DRAMA QUEEN: This Is Why Women Are Unhappy

DRAMA QUEEN: This Is Why Women Are Unhappy

The Happy Wife School

9 месяцев назад

25,234 Просмотров

I was a drama queen. I once believed that my complicated, emotional nature as a woman was set in stone and that it was just how God made me. That belief kept me stuck, miserable, and self-destructive; it also kept me in a perpetual cycle of unhealthy relationships with men.

In this video, I pull back the curtain to help women see a different way to understand ourselves as drama queens and to overcome the unnecessary emotional chaos we create.

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#happywife, #marriageadvice, #women, #men, #redpill

*Disclaimer:* The views and perspectives on relationships that are expressed in my videos and courses are meant for women married to good men and good men who are experiencing relationship issues within a range of behaviors that are common and usual – what you might reasonably expect your neighbors or friends to be going through behind closed doors. My message is not for aggressive, violent, or compulsive behaviors in a marriage or relationship that are threatening or dangerous. If you are experiencing such behaviors and/or physical abuse, you should seek a licensed mental health professional who is trained in dealing with domestic abuse.

Karyn Seitz and The Happy Wife School are not engaged in the practice of psychotherapy, clinical counseling, or any medical practice. You should not interpret any part of my videos as traditional psychological, medical, or emotional therapy. Karyn Seitz is not a licensed health professional. You should seek help for any specific psychological, medical, or emotional problems with a mental health professional or qualified physician.


##happywife ##marriageadvice ##men ##redpill ##women
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@Shitchlover551 - 20.09.2023 20:21

From my experience dealing with women (not all) the goal is to NOT be stable and happy, even though they say they want these things. I think stability and happiness shuts down the emotional roller coaster, and that roller coaster is what they truly want. It IS the point. The emotional roller coaster feels good and makes them feel alive. But true happiness and contentment does not bring those highs and lows, that adrenaline rush.

They will stay with a man who provides stability, but one of two things will happen: They'll either move on to a troubled man eventually, a person who gives them drama or they'll stay with the stable guy but complain the whole time for unhappiness. So happiness is bad, while drama, instability and unhappiness is good.

@richalfres3727 - 15.01.2024 15:09

I have met several drama kings too. Some men create strife and gossip. Make sure you call them out.

@dalekillion1 - 08.01.2024 05:14

Thank you for saying things most women wouldn’t receive from a man.

@USER_S4V4NT - 06.01.2024 19:17

the need to teach this brain wiring stuff in school to some extent kinda like how the do sex ed middle or high school depending where you live

@nataliexrd256 - 05.01.2024 18:55

Are you a doctor, researcher, where is your evidence to justify anything you've said. You just say what you feel, the very thing you're saying is 'emotional' and not logical. People's brains literally experience emotion differently. You just use broad statements like women do this, men do that. Where is your credibility?

@michaelperkins1878 - 04.01.2024 18:20

I think the term you need to use is "emotional discipline", not "emotional intelligence". It makes you sound like a socialist feminist. That term is a crap term used for many devious reasons. If you are talking about not acting out based purely on emotion, I think "emotional discipline" is a more accurate term. Stay away from leftist buzz words.

@ChristoforosStefatos - 02.01.2024 02:16

Remember everybody:

You Don't Control What Happens, You Control How You Respond ~Epictitus

@gregnagy7569 - 31.12.2023 12:21

Apparently society has "evolved" to a point where women's irrational behaviour is viewed as "emotional intelligence"......gentlemen should step back, grab some popcorn and enjoy the final collapse of civilisation.

@erindabney2758 - 23.12.2023 06:50

Over the decades, I’ve known a many a good man in all the various dimensions of life who suppressed their emotions until they bubbled over into an outburst.

Last month a male I know threw an absolute fit because he was playing guitar loudly at a friends house, and the friends wife asked him to turn it down. His reaction? Completely blow up on his girlfriend two weeks later for not “defending” him when he was clearly in the wrong.

@donturner9996 - 22.12.2023 00:45

Men are so simple and women are so complicated…that it is actually complicated to them how simple we really are… -Patrice O’ Neal

@halogenzawgi9410 - 16.12.2023 08:55

I mean Kdrama is a multi million dollar industry

@sasquatchhadarock968 - 08.12.2023 10:19

Is it "complexity" or just irrationality? Logic isn't the absence of emotion, it is the rules of thinking that solve problems. It is organized complexity.

@MrEliasdl - 30.11.2023 07:04

Great topic and tool to promote. Anyone who's come home with a smile on their face to a wife determined to be unhappy will develop second thoughts about doing that again. Being dragged to anger comes next.

