Why would ANYONE buy Gatsby??

Why would ANYONE buy Gatsby??

Theo - t3․gg

1 год назад

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@user-nj9fi2si9q - 07.04.2023 09:53

You look like Joffrey Baratheon

@WojciechKauznymr - 13.02.2023 13:57

DataLayer and Images -> these are gatsby strong suites. Nextjs desperately needs a datalayer...

@andresgutgon - 03.02.2023 22:35

My theory, aqurire-hire

@sbstnssndn4868 - 03.02.2023 21:11

I know it's none of my biz but I think you look better without it.

@glamshell - 03.02.2023 15:48

I’m probably the outlier here in that I used Gatsby to learn React. It was a combination of where I was at in looking at alternatives to React, along with the practicality of being able to deploy a static website. The side project that I used Gatsby for ended up being some thing I left to the wayside. I think there are a dozen or so dependencies that I’m getting warnings for now, and I just kind of gave up on maintaining it.

@onuralkan190 - 03.02.2023 15:22


@nextfangtechlead6239 - 03.02.2023 11:49

Cus Leo Dicaprio comes with it, duh! 🥸

@ari.joel.m - 03.02.2023 08:07

Back then I built an image heavy website and Gatsby was by far the better option. It is similar to today's Next's Image optimization but Gatsby had that years ago and it was the best(IMO it is still better because you could easily do image blurring and other effects while the full image is loading and it was extremely fast). Also, all the plugins made it so easy to connect to any CMS,- with mostly everything provided out of the box. It truly was like the Wordpress for React devs. I think Gatsby pioneered many features that we see today in other frameworks.

@arturamorfati - 03.02.2023 08:03

congrats 100k!

@arturamorfati - 03.02.2023 08:01

that stache thou🔥🔥🔥

@Chris-cq3by - 03.02.2023 07:24

dye the stache, dooo it

@danvilela - 03.02.2023 04:45

Like in the movie, bro die in the end

@Gaijin101 - 03.02.2023 04:39

Theo becoming Stalin of JS xD

@Nonsense116 - 03.02.2023 03:58

Goodness that stache is creepy...

@creatorsremose - 03.02.2023 00:15

The crazy-eye stare wasn't enough, the stache really drove it home. Nicely done. Waiting for the Netflix special on the bodies you keep in your basement.

@michaelblum4557 - 02.02.2023 21:35

I have to say - coming from CRA, I genuinely loved working with gatsby. Things like routing and programmatic page generation in node were so easy and intuitive, the cool things you could do in the browser file, the satisfaction of ssg instant page loading coming from CRA, the link and image components… I don’t agree with some of these other comments that the dx was shit. I probably wouldn’t use it for a new site, but still maintain some stuff in it today and have a good time.

@jrupp2823 - 02.02.2023 21:17

ok can’t lie the mustache looks good

@mako3010 - 02.02.2023 20:39

Try using ultraviolet shampoo and conditioner - helps with yellowing

@xWe2s - 02.02.2023 20:05

aaaaah my gaaaad, mustache.. UM NO, MAN, NO.


@ngprnk - 02.02.2023 18:37

They wanted to get developers behind it not the framework itself. ?

@mosescosme8629 - 02.02.2023 18:36

Not gonna lie, as a Gatsby fanboy, I was expecting you to just sh*t all over Gatsby and I was ready to defend it. But we agree completely on this point. That's neat lol

@otockian - 02.02.2023 18:25

Gatsby was so overhyped, I remember using that for a while and what massive, MASSIVE pain in the ass that thing was. When NextJs came about I never looked back, and I will never understand why anyone would use Gatsby today with so many significantly better options. Mind boggling. But I also don't understand why anyone would use Netlify today with so many better options, either so I guess there's that.

@Salafrazz - 02.02.2023 18:10


@ehsanpo - 02.02.2023 17:59

I run Gatsby for a big company for 2 years! we HAD to move to nextjs because of Gatbyjs Memory issue on bigger sites!!! and thats why they build the Cloud version of it!

