5 UNFINISHED Storylines To Know For Borderlands 4

5 UNFINISHED Storylines To Know For Borderlands 4


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@pattyryan9437 - 28.11.2023 19:44

Tiny tinas story is single handedly carrying borderlands atm

@TackyKnacky - 31.10.2023 02:52

I think the warpath bl4 could take would be really interesting.

the plot in my head would be something like how the original eridians woke up from some sort of hybernation and saw how people have been opening their vaults so they decided to eradicate humans as a result. All pervious valulthunters including a new line of badasses would have to work together to fight for their existance. It would be super easy to rope the timekeeper, seventh siren, and all other loose plot threds into this overarching narrative that way.

The crystal dude from new tales could bring back characters like Maya, Scooter and Roland.

Another idea i had was that the seventh siren Nyriad warned about could be an eridian herself as a sort of prototype and/or Nyriad was that siren and was hybernating with the rest of her species.

The corporations could (try to) settle their differences to band together and assist the vault hunters.

Ava could die before the restoration of maya which would also be great.

@ririno8037 - 14.10.2023 03:11

Crazy Earl

@matthewmcdonald1812 - 11.10.2023 02:44

jack has done his story arc he does not need to come back and neither should he they need to make a new villain which i think with the trend of zainy unserious characters we could use someone who is 1: a serious threat 2: has goals beyond just power alone 3: isnt in constant contact with the characters preferably in way that the players and characters are seaching for him/her/they after discovering something they did in history or via unexplained phenomena and 4: preferably choosing weather or not the player was actually involved in the cutscenes. a serious villain would be a great way to change the image of ava which was destroyed in 3 when her arc really could have been good if maya's death was treated with any smidgeon of tact and probably would do a lot to show her (supposed) ability to lead or at least ability to learn. gameplay needs a overhaul but thats for a different video.

@kurtisvandermiller4507 - 08.10.2023 08:28

I personally think bl4s plot will have to do with dalh and vladoff. We have little no lore on them and what we do know is there mayjor super powers with dalh causing all the events of bl1 bl2 and the presequel. We know based off what tannis said dalh are evil and don't care for the people they just want power. We don't know anything on vladoff except moze fought for them and got the iron bear. Which tells us they got some mayjor power to be able to build multiple iron bears. We also know vladoff was the reason dalh didn't fully win the corporation wars and that both sidea have an uneasy truce and are building forces to kill each other. I think bl4 will see the leader of dalh as the main bad guy.

@damieon1783 - 06.10.2023 17:25

It would be epic to choose from every vault hunter in all the games No spinoff characters though please. Keep it to the Big 3...and consistant with characters that have died...although if that were true they could just kill off all the reamining vaulter hunters except 4 ... XD

@B0uff0s - 29.09.2023 14:20

just don't let any of the bl3 writers anywhere near the building. Find a way to undo the story dmg they did. Erase Eva and the morron twins, undo Tanis siren! (wtf was that? i replay bl2 now and its fucking insane and non-cannon for her to be a siren), leave the dead dead, get all alive Vault hunters back as playable characters with updater skill trees. Either do a small self-contained story or use Bl2 as a template, not super serious story that to gets to a final conclusion with a bang. No franchise with 200 sequels ended up well.

@ayyo5971 - 29.09.2023 10:28

Please dont mention, wonderlands🤢

@rileytaylor6622 - 27.09.2023 11:49

I just want the original Tales from the Borderlands crew back together again, after the car crash that was New Tales, it made me miss their story even more.

@dragonhunterhumphrey9234 - 25.09.2023 04:53

jack could come back with the gem as; one of the reasons for him being evil was the death of his wife which the gem has the power to return to him under the deal of assistant. this would also if done right give us chance to see how jack would change or if he would change if given a complete second chance. note (in my opinion being AI jack isn't a second chance as an AI ghost detach from it all and possibly limited in action as his data is base on crazy jack I'm willing to text/say that jack may act differently than it.)