@shawnsuave5694 - 30.11.2023 04:43

Women think emotional chaos is an exciting way to live. So pathetic.

@woodslife - 29.11.2023 17:02

Physiologically, psychologically and biologically different.

Complemetarity, not equalism. Accepting and embracing your role fixes everything. It's that simple.

@BradHart-nh4xh - 25.11.2023 19:49

So sick if it, my friends wife just made an drama induced untrue accusation of me, she smokes pot all day long, my sister in law faking disability for attention, was denied by state..all drama..modern women self centeredness is over the top. Happiness is from withing ourselves..people.

@lennartliljeberg6448 - 22.11.2023 20:38

As i see it, we are all complex beings. Personally, as a man i feel like i had no other option but cutting that complexety off. And that happen looong before i become a man. Tipping at the age of about 10. I dont understand how one can become, let just say 20 and still have avoided this nessecity of life. I just dont get it🤷🏼‍♂️

@AltruisticWarrior - 15.11.2023 12:00

My grandma at 73, told me how she regretted divorcing her fourth husband. She said he was perfect and very boring, wouldn't even raise his voice. He was a Marine and a very orderly man. She so plainly said that sometimes you need a bit of chaos, fighting and arguments. I love my grandma but i understood then why she was married and divorced 4x over. I knew 3 of her ex husbands and they were all genuinely respectable men that were not abusive, managed their money well and above all, were emotionally stoic and successful. If anything I'd give her credit for managing to rope so many quality men in her life.

@drstrangelove4998 - 14.11.2023 14:02

Men are the problem solvers, that’s why they are called ‘the husband.’

@tituspermaculture - 06.11.2023 18:52

The need to have an external experience, so that we can have the feelings we want on the inside is the exact thing the Bible calls the bottomless pit. The part of human nature that needs to consume more and more to feel alive, can never be satisfied, but the Bible gave us the alternative. That is to cultivate wholeness within, tapping into the wellspring that bubbles up to eternal life. IMO, I think we are in a very important time in human history, where the keys to the bottomless pit have been retained, and the bottomless pit is wide open for all to participate in, but I also believe that the wellspring has its opportunity to make its way into the human psyche en masse. It is most likely to happen in women that find the power within themselves to shape their own reality as an intentional creator with their emotions and not the passengers in a wild ride of their emotions. The strength and power of the feminine is the ability to fuel creation and energize those around them with the intentional use of their emotions in a loving and resolute way. I see the Joe Dispenza group starting the fire that I hope to see grow. Where people are healing themselves and each other both emotionally and physically but as Joe Dispenza has figured out, people want most to be whole, nothing lacking. The pattern I've noticed with them is that they cultivate the feelings of wholeness within themselves to the point that they decide they don't need the healing or don't need "x,y,z..." and once they do that, they become whole and the healing happens.

@yahnferral9163 - 05.11.2023 12:37

Women are more susceptible to identifying with thoughts and emotions as if that is there authentic self. This requires more diligence yet most women seek to do less in this area. Unfortunately many more men have slid into this also.

@frainer - 03.11.2023 07:49


@BeADad2447 - 01.11.2023 18:10

They were born like that! Yes

@Random-rt5ec - 27.10.2023 05:33

Women's toxic behaviors (cheating, reckless spending, withholding sex) have been normalized and men getting financially raped in divorce court also normalized.

@seanmcpeek7493 - 26.10.2023 23:09

Men are problem solvers and women are problem creators !!!

@tedlogan4867 - 25.10.2023 22:57

Drama, Trauma and Chaos are the stock in trade for western women. Almost 100% of western women cannot distinguish between drama and fun, trauma and character, or chaos and excitement. They often create and propagate destructive forces in their lives, convincing themselves that their lives are fulfilling and interesting, when in reality, their lives are disastrous catastrophe, with zero benefits let alone utility.

@jonnnybravo4092 - 17.10.2023 19:49

As a man growing up society gaslighted me into thinking women wanted all this peaceful loving loyal crap. Its all a lie and weirdly its the REVERSE. Women were the ones sleeping around,cheating. It wasnt the Men. It was women who constantly lied and played games. It took me til I was 35 before I saw the truth of it all.

Society sells this idea to men because it allows women to have the power to lie and use men. Its that simple. Men have the power to use force. Women have the power to trick and lie.
Society as its set up now is set up to keep men from using their power. But allows and encourages women to use hers. And she wont be held accountable for anything.

Women can lie,cheat,steal and use people and wont be held accountable. Always an excuse. Only men have accountability.