@muradbashirov6435 - 02.02.2023 17:57

nice mustache

@taufiqdev - 02.02.2023 17:52


@luxusAI - 02.02.2023 17:48

nice fakestache

@toddribnek6660 - 02.02.2023 17:47

Agree. With Next.js or Astro, Gatsby is slowly becoming non appealing for SSG. I think the data layer argument is valid and can be a good way to at least use headless WordPress as a CMS. The only issue is that even as headless, WordPress will make you use plug-ins that may or may not be maintained.

@TaraBryn - 02.02.2023 17:03

I tried gatsby for like 5 mins and thought it was super clunky. I then tried astro and it's not without it's issues, but is imo a lot smoother than gatsby

@netronominom2850 - 02.02.2023 17:02

We want blonde mustache too

@wiztek1197 - 02.02.2023 16:28

What is on your face man

@0xf01 - 02.02.2023 16:25

fuck it, it like the stache

@cowabunga2597 - 02.02.2023 16:10

Mom: Stached Theo cannot hurt you kiddo.
Stached Theo:

@edgarasben - 02.02.2023 16:08

I guess Contentlayer is also worth mentioning here. Clearly a trend here standardizing the content layer.

@Ironication - 02.02.2023 15:36

Digging the new stache

@dixztube - 02.02.2023 15:21

That stash is legit. Keep dat ! He’s morphin into prime 😂 hoodies next month while prime goes super saiyain 2 and wear fresh cuts.

@dinckelman - 02.02.2023 15:09

Of all companies, this makes a ton of sense for netlify specifically

@demystifyingdev - 02.02.2023 15:04

You make an excellent point, I was wondering about why Netlify would do this, with so many other superior, more modern static site generators. But there isn´t a dearth of SSG, there is a dearth of flexible marshalling of content ... with ContentLayer in Next, with Nuxt´s Content module, and with Astro 2´s content collections, etc., all attempting to address this fundamental gap... and yes, Gatsby got this right, right from the start. Even the guy who wrote what is today WPGraphQL now works for WP Engine and no longer for Gatsby. So, yes, Netlify´s move is brilliant. Thanks for pointing that out so succinctly!

@crade47 - 02.02.2023 14:51


@RedStone576 - 02.02.2023 14:40

to try to compete against vercel

@pushingprimitives - 02.02.2023 14:07

Gatsby is great when it works. I’ve had a site working great, woke up the next day and it isn’t working…because reasons. Delete package-lock. Delete node_modules. Maybe get it working again. Maybe.

@julianfbeck - 02.02.2023 14:04

love the fake stache

@whitefluffycloud - 02.02.2023 13:30

If you have an old Wordpress site, and want to move to something more modern like this, is the idea to keep using Wordpress for content management? Keep creating content in Wordpress, but use it as a headless CMS? And then use the datalayer to fetch content from Wordpress, and bang it out in a modern framework?

@hynekss8618 - 02.02.2023 13:13

Gatsby was fine; it was pioneering in many ways. The later frameworks (including Next with its SSG, ISR, etc.) have the huge advantage that they can learn from Gatsby's mistakes and choose a better way.

@pedroserapio8075 - 02.02.2023 13:09

It was interesting when I moved out of Wordpress, but now that Astro is out, Gatsby looks super bloated and over engineered to generate static websites.

@meeko6692 - 02.02.2023 13:08

nice {{, looking good

@akshattamrakar9071 - 02.02.2023 12:26

That ugly moustache

@hamzahmd_ - 02.02.2023 12:18

That point of modern WordPress integration can be a key.

@pif5023 - 02.02.2023 11:39

I am still missing a library that you can plug into your express project that transforms a specific route path and just that route into a static website with island type hydration. Researching I ended up using bare React dom server giving up partial hydration as other frameworks don’t seem to be “humble” enough to fit into other projects and instead demand to be the main focus of the project. Perhaps my use case is very niche.