@endplanets - 18.09.2023 09:08

Tough to do a war story against the themes of vault hunting mercs and corporate greed.
But… you can make it work by having the war happen off screen. The 4 new Vault Hunters are looking to dodge the draft, find vaults to sell to the army, corporate war profiteering, and fill in for mercs who shifted to military fighting.

@carpenters9034 - 14.09.2023 15:40

I would love a jack and claptrap mission where those two are fighting to be the leader off the mission 😂😂

@erikdenwalt4801 - 13.09.2023 07:18

I hope they hired different writers for the new game. Not a fan of 3 at all unfortunately.

@Urusovite - 11.09.2023 11:53

It will be woke trash.

@josephsuarez7629 - 05.09.2023 03:41

I think it would be cool if Lilith got transported to a planet made of eridium and gets addicted to it and becomes a crazy powerful siren who's gone crazy from the addiction

@agenttexx - 01.09.2023 02:21

I'm not interested in Borderlands 4. Borderlands 3 was a waste of time and money. Borderlands 4 will just be another cash grab by Gearbox.

@garra277 - 31.08.2023 04:17

There are only 2 places to have more story for borderlands in my opinion. The 1st is: We find out who or why Angel got her powers, as Angel talks and helps guide the vault hunters of BL1 & BL2 while making Jack do everything he did, as we find out in the Tannis quest in BL3. It would be cool to play as the technomancer siren, and the story can take place in the outer rims or something like that long before BL1 with some other Vault hunters. The 2nd is that we pick up after BL3 in which your video is perfect for exploring new avenues of the story.

@CheeriosofChaos - 29.08.2023 03:11

Does anyone know the outro song? Thanks.

@user-wf2ql6mb7i - 20.08.2023 13:29

i feel sad thinking borderlands will end one day

@BJI82a - 19.08.2023 04:24

I think we might get past heros and villans back to face something bigger than the destroyer and this time it will break the 6 siren rule to even have a chance. Mancubis might know more than we are let on to like how to beat the destroyer or what is on the other side of it’s prison cell and we never saw Steel’s siren power in the first one so maybe we get to play as her in 4 or maybe DLC. Also I think the vault monsters are failed warrior projects and we could find a way to talk to them and get them to join us like a mass effect 3 final battle. Whenever we hear something about 4 it should make us happy that we are getting news and to think about what we will be shooting at next.

@Tycholarfero - 18.08.2023 13:18

I kinda want them to expand on the Eridium cartels that the seasonal event was about, there's potential for really cool stuff there

@AkiSan0 - 12.08.2023 12:55

"its part of the story" - no its not, as with other lorebreaking BS we can just ignore New tales as "non-lore".

@Vert_GreenHeart - 11.08.2023 03:20

I honestly can't give a fk anymore... There is no way modern Gearbox can ever make a decent game nowadays... I'm 300% sure of that!

@lapine.mp4lapine.mp350 - 08.08.2023 19:50

honestly the stories of bl3 and new tales should just get thanos snapped away

@sodopegamesSavageJack - 07.08.2023 12:59

We don't talk about telltales second go at borderlands

@Weasel_Patrol - 30.07.2023 07:55

God i hope they dont do an endgame

@graemeorr5884 - 29.07.2023 16:01

Borderlands 3 story was a dumpster fire, the whole story was basically men dumb woman great 😂

@UFOxolo - 26.07.2023 19:57

I just wanna see Athena again, my first main, my favorite main.

@kacektv9405 - 26.07.2023 01:36

Something Ive wondered about Lilith and her powers post Vault opening and with Eridium returning to Pandora is that in 2 there is a bit of timey wimey ness at work with her. We traverse like 2 maps spanning miles and fighting tons of foes to get to the Highlands where Floating Sanctuary reappears but Lilith teleported away again at least an hour ago and is just now showing up on our screens. Sure you could explain that its a cool visual and they just wanted to see it again but it does seem like her Firehawk powers in general dont really adhere to the laws of time and space especially when pushed to their limits. So Lilith could just show up somewhere in the universe years from now and feel like she just left which could be interesting as we again were warned "Not to find the 7th" and currently until Lilith reconsitiutes in the main timeline there is only 6(or 5 but Leech presumably is on its way to someone) sirens which falls in line with the rules of the universe meaning Lilith's return could be the inciting incident that kicks off 4s storyline especially if that story finally IS what The Watcher warned about

@danieltoman7334 - 24.07.2023 16:12

And psycho Krieg too.

