FUN / NOT FUN: WoW Expansions Edition

FUN / NOT FUN: WoW Expansions Edition


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Clueless - 18.09.2023 13:44

I think cata was a good Expansion everything Else i agree

vinnythewebsurfer - 12.09.2023 16:35

A part of me has this crackpot suspicion and belief that Mist of Panderia should’ve been the expansion that came after wrath of the Lich king and if that had been the case, would’ve led to a far better future for WoW than current state of affairs

I feel like the Fame and iconography presented by WotLK, especially with the help of WC3 nostalgia really warped the original identity of WoW and had everyone believe it could only really be this grim dark borderline Warhammer type setting compared to vanilla WoW which was far more chilled out but also still had its moments for seriousness.

The community badly needed a palette cleanser after Wrath but instead the devs threw the players and themselves arguable into this absolute shitshow thats trying so badly to continue to top the grandeur of Wrath and it completely broke itself and broke something in the hearts of players that to this day hasn’t recovered.

I’m glad over the years, MoP has been better appreciated, showing just how well made for aging it was even if it will never hold the same emotional weight as Wrath of the lichking. It was the medicine that came at the wrong time and too late.

José David Muñoz Martínez
José David Muñoz Martínez - 08.09.2023 16:57

Cataclysm was by no means unfun... To me, it was when I really started enjoying the game. I started in TBC and while I loved the game back then and then loved it even more in Wotlk, I have to say, Cataclysm is the expansion where I seriously fell for WoW. The classes had an outstanding gameplay, the dungeons were absolutely amazing, the raids were amazing as well, the PvP. Actually, for me, the best expansions are MoP, Legion, Cataclysm and the most recent Dragonflight.

WOWrefugee - 06.09.2023 04:18

They should have given us NAGA!!!!! not Dragon ppl

Swinkyy - 02.09.2023 21:44

Many people believe that the next expansion after dragonflight will be the most important expansion that Blizzard NEEDS to get right for the game to keep going, and they're right. Blizzard needs to prove now more than ever that their design philosophy, response to player feedback, and content cadence aren't just a one-off with Dragonflight. The game and players cannot handle another BfA or ShadowLands, especially with so many better MMO alternatives nowadays. Blizzard HAVE to hit it out of the park this next one or no one's coming back again...

Michael Wood
Michael Wood - 30.08.2023 03:32

Vanilla: Not fun. Inconvenient, was hard to find groups for stuff, and players were toxic. Burning Crusade: Fun. Cool. Wrath of the Lich King. Fun. Coolest expansion pack, death knights, best class, and vehicle combat. Cataclysm: Not fun. Took away content and players were toxic. Mists of Pandaria: Not fun. Pandas are stupid. Warlords of Draenor: Fun. Boring but fun. Although I spent most of this expansion leveling ults so I spent most of this expansion playing other expansions. Legion: Fun. Class halls, cool, artifacts, and followers. Battle for Azeroth: Fun. Pvp was fun and story was good. Shadowlands: Fun. Anima grind was too much and players were MOST TOXIC but zones were cool. Dragonflight: Fun. Riding dragons in fun. Classic: Fun. Much better than Vanilla. Was easy to find groups for stuff. Players were nice. I don't min max and rarely look up guides so I DID get that old Vanilla vibe. Classic Burning Crusade: Never played. Classic Wrath of the Lich King: Never played.

burnt toast
burnt toast - 28.08.2023 00:18

I really liked Legion - except for the systems, Artifact Weapons and its Power, and the mobile-esque mission table garbage. They should have been transmogs from the Class Hall quests, not a grindy mess.

Wesley VL
Wesley VL - 28.08.2023 00:00

Legion was the best ever

Carlos Cerritos
Carlos Cerritos - 25.08.2023 22:02

i think Cata and BFA aren't bad at all, i can even say they are good, but they came after such a great expansion that people see them as inferior products. Cata was the hardest when it comes to raid and some dungeons were designed as raids it was pretty dam good, and BFA the art was so good the music the cities, some of the history in BFA is the best that wow ever had.

AKDN91 - 20.08.2023 15:50

Old school WoW player here. Paladins 100% needed to become Horde bc Alliance guilds would on average have way more success raiding due to Paladins > Shamans at the time for PvE.

Jamie Zannino
Jamie Zannino - 19.08.2023 03:56

Cata not fun... but MISTS is??? Are you high? Lol

Studio Šrauf'n Cingr
Studio Šrauf'n Cingr - 18.08.2023 22:08

personally as a casual player BfA was fun for me. Had a great time questing, doing dungeons and raids.

Robert C
Robert C - 18.08.2023 11:28

Legion, best expansion
After or at least as fun asa wtk

Loved bfa for Kul Tiras, Zandalar and horde vs aliance fight + warfronts.

Shadowlands bad, lack of quest and they did dirty arthas.

