Service Design Academy: The Double Diamond

Service Design Academy: The Double Diamond

Service Design Academy

6 лет назад

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@Dragon-Slay3r - 09.09.2023 10:57

4 Seaguls

Right top is long
Bottom left is short

@anugrahoktandi5419 - 20.02.2023 03:59

Thanks for this Information! Sadly it doesn't have subtitle :(

@Tommy_007 - 04.12.2022 23:38

Non-mathematicians seem to love "geometric" drawings when talking about something very simple. Real mathematicians hate this.

@jeffersonchen4680 - 01.08.2022 00:39

Double diamond is really a poor description of the design process. Let's take this 4D process for example, within each phase, there are several divergent-convergent-iterations. At the very least, each D is a diamond itself. "Discover" can be a diamond because one needs to first explore a range of questions to contextualize the business, environment and customers' jobs-to-be-done before one can come up with the right questions to ask. Then "Define" can be a diamond too. One needs to stipulate various possible dominant logics that could be improved or disrupted in a variety of ways, and subsequently narrows down the scope of design to a possible few when one collaborates with the customers. Thereafter, during "Develop", one needs to come up with different possible concepts to co-create with the customers and experiment with before one finally narrow down the final prototype. Lastly, one can still innovate during the "Deliver" phase when taking the prototype into the real business. Not to mention, during this phase, one may even need to brainstorm a holistic set of entry tactics. Hence, one needs to go through the "diamond" again when one explore one's options to make things work. Not to mention, oftentimes, one needs to revert back to one of the earlier D phases even though one has moved quite far down the line on this 4D process. In reality, the Double Diamond is an "academic" approach.

@gepettowins - 16.02.2021 00:32

What about the Dustin Diamond Deuce Dragon model?

@kabirbaghel8835 - 07.02.2021 17:52

thank you very cool

@Cas_98 - 05.11.2020 17:33


@richardhayden5409 - 23.10.2020 13:20

what's the password please? the link is password protected!

@marktang3559 - 01.09.2020 01:40

This provide good perspectives on the Double Diamond design process.