@danieltoman7334 - 24.07.2023 15:59


@mrkaipied3695 - 23.07.2023 16:35

i hope the great war is pandora the planet actually gets opened as a vault

@allhailblopwobbel9550 - 22.07.2023 06:21

(Are we also just going to ignore the new u station exists and how Maya could easily use it and how Roland could use it?)

@user-gt7vi9jm9m - 21.07.2023 03:33

As much as i love jack, i dont want tje series to rely on him for a good villian.

@christiandeltoro5128 - 16.07.2023 09:03

I want to be able to play all of the vault hunters that are still left plus new ones in this new game. 9-14 how ever many there are total.

@voidfields5065 - 16.07.2023 07:09

yeah i hope the writters for tales 2 are fired and blacklisted from the industry cause HOLY SHIT GOD ITS GENUINELY WORST WRITTING THE 3 AND I THOUGHT THAT WAS THE WORST WRITTEN MEDIA YET

@ravimanne8148 - 16.07.2023 06:59

Surprised you didn't mention the 7th siren lol

@JimmyScene69 - 15.07.2023 16:09

Would Jack even come back if all Vault Hunters came back? Since he was never a playable character, it'd be Timothy instead no?

I don't think there's anything to be gained by bringing him back, his story is complete.

@mercilessradio1770 - 15.07.2023 02:44

Screw New Tales From The Borderlands. Suckfest.

@mrxnacho7925 - 14.07.2023 20:29

I want to know what happened to the claptrap we build for claptrap that hasn't been awarded

@davidpiche9321 - 14.07.2023 07:41

Okay but what if jack comes back as an ally and takes a bullet for Roland in a redemption arc

@yesahumaniam730 - 14.07.2023 07:22

If they plan to use the crystal to bring back characters, they should use the ones we couldn’t play as Vault Hunters for Vault Hunters
Handsome Jack aka The Hero
General Knoxx aka The General
Zarpadon aka The Forgotton
Sledge aka Not Your Friend/The Legend

Of course these are my opinion but I would to see these guys as playable characters

@cntipede1000 - 13.07.2023 23:50

New tales was a axe to the face of Borderlands

@nahimhernandez7527 - 13.07.2023 02:05

We all know the story went bullshit in borderlands 3, they dont know how to write it any more, so it is a reboot or another tell.

@jamesfin1296 - 12.07.2023 07:11

The reason he's not in the third game is because he gets killed off.
In borderlands pre sequel. When you get to ultimate true vault Hunter mode. You'll hear everyone ask Athena to tell the story again. She asks way and the reason why is because sum of them haven't heard the story yet.
But they also tell her that Lilith is "dealing with that alien thing" so they got time to hear the story again. This is why he doesn't return

@mkloven101 - 12.07.2023 06:32

Most like bl4 will be about trying to revive old friends back by time traveling maybe? Find and Defeat the timekeeper then start traveling. Maybe find jack to make him a good guy? Idk.

@mkloven101 - 12.07.2023 06:25

After Bl3 and wonderlands, i really hope gearbox learned their lesson. Bl4 has to be perfect

@TuxTxFpv - 11.07.2023 19:40

Hopefully we get filled in on how Ava died between BL3 and BL4. Hope Tina blew her up, but wouldn't mind if Brick "breaks the bat" with her. But seeing how gearbox nerfs and buffs things, Ava is going to get a whole lot worse.

@temmieton9755 - 11.07.2023 11:29

I feel like people forget that Pre-Sequel takes place before Borderlands 2. And the main point of Borderlands 2 is that, The Crimson Raiders and Hyperion are at WAR
