The History of Digital Extremes with James Schmalz

The History of Digital Extremes with James Schmalz

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@capn_capacitor - 20.09.2023 05:52

Star Control shoutout! SC2 was one of the greatest games of all time.

@astralzinhaskt - 31.12.2022 23:55


@mrweasel - 31.08.2022 21:58

Holy...mans got the Ultima Ascension map behind him. I've still go that one too.

@meander112 - 13.01.2022 01:47

Engagement for the engagement god!

@johncleveland6783 - 07.01.2022 20:36

Legends of Murder 1 and 2 were the first video games I ever played and the first fantasy D&D(ish) experiences I had. Those two little games are the reason I ended up reading LOTR and diving into RPG's. Thank you so much, James! So many people have already said it in the comments, but yeah, Gaming Hero I never knew I had.

@krallopian - 13.04.2021 01:48

Deck 16 and Flak Cannon. This man's got good taste! :D So great watching this after being a teen that was absolutely obsessed with Unreal (hell even my name here is from Unreal) and reading articles in pc gaming magazines about James Schmalz and CliffyB, Mark Rein, Tim Sweeney, Mischa the sleddog, and basically everyone else on the Unreal team! I absolutely love this

@leroywade2214 - 12.04.2021 18:41

im using this do a essay on james at my school and i cant tell you how helpful this was

@danksalt5935 - 28.03.2021 15:44

But here we are, at war with each other. The playerbase v.s The devs

@wildgamer5275 - 12.09.2020 05:17

Unrelated I know his sister

@vovabu4 - 16.06.2020 16:43

Like , whose favorite weapon flak too!

@zari7762 - 03.11.2019 09:03

This deserves way more views. James Schmalz creating Epic Pinball while he was in college and then moving on to helping co-create the Unreal Engine with Tom Sweeney is fascinating.

@billybobbob3003 - 03.08.2019 05:39

unreal franchise is garbage without james schmalz behind it

@antonsavva - 29.07.2019 18:47


@olympiagarcia1537 - 06.06.2019 05:18

This man is a genius.

@Kahland88 - 24.02.2019 16:38


@yeetusdeletus9878 - 18.02.2019 16:45

Future Tony Stark

@paxman2632 - 28.01.2019 03:29

london is near me and i want to be a graphic designer but idk where and how to start

@UNEDeathGuard - 15.01.2019 20:21

Its ironic that he mentioned World of Tanks influenced Warframe because I left WoT:Console for WF. Wargaming, the creators and devs for WoT, has become greedy by releasing so many broken, over priced premium tanks and not listening to the player base who complain about it. Not to mention Console's Mercenary tank line, which was a massive disappointment to the community, and the addition of loot boxes.

Best decision of my life was quitting WoT after discovering Warframe.

Edit: Forgot to mention how Wargaming purposely releases over powered tanks that players will grind to and buy lots of gold to get, to skip the grind, then a few months later they nerf them and start a new with another tank added to the game...

@calgoodbomb3617 - 05.12.2018 03:35

Solar Winds was my first favourite computer game and of course Epic Pinball was constantly being played. Thank you for choosing to give the world so much enjoyment. Obviously I got here because Warframe is the most fun new game I've played since BOTW. Thanks for getting it onto Switch!

@ForeignOnEarth - 02.12.2018 14:11

haha schmalz means grease in german and thats what he puts in his beard lol

@torelethain3848 - 21.11.2018 21:46

You know your the Boss when you give an interview and there is booze on the desk.

@Heeroneko - 20.10.2018 03:09

I applaud ya'll's editing work. These are fascinating to see after having watched the full documentary piece.

@drunkenfist3084 - 04.10.2018 19:14

I think warframe has infinite potential they can't do a lot with their gameplay and lore they are very unique and interesting can you imagine the return of the orokins or a new war

@anthony-kt4ir - 04.09.2018 23:51

He is my TEACHERS brother

@timcoleman2800 - 26.07.2018 08:35

This is no mere studio boss. He is James, father of the UT Flak Cannon smiley. You owe him your allegiance.

@bearded-ops9400 - 26.07.2018 00:12

Warframe is what I thought destiny would be.. I'm so glad Warframe is what it is.

@pferreira1983 - 24.07.2018 01:02

Well it's better than a doc on that talentless liar Zoe Quinn.

@demonwarb1 - 22.07.2018 15:13

I played the hell out of Solar Winds and the original Unreal. Must be part of the reason I love Warframe, too.

