Stop Being Socially Awkward: 10 Behaviors That Make You Look Weird

Stop Being Socially Awkward: 10 Behaviors That Make You Look Weird

How Communication Works

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@sampedro9316 - 31.01.2024 23:24

ehhh It's too late for me.

@Andre_Ons_Marshall - 30.01.2024 04:29

So what if I'm weird and a loner? I'm not changing because of society. Yes I have no friends and chronic I'll, but I'm not fixing myself. I'm also diagnosed with autism so I'm different so what

@jojo5715 - 28.01.2024 02:46

I agree with most of what was said, but weird people who lack a filter or disclose too much can sometimes be fun people. It depends on whether they are positive people with good intentions, some weird people shouldn't change.

@Getsomeonelse - 22.01.2024 10:20

This is so helpful!

@Thomas.Patrick.Pearl. - 18.01.2024 15:00

Your channel name is "How communication works" but then you proceed to explain how BAD comunication works.
Comunication means a relation between two or more beings of trading information.
For trading information you dont need to be careful to not be "weird"(this word is always bad used, weird doesnt mean bad it just means low probable or non usual. People think something weird is bad because they believe on the fallacy of "just because its weird its bad") you just need to communicate. You just need to send a message. For doint that you dont need to use the muscles of your face, thats degenerate uneficient and bad comunication. For comunicating you dont need to act in a certain way. You just need to do whatever sign or sound to another person for sharing your message.

@vinikak8214 - 18.01.2024 08:24

Let me support that person at the beginning of this video and her friends: it’s ok to be slightly awkward as long as you keep moving, connecting with people, be kind and healthy confident and doing right things. It’s your authenticity! Accept yourself and others, enjoy diversity.

@awissink08 - 17.01.2024 20:59

All of these things sound like Autism.

@OneVoiceGlobal - 17.01.2024 02:07

Omg whatever dude fuck it ima start my own social shit

@ascendmeditationandsoundhub - 13.01.2024 17:10

Why would you manipulate your personality to be accepted by people who don't like you for who you are in the first place. This is the proof that people want you to be a proper human. Id rather a person do their work to figure out why they think I'm weird and ask me the right questions than to fake how I am to please them.

@gabrielpowers766 - 12.01.2024 21:37

It's funny how things are. I grew up terribly shy all my life well into adulthood. My Dad was a social butterfly but for some reason I didn't learn how to be social from him. Years later though in my 40's I met a man that offered to train me to be a commission salesman for certain products. (Real products, no multi level marketing bullskate.) Now this guy was very social. He could talk to anyone at anytime just like my Dad used to be able to do. He wasn't near as smart as my Dad though but he was no dummy. It was really hard for me, but I followed him around as he called on customers and watched what he did and did my best to not be shy. After about a year and a half I had gotten over my shyness. He retired and I bought out his business. Now I can talk to anyone. I've gotten good at conversation. Everywhere I go now people know me and are glad to see me because they say I'm a friendly guy. Being shy was a great hindrance in my life. I'm glad I got over it. It wasn't easy. I could train a shy person to not be shy too if anyone out there needs that. Being socially adept is a skill that can be learned.

@Stevo-klo45453 - 06.01.2024 09:11

Infj and infp personality types are 80% what you mentioned- I must say; some people will think I’m weird while others think I’m cool. It’s also the same as the saying: beauty is in the eye of the beholder. It’s the same with personalities and behaviours they dislike or like in people. Social norms must be practiced to paint the picture of humbleness and being chill.

@therambler3713 - 04.01.2024 21:02

Juat befriend people that are experts at socializing. And learn from them. That's what I did.

@tifjackson - 04.01.2024 12:00

#7 and #9 are very difficult for me. #7 because I feel I almost have to share because 1. it gives context to help people understand that I have been through a lot and that may be what causes me to behave in a way that they may think is "weird". Also, I often don't share things because when I do they tend to ask questions like "why this, or why that? or why? why? why?" and ultimately the reason is usually something traumatic that I have experienced or lived through and I want to avoid that entire process by just being vague. It's like I can't win for losing. I feel myself shaking and getting upset everytime I have to go through the initial small-talk stages of getting to know someone because I know that unless i flat-out lie nothing I say is going to be what people expect or want to hear. My story is not "normal". Regarding #9 I've had so many bad experiences that I am terrfied jump in or accept an invitation to a conversation because it starts the cycle all over again. With 'back-channel cues' I don't like people doing that to me when I am talking so I always stay silent when people talk to me. I may nod and change expression but I don't make the random hmmmm mhmmm sounds. That's annoying because usually people do that to me to an exxagerated degree when they really don't care or aren't listening. And yes I do lack empathy because I've been through so much and I feel dead inside. No one since before foster care has treated me with kindness and compassion and I don't feel the need to do it for others. I am just trying to pay my bills.

@user-sj9ty5eg4d - 04.01.2024 08:54

I was actually being really insecure about myself and my social skills for a while. It started with a internship where the people where extremely toxic and immature the constant insult projected was Weird or odd. However after leaving (claiming they fired me)it left my self feeling insecure but after a while and watching videos like this one I wasn’t socially awkward at all. In fact found out they where notoriously known as the “losers and outcasts” and where most likely projecting their insecurities on to me because for once they were able to have the upper hand on someone. Btw, they went out of business due to people not wanting to go their anymore and embezzlement.

I currently started my own business and creeps have the nerve to come back asking for a job!! All I could do is just laugh and say, get the hell outta here!

@libee13 - 04.01.2024 00:38

Too many ads. But this is very interesting.

