WHY I STOPPED BREASTFEEDING | Breastfeeding Struggles

WHY I STOPPED BREASTFEEDING | Breastfeeding Struggles

Morgan Bylund

5 лет назад

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Erin - 22.07.2022 10:54

Thank you so much for this video, it feels better to have someone to relate to and hear your experience. 💖

Eva Linda
Eva Linda - 06.05.2022 07:11

You've done good. Even one month of breastmilk is better than none. Glad you were able to nourish your baby for as long as you did.

Kendra Meadows
Kendra Meadows - 28.01.2022 19:42

Needed this video today. I’ve tried with four babies, and have tried everything and I cannot produce enough milk....I’m on baby #5, he’s 3 weeks old and I’m having the same issues, I am working on accepting that this is just something my body cannot do and that is okay, it doesn’t make me any less of a mom. Is it still a very emotional, disheartening acceptance? You bet. Thank you for sharing your journey. I feel less alone ♥️

Dahlia Lopez
Dahlia Lopez - 15.07.2021 07:16

Oh this gave me tears I can relate 100%. My husband supports me on everything and reminds me how I am a wonderful mom. But I’m learning fed is best. Thank you for this. We need more support.

Alicia Marie
Alicia Marie - 03.06.2021 09:06

I have that exact map on my wall! I love it!

stylinartist2 - 29.10.2020 00:21

With my first son I had no problems exclusively pumping and had enough supply for him. With my second son, it's been so difficult to keep up with how much he was drinking. The first time a supplemented with Formula - the first thought I had was that I was poisoning him...Crazy, I know. After about 6 months so far, he is doing well, and I have also gained time to play with my boys instead of worrying about pumping enough.

Chevelle Bryant
Chevelle Bryant - 18.10.2020 07:23

Gurl im glad i aint the only one.i only pump once or twice and i supplement as well. before that our latching sessions were terrible. My breast were soar a cracked. Nipple sheilds didnt do shit. Balancing btw my oldest virtual learning sessions ,working and finding time to sleep after being up with a infant all night it becomes hard to squeeze in mult pumping sessions

Oogle at Luxury
Oogle at Luxury - 30.10.2019 15:59

BMI is a pretty flawed measure, especially for women, so it might be worth it to focus more on fat vs muscle content of your body! Either way, loved this honest video. No one has ever said that pumping is painful!

Michelle Ann
Michelle Ann - 17.06.2019 19:43

Gentle Ease is loaded with corn syrup 🤢 I used it until I looked closer at the ingredients..😲

ayan Nuur
ayan Nuur - 14.06.2019 06:11

Breast milk is all about sleep! I'm a total insomniac and barely make any breast milk. 😭 eating well and getting enough calories helps but sleep makes all the difference.

ObsidiaanVlin - 13.06.2019 16:08

You're an amazing mom ❤

Shanice - 12.06.2019 15:19

Thankyou for this raw video. Showing us real issues that can occur! Sometimes it doesnt doesnt work out. You have to do whats best for you and baby. 💜

TheSonnetSilence - 12.06.2019 15:17

Thanks for sharing ♥️♥️♥️ My daughter was born 2 weeks after Ryker, and I had to stop bf at 1 month. I was induced two weeks early, and my milk didn’t come in until about 2 weeks after she was born. By this time my lactation consultant was having me “prep” with massages, heat, and hand expulsion for 10-15 minutes before, having her latch for 20-30 minutes on each side, and then pumping for 20 minutes after each feed. As you can imagine, with a newborn who eats every 2 hours, this was exhausting and mentally draining. My first month of interaction with my newborn was only holding her while she screamed due to hunger and frustration, then crying my eyes out while she slept because of my failure to do what is supposed to come naturally. I made the choice to stop early on because I knew my mental health would greatly suffer if I did not, and I felt I couldn’t be the best mom I could be if I was a miserable wreak. I cried for weeks afterward out of guilt and feeling like a failure and less of a “mom”. It’s still hard sometimes, but I am a million times happier now and can focus on being the best mommy I can for my baby girl! Phew....feels good to actually get some of that off my chest, haha.

Amber Lin
Amber Lin - 12.06.2019 01:18

I totally understand what you are going through. I breast fed for about three weeks while my daughter was in the NICU but from the get go my daughter preferred a bottle. Pumped for 15 months but honesty the last 3 months there was barely anything there and it’s so hard to sit there and try and pump while life is going on around you. It’s ok! I know how emotional it is, no shame at all in it. You did your best :).

tspalafox - 11.06.2019 13:46

Hang in there Mama. You are a great mom.

Sarah Jane’s Home
Sarah Jane’s Home - 11.06.2019 09:17

I’m struggling with my supply also... I had a csection that got infected so I had to be on antibiotics too... did they put you on the antibiotic keflex aka cephlexin?