@KolyaMart - 19.07.2018 00:07

Liked Unreal Tournaments playing solo with bots those days, greatly enjoyed Darkness 2, but Warframe is absolutely not my game. Would be interested in Digital Extremes singleplayer focused games.

@StrugeLabs - 17.07.2018 03:31

The 20 dislikes are the 20 people who denied funding them

@StrugeLabs - 17.07.2018 03:30

So glad everything worked out for James. Much respect for him and the team he kept together. Here is to another 5 great years guys :D

@darkmugetsu6572 - 08.07.2018 18:03

I was walking back to my car at the end of TennoCon 2018 and had the pleasure of meeting James outside his mall/office alone, he is an awsome guy who understands the principles of his company building trust with the community and how not to go down the same path other developers followed with their greed.

@Inogat - 06.07.2018 01:03

Dream, not of what you are, but of what you want to be.

@matttally8524 - 20.06.2018 16:01

My first thought when I saw him was "Negan?"

@dysthymia4784 - 13.06.2018 22:35

good lord this man is studly

@kennylaysh2776 - 30.04.2018 03:02

Collaboration with devs is so great. One of the coolest things I experienced when creating my first VR game, was other VR devs contacting me to talk about various things. Since we were all trying to figure out how to deal with VR at the same time and we were all indie devs, that was cool. I didn't even really care about the game selling, it was just nice having other devs contact you and ask about something interesting you did in the game for controls or something, and feel that respect back and forth. I hate seeing all the fighting and greed between the giant companies like EA, Activision, etc...things at the indie level are way more entertaining I think, and I always feel happy supporting some tiny team that is just making something due to passion. VR feels like the old days, since it's so young and everyone is still feeling out what works and what doesn't.

Hearing James talking about his days starting out - so inspiring. We need that passion in game creators.

@muhammadiqbal-tx7wi - 24.04.2018 00:04

i believe warframe will become greatest game if they working hard, still dreaming here for open world warframe, imagine we can control our ship on universe and can flying with arcwing for browsing the place on planet (arcwing like a horse in warframe)...sorry my english so bad xD

@jasondicioccio880 - 21.04.2018 02:59

What's the song that plays during the credits?

@kitatran9275 - 19.04.2018 01:37

I don't mind f2p games like Fortnite br, because they only make money off cosmetics. But i'm not convinced that This company is the wholesome honest f2p company they paint them selves to be, regardless of their popularity on steam, especially with long time players complaining about how bad the grind is and needing to pay some money to have fun with it. This game takes forever to get anywhere if you don't pay to speed up making things and to me that seems like a glorified farmville to some extent. The game litters you with annoying discount codes to buy things and regardless of what they said, I've heard people say that they still take advantage of you in ways to get you addicted to spend more money on things. These kinds of games don't feel like fun to me, they feel like an eventual time and money investment that just digs into a deeper whole, kind of like some MMO's. I never feel that way with one time purchase games like stardew valley or f2p games like fortnight br, dota 2, or team fortress 2 , which again feels like f2p done right. I'm not a fan of this business model, and it's why mobile gaming is looked down upon. F2p games where companies hire addiction specialists to get you to spend even more money from those stupid limited time offers. I like every no clip video except this series, and I could care less about digital extremes and their shady business practices long time players can tell you about.

@toftbo6928 - 18.04.2018 22:36

In a couple months pls do god of war

@pjdmw - 17.04.2018 23:57

An excellent interview with a gaming legend, noclip ! thanks for sharing this insight with us, into the brains behind the warframe adventure : ) it would've been good to hear from michael too, but james did a great job, re-telling the DE journey. GG ! (i am a veteran of both Unreal Tournament 7 years & warfame 5 years, my fav games of all time, except for tetris, lol )

@AcceptYourDeath - 17.04.2018 19:09

"...and people said your game is going to be dead in 6 months"
Yeah I guess they have no people which took part in one of the most iconic shooter games in gaming history unlike DE has. :D

@KurryPancakes - 17.04.2018 15:17

One thing I love about these interviews is how the focus is entirely on the subject of the interview (as opposed to more vain tv interviews where half the focus is on the interviewer). I really appreciate the attention to detail throughout.

@iDEATH - 17.04.2018 02:07

I love the Warframe aesthetic so much (especially the Grineer) that it always boggles my mind when I hear that it was ever questioned. But I also like European sci-fi comics, so...

I'd love to see the full interviews from Steve and Geoff the most, but putting out the interviews with the entire cast of devstream regulars would be even better!

@JC-mf4uc - 16.04.2018 18:20

He legit looks like santa with a shorter beard

@Jaysondk - 16.04.2018 18:19

Space P A P I
