fun…hoping he sees it as a career path.

Christian Tamminen
Christian Tamminen - 21.02.2023 23:37

I use Microsoft sticky notes. :) Sometimes it is just to quickly put down ideas or scenes. Words of dialogue. But then I end up with dual monitors full of sticky notes!!!!!!!!! 🤣But a great way to start. It is so easy to get confused in Microsoft Word. I used to use a great free script writing software that used word Macro's in the 90's... I think it was literal called 'Bob'. 🤣My problem has always been in planning a story first before I start writing. That isn't how my brain works, as I often start with a scene and it just grows from there. So I am resistant to plot it out mainly because I have no idea where it is going! :) That is probably why I have taken 25 years to finish my first film script. But it would be nice to have a programme to help me to get organised (My writing is like a teenagers bedroom :) ) and work out the plot as I go along. I wrote my first draft of a film script on an electronic typewriter. Then printed out the script and cut it up and pasted it onto another A4 sheet of paper for the shooting script. Yes, I am old 🤣 Isn't technology great :) Great video Claire. Keep doing what you love. Thank you.

Playbook PH
Playbook PH - 09.02.2023 14:00

I stumbled upon Dramatica Pro last 2012/2013 and everything you said you are doing is almost in that software; plus more. Sadly, their interface is outdated.

Aurelius451 - 10.12.2022 18:23

Thanks for sharing! I have used Rephrasely for most of my content writing. Have you tried that one?

Tempo Tronica
Tempo Tronica - 09.12.2022 09:54

Right now, I am using an app on my tablet called Novelist. It also has a browser version, but I haven't toyed around with it yet. My current plan is to write my book in novelist and then finish the formatting of my first draft in Libra Office.

errol brumm
errol brumm - 08.12.2022 19:16

Young Lady you can speak quicker than I can think at 78 years old. That's ok. I am writing a Book my first. Your input was great for my knowledge, and I believe it will be Scrivener. Happy Holidays as it may be. Stay well I may need some help. If so, I'll hunt down your videos. Happy writing. Thank you Errol

Ben Marshall
Ben Marshall - 17.11.2022 22:55

Me using the last three like two minutes before I turn on this video. 😅🤣

Zecharya Greiniman
Zecharya Greiniman - 13.11.2022 12:35

Hey, looking for some help as a writer for finding editors and publishers

classicstorm - 10.11.2022 06:10

Does anybody on here write on wattpad?...

Rach - 22.10.2022 19:39

LivingWritter seems like a cheaper alternative to Scrivenger if anyone is interested in that :D (not sponsored at all) and I'm trying it out before Scrivenger to see if I like something like it.

Madeline Allard
Madeline Allard - 20.10.2022 05:07

Loved how direct and concise you were. Thank you!

Ahmed Ragab
Ahmed Ragab - 18.10.2022 08:31


Felicia Conner
Felicia Conner - 17.10.2022 04:44

Super helpful and great video!

Fernando Villegas
Fernando Villegas - 12.10.2022 03:07

Little kid, you talk lot more than you write. Show the programs, talk less

Snozer69 - 30.09.2022 04:32

I've had this idea for an epic fantasy series in my mind since at least 8th grade. I had picked it up on and off again for years but for some reason never had the motivation to actually write more than like five chapters at a time in random google docs. Now, Sophomore year of college, I think it's time I actually sit down and start working on the first part of it. And this video helped me get a good idea on where to properly start.

Born Of The Phantom
Born Of The Phantom - 18.09.2022 08:59


Margaret Pinard
Margaret Pinard - 16.09.2022 16:57

Love how old-school the first three are! I'm handsy like that too 💯✍🏽

Seven - 13.09.2022 04:12

Your awesome I’m going to start my life story just for fun and yes I will have a bit of creative writing. Your video explains thoroughly thank you

pranav ravi
pranav ravi - 07.09.2022 22:39

I have a story in my mind its my first story please recommend a free outlining tool for writing

Bryson Brown
Bryson Brown - 03.09.2022 07:43

This was so helpful! thank you!

MelodicaWorld - 27.08.2022 19:50

Thanks, really helpful

StormOracle - 25.08.2022 17:16

I love Plottr for plotting. You can easily plot levels of your story, define and track characters, scenes, etc. Plus its much easier to move scenes around than in Excel.

DJ Hall
DJ Hall - 22.08.2022 10:05

Starting my first novel. Trying to get as much info about everything before beginning. Thanks for the help!

NARENDRA SHARMA - 14.08.2022 09:58

Is this in Hindi language?

David Neal
David Neal - 10.08.2022 00:11

your video was exactly what I was looking for thank you can you / have you done anthing to further illustrate how to utilize the excell plot grid ...thanks again!

OverlordMcGeek - 08.08.2022 23:44

I just use ywriter. It helps that the programmer of the software is a writer himself.

MVP Hamza
MVP Hamza - 27.07.2022 02:21

Helpful info thank you👌♥️

D. Wright
D. Wright - 23.07.2022 10:55

This was a very helpful video. I have been working on big ideas but have not known how really organize myself in a way that makes sense. I can already see how the plotting grid especially will just some of the anxiety of remembering things away. Big thank you.

Alla Uk
Alla Uk - 20.07.2022 18:33

Thank you for sharing your ideas for some of the writing platforms.
I use Microsoft Word Document 2016 version and it’s still works for me. I like how I can create notes, add picture illustrations for the scenes if I want to. Also, on the search magnifying glass symbol I can find words easier which it highlights them but if it’s too many of the same word it won’t show. :(
There is so much still I cannot fully figure out. But I try to stick with basics. Also, I’m not sure if they have a feature that can reference scenes, or words that were spoken in other chapters. Like if I read a story in Ch 1 and later find that “Word” or “Scene(s)” in another chapter like 4, 10. Which I hoped they had.