In case you don t see it. I am a warcraft 3 guy :))
Quest and lore are bread and butter for me in wow.

Robert C
Robert C - 18.08.2023 11:26

Warolrds was fun for what it was and could have been so muchhhhh more. Maby one of the greatest. To bad blizzard did put SO FIEW QUESTS and RAIDS and everything. But as what it was, every questline from every zone was fun and full of lore moments for me.
Content lack

Dio Dolmans
Dio Dolmans - 18.08.2023 10:06

I have to say, I do agree that Dragonflight is a fun expansion. The only thing that I'm missing is that "badass" feeling which we had in, for example, WOTLK. I think the reason why this is missing is because there isn't a cool villain to fight. The primalists are okay but they just aren't that intimidating in my mind. However, this is of course also due to dragonflight being a bit more of a exploration expansion.

comensee - 13.06.2023 21:23

The thing is that every bad expansion also has some good qualities. The changes Cata made fixed the vanilla leveling experience and added the transmog system, which are still used a decade later. Shadowlands was bad, but it also brought chromie time, squished the max level, got rid of needing heirlooms to power level, added the valor system, and added the renown system. Very likely, if WoW is still around in 10 years, they'll still be using the renown and valor system.

Damon INC
Damon INC - 10.06.2023 20:39

The best part of shadowlands were the dungeons. Honestly some of the best dungeons blizzard has made imo. My only gripe with them was playing them in m+ and not having a particular covenant for the dungeon items.

Jellybean - 08.06.2023 01:00

I enjoyed Warlords, I'm not sure if it was the time I found my confidence (lost it now) in tanking or not but I have some fond memories. But for Shadowlands, Cata and BFA are my lowest rated. But saying that I think Cata, for me, gets such a bad rating because it was the expansion that took me away from Wrath.

Fed - 22.05.2023 14:52

So when exactly will Classic WoW stop being rereleased? At Pandaria? At WoD? I don't really understand this trend. Will they at the end catch up and have 2 clients for the same game? Bah..

Daddy Masamune
Daddy Masamune - 22.05.2023 09:56

Warlords of Draenor had a very fun launch experience.
(Except the servers)
Starting off building your Garrison, the first dungeons, The Questing (the best in entire WoW imo), the zones, and Highmaul opening.
Oh the Music.
But if you're a Chad WoW player, you just stop playing the game before patch .1 drops, so you never feel the problems 🤌🤌😭😭

Michael - 19.05.2023 23:25

Played 2009-2018:
Wotlk: Arthas+Northrend = win
Legion: Epic artifacts and lore
Cataclysm: Weird lore, too quick nerfing, LFR, made totalbiscuit quit.
MoP: Trash setting (literal pandaland), lack of dungeons, unbalanced PvP, extreme daily grind
WoD: Complete rushed trash, missed oppurtunity

Egelund - 18.05.2023 19:47

I agree with everything here except cataclysm, though I probably biased because cata is when I started playing wow

Arnie's Tech
Arnie's Tech - 18.05.2023 11:44

3.3.5a WotLK for me.

Y MOOSE Y - 18.05.2023 08:17

Have always thought it disappointing that any advertisement or feature about WOW from Blizzard shows a video 'movie' of beautiful and realistic characters as opposed to real gameplay. The movies look great until one realizes the disappointment the actual game and outdated graphics look nothing like the promo movies. Sad that the company needs to show slick promo movies to promote the game. Here is an idea...update the graphics with Unreal 5, and changes some mechanics of combat to be more like games in the modern era...(2016-Present). Amazing that companies with awessome games don't re-release them with modern graphics. Imagine playing Elder Scrolls Arena with updates & Unreal 5, or Baldur's gate turned into a a big open world game. The stories don't have to change...the problem is the outdated graphics, engines, and gameplay mechanics. Blizzard has the wealth now as a company to do this. Imagine the themes of Diablo being made into a 3D open world survival/fantasy game the same way Fallout went from isometric game to a 3D world; add in survival and modern movement/physics, and such as what one finds in Conan Exiles...and these games could have brand new life. The same stories and places with some new twists and gameplay features would be a big hit. And you wouldn't need to make-up new stories and content...just adapt and use new engines.

mrwasdead - 18.05.2023 07:32

cata was amazing, WoD was mid, legion was alright, bfa was great, and shadowlands was decent

Andrew Thomas
Andrew Thomas - 17.05.2023 23:02

Dragonflight is what cata should have been

SlavicSoul - 17.05.2023 16:10

DF's story is like the Aberrus last boss cinematic. Outrageously bad. A five year old kid would have done a better job.

Zeakon Z
Zeakon Z - 17.05.2023 00:16

So far… I think classic wrath is more ”fine”, but me and alot of friends are back att Classic era. Wrath ’S mentallity is starting to show. People mid Max everything yet again..

