CANDACE OWENS: Pull Your Children Out of Public School

CANDACE OWENS: Pull Your Children Out of Public School

Candace Owens Podcast

2 года назад

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@amandamartinez-mo6fq - 22.01.2024 21:11

Because I go to jail if I don’t send them

@user-qm9tu7cp4t - 15.01.2024 21:00

Children are the property of the parents not the government or the school system they can fuck off

@formulaforfabulous - 15.01.2024 19:21

Agreed! Public school was such a nightmare for me. I homeschool

@ilikeandloveeverything8711 - 11.01.2024 20:02

i agree. today i begged on my knees sending my mom messages about pulling me out of school and that there are still good options, wish me luck guys because the system sucks dipshit

@charleswest6372 - 30.12.2023 19:20

Sue them if they interfere with homeschooling. They have NO authority over your kids anyway-!

@onelunar1 - 22.12.2023 20:41

Any parents interested in a dictionary with the best definitions and video of each definition with picture examples

@Brettcooperandtaylorswift4life - 21.12.2023 23:09

I’m so grateful that I am able to go to a private school.

@jarrettscherrer2189 - 02.12.2023 19:30

Children belong in schools if they wish not only to escape modern “civil” slavery, but rather to also expand and improve the world we inhabit. 😔 The UNIVERSE is out there!

@user-pr2dc2eh1r - 30.11.2023 23:18

Wh as t do we do if they send DHR to ur house

@NadiaSimone-ll3zt - 30.11.2023 00:05

There’s nothing wrong with staying home and schooling your children. If you are a single parent. You can still make it work by working from home if need be. But the state of the world and our households are indeed of a change.

@brittanyjackman103 - 28.11.2023 19:52

How did algebra, biology, and chemistry help me with how to write a basic job resume, or marrige and kids? How to pay bills? All it is is a free daycare for moms who don't want to watch their kids during the day and feel they need a break that is what family, friends, and daycare is for! At least your kids won't graduate dummer from an controlling public school system they might actually grow up smarter! It is a policitcal game of control on your kids that emotionally damages them. If they want a career, then they can learn that stuff from other options

@alecb3332 - 28.11.2023 00:11

This father is choosing to pull together with his neighbors to homeschool our kids in a group. I will not send my son and daughter to be brainwashed

@Bangarang0037 - 21.11.2023 00:03


@synthiaamaartir9553 - 15.11.2023 22:16

I love having the privilege to homeschool our children. Two out of our three have special needs, on two completely different ends of the spectrum for Autism, yet they are learning exceptionally well for their developmental age. I love having the ability to teach them in the way they learn, not how society tells me I should teach them. We focus on what’s important for their current time in life. Not only do we cover the core subjects of science, math, language arts and social studies, but they’re also learning life skills. Cooking, baking, gardening, experimentation and creative inventions. It’s the best decision we’ve ever made. Though currently we’re homeschooling our oldest, our middle child will begin in just a few weeks. They’ve never stepped foot into a public or private school system. NO HATE to those who aren’t capable of this lifestyle, I just strongly encourage to look at the bigger picture. There can be changes to your life that can promote a slower paced lifestyle, allowing you to homeschool your child(ren). There’s so much flexibility and learning opportunities. You can explore on field trips, socialize at local parks and you can even put your child in sports or extracurricular activities to socialize. There’s ENDLESS opportunities. It’s something I’ll continue to do until they’re all 18 years old. It’s so sad that kids today aren’t given the same opportunity that was given way back then. It’s not about the best interest in these kids anymore, it’s about what benefits the US.

@busybee494 - 09.11.2023 13:10

I just pulled my child out of the public school today because of a reverse racism, believe it not, it happens too. We will do online homeschooling from now on. I feel so much relieved that I don’t have to deal with this hatred anymore.

@marlyontv6400 - 07.11.2023 23:08

Isolated my husband works and I work and our children are homeschooling we which our hours around to work with our children so now they will do homeschooling and the afternoons and they will finish the work as well. So yes, pull your children out of the schools. It will save them.

