Crazy Raccoon Attacks German Shepherd

Crazy Raccoon Attacks German Shepherd


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FaithHopeCharityKJV - 21.09.2023 06:51

Stupid dog owner allowing it's dog to be in danger...

Christine Naughton
Christine Naughton - 11.09.2023 03:13

Racoon tried to get away and owner laughing and filming.
My dog had ab altercation with a raccoon —killed it (horrible experience). Had serious injuries to my dog and then had to ice a dead raccoon for evaluation. A weeks later I’m still waiting results and I’ve had $300 worth of vet bills plus all three of my dogs of quarantine, so why would you let your dog terrorize a wild animal

Christine Naughton
Christine Naughton - 11.09.2023 03:08

why are you encouraging an
altercation with a wild animal. ?

GLING - 02.08.2023 23:55

The raccoon isn't crazy, it's trying to defend itself from your stupid mutt!

Graham Geer
Graham Geer - 15.06.2023 02:52

bro that raccoon just jumped out of the fornite bus 😂

Jeremy Dale
Jeremy Dale - 13.06.2023 12:05

Beautiful dog.

Mike Henningsen
Mike Henningsen - 29.05.2023 01:54


HoioH - 08.05.2023 05:09

Thats not a raccon thats nate diaz dressed up as a raccon

Rustin Cohle
Rustin Cohle - 01.05.2023 22:08

Sorry, left without leaving a dislike on your video.

Rustin Cohle
Rustin Cohle - 01.05.2023 21:34

You're a deranged sociopath.

Susan Herrel
Susan Herrel - 01.05.2023 20:00

Most likely a mom raccoon trying to get back to nest Idiot dog owner is clueless to the amount of damage raccoon can do to a dog

Wildlife Warrior
Wildlife Warrior - 25.04.2023 21:10

Change the name of your title

OutnBacker - 25.04.2023 17:37

Not rabid, and did not attack the dog. It was trying to make for the saftey of the tree, which was instinctual. It missed a hold and fell. To bad it didn't land on the dog's owner. Probably would have been hilarious hearing him screaming like a chimp.

NancyJane - 18.04.2023 06:54

Not rabies?

Cap🧢 - 08.04.2023 09:30

When i was walking my dog one time she killed a raccoon and gave it to me

Marie Conte
Marie Conte - 07.04.2023 07:41

I wouldn’t ever let my dog near that rabies

Don Lawrence
Don Lawrence - 26.03.2023 01:07

You shouldn’t be allowed to have a dog!!!! Yours should be taken away from you since you’re so irresponsible.

Josh Amidon
Josh Amidon - 23.03.2023 22:34

I hope the Shep has his rabis shot. Racoons are nasty and its during the day.

Aquila Bella
Aquila Bella - 14.03.2023 01:06

That shows the world how spiritually elevated he is ! An idiot with no compassion ... Total loser

13ased_American - 13.03.2023 21:01

I would have ran out there with my 🔫

Glasgow Celtic C.S.C Rhebels Curva D10S Maradona
Glasgow Celtic C.S.C Rhebels Curva D10S Maradona - 10.03.2023 13:03

You're a terrible human PARASITE

Vivian Worden
Vivian Worden - 06.03.2023 22:24

This awful.

Aripley129 - 14.02.2023 10:15

So many freaking idiots in the world.. Instant thumbs down. "Good boy" was certainly the improper command to give here... Not my job to educate, but the title is CLEARLY not what happened to anyone watching this with half a brain. Love seeing all the comments in favor of the raccoon, faith in humanity slightly restored.

LaTonya Lawrence
LaTonya Lawrence - 13.02.2023 22:02

Most of the mental. Patients were already sick. Some got deadly diseases

LaTonya Lawrence
LaTonya Lawrence - 13.02.2023 22:01

Human dog wolves

LaTonya Lawrence
LaTonya Lawrence - 13.02.2023 22:01

Human dogs.

