Blood Pressure Chart for your AGE

Blood Pressure Chart for your AGE

Adam J. Story, DC

3 года назад

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NotedRockHistorian - 26.09.2023 20:25

Lets get one thing straight: Doctors don't "give" medication to patients. Excuse me, but they "prescribe" it. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO TAKE THESE POISINS THAT WILL KILL YOU. The way these BP meds work is they alter they way your system works. This "alteration" is what gives people "side effects" that destroy other parts of the body to lower your BP by 10 points. Its all for BIgPharma. They make so much $ killing people.

GranniesPetPeeves - 26.09.2023 19:58

This is so true. They also never mention the proper way to take it. Definitely not in the doctor's office. We should be lying down at rest and breathing deeply. So I make the intake staff let me rest and take deep breaths before they take it. I also take it when I wake up and I am relaxed then I take a picture of it to show them.


Dee Cee
Dee Cee - 25.09.2023 19:23


badyr lyzy
badyr lyzy - 24.09.2023 21:26

big pharma bullshit.

Tom Stewart
Tom Stewart - 23.09.2023 21:09

Think your getting a back hander from the AHA, ya 👎👎👎👎

John George
John George - 22.09.2023 19:46

So the bottom line is to find out which drug companies funded the AMA and the American College of Cardiologist and also funded the "research". Check out the growth in their stock earnings and increased sales of their B/P meds and then you will know everything. Are there people who need B/P meds, absolutely! But how many doctors talk to their patients about weight control, diet, food choices, and exercise. It's easier and more profitable to write a script. II mean, you do know that doctors get a check from the drug companies for the percentage of meds they prescribe.

citanullunatic 4084
citanullunatic 4084 - 22.09.2023 15:05

I thought I was 75 years old, but according to that chart I'm only 14! Yippee!

Sanjay Krishna
Sanjay Krishna - 20.09.2023 23:26

I see that European way of BP is far different from. American guidelines.

Viva Luggage
Viva Luggage - 17.09.2023 20:44

I love how it doesn't show a range for low blood pressure. How useful. So apparently if my blood pressure is 60/40 and I'm passing out, my blood pressure is normal, but if my blood pressure is 120/80 then I have stage 1 hypertension.

They lowered the guidelines because big pharma paid them. I'd be skeptical of these charts.

Ben Petro
Ben Petro - 16.09.2023 21:55

I noticed that the “experts” lowered the “acceptable” blood pressure around the same time that Statins were developed. Hmmmm?

targin1 - 14.09.2023 07:37

Hate to put it this way, but what people are looking for is what is average for people at certain ages. The less reputable sources seems to be trying to answer that. The more reputable are not. They are stating what they think is healthy no matter who you are or how old you may be. The data may even bare them out. But they are not answering what people want to know and are looking for. It is similar to suggesting everyone should walk 5 miles to get the same benefits. But no one gets the exact same benefits depending on size, shape, age, and health. But these reputable sources can say their expected average benefit again without discussing the differences for a 5, 30, 50, and 70 year old. Are all these people supposed to have the same amount of energy and thus the same heart rate? They don't this is truth... But let's add just a little conspiracy to this as well... If you are not really measuring the effects of age doesn't it make you average wrong? Doesn't that make it almost inevitable that as one ages prescriptions are going to be pushed on the patient that based on an average they may not even need? When life expectancy is usually graphed as a hill and a drop why would you mark the human body to be healthy by only one set of rules for the entire span? Maybe to make money really.
I suggest you find a doctor you trust and remember they run a business. Hearts may be in the right place, but they also have bills to pay. The scary thing is one of their business partners can be the pharmaceutical companies. Not saying not to take medications just saying some may be applied prematurely. Times and diets change and so does should the average.

Tom - 13.09.2023 17:30

Never, ever trust allopathic "medicine".

Arthur Danielles
Arthur Danielles - 10.09.2023 06:24

The biggest load of nonsense going re this so called 120/80 for everyone !! Viewers DON'T be conned.. this is your typical bought and paid for reporting written up by those who have been paid by pharmaceutical companies etc so that they can have you hooked on their drugs?? Happy with your blood pressure at 140/90 -80 ?? No ill effects, no health issues?? You are among MILLIONS with the same happiness, health and well being ... I stopped listening to the pharmaceutical stooges a long time ago.