@anitamary9249 - 02.11.2023 20:35

Wow! My mind is blown at this truth.

@nikkibonbon1600 - 31.10.2023 22:14

If you cant pull them out. Teach them to have discernment. Teach them that aome of what they are leaening is wrong. Trust me. Many kids know.

@TheSimpleTruthOne - 26.10.2023 06:53

Most all schools teach kids what to think, not HOW to think.

The same goes for most all college & university general education.

@terrycrews1760 - 20.10.2023 14:29

⁠I’m really trying to understand the benefit of homeschooling vs public school but nobody is explaining that in the comments section. Just a bunch of people praising home schooling and criticizing public school. Can someone offer some real objective information on why choose one over the other?

@hopeelizabeth6859 - 20.10.2023 05:23

We left a Democratic state and their $600 per month property taxes for their “top” public schools and instead bought a house in Virginia where we chose a top private school with tuition just under what our property taxes would have been up north. Our son is in his 4th year at the private school, and loves it. The teachers are loving and actually like kids, and he’s getting a good education without all the weird and destructive nonsense.

@nickcox1408 - 19.10.2023 20:22

I hated school in the 90s and early 2000s. Mainly because it was female dominated and hostile towards boys yet they're shocked when we snap and act out. Start treating us better

@imperfectlyperfectuzie9183 - 12.10.2023 20:53

Can someone please help me. I have been truly wanting to take my kids out of school forever now. Please tell me the things I should be teaching my children once out of indoctrination?!

@clizbot - 10.10.2023 16:01

Shootings, bullying, OCDTQIA2+, racism

Yea get your kids out of there asap

@lianataylor1067 - 10.10.2023 00:25

You know where public schools are good? In Finland. Because people actually are happy to pay taxes to pay into the system to provide a living wage and respect for teachers. If conservatives just want to pay as little tax as possible , don’t complain that the schools are bad then.

@virtual7insanity - 09.10.2023 06:15

you forgot to mention drugs! How the entire generation is hooked on drugs! And they become human compost! Parasites of the society... but they can vote! And they are the source of making money for democrats!

@virtual7insanity - 09.10.2023 06:02

My daughter is 3.5 yo and I am terrified! I knock my head against wall every day to find a solution. Homeschooling is one option, but I really want her to experience what I have experienced: classmates, fun doing things with peers, sharing love, knowledge and "misbehavers" here and there too! But I grew up in a Soviet Union and our world was completely different! Trust me, as Americans, or Europeans , you will never can dream about childhood we had! I know school nowadays is not the same neither in the USA , nor in elsewhere in the world! So, I am considering moving out from the USA back to Europe and finding the best private school there. I already have two options, one is going back to Georgia, where I came from and starting a very good private school there, that costs 10K per year, but problem there is pollution and bad quality food..... And there is another European country that offers everything, but will be twice as much, because I need to rent an apartment! And the price will be also for my daughter that father has to stay in the USA, to support her education! FUCK YOU LIBERAL ASSHOLES OF THIS FUCKTARD COUNTRY! give me back my 25 years and shove your US passport to your ass! No, not sharing what's my second option! Do your own research!

@nah6492 - 04.10.2023 15:05

Private school

@hakeemjacobs006 - 01.10.2023 17:27

This video got recommended me on purpose because I’m pulling my kid out of school lol 😂. The teachers and school system is in shambles and it won’t get better. It will only bleed into your other kids.

@HomeschoolHistoryShow - 26.09.2023 22:33

We started homeschooling our boys this year. It was a game changer for them and for us.

@andybray9791 - 24.09.2023 19:35

We should have kept section 28 to avoid shoving down promoting of homosexuality etc which undermined marriage and what have you

@jonwheeler555 - 24.09.2023 17:02

Yep 👍 ❤

@goinxnginx - 24.09.2023 01:31

America's public schools are a sick joke, and have been in a consistent nosedive for decades. Although much too late, today's sheep are finally recognizing the decline. The same has happened to the federal and state governments...they are equally defective with respect to efficiency, morals, character, and results. The entire culture is dumbed down and lacks any sense of goal oriented direction and purpose. Welcome to Obamaland, where the sheep just want to hear vacuous liberal platitudes and promises based upon expanding centralized controls.

