How to Get RICH as a Remote Developer

How to Get RICH as a Remote Developer

Internet Made Coder

9 месяцев назад

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Last Spoil
Last Spoil - 19.10.2023 05:08

I'm from Washington DC. Can I get hired for a remote U.S. position and move to Germany to start a family with a German woman? True story

Workation in IT
Workation in IT - 12.10.2023 16:38

Workation - remote work is the best way to combine work and chill. Thank you for this inspiring material! 🙌

Andrew Do
Andrew Do - 27.09.2023 17:33

Great video! Traveling shouldn’t be the main reason to be a developer haha

Mario Herrera Jr
Mario Herrera Jr - 26.09.2023 18:56

Honestly as someone with a family and a life I don't really care about traveling the world! All I want is a better future for my family, but we all have different priorities.

Abacha Alaa Eddine Salah
Abacha Alaa Eddine Salah - 24.09.2023 13:19

I really like the content you're giving so i wanna know if it is possible to remove the background music that annoyed me as a Muslim

Bulaloi Tech
Bulaloi Tech - 11.09.2023 03:20

First step: be influencer

Ernest 'Mad Man' Munsch
Ernest 'Mad Man' Munsch - 09.09.2023 13:38

i'm better than u just saying

Volodymyr In Tech
Volodymyr In Tech - 09.09.2023 10:18

💛💙💛💙 Great video!

LIFE WITH RILLA - 09.09.2023 02:42

Honestly, I'm even debating getting a VPN & Router then going anyways. I know it's not really ethical but I'm not going to allow loyalty to a company to be the reason I put my life on hold. I'm willing to risk losing my job to be entirely remote & have location independence. I might lose my job but I fully intend on being proactive an saving about $100 usd per day in savings & having 12 months of emergency savings and continuing to grow my emergency savings so that I can figure it out. I'm not staying in the USA and there isn't a company that is going to force me to do so. I'm good.

LIFE WITH RILLA - 09.09.2023 02:25

How can I get in touch with you? I'm a software engineer looking for remote work. I see this was in Thailand I definitely want to be a digital nomad and return back to Thailand would love to discuss what you're building.

D Holland
D Holland - 07.09.2023 19:00

Bugs Bunny.... If you know, You know.

Keith Rincon
Keith Rincon - 06.09.2023 19:12

Good luck everyone! Thanks for another great video.

Saj Jeya
Saj Jeya - 06.09.2023 10:38

Finland sounds just like Canada but we get more snow lol

With Pikachu
With Pikachu - 05.09.2023 16:17

Freelance work: non-paying customers, taxes
Office work: salary in account, no worry about taxes
Customers who not pay are the biggest problem. Before taking job need to establish how they are going to pay. But that is something I am accepting.

Craig Gazimbi
Craig Gazimbi - 05.09.2023 11:03

Hello there! I want to express my gratitude for the video you shared. You mentioned that your tech startup will soon be recruiting remote developers. I'm eager to learn more about the tech stacks your startup will be looking for. This will allow me to prepare and enhance my skills for potential roles at your company in the future. Your insights and feedback are highly valued. Thank you!

Ankit Kumar
Ankit Kumar - 05.09.2023 08:26

Incredibly impressive! 🤩 Despite having worked as a remote software engineer for the past four years, I discovered numerous new insights from watching this video.

Jesse O
Jesse O - 05.09.2023 01:15

Brilliant video inspiring it's time to get to work. Many thanks.

passportbrohere - 04.09.2023 23:53

Guys, living abroad as a digital nomad is my dream, currently live in England and i need out. Ive been learning how to code for 9 months exactly ( backend, python) im doing well, i misunderstood how long it would take to learn backend i thought it was just normal front end time frame 6 months or so 😂 no, that is not the case. Backend is alot harder than frontend, like 40-50% harder i feel, which makes me feel good about myself actually as even though this wasn't my plan to take so long to learn, i feel it'll benefit me in the long run. Im so far into backend that im actually thinking, yes i can start applying for junior dev jobs soon, but maybe ill just take a few months longer and learn front end in about 3 months and ill be a full stack developer (junior) give myself the maximum opportunity to find work in well, anything lol, im also learning sql as we speak, my portfolio and resume is gonna look crazy (for a beginner) by summer 2024 please God ill be living somewhere in south America living my dream life