Roy Warriner
Roy Warriner - 09.09.2023 21:20

I'm at the point that I don't let anyone take my blood pressure any more. If I check it at home soon after getting up it is always 121-123/79-81. I checked it the other day after being up for an hour but no food or drink yet and I was 117/75. Anybody who expects to get an accurate reading checking my blood pressure at any other time of day is incompetent. I'm tired of arguing with incompetents, my blood pressure is all over the place through the day and that is normal. I'm a very fit 63.

Tom H
Tom H - 08.09.2023 01:47

is this blood pressure chart accurate?

Seenalot - 07.09.2023 14:32

4 hours physical job on every week day and my BS is 135/85. I only eat what I cook. Mostly based on vegetarian foods. No trash food in my diet. Ohh yeah, I am 58. It's disappointing I am living unhealthy. Ridiculous...

Amanda Jane
Amanda Jane - 07.09.2023 09:31

so with medication a good diet and lots of exercise I still get a reading of 130/90. Guess I just have a bad genetic inheritance. very frustrating.

G K2
G K2 - 31.08.2023 18:22

looks like the drug companies have won the fight

Greg Montcalm
Greg Montcalm - 30.08.2023 05:23

I believe MD’s have less training about diet and exercise than a ND, dietician or personal trainer. I have high BP despite having good diet and exercise, so medicine might be my only way to reduce the risk of heart sickness. I am trying everything before considering a prescribed medication. One medication may not be problematic but should I get another prescription for one or more illnesses later in life then I risk dealing with medications that are not always compatible with each other. MD’s are challenged with this problem and I wonder if it could lead to patients dying from their medication and not from their illnesses.

mr.c usa
mr.c usa - 29.08.2023 22:42

The lower the medical criminals arbitrarily put the rates the higher the profits for drug companies/doctors., etc.

Richard Erbe
Richard Erbe - 29.08.2023 14:53

Drop it to 115/75 next round of reporting and this will bring in another huge group to prescribe blood pressure to. We need to look at who AHA gets funding from and who is guiding them. Similar to the ongoing decreases in blood glucose numbers going down and guidelines for pre diabetes in the past 15-20 years qualifying more people for pharmaceutical control. And Statins.

Lower is better for everything!!! Including IQ.

Fuj Geebee
Fuj Geebee - 28.08.2023 12:42

I've just checked who funds the AHF and its mostly pharmaceutical companies and device manufacturers

Larry Hatcher
Larry Hatcher - 24.08.2023 17:32

Age is not a factor. I'm 67 years old, overweight and I have a BP of 117/70. Of course I also work and try to stay as active as I can. I just wonder what my BP would be if I was at a proper weight

landztranz - 19.08.2023 13:29

The longer I live (I'm 71), the more I think that blood pressure is pretty much a mystery, even for doctors.

Greg Derozier
Greg Derozier - 18.08.2023 04:26

Why would anyone listen to a chiropractor when he talks about blood pressure?

Paul Crescenti
Paul Crescenti - 16.08.2023 00:16

How many more drugs were required in the USA when the blood pressure numbers were changed? How many of us were brought up on the recommended low fat, eat all the carbs you want diet. Why is the heart association right this time when historically they have been pretty much completely wrong? Why can't the heart experts explain why everyone on a carnivore diet isn't having heart attacks?

B Johnson
B Johnson - 14.08.2023 16:49

Normal suggests Average. I have been told that 50% of people have high blood pressure, on average. It is difficult to get what is normal, what is average, and if average is actually unhealthy.
Adam, do you think the goal posts were moved to sell more drugs? Who funds the Harvard study? The AMA study? Directly or indirectly?

JAN HiT NIVEDAN - 12.08.2023 18:44

1-I am a Doctor.
2-i am 72yrs old.
3-My B. P. Remains systolic around 130 and Dias. Between
70 to 80 mm of mercury even after taking Antihypertensive medication.
4-How do you see and what u suggest.