@KamehameaaronX100 - 11.10.2023 19:03

I love this channel

@Veganisbadhunter-wx5nt - 07.10.2023 04:57

Why are women so obsessed with happiness? How can you go through a full day in perpetual happiness? Being happy is a temporary emotion/feeling. Happiness is getting a hug from your child. You are not going to hug your child for 14 hours a day. Being "content" in life with the things and experiences you have is the daily goal. Having crazy expectations of perpetual happiness is absurd. Look at the pictures of men and women from the 1800's. Nobody is smiling. Nobody 150 years ago or longer had time to think about if they were happy or not happy. Our great grandparents had duties, hard work with purpose and agency to fill their days. Modern tech and advances in civilization has allowed today's people to become lazy, purposeless, narcissistic, and general pieces of shit. There is no contentment anymore. Comparison to other peoples grandiose lives has caused a corrosion of contentment which results in dissatisfaction and bitterness.

@chrisaustin6255 - 07.10.2023 02:01

I've called many women train wrecks, they love drama. if there is none they will create it.

@ironwillie7666 - 04.10.2023 00:25

Every single woman I have ever met claims to be the most emotionally intelligent person alive.... Your experience may vary.

@jz5005 - 03.10.2023 16:25

I wonder if you have more male or female followers. It strikes me as material men want to hear, to validate our mistreatment. Conversely, I have trouble imagining my wife being open to hearing these difficult truths without lashing out if I were to bring it to here awareness…

@dolcepescas6153 - 03.10.2023 00:33

I believe women are unhappy because nowadays, women are basically trying to be men. Women have abandoned the role where we really thrive and are happiest. I believe God gave men and women different roles, according to the strengths and gifts He blessed each gender with. But some women (in the feminist movement) focused on everything they lacked as mothers and housewives, rather than seeing all they had... Only seeing the negative and not the positive, (not looking at the bigger picture) and they envied their husbands role, so much so, at this point women have totally rejected their place. Most women have a masculine mindset, and their tasks, goals, way of being, is just plain masculine. Women work hard, bring home the bacon, provide a house, a car, good income... Make lots of decisions, tell others what to do, often we're the boss, head of the household.. So then when a good man comes along, does he even have space to be himself, a man, when his woman is basically competing with him? Or will she see him as toxic, because he wants a truly feminine woman? (femininity is a mindset too.) And why would a high quality man want a woman who is just like him? Men want feminine women. And those are rare nowadays, because it's not only about looks. Who brings the feminine energy to a relationship, if the man is a man, and the woman is mimicking the man's role in every way? Who submits, who supports, who leads, who comforts and nurtures and who makes sure there's peace and joy in the house? Who makes sure the family is eating healthy home cooked meals and not junk? Who stays home with that precious baby and raises it up right, instead of handing it off to a stranger at daycare? No one - cause both people are too busy trying to be the man. Then, the cycle gets worse with every generation, children grow up with less guidance, more confusion.

@Wolf88888 - 02.10.2023 19:08

In my experience, women need to study and hold themselves accountable to basic ethical principles. I can't speak for other men, but my problems with women have all stemmed from very basic things like them misrepresenting themselves, failing to demonstrate loyalty when I have been loyal to them, not following through on agreements (whether implicit or explicit), etc. Because it is assumed that women are the more vulnerable gender, they are typically given a pass when it comes to reneging on promises or being duplicitous. This has to stop.

@michaeldalton8374 - 02.10.2023 19:01

Women in general demand chaos. If they cannot generate it at home, they stir it up at work. If that isn’t allowed, they get in on their friend’s drama and stir that up.

It is the manifestation of a unstable mind- discontent and juvenile.

@PastorErickMiller - 01.10.2023 21:59

I would love yo pic yout brain

@ToLateToSave - 30.09.2023 20:46

THANKYOU FEMINISM for destroying the patriarchy!. Been single for 14 years now & never been happier. Don't have to worry about false accusations, family courts, building a house, nagging & Honey Do List. The juice is NOT worth the squeeze!. MEN should NOT get married. There is an epidemic of false allegation's by Women today & the Lesbian Feminist family courts will absolutely destroy a Man.

@tomaszmarszalek852 - 29.09.2023 19:54

Thank You

@vikingmike8139 - 29.09.2023 05:34

Every feminist hates this channel. So, that's almost 100% of women. The local escort services are the way to go.

@duhg6059 - 26.09.2023 17:01

Karyn I love the pure truth you speak.. could you do a podcast on the consequences children suffer when mom isn't happy divorces dad in pursuit of her happiness.. I watch soft white underbelly and the drug addicts the hookers the childhood abuse survivors.. the common thread is most were raised by single mothers who allowed creepy men bfs access to their children or step dads and step brothers or random babysitters to abuse these people who endure the lifelong mental trauma because mom was willing to put her family through any type of abuse because she wanted to be happy..

