why Candace and Xingqiu are actually AMAZING together | Genshin Impact 3.1

why Candace and Xingqiu are actually AMAZING together | Genshin Impact 3.1


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dragonfly - 08.10.2022 17:11


In the Kazuha side-by-side, Kazuha’s team actually struggles with Hyperblooms on the second half of the fight because the Geovishap leaves DMC’s burst.
So actually Kazuha’s team should pull ahead of Candace’s in this scenario, but it’s also important to note that this Kazuha DOES have c2, so it’s difficult to say exactly how that team will compete with a Candace Hyperbloom case-by-case, and the ONLY factors taken into account with this specific side-by-side are Kazuha's EDMG buff / hydro shred for Xingqiu's personal hydro damage + the EM bonus for Hyperbloom damage.


while these synergies may not be the strongest in terms of damage output, there are quite a few other benefits to talk about and consider. I do usually restrict my 'God Duo' series to the MOST notable and powerful duos, but in this case I felt that the value you get for the investment makes this a duo worth discussing :)

additional note:
you CAN theoretically swap Xingqiu with other hydro units but you’re costing survivability, budget friendliness, rare hydro shred (if you have it), and you’re cutting out quite a bit of practicality with role consolidation.

Rzor911 - 09.09.2023 11:34

I can confirm this, because I ve been using these two in some domains, and they work together.

Yipi Yayo
Yipi Yayo - 03.09.2023 06:40

what is the talent level, stats and artifact of candace and xingqiu that allow him to hit 3k damage when infused with candace burst?

Austin Lim
Austin Lim - 31.07.2023 05:38

This allows xinqiu to be on field and actually use his auto normal attacks. Setting up hyperbloom.

Thorny Recipient
Thorny Recipient - 03.07.2023 14:49

So would Baizhu, since he scales with hp, would be a good fit for the Dendro character?

demetrus demarcus Bartholomew the third jr
demetrus demarcus Bartholomew the third jr - 03.07.2023 01:14

She's an enabler just like chongyun

DaGu - 23.06.2023 06:54

Is he good for heizou?

🦋.xenø.vøid.🦋 - 20.06.2023 09:58

Since the traveler's abilities in each element are a reflection of the archon of that element, would Nahida work?

Benoit - 18.06.2023 11:33

This team is carried by hyperbloom, so raiden paired with barbara will do higher damage

King Baraga
King Baraga - 09.06.2023 05:15

Would a Raiden, Nahida, Candace and Yelan(or Kokomi) team comp work well as well? I hate Kazuha's character design so I didn't even bother to pull him.

Darker Daemon
Darker Daemon - 04.06.2023 19:14

I used candace in abyss for my shenhe rosaria team, with Keqing, and though it doesnt have heals it was surprisingly good.

EkG - 17.05.2023 20:28

This makes me happy. Because I love Candice so much. I was struggling to find a spot for her. Definitely going to try this. Now I just have to level up my Kuki. To the chasm I go 😢

Joey - 03.05.2023 16:21

Finally got Candace but I refuse to use Xingqiu anymore because his cooldowns are atrocious. I guess ill just have to keep waiting for a different unit that works well with Candace.

Raimizan razak
Raimizan razak - 02.05.2023 04:48

Ok, but who is Candace?

1313fina - 02.05.2023 01:39

I finally got Shinobu a couple days ago and I'm really hoping to get Kandake tomorrow morning while pulling for Baizhu. I can't wait to try this team out😍😍😍

Avallach - 26.04.2023 13:08

I'd very much like to see what this team can do with a Nahida instead of Dendro MC.

key - 04.04.2023 02:46

i am going to ignore you and still use candace as a main dps but i will be copying this team 😁😁

Garrosh mh
Garrosh mh - 27.03.2023 23:32

me funciona

jan niko
jan niko - 14.03.2023 18:10

People often forget or gloss over Candace's Burst, specially the hydro application of the rippling wave attack that happens when you switch characters. This rippling wave have no icd and will apply hydro to enemies. The instance also increases when you have her at C6. Candace has always been designed for bloom/burgeon/hyperbloom teams, bc she provides hydro aura, enables hydro resonance, and gives hydro application. She's a superflexible character that can be slotted in many teams. The buff of her burst is also timelocked unlike Yun jin's who has a hit limit. So she buffs more hits over time when there's multiple enemies, while Yun jin can only buff 30 hits (hitting multiple enemy will consume more hits as they one hit per enemy is counted)