Yamilet Rodriguez
Yamilet Rodriguez - 10.06.2019 16:45

I love how real you are. I was afraid that with my second baby I would struggle like I did with my first so I went crazy with stashing milk away before getting back to work. I’m not sure where you live but I wish I could donate some milk to you. My baby girl is going to be 4 months old at the end of this month

Lashonda Redd
Lashonda Redd - 10.06.2019 14:42

Thank you for sharing.. I'm a first time mom and It was my dream to breastfeed and with situations out of my control I cant continue.. I made it a month.. you are a beautiful mom for sharing.. I needed to hear this

ada Corcoz
ada Corcoz - 10.06.2019 13:58

You have done great!

small11989 - 10.06.2019 08:27

This is a great video Morgan💛!.
I feel you so much on this one.... I have to give up breastfeeding my baby by 6 months to go back on my cholesterol medication advises by my doctor 😔. I feel so sad that I won’t be able to feed him as long as I hoped and as long as I fed my first son (11 months). I’ve tried pumping to try make up a stash for him come 6 months, and I’ve had no luck getting enough milk to do so and demand feed him every 1.5 hours.
I’m going to be kind to myself and just do my best with breastfeeding up until then & then slowly give him boob and formula until I can make the transition.
Fed is best and a healthy, happy mama is best too xx💛

The Lex Life
The Lex Life - 10.06.2019 08:12

Don’t feel guilty. You’re doing great, Mama!

Metal Moth
Metal Moth - 10.06.2019 07:32

60lbs is way to much weight to lose!!! You would look like a skeleton and thats NOT healthy!

A. G
A. G - 10.06.2019 04:17

Please don’t feel bad, you breastfed for a couple months and that’s great! As long as your baby is fed and healthy you are a good mumma.

Precious V
Precious V - 10.06.2019 00:19

Thank you for this video! I have had to exclusively pump since day 3 due to latching issues. Pumping is hard and especially while take care of a newborn and it’s definitely hard when you pump for 30mins for so little. My baby is starting to eat more and I couldn’t keep up with my supply so supplemented with formula. She is about to be a month and I really feel like I can’t go on pumping.

flower16 - 09.06.2019 22:44

How did you deal with the engorgment that comes after?

Christina's Life
Christina's Life - 09.06.2019 22:29

Totally don’t blame you girl! My 1st I was sooo hard on myself, I am diff focusing more on self care this time around with my 2nd. We are good so far but diff not putting too much pressure on myself!

Cassandra Ruiz
Cassandra Ruiz - 09.06.2019 19:04

Thank you for giving us the update.. 😊

E S - 09.06.2019 17:33

I feel you mama!! I’ve been exclusively pumping since my son was born and it’s HARD!! He’s only two months and I’m trying hard to keep going with this but I know my journey will be over soon!

Brianna Stuart
Brianna Stuart - 09.06.2019 17:25

This video touched my heart. 💕 I had a similar experience with my first, struggled with low supply on maternity leave and basically produced nothing as soon as I went back to work. It was such an emotional experience - props to you for having the self confidence to share it because you are helping SO many people out there who need this video right now!! It’s messed up there is so much pressure on moms to EBF but there is basically zero support in our society to actually do it (short maternity leaves, stress at work, etc). I basically think it’s unicorns who are actually able to work full time (a real job) and pump enough to give their babies only breast milk.

proud mamma of 3
proud mamma of 3 - 09.06.2019 17:00

Can totally relate to having a low milk supply. Is an emotional rollercoaster but u are right about ur physical health is important too. My 4 month baby girl is basically on formula now. I still put her on my breast but she always falls asleep in 2mins, thinks it's more a comfort for her now but love that bond so will still do that as long as she wants it. I go back to work in October. I live in Scotland in the UK and get paid maternity leave which is great! take care xx 🤗🤗

Vanessa LeBlanc
Vanessa LeBlanc - 09.06.2019 16:50

Sending you my love mama. My little guy is 3 months old today and breastfeeding has been a rocky journey for us since the beginning. I understand the heartbreak, frustration, and guilt. You’re such a good mom for trying everything you could think of.

mariatsari - 09.06.2019 16:33

You did everything beautiful mom ❣

Giorgia Perotti
Giorgia Perotti - 09.06.2019 16:04

You did everything you could mama! You should be so proud of yourself! You made it longer than last time and that is amazing. I honestly don’t know how you pumped 8-10 times a day for so long, I absolutely hate pumping and washing the parts and all that so the dedication you had for so long is inspiring!❤️

Corine Garabito
Corine Garabito - 09.06.2019 15:18

you did great !!! the most important thing we can do is recognize when something isnt working anymore !!! youre an amazing mom !!!

Denise Jensen
Denise Jensen - 09.06.2019 15:13

Your an amazing mom and person your doing great girl