@caseygottschalk591 - 14.09.2023 20:32

Kids are getting dumber? That is harsh! This is about teaching and going to easy on them. It isn’t a dumb child. It is dumb adults with these stupid opinions like this but won’t do anything to make a difference. Our kids are hearing people like you bitching and calling our kids useless idiots! You make me so angry! You are not passionate you are a judgmental, name calling person with no opinion of how to fix anything besides pulling kids out of schools! So are you going to quit your job to home school your kids. Make sure to teach them your political views. I would really trust a Dr who has good politics😳

@wendysmith8365 - 10.09.2023 22:32

I couldn't agree with you more. I am in my 80's, but my husband and I felt this way when our children were in school. We are white, but we carpooled our two in station wagons with 8 more children whose parents felt the same way. We drove across town to a black university that had an outstanding non-graded elementary school. Our daughter could already read and was given 2nd and 3rd grade work, etc. They learned not only subjects at their level, but also made friends with children of different races and religions. I may not have always made the best decisions for my children, but my daughter thanked me for this when she was an adult. I would recommend something similar to any parent who can find it.

@kittyrage4065 - 05.09.2023 23:28

I know my son is special with disabilities and learns differently from other kids. I am considering alternative schooling options for him because the school he is in cant handle him or don’t know how to school him.

@christinahoward806 - 03.09.2023 22:43


@susansweet320 - 02.09.2023 17:50

Great satire! Didn't know you are a comedian! Obviously none of this is true. I really don't know what school you are talking about.

@ckjay462012 - 25.08.2023 16:46

Didn’t she attend public school? She seems to be doing very well.

@user-lt4jo2fw7s - 24.08.2023 20:30

Many public schools are actually closing down .

@stevenlevernier7357 - 17.08.2023 13:10

She is a nut

@tonyarogers2257 - 13.08.2023 22:32

Proud of these parents if there's no kids for these sick ppl to target the won't get them out take the kids out

@adevx1824 - 04.08.2023 12:41

3 children in diapers 5 weeks to xmas and forced on unpaid LOA by EECD for not jabbing. Tell me how much you love my kids... actions speak louder...

@brokearcader6625 - 03.08.2023 06:41

Parents should be given payment to homeschool their children, and if those parents have a college Education they could get more “salary” depending on how much college education they have.

If a parent can stay home from work and raise their disabled child and get paid from the state and still send their child to school then why couldn’t there be a program to pay parents to be a at home teacher to their children

@lukeyznaga7627 - 30.07.2023 02:13

BUT YES....parents should have pulled their children out of school years ago. The probelm arises, what if they can't afford private schools. THIS IS SOMETHING parents need to think about BEFORE...before they have children. Get out of the cities. If you know you are going to be homeless or have to be to survive, do in a rural setting somewhere near a river or forest and have a decent car and tent. GET OUT of the cities. Rural public schools are a lot better than CITY public schools.

@lukeyznaga7627 - 30.07.2023 02:11

Fabulous outfit by Candace. In most of her modern videos, podcasts, and appearances. SHE DOES NOT EVEN TRY anymore to wear, nice, fashionable clothes. its one of the reasons why I go ELSEWHERE to hear similar, good discussions or videos about the same thing Candace is talking about. She has good topics and points of view, but there are many others talking about certain issues BETTER. And their presentation is better and they were better clothes.

@BloodyKnives66 - 28.07.2023 21:18

I was public schooled, I've learned more about the world from TV documentaries and studing subjects myself than I did from school. School felt like a waste of time to me. My kids Homeschool now and instead of leaving them behind when they don't understand like public school I work with them and even if I don't know something we both learn it.

@stevenhanson6057 - 27.07.2023 04:02

You have to influence and tell the youth how great they are. Sound familiar? Candace slaying it.