Gerardiro - 09.03.2023 03:00

I hope someday we get a char with geo infusion... Just imagine zhongli full Geo damage with homa (geo crit and HP possibly)!!! :OOOOO

lnsflare1 - 04.03.2023 02:42

I kinda want to try a Xingqiu/Candace/Beidou/YunJin team, because I'm enjoying Beidou's parry-based combat style, and the mix of elements should better proc Yun Jin's passive.

diapherotrites - 01.03.2023 16:29

as a xingqiu main who got mistsplitter just for him, I am SO HAPPY that we got this unit!! Candace is so great and she will buff my damage greatly. I was thinking about pulling for c6 bennett to constantly vape his rain swords and get the extra elemental damage bonus from mistsplitter… but I don’t know which one is better: candace? Or c6 bennett?

Lea Lopez
Lea Lopez - 26.02.2023 16:56

I love your video... Because i love budget and niche genshin build.... I'm soo bored with Hutao or Ayaka or Raiden main. Good for you if you can get 80k-100k damage in one CA, I'm not looking for that anyway.

I constantly make break the meta team. My favorite now :

1. Eula, Beidou, Xinyan, Ele-Traveler (Burst Eula focus)
2. Albedo, Gorou, Chongyun, Barbara (3 Venn diagrams, frozen and shatter)
3. Klee, Sucrose, Ninguang, Mona (Mona main DPS, Klee mine+Sucrose sub DPS, Ninguang C6 ult)

I'm developing a burning team with Al-haitam.. but it's still way deep in development

VeͥneͣdͫᎥx - 19.02.2023 19:51

I was thinking about this last week. My team in mind is Nahida, YaeMiko, Xingqui and Candace

ItzPlant - 01.02.2023 03:50

I've done. Xingqiu-Candace, Thoma in a Burgeon Comp and it honestly made it my fav Bloom reaction

Am4t3r4su - 23.01.2023 06:51

At this point really... Mihoyo needs to make a choice. They either need to nerf the original 4 stars a little... or keep the new 4 stars a bit comparable.

Because the biggest damn issue with any 4 star being released almost... Is do they do the job better then the already existing original 4 stars (Sucros, XL, XQ, bennet). And most of the time? No. They don't. Because Mihoyo made it a point to make all the next 4 stars incredibly.. underwhelming in general compared to those release ones.

It's frustrating because they kind of stagnate team comps with the overpowered release design they came with. I use the characters somewhat I myself so i'm guilty as well, but I would honestly love to see some small tweaks to make them less dominant and open up doors for new comps and fun teams to work out. I can't be the only one who feels this way...

Eloiéz - 15.01.2023 08:41

thanks for this guide.. I’m on the search for a good candace main dps team for a while now and i hate pyro so her burgeon teams arent an iption for me. At some point i just gave up. I know u said xingqiu is better as the dps but i love how candace fights and i’m all into hyperbloom so thanks a lot.. I can finally use my c6 candace now without having the feeling that its all shit and other chars would work way way way better

M - 26.12.2022 22:11

A cool part about on-field Xinqiu is that he can buff rainsword waves, since only one can be snapshotted at a time. I remember JinJinx did a duo Abyss where Bennett + Xinqiu carried one side, a lot of swapping back and forth but actually super strong single-target when circle-impact works. I remember Demone Kim liked Xinqiu on-field since he likes the brawler types, too bad we didn't have Candace back then. I just so happened to have watched your recent Beidou video where I also commented about wanting an elec-Chong that works especially well for her, that's kind of a theme on my wish-list...

