How Phantom Forces Players See: Energy Assault

How Phantom Forces Players See: Energy Assault

Moon's FPS Studio

1 год назад

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Moon's FPS Studio
Moon's FPS Studio - 07.05.2023 16:55

Which Games Should "TheAverage_PFGamer" Check Out Next?
Comment down below!

Sweet Johnson
Sweet Johnson - 18.09.2023 16:47

First I played this game because I was traumatized by Arsenal, like bro, I play on mobile and Arsenal doesn't fit me. So I seek for easier game and I found this, "Energy Assault"

Jordan Cook
Jordan Cook - 14.09.2023 22:52

I play energy assault to

- 05.09.2023 19:16

the energy assault animations are made through scripts btw 💀

Samuel White
Samuel White - 04.09.2023 19:31

dude energy assault is literally ph but better

✨ useless ✨
✨ useless ✨ - 20.08.2023 04:31

energy assault had a massive glow up and it looks godly so i hope you try it again and compare it

Calliris - 19.08.2023 17:31

How phantom forces players sees rolling thunder next maybe?

Thauros - 15.08.2023 02:40

I don't know if you're supportive of Furries or not, maybe you have no Opinion but..
I'd love to see you take a look at "Merc Fleet"
It's a fast-paced Third-Person PVP Shooter.
It has a somewhat big Arsenal of guns and the More expensive guns aren't p2w.
They all are different.

The game also has Aim assist considering that it's fast-paced and people move Really damn fast.
Of course you can toggle off the Aim assist if you so wish, but the game is REALLY hard that way.
also some guns have Smaller Aim assist radius than others to make it more balanced.

FloppyTV - 14.08.2023 11:07

Bro u need to plat Operation:Siege bru🗿

Resting Raven
Resting Raven - 05.08.2023 04:39

If you do decent in PF, you can DOMINATE in energy assault. The skill ceiling is much lower and the movement is so much more predictable.

Dr.SwagPHDinDrip - 01.08.2023 06:12

Yeah I played Energy Assault for a while to take a break from Phantom Forces, and I took me about 2 hours to reach level 50, and then another 4 to reach level 100. I’m currently Level 148 as of now, I haven’t played in a loooonnnggg time (aka a year and a half ago).

𝒯𝒞 𝚜𝚙𝚎𝚎𝚍𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛
𝒯𝒞 𝚜𝚙𝚎𝚎𝚍𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛 - 31.07.2023 20:08


HummBugg 🐝
HummBugg 🐝 - 28.07.2023 03:55

the snipers are even worse in vr 😪😪😪

HummBugg 🐝
HummBugg 🐝 - 28.07.2023 03:49

as a pro energy assault vr player, this is a w video

Trong Hieu Chu
Trong Hieu Chu - 27.07.2023 12:40

Moon's FPS i play phantom force i thought pre buy mean buying gamepass i thought buying gun higher than my level are no difference than level reward

Bruhhh - 26.07.2023 16:59

I play this game as assassin ( knife only ) and the hit box knife very BRUH i hit enemy leg and SOME how they still live ‘———‘ ( i dea
after that 10/10 knife hit box )

Unfunny_Guy - 23.07.2023 02:02

"the only stats that are displayed is the damage the fire mode the fire rate and the mag capacity" this man really switchde fire mode and fire rate

mloaders funny alt account
mloaders funny alt account - 23.07.2023 01:25

fun fact energy assault has auto fire for mobile players which is really broken with phones that can run the game at 60 fps there was a nerf for it recently but its delayed by 0.02 which didnt help to much and mobile players get kills by accident most of the time, and the dessert eagle one shots on the head which is why mobile players use it, the knife was fixed by giving players a collision box for both teams which was a bit annoying on your team, still kinda wished they at least kept it on the other team

•°Rengoku°• - 22.07.2023 05:06

Phantom Forces... anyone can get you ban if they have everyone on their side. although it didnt happen to me. My bro who is defs a good player and a OG player was recently banned.

Xaruzo - 21.07.2023 10:52

Lv 500 in Energy Assault and you have no life

Verified Cookie
Verified Cookie - 20.07.2023 01:30

Don't come complaining in the comment section go complain to the devs.

gaisan - 14.07.2023 09:19

Bootleg modded phantom force

lilmoris1 - 12.07.2023 20:19

Energy Assault is very fun, but the gunplay is not that great. Half the guns are fucking useless too. And the G36C is the best gun in the game with how bugged it is, that gun has never been fixed and can 1 shot alot of times for no fucking reason.

