Speaker: Ruth Pozuelo Martinez, CEO of Curbal AB, Microsoft MVP
1.) AMA about Power BI with Ruth Pozuelo Matinez
2.) Plenty Q&A
Ruth Pozuelo Martinez is the MD and owner of Curbal AB, a BI consultant company based in Sweden. Ruth has a Mechanical Engineering degree from the University of Oviedo (Spain) and an Aeronautical Engineering degree from the University of Wales.
Ruth is also a Microsoft Data Platform MVP, mainly for her contributions to the Power BI community. She publishes weekly videos on her YouTube channel (
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJ7UhloHSA4wAqPzyi6TOkw) where she has more than 60k subs (at the time of writing). She also contributes to her own company blog: curbal.com as well as Microsoft Power BI community.
Learn more about Ruth Pozuelo Mtnez at
https://www.linkedin.com/in/ruthpozuelo/ and