Chris - 12.08.2023 15:53

Every bit of advice you get means you have to buy a pharmaceutical or supplement it the way these DRs have been educated they dont even realise it themselves

fixitright - 11.08.2023 23:46

If you don't have an medical condition causing high blood pressure then the problem is stress, the stress you know about, and the stress you don't know about, the doctors know this but it's treat the symptoms not to cause, there's no money in fixing people, most people in the United States are on stress level factor 10+!, Some people can get quite relax going to the doctor and a lot of us would rather lose a toenail then go to the doctor...
If high blood pressure is what the doctor says it's caused by aging arteries becoming hardened, then how is it that a blood pressure medicine can relax the arterys and your body cannot? get healthy and don't worry about anything, shits gonna happen so deal with it then...

random channel
random channel - 11.08.2023 11:00

Hi sir
My son is 7 years old his bp range is 89/76 sometime diastolic bp is 78 :/ i m worried Is it.ok diastolic bp 78 for 7years

Biber0315 - 09.08.2023 16:53

Follow the money.

RFM LETS - 06.08.2023 21:15

120 over 80 is low blood pressure, which is bad for you.

RFM LETS - 06.08.2023 21:14

All the so called experts and universities are funded by the globalist criminals who want to sell the Meds for BP.

RFM LETS - 06.08.2023 21:12

70 years ago normal BP was 100 + age over 90.

RFM LETS - 06.08.2023 21:10

I'm 59, don't smoke or drink alcohol. I run 40 miles per week and swim 5 miles per week. I can run a 5k in 18.45 (last week). My BP can go as high as 210 / 113. The best I can' get it down to is 157/91. My doctor wants me to go on meds, as he reckons I'll have a heart attack or stroke in 3 years. I'm not going to take the meds. I reckon BP numbers are a huge scam to make the Pharma Companies huge profits. I know unfit obese people who have normal BP readings. It's your overall fitness that is important not the numbers.

Their Mom
Their Mom - 06.08.2023 00:52

It is now 2023 and by these guidlines...every one is going to be prescribed bp medications...I smell a kick back vacation for the doctors .

SEMACA IN ACTION - 05.08.2023 18:25

Big farma wants everyone to be on pills

Sarge - 03.08.2023 20:47

so how is mine at 126 over 60? Oh, I'm 73.

2Truth4Liberty - 02.08.2023 16:37

I am in the 60+ male range and pretty much matched that chart a year ago before I began a KETOvore lyfestile.
I now am a closer match to the 14 year old (and dropped from 225 to 185lb).

Doug Gaffney
Doug Gaffney - 02.08.2023 07:25

Stiffer? Good joke

Jonathan Weeks
Jonathan Weeks - 31.07.2023 00:09

they changed it so they could sell more drugs, and it worked.

Rutger Reddingius
Rutger Reddingius - 28.07.2023 15:43

American Heart Association trustworthy? They fill their coffers with heaps of money from Big Pharma..
So, their advice? 😮. 😂

Jerry McG
Jerry McG - 27.07.2023 22:48

The American Heart Association has as much credibility as Pinterest.
The AHA still considers a high-carb diet with "healthy whole grains" and seed oils to be good for your heart.
They are charlatans.

ceosomeday - 27.07.2023 18:19

I agree we need to maintain healthy blood pressure numbers as we age but I would bet that Big Pharma and Life Insurance companies had influence on the AHA chart.

KingEmpireTaji 👑
KingEmpireTaji 👑 - 27.07.2023 04:38

I’m 10 and I have high pressure 129/91 😅

MJAC - 27.07.2023 00:19

what about the idea that numbrs change because big pharma wants people on medication for thier entire lives? That's my concern.

Jonathan Van Winkle
Jonathan Van Winkle - 22.07.2023 07:15


Mark Beck
Mark Beck - 21.07.2023 21:57

Thanks for this. It is a clear warning to listen to your doctor rather than believing random information you see online.

Wally Tverstol
Wally Tverstol - 21.07.2023 04:49

I had a stent put in for a mild heart attack. suffered no muscle damage. I quite taking statins after 2 months. my blood work is all in normal ranges and my BP is like I mentioned below 116/74