Alasdair Morrison
Alasdair Morrison - 09.07.2023 22:06

Ok phantom forces is cool, but I have this game called RECOIL by the guys who made rolling thunder, it has kill streaks and is much better, go play that you nerds

Purple Protogen V.9002
Purple Protogen V.9002 - 09.07.2023 06:39

When i played this before the thing i got most excited abt was getting the achievement "One man army"

Jiggo_ - 06.07.2023 23:52

I used to play this game a couple years ago, I might revisit it to feed my god complex.

NoahTheBoredOne - 05.07.2023 19:59

this man rates first person shooter roblox games like gordon Ramsey

Agnieszka Radowska
Agnieszka Radowska - 05.07.2023 19:34

my rang is 131

Dc2zerØ.TuRochooo$icario-El Loko de la Glock
Dc2zerØ.TuRochooo$icario-El Loko de la Glock - 05.07.2023 16:06

Jajaa re Copa La Miniatura

Boredwha - 03.07.2023 07:02

The fact that the AA12 exist in this game, And it's Powerful just like the PF AA12, it suffers me alot

Hot Dog Man
Hot Dog Man - 01.07.2023 03:50

How about making Phantom Forces player play an actual game outside of roblox it's something like:

How Phantom Forces players see Battlefield or how Phantom Forces players see Titanfall.

Rixsal - 26.06.2023 10:08

I have played before phantom force before i kinda no now

NightStalker MJ
NightStalker MJ - 22.06.2023 22:40

Problem is there is a gun where you can’t prebuy attachments In phantom forces it’s the boxy buster but the boxy has the same attachment unlock ranks as other weapons like the 2k unlock for a sight

Zeeboss276 - 19.06.2023 21:49

Hey Moon, you must really love sonic OSTs in your videos. Since you do, will you play any sonic games for YT?

Nick og liam aaaahhhrrrrrrr
Nick og liam aaaahhhrrrrrrr - 17.06.2023 09:11

Me is a rank 141

Your_l0xcal._swan!James - 16.06.2023 15:57

Moon’s FPS: sees crane

Also Moon’s FPS: Roblox PF Vietnam flashbacks

DaToxicJay - 16.06.2023 04:36

theres a new update they redid alot of things like the gun stats changed

Asher Spy
Asher Spy - 15.06.2023 03:29

Can you go play this on mobile

Wruxiz - 13.06.2023 22:30

Energy assault is by far my favorite and personal opinion, best, FPS game on roblox. Its so good, the art direction is really unique, almost halo esc. One thing I always hated about phantom forces especially were the maps. They SUCK, and I mean theyre really really really bad. Theyre way too open and it just makes the gameplay so frustrating when youre always being shot at by someone from half way across the map, meanwhile youre fighting the dude thats Infront of you.

Poopfartpoop827 - 11.06.2023 09:06

Come back the update is here!!!

Tattalo - 07.06.2023 16:36

As a huge Energy Assault player, I laughed every single time he said that a mechanic in Energy Assault should be added in Phantom Forces because I can relate LMAO.

Focal Flare
Focal Flare - 07.06.2023 15:39

Any desert map in any FPS game: Exists
Moon: Desert Storm variant...

TomTime - 06.06.2023 15:41

Hello! I really enjoyed watching your video. You made a lot of great points that I have been discussing for a long time. I am well-known in the EA community and have been playing for a while. Your observations about the sniper points were spot on. It's frustrating that they don't one-shot and the bullet speed is painfully slow, rendering them useless. Additionally, the knifing is the worst I've ever seen, especially since you get knives for placing in the top 1, 2, or 3 in the weekly leaderboard. It's ironic that the knife trophy is more useful as a decoration than as a weapon. Although you mentioned the knife menu in the shop that has knife skins you can buy and add to your inventory, I didn't see any mention of the mobile auto-shoot feature which allows you to shoot automatically if the crosshair is on an enemy. There's even a running joke in the server where players share pictures of deaths they've experienced due to mobile auto-shoot deagels, which one-tap enemies (but snipers dont...). Overall, I loved your video and subscribed.

iinr_Guest001 - 05.06.2023 05:53

I remember I did a pistol only game in energy assault. I got like 70+ kills and only like 3 deaths in 3-4 minutes

It's AIQ Gamez
It's AIQ Gamez - 02.06.2023 21:27

Bro can u play warzone

Doughnot Eat
Doughnot Eat - 31.05.2023 19:26

There are guns in energy assault that can 2 tap to the head past 110 studs it can no longer it becomes a 3 tap head these guns are Ak47, Groza, SKS, Dragonov SVDS, and other guns I haven't mention the M82 which is a sniper rifle that behaves like a DMR can 2 tap to the torso and drops all the way down to 49 damage past 120 studs so the the damage for this weapon is 84-49 I recommend you should grid for the revolver and other battle rewards gun exclusive the only problem is that if there is this mission called Win 1 Gun Game it make it nearly impossible to complete sometimes because of cheaters in this game right?