WarlordVonWulf - 16.05.2023 22:29

all fun :)

Ana Maria
Ana Maria - 16.05.2023 20:44

I absolute love Shadowlands!!! 😭😭🥹 you have beautiful zones, ton of mounts and transmogs... i dont give a flying fuck about the storyline😒

begley09 - 16.05.2023 19:38

Ah Cata, a time where I would watch Totalbiscuits daily beta videos <3.

VizioN CS
VizioN CS - 16.05.2023 12:38

Idk DF hasn't been what I hoped. I mainly only do PvP and even tho they tried tuning it really just killed my love for the game when ret still dominated after 4 tuning fixes. It felt like they didn't even listen to feedback before it went live and still ignored obvious reasons as to why it was so strong. I also feel like this alt friendliness weakness showed when the only thing queing was ret in literally 1 day. U could buy level boost for like 150k gold and send some conquest boxes and within the day que up. Invalidated my push for glad early in the season as most people just got it got it for free by rerolling.

Roger Stalder
Roger Stalder - 16.05.2023 05:31

Best thing on Cataclysm was actualy the world change. I actualy loved the new Zones and flying in the old world. that was amazing. but it was also the Expansion i left WoW ^^ They removed just too many thing for me what made this game great. I tstill was okay. if you started in Cata you prpbaly never noticed it was a bad Expansion. but for OG players it was awfull 😅

Zog Bogbean
Zog Bogbean - 15.05.2023 22:31

Mop is heavily underrated even today, like that xpac was looooads of fun, the pvp the story the vibe. Good stuff.

Warboss Blundabus
Warboss Blundabus - 15.05.2023 20:10

WoD is the second best expansion in my opinion.

The only fault of Warlords is lack of content, but said content is amazing... and its not like you dont raid log in other expansions.

Kiewicz92 - 15.05.2023 19:35

Classic TBC not fun? You high?

Sagefire121 - 15.05.2023 11:14

Having thin Dracthyr has been a big disappointment for me as well for Dragonflight. I hope they add thicker body type(s) in the future! Otherwise, loving the expansion so far.

Ayida Santiago Vasquez
Ayida Santiago Vasquez - 15.05.2023 05:33

I liked shadowlands , but honestly its because i started playing 3 months before it ended , i didnt have to wait for Zones i just got to play a full campaign then get into raids and mythics for the very first time ever , found a social guild to learn with and it made it a very enjoyable experience to me

Oscar Miranda
Oscar Miranda - 15.05.2023 03:41

Dragonflight FUN?! Hell naw… that was the last nail to wow’s coffin for me. Cancelled my subscription I had since 2007.

DeadManProp - 15.05.2023 02:28

Back when TBC was live originally, the general consensus was that it was a boring expansion with disappointing raids and dungeons. People were talking mad shit about it all the time. Fast forward however many years, and everyone pretends like it was one of their favourite expansions. Nostalgia messes with people's memory.

Leica Fleury
Leica Fleury - 15.05.2023 02:24

My only disagreements are that 1. I liked Cataclysm and it was my most played expansion and 2. I disliked MoP and quit the game in that expansion.

Jonathan Straka
Jonathan Straka - 14.05.2023 21:40

Mists has risen even further in my mind. My #1 spot.

Bewm - 14.05.2023 13:44

Weirdly pointless video

Aidan Pinkerton
Aidan Pinkerton - 14.05.2023 03:30

Hard to see people say mop was fun and mention throne of thunder but not mention Firelands

Paul S
Paul S - 14.05.2023 00:27

I'm getting really tired of people saying "For some reason TBC Classic wasn't that popular!" when there were SIGNIFICANT things happening around the launch that would cripple any reception.

1. The monetization drama surrounding TBC, ESPECIALLY the ridiculously expensive character transfers
2. The 9.2.5 Shadowlands patch date falling right around the same time after only a couple week pre-patch period, which OBVIOUSLY would split the players right from the get go.
3. What was it? That little thing that happened? Oh, right, BLIZZARD GETTING SUED BY THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA + COSBY ROOM

To not mention these when bringing up TBC's poor reception is being purposefully disingenuous or incompetent.

Frederico Alves
Frederico Alves - 13.05.2023 20:01

WoW creators have to always be sellouts to get views / to get no backlash. I legit guessed if he'd say "fun" or "not fun" for every single expansion. And being unable to express what you really think is fine, as the wow community is extremely toxic. I'm just saying if any wow creator said WOD / Cata / BFA / SL was fun, they'd get backlash, and hence why all wow creators are sellouts

Powerage - 13.05.2023 18:49

Thinking classic is played more than retail is just delusional

Horrible Questions
Horrible Questions - 13.05.2023 17:59

Cata is fantastic. The last raid tier is everyone's problem.

gandast - 13.05.2023 17:08

WoD arcane mage was most fun thing in WoW ever exist

Jake - 12.05.2023 12:37

I actually loved all expansions except Cataclysm might just be me lmao
