Neverwinter in 2023 - Is this Free-to-Play MMO Worth Playing?

Neverwinter in 2023 - Is this Free-to-Play MMO Worth Playing?


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D.p.A. Studio
D.p.A. Studio - 05.11.2023 10:51

I was looking at the Neverwinter review and I saw Squall, Quistis, Selphie, Rinoa and Zell... I went haywire like pinball machines 😵

Heisman - 31.10.2023 05:31

This game needs a server merge like why split up the player base…..

Molo Tulo
Molo Tulo - 27.10.2023 00:13

Another thought...Also, you don't have to buy "Zen" (game currency) if you play the game. Your only benefit from buying "Zen" if you play PvP. I played "World of Tanks for 3 years and had so much fun, I spent $29.99 x 3 ($89.97) over 3 years for a game I enjoyed. I play on Xbox and will not buy Game Pass ($15.00 / month?) To play games for free since 99.9% of video game suck (Starfield for example). Just a thought. I don't mind paying for a game I enjoy (as opposed to paying for games that suck...

Molo Tulo
Molo Tulo - 27.10.2023 00:06

I payed $99 for Starfield (sucks and regret buying), so playing Neverwinter at first for free yet the game is very enjoyable, why not spend a little money?

RDGAME'S - 24.10.2023 16:19

Recently watch the new dungeons and dragons movie so i thought to download this game to give it a go.

Xion Toshiro
Xion Toshiro - 19.10.2023 02:04

Neverwinter Online is fun

But it looks like most of the game is... gone

FoundAPeanut - 13.10.2023 07:41

Baulder's Gate 3 is worth a run, the best D&D game so far.

Michael Moran
Michael Moran - 12.10.2023 05:00

I’ve been playing this game off and on since 2015 and still literally no idea what I’m supposed to be doing. I tend to wander around doing whatever seems to be near me ..

Louvenoire - 30.09.2023 07:41

This game can’t be any worse than a mobile rpg game I played for 4 years. I did have vip but even with that I only managed to max 2 skills. I played pretty daily. I just quit recently. I’m curious to see what I could do here without vip. I have a fresh level 20 fighter tank. Tanking is fun and pretty easy so far. Cheers 😌

Mark Jones
Mark Jones - 27.09.2023 01:34

I played Neverwinter for a long time. I used to buy VIP every month for a couple of years. Then the company was sold and these new developers that came just seemed more concerned with taking stuff away from the players, instead of coming up with new and fun development for players. After a while I knew the old Neverwinter was gone for good. Now I am F2P cause the game has become quite chincy. I love playing the game, (if you developers are reading this) but I will never pay for your stingy development. I won't part with a SINGLE COIN.. NOT ONE!!!😂

Axrelis - 23.09.2023 18:55

Everyone in game has voice off, to intrusive. Everyone plays it with discord or equivalent

Sielumies - 18.09.2023 00:00

Short answer is no you shouldnt play it

Vagabondo - 17.09.2023 18:33

"Why isn't bigger than wow" haha, because no other is?

Unknowndata - 12.09.2023 22:45

I started Neverwinter today. And all i can say is i dont care about the P2W. I mean, i can get along without paying. I mean yeah, you can be better than me just by spend money. But i dont play PvP so how cares ? I have my fun playing Neverwinter, i like to grind, i like to earn my Gear. I gety progress while playing. So you spend momey to get your BiS, play it for 40 houres+ and than leave the game amd lost a lot of money. I am the winner. I have my fun, get my things while playing the game and when i get bored, i leave, play a new game and didnt lost a single coin. In my opinion, P2W only sucks in PvP

Flower Bot
Flower Bot - 12.09.2023 06:16

I no-lifed this game for 10k hours and eventually broke my addiction a couple of years ago to play something else that didn't treat me like garbage for all my efforts.

Ed2smooth - 07.09.2023 13:13

I thought Warframe was greedy, grindy asf and p2w but then I played this game. 😐

Gatherer of Magic
Gatherer of Magic - 25.08.2023 17:40

It's to convoluted. It's fun but the system is designed to screw you with bag space an a bunch of BS drops you don't need.

Billy_Cross - 18.08.2023 21:22

Competitive with who nobody has been peeing, so you’re not competing with anybody in this game

Billy_Cross - 18.08.2023 21:21

Oh, what nonsense Josh, then quit playing this game because of monetization and quit playing at long before I got over monetized came back to play and find out what the cash iPad turned into and that much of the gamer been removed and criticized it, but he didn’t quit because of monetization and quite frankly, you can stay out of the cash store all together and have a lot of fun playing this game or you can do all the Contant you want to do what Josh is talking about is he can go in and buy character booth scroll that will take you to level 20 but he’s lying if he thinks he can be better than you in an hour just by buying his way there

Billy_Cross - 18.08.2023 21:19

I must’ve played through leveling at least 15 times on different classes in and races. I never once felt like I had to buy anything and all the excess loot boxes. I just put them on marketplace and sold them know you don’t have to buy anything to be good at that game you just have to grind.