@VENUEATHENS - 03.01.2024 15:55

My experience is, avoid Americans at all cost.. Too Toxic and Rancid to interact with, besides they might decide to sue so they can wag their fingers at u.. They love to do that

@mexykpietrov - 02.01.2024 19:16

Looks like I’m not socially awkward at all. Just came here to check 😅

@Springtrapped_forever - 01.01.2024 02:19

But I am socially awkward 😂

@hucklesnook1848 - 31.12.2023 03:30

You can't learn empathy bro. 🤣That's been proven.

@hucklesnook1848 - 31.12.2023 03:24

So basically, remember how you wanted to get high school over with because of all the catty BS? Well... that's the modern dating world, and that's why more people today PREFER to be single.

@ekagage - 30.12.2023 07:30

I think a gentleman or a gentlewoman who is worldly, not judgmental, and has grace, love, charm, and compassion can talk with and invite people into conversation and no one has to feel awkward.

@estelleschneider9033 - 27.12.2023 10:32

Only Jesus can help us ...character faultsb...hangups...anything
Hindering us God can do..he createdvusvand knows our in Him..
Spent far too long waating years in Counseling...
I am an introvert..I like being and introvert...I also like the people in my life. GOD PLACED in my life.. do I need to make an effort.. situations have not come up in this season of my life...
I am aware from experience
That put into a room of people. I have never met I do tend to wang to go to the bathroom ...I stay on friendliness...
This I s not my favorite socisl situation..I prefer casual times spent with friends..
Relaxing ...enjoying company
Being an introvert is not a bad healthier than 24-7,needing to be a social butterfly .. each person God made is different thanking Him ❤❤❤❤🥰💞💕

@JerHetrick - 26.12.2023 18:19

Ive reached a point in my life where I for the most part completely avoid any unnecessary human interaction. Ive come to the realization that this is the #1 thing that is holding me back in life.

@Pauli-xl8nr - 25.12.2023 21:31

Being social is the biggest social construct of them all, being social ultimately means being fake and not yourself. You are not obliged to anyone to do anything. It's enough to have one close friend. Don't be a fake phony with a lot of fake friends, the problem with this society that these people are viewed as successful. In my eyes not anymore. Follow your own rules, maintain eye contact as long as you want, don't pretend to make it any longer or shorter, just be yourself. Talk about anything you want with anyone, it's their problem, and don't follow the authority- support equality in society. Hate this fake(social) society with its rules of how to fake things(aka being social).

@TTCISGOAT - 15.12.2023 17:50

This video helped me realize I was doing slit of these wrong

@RicklessSanchez - 12.12.2023 15:02

I wish immature autistic need to quit that sh!t.

@aidenmoro7583 - 09.12.2023 01:59

Im great in social situations with friends, but when im meeting someone new or in authority I get extremely anxious. I could no all the tricks in the book, but when my hands start shaking and my face turns red there isn’t much I can do 😭

@maxmillionoya4570 - 08.12.2023 19:11

I considered myself a young broken outsider, in watching this so I don't go down the wrong path.

@JamesKonzek-xr5zy - 07.12.2023 19:59

My career counselor always told me I wasn't like the other kids. 🤣🎉

@user-fx9vi9pf4z - 04.12.2023 15:07

Fuck that

@JeffZuccMusk - 04.12.2023 08:21

I don't have trouble with these points. My problem is being nervous. I feel judged. Especially about my looks and voice. I overthink how I sound. I focus so much on my voice that my mind goes blank. My voice shakes and gets weird. Then I don't want to talk anymore and I panic. I shorten my sentences and might end up just using short words like yeah, sure, right, I guess. Short words so my voice doesnt shake. I have huge fear of telling long stories.

@bwash6743 - 30.11.2023 05:14

What I find difficult is knowing how toninteract with minorities but white people.... smh... they have all these rules.

@bwash6743 - 30.11.2023 05:07

What if I do want to share about myself. Or I have had times where people disclose but don't ask me about me, so I assume they don't want to know. I don't offer when I don't know if they want to know more or are done talking about themselves.

@Manhunternew - 28.11.2023 20:26

I think people are too attached to social norms and are afraid when people deviate from them

@Aria-nl3xp - 28.11.2023 04:11

Because of people like you

@Aria-nl3xp - 28.11.2023 04:11

No offense go fuck yourself we are who we are!

@Eli1993. - 25.11.2023 23:28

At this point i dont give a flying fuck if i look weird or not. People suck anyways so i dont care what they think about me.

@rorocm - 25.11.2023 01:46

12-18 inches?? That’s way to close!

@Vpg001 - 22.11.2023 00:05

How do you overcome these naturally?

@katiewolfsherz3399 - 18.11.2023 15:47

2 - the camera so close to the face interferes with my interpersonal distance 🥴 But thanks for the tips!

@mattsathrohan288 - 11.11.2023 15:06

#8 is pretty much having enough respect to acknowledge what the other person in the conversation is saying. 9 is me for sure 😂

@sarahjimison6200 - 30.10.2023 07:38

Creepy commercuals

@cocobololocoloco - 29.10.2023 22:53


@tamiz8895 - 29.10.2023 22:47

Most of my awkwardness comes from not socializing enough. So when I get into a group I have a really hard time adjusting. I LOVE being alone, but being alone too much is not good. Because sooner or later, like it or not, we need people. We need connections. And if the only company one keeps is with themselves, it becomes harder to connect to others, especially if any future get togethers are short. It takes time to readjust.

@Scruff760 - 27.10.2023 04:11

Was this guy on an episode of Seinfeld

@cervenypes123 - 26.10.2023 00:24

f this, be awkward and weird, focus on other things like learning

@LumenPsycho - 25.10.2023 02:55