@Eric-dd8bk - 26.09.2023 06:38

It's so funny how women say they are so complicated and complexed and delicate, yet all their unhappiness, chaos in and out of their heads and all that are all men's fault.

@Sal834 - 25.09.2023 23:30

Thank you for the videos. I stay for my youngest daughter and am teaching her this is not normal behavior. It is working. My oldest is also the same way. They see their mother for the drama queen she is, trying to always have drama in some part of her life that she creates intentionally. You are always supposed to prove your love to her in some way. So toxic. Sadly, she was not always this way. No wonder so many marriages fail. My parole is coming when she turns 19. I will NEVER marry much less date ever again. I intend to find my peace and never let go no matter what.

@briant40 - 25.09.2023 21:45

Thank you for seeing both sides of the coin and knowing that it's not men's intentional faults from healthy to potentially healthy relatinaionships. Get rid of the victim narrative mindset.

@richyburnett - 25.09.2023 15:48

So what IS the deal. Do we have to accept that women prefer not to be stable or can’t be ? They are bored by stability? Or they are only like that if they are disordered, but actually do want stability etc

I think the bottom line for me as a man is that after years of being told, it just seems that what I have been told is garbage.

I’m the author and if she won’t accept that, then that’s her issue. But that doesn’t sit totally right with me. End of the day we just want you to be happy. I don’t care if it’s this way or that way if it makes sense or it doesn’t. What’s the deal.

If you don’t know or can’t wrap your head around it then I’m going to author it and you can either accept it or leave. Because it’s just gaslighting otherwise. Someone has to steer the ship. And I’m human too. So maybe I’m not sure some days either or I make a mistake or get lost and have to find my way back….but to have someone continuously undermining a course which is already challenging, that’s not a team. That’s not a helper or a friend. So YOU be a helper and a friend, and I will make the ship as lovely for you to live in as I can, out of love. If you don’t like it you’re free to decorate some. But that’s it. Otherwise get off my ship. What is the bloody point of me steering in one direction and you setting the sail for some other course.

Ladies, men are sick of being made to feel as crazy as you make yourself. We love you, let us do that or get the hell off our case.

@paulsuttie4080 - 24.09.2023 03:09

We need to see each other in equal roles . Both as nurturers and providers . This will allow for balance, we both possess masculine and feminine energy. Internal imbalance creates separation , we lose self worth. Help offered becomes an attack on how we view our roles. ❤❤❤ Namaste 🙏 ❤

@steffenjonda8283 - 23.09.2023 19:14

A woman need to take responsibility for her actions. EVERY chick needs this.
Also, woman are unhappy because they allways look for 6-7-8-guys, Chad and Tyrone. And these both duck them like hell, but never care. The good guys, the trustworthy healthy relationship guys are forced to marry that chicks (with high bodycounts >10) from the POV of chicks. Nope, no longer. Glad men turn away. It isn´t useful to have a relationship as a man

Red pilled guys know, woman are vastly inferior evil creatures from hell, not worth our support, love. They are just toys for fun, just like we are used by them. I do not talk about violence, but a chick that want something from you, don´t give it. Use her actions to get fun from her. Remember the 15sec-rule.
A chick that misbehave needs to be get lost after 15 seconds by you. With this attitutde the chicks turn wild on you. Good guys who want to love are dumb - belive me, i am one of these miserable dumb idiots.

@michaelking4578 - 23.09.2023 19:12

A prudent wife is from the LORD.

@steffenjonda8283 - 23.09.2023 19:09

Woman do not are like so many options. Woman are - by nature - evil creatures. They hate to take responsibility. For this cheating 304s all the time start crying. They are shit, worthless, lying cheating ..., instead of changing, instead of accepting that they are scum, lying cheating scum, they blame others. They all are like a 2 year old kid in the candy store.

Or short: Woman aren´t worth the love or attention of a husband. All woman need to run into Chad and Tyrones, who use, misuse and mistreat them. That is what woman deserve. Because they cheat all the time. 1/3 of all born kids in a specific period on birth clinics in france, UK, germany and the US of A were NOT from the so called father. They broke that experiment, the scientifcs thought about 1 or 2%. In france it is FORBIDDEN to check the DNA of your kid. Guess why. Woman bring ZERO to the table. Only lies, cheating, pain, destroyed people, crippled and blamed by the evil shit.

@mafp22w - 22.09.2023 14:23

Women can and should expect men to have sexual self control. Men should likewise be able to expect women to have emotional self control.
