Messy Mess Hall – Oxygen Not Included Gameplay – Live Stream Part 16

Messy Mess Hall – Oxygen Not Included Gameplay – Live Stream Part 16


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Azarius Flashfang
Azarius Flashfang - 12.04.2020 21:37

Ah the joys of pipe networking shenanigans, it's always something in these situations that seems to go wrong or the pipes become a complete mess. XD I must say though you handled it rather well trying to optimize everything and nice work on the new find.

Anthony Placek
Anthony Placek - 01.05.2018 05:57

We finally got more!? YES!

Samuel Joost
Samuel Joost - 30.04.2018 19:28

i'd probably use a CO2 scrubber somewhere in the lowest levels just du suck out all the CO2 so the pressure all over the place would drop and the oxygen could flow freely

NightSprite - 26.04.2018 23:17

If oxygen rises, why not put air filter tiles above the doors?

Mr Bri Gaming
Mr Bri Gaming - 26.04.2018 05:41

Aavak, you could cascade two air filters one after the other. One outputs oxygen and the next outputs hydrogen. This will reduce the fuss about gas pressure and multiple pumps. Also this comment might be late by few days. Thanks for the series. I love your creativity with science and your great Voice 😊

Abdullah McCracken
Abdullah McCracken - 25.04.2018 05:43

Wouldn't it have been better to have one pump at the top running constantly, attach that to a gas filter pulling the H2 off into the new pipe line for the H2 generator, then run it's reject outflow down to the original filter's input which then filters off the O2, then run the O2 filters reject outflow out of the base as it was originally doing.

The way you have it now you have CO2 and other gasses that are in the base that are being collected by the original pump are being vented out directly below a superfluous pump which has no filter on it contaminating the H2 generator's input pipe line!

Remember that 2 (H2O) == 2 (H2) + (O2)

[Edited] Corrected typo's + Clarified my original comment somewhat

countessalicetepes - 25.04.2018 01:50

I dont think this game modles it but you body produces h20 when breaking down glucose. Honestly i would like to see an update that balences the chemistry involved.

Marian Bielcik
Marian Bielcik - 24.04.2018 22:37


Tom Meakin
Tom Meakin - 24.04.2018 18:23

I'm just going off average views, but why do you ladies and gents seem to prefer watching livestream clips of this game, over dedicated Rimworld videos...?

Oscar Sommerbo
Oscar Sommerbo - 24.04.2018 18:09

I wonder why Aavak didn't use a gasfilter for the hydrogen...

Simon t
Simon t - 24.04.2018 16:55

What perfect timing just finished watching last episode 😃