LaTonya Lawrence
LaTonya Lawrence - 13.02.2023 22:01

Chasing criminals. Like a Hannibal lecter. Trained killers to criminals

L!T - 10.02.2023 01:07

Lmaoo I don’t think it attacked the dog but more so unfortunately lost his grip and fell right into the face of death😂 gotta give it to the little guy he held his ground for the most part even after a 15 foot slam👌

Adriano Trujkic Luciani
Adriano Trujkic Luciani - 26.01.2023 23:30

The only crazy person is the guy who is filming instead of calling the dog off

Lord Atum
Lord Atum - 19.01.2023 08:01

German shepherds just go for the throat

Garion Ramsey
Garion Ramsey - 13.01.2023 04:42

The raccoon was fighting for his life

m.m.h.g Don’t Stop Shining 🍄😸
m.m.h.g Don’t Stop Shining 🍄😸 - 07.01.2023 23:56

That fall could have ended in death 😢 German Shepherd kills raccoons 🦝 easily!

coco - 05.01.2023 17:43

The dog was attacking the racoon. The racoon defended itself. Defending oneself is a natural instinct. It isn't "crazy".

Lenora Mitchell
Lenora Mitchell - 04.01.2023 12:11

Owner should have called off his dog. Raccoon was just trying to get up the tree - possibly a nesting site. Might have had baby raccoons waiting for her.

Z Szilagyi
Z Szilagyi - 03.01.2023 02:30

The dog was very inexperienced, my German short haired pointer would have killed it in seconds.

Aryn - 28.12.2022 18:08

You can tell by the pronounced stiffness and aggression of the raccoon... It failed to climb the tree because of the stiffness and lack of control of its muscles. It has rabies. If you could have escaped without letting your dog fight it, it would have been better. Running is the best option, but since you said you were at your neighbor's, you probably couldn't get to your dog to get him safe... It probably could not have kept up with you (because of the rabies) and the dog, if you were in a position where you could have run away.

Most people don't know, but when animal control tests the animal for rabies, they saw the skull open and test the brain matter for the virus... The animal needs to be dead for this, and it makes sense because there is no cure for rabies. In very recent history, I heard a miraculous story of a woman who survived a rabies infection after an extended stay in hospital with powerful supportive medicine. That was the first recorded person to have ever survived a rabies infection, but overall, rabies infections are always 100% fatal. Sometimes rabies doesn't cause symptoms for weeks or months. I read a book about rabies a few years ago documenting people who didn't get care soon enough and suffered in agony for weeks or even months before dying. Some begged for death. It was a horrible book, but it made clear to me the danger of rabies. If you get bitten by any wild animal, make sure you get the rabies shots ASAP. It's nothing to mess with.

Rabies is still a serious problem, and we can't be complacent with wildlife... There is danger in even squirrels. Check out the stories about the Black Death, the bacteria Yersinia pestis. Every once in a while, I hear stories about dozens of squirrels dying from: The Black Death! The cougar population in Yellowstone National Park is suffering with it, the pneumonia type. Did you know that cougar attacks frequently result in Black Death infection? There are effective antibiotics for that now, but people should know so that if they do get in a situation, they'll know about the risk of infection and be able to get treated before they end up needing their fingers and toes amputated...

Badminton time
Badminton time - 28.12.2022 04:50

Anjing menggonggong doang 😁

J S - 23.12.2022 05:42

Some people want to see their dog tear another animal up. I don’t understand this at all. Some people even know their dog is aggressive and then set them loose to play/fight with other unsuspecting pets. That’s really messed up. My dog is sure for protection but that is if there is an actual threat. Otherwise we are just trying to stay in our lane and enjoy life.

Nadya CD
Nadya CD - 21.12.2022 03:09

Looks like a rabbid raccoons :/

Daniel Arias
Daniel Arias - 13.12.2022 07:21

Must be a puppy

Ace Caldwell
Ace Caldwell - 13.12.2022 01:13

That racoon is either injured already or it has rabbis

San Yim
San Yim - 12.12.2022 19:49

Racoon from the top rope! Congrats dick head now your dog has rabies but at least you got a cool video right

Ravage Gonza
Ravage Gonza - 09.12.2022 22:12

Get up you may be down with the sickness!


Deep Water
Deep Water - 09.12.2022 21:56

Call off the damn dog and let the racoon out of the yard!

Sj K
Sj K - 09.12.2022 06:42

DUMB POS holding the camera!!! pathetic!!!

Maria Eugenia
Maria Eugenia - 07.12.2022 21:28

Not good I just feel sorry for you recording

Genuine Entertainment
Genuine Entertainment - 07.12.2022 12:02

Racoon fell from tree. Owner lied about racoon attack to get more views. Click bait. Not nice fellah. Just say what it is instead of making yourself look weaker. Thank you.

sonnyjs15 - 07.12.2022 06:10

NOT a attack. Crap owner!
