I like your AC⚡DC shirt Makena! I didn't know you were a fan of 80's rock music lol.
ОтветитьI was just telling my friend about your videos 😭 I spoke this post into existence 💯
ОтветитьTell me why I religiously what your videos and just now realized that I was never subscribed 🤦🏾♀
Ответитьgood video as always🥰
ОтветитьAmazing video! Very relaxing
ОтветитьHi Makena! Happy Monday
ОтветитьYou look super pretty with glasses 😳
ОтветитьYou have a nice place 🏡
ОтветитьDid your husband find a new job?
ОтветитьCONGRATS on the new home ❤🔥it feels extremely homy and warm
ОтветитьOmg your beautiful ❤
ОтветитьMost beautiful woman in Arizona 😮💨😮💨😮💨🔥🔥🔥
ОтветитьI listened to this close to 5 or 6 times while I was sewing today .. now again at night :):)
ОтветитьIf you need any kitten help I highly recommend Hannah The Kitten Lady. Cats are the most under studied domestic pet, ESPECIALLY neonatal and young kittens. Hannah has so much experience and shares it all. Her guidance helped me save my cat from fading kitten syndrome when she was 4 weeks. She’s 4 years old now 😊
You’re doing great doing so much research, definitely keep the babies with mama for at least 12 weeks is the current recommendation. It’s really helpful for their social development and their adopters will never truly know how grateful they should be to you for keeping them with mom that long. My baby was separated too young and she struggles a lot with anxiety and confidence and I just wish she could have stayed with mom longer.
Your cats are so lucky to have you!!!
clicking your videos really feels like catching up with the homie on facetime its wild
ОтветитьAre you watching the walking dead ?? girl that show is so good I've finished it already so I'm not gonna spoil anything but it gets so good soon !!!
ОтветитьLiking the nails 😊
ОтветитьWhen you said “You’ve never seen someone in their car being a hot girl”💀😂GO OFF🔥🔥
ОтветитьYour videos are so comforting🥰
ОтветитьI loved you
ОтветитьThis is SO COZY- you know what I love about this? It's like what you would do in the morning when chatting to a friend. You'd get a coffee, pull to a parking spot and hop on a FT. I love that vibe, and you crushed this video. So relaxing Makena 💛🐝🐝🐝 hope your day is a great one!
ОтветитьYou’re my favorite asmrist your videos are so wholesome!
Ответитьthe best in the asmr
ОтветитьLove this