I'd LOVE an anemo infuser that works well for things like hyper-Jean, anemo dmg quickswap and taser alike, before Faruzan came out I figured it'd be great to make this a part of the premier anemo-dmg buffer since I really value versatility, but sadly she is much more niche than this. Would be weird in taser, though, you could go single anemo while everyone does quickswap anemo normals to get around ICD's and swirl, that triggers Fischl A4 but it'd need a Sucrose-like EM share to pack good dmg, or you could go double-anemo along the lines of TF Kazuha.
Consolidating infusion + team-EM buff into Faruzan would've been amazing, cause Xiao/Scara don't need it, it's just a bonus for weaker setups that doesn't lower her power-budget.

I'd still love a character like this, though, especially cause it might actually give Faruzan more uses. Anemo is my favorite element and imo by far the strongest, but I hope other elements will get grouping from waves/bubbles/whirlpools, black holes/landslides/quicksand, vines, magnetism with the right polarity (Looking at you, Lisa), ANYTHING.
I get it's Anemo's identity, but I think exceptions would greatly improve balance, cause Kazuha/Sucrose/Venti will be OP and widely used in any case, but now Jean etc. and teams without anemo altogether have an easier time being reliably competitive and versatile. A simple Jean or even Sayu build like this having great places would also diversify the healers we use, overal I think this is great.

Mr Magpie
Mr Magpie - 25.12.2022 03:16

I've been running Kazuha in my hyperbloom team (with Nahida, XQ, Kuki) but it always seemed to be a bit of a waste. And if I am doing spiral, I may need Kazuha on another team. Tried out other flexs for Kazuha, but nothing seemed to click. I got Candance randomly, did not know if I wanted to invest in her. So thanks for the vod, this gives me a good reason to build her up.

I also love her design, a very smooth and elegant character to play. <3

Kallebe Pessôa
Kallebe Pessôa - 23.12.2022 01:36

Now I'm using it with Nahida, and it blasts!

Mari - 12.12.2022 15:21

It's always such a relief when characters I love personality/design wise turn out to be super strong as well.

Grac01 - 11.12.2022 19:37

I got C6 Candace as a byproduct of pulling for Cyno, and literally couldn't have cared less at the time.

After discovering this video (and subsequently the rest of your channel), candinqiu hyperbloom (love the name btw) has become my favourite team comp for just about everything. I haven't even put much investment into Candace or DMC and it just tears through everything. Hats off to you good sir!

Lee kang-s
Lee kang-s - 06.12.2022 23:57

like c'mon you can put anyone with Xingqiu, they will destroy everything

sir ronald hicks
sir ronald hicks - 01.12.2022 22:38

I’ll try it some how hot her at c6 so might as well

MercyMayCry - 26.11.2022 22:14

so 4c heart of depth is a no go T.T

Neoslayer PW
Neoslayer PW - 25.11.2022 09:41

I always thought her kit was dogshit, but now I finally have an excuse to use the most beautiful woman in genshin

AbriDragon - 20.11.2022 16:45

Coming back to this after Layla's release is noteworthy for freeze comps, as she's a Cryo unit that benefits from HP%.

that sauce guy
that sauce guy - 04.11.2022 15:12

"difficulty af" me:ha ha hyperbloom go boom

EphusG - 30.10.2022 16:33

I'm building EXACTLY this comp for Nahida. Hopefully they'll slay omg

SilentVinyl - 29.10.2022 04:33

That is one interesting combo

Chels Dollhouse [Honey #268]
Chels Dollhouse [Honey #268] - 27.10.2022 17:38

Amazing video! I was running a team of Candace/Kuki/Collei/Sayu as a sub-team since none of them are at max level yet and I was talking to my brother about it and after hearing my rotation he immediately said to swap out Sayu for Xinqiu since I didn't need the extra healing or the swirl, I considered it but this video convinced me to make the switch.

SoulX - 26.10.2022 15:23

Nilou Candace Xin/Kokofish and DMC?

ClaF - 25.10.2022 01:41

What I love most about these hyperbloom teams is that Kuki is finally getting the love she deserves......I have Xingqiu at c2 as well and will definitely give this team combo a go

bean - 22.10.2022 20:03

this boutta make me a 4 star addict again

Thal - 20.10.2022 12:46

Or is the team name... Candinqiu Kukibloom..
