Cyberpunk 2077 - DON'T MESS UP Attributes, Skills, & Perks | Ultimate Guide (No Spoilers)

Cyberpunk 2077 - DON'T MESS UP Attributes, Skills, & Perks | Ultimate Guide (No Spoilers)


3 года назад

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joller dk
joller dk - 22.09.2023 18:14

Now we need an updated one for cp 2.0. Pleaaaaase

Brian Egendorf
Brian Egendorf - 14.09.2023 23:42

I had decided that the best way to start is actually decide what you don't want to be bothered with. If you don't do blades or sneaking, then you don't need cool or reflex. Pick what you need the least, and leave that with an attribute of 2. Then pick what weapon you want. And pick Body or Reflex accordingly to put attribute points in. Crafting is required regardless of any build. Lets say you get want to get to a 20 in Body and in Crafting. You want at least 4 points in Intelligence so you can breach and hack enough to get an extra perk point at level 3 or 4. Even if you are sticking to weapons, and not worrying about quick hacking, Get the skill in breaching that reduces how many lines you need for Breach Protocol. Breach and Quick Hack everything you can (even if it seems un-necessary) until you max out your skill level and get your perk point.

Megan Beaudoin
Megan Beaudoin - 12.09.2023 21:38

As a netrunner build, intelligence is insanely useful... but mostly just if you plan on this type of build. Contagion, overheat, and system shock at higher levels are enough to take out an entire building, and there are breach protocol places literally everywhere, it's great.

drewm916 - 24.07.2023 07:56

This is a very useful video. Thanks much!

Bella Ing
Bella Ing - 03.07.2023 23:51

It's July/2023 and I re-download the game because of the new DLC coming out. I can't wait. Thanks this was well done...

Dr. Taserfaceboogerbottomfarttoiletpeepeewaterpoop
Dr. Taserfaceboogerbottomfarttoiletpeepeewaterpoop - 28.06.2023 00:30

What is the one in the bottom middle between intelligence and cool though?

Kenneth Lastinger
Kenneth Lastinger - 18.06.2023 23:19

Very helpful thank you, I now know to spec heavily into reflex and stealth but to trickle my other points into trees like athletics, and crafting, and hopefully a bit into Quickhacking too

Ảo Quá Game
Ảo Quá Game - 23.05.2023 18:24

Yes when u play easy mode u dont need skill 😂. Try very easy mode and u die

Dru Wash
Dru Wash - 28.04.2023 12:03

Appreciate the video this game starts slow but it’s good and worth it

Aaron Utley
Aaron Utley - 28.04.2023 03:52

(...and I know it was an ad, but I also just recently switched from a 2080 Super, but to a 3070, and the diff in this game was pretty startling)

Aaron Utley
Aaron Utley - 28.04.2023 03:43

This is a great video. I just staggered through my first full story playthrough blind and barely scratched the surface of the content and felt I had no real direction. Excited to start over with this guidance!

Brad the Impaler
Brad the Impaler - 23.04.2023 16:09


Gunaxt - 16.03.2023 03:58

I honestly think the skill options are a bit too much and overwhelming.

ImZelo - 13.03.2023 06:26

Thank you so much for the video! Starting with the game right now and I very wanted to know what to do to reach my specific build 🤝🔥

SterbenSX - 24.01.2023 08:36

Welp, guess I'm restarting

Daniel Swift
Daniel Swift - 05.01.2023 03:54

help me eat. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Jermel Purse
Jermel Purse - 27.12.2022 04:56

They really should’ve built in a spot where you can respect your attributes just once, perhaps in the entire game or maybe after the first act. Just a spot a situation where you could say. Oh I didn’t mistake. Let me touch up this attribute. Let me redistribute these points here now that I see how the system works. Instead, you could literally screw things up by mid game and can’t go back and do anything to fix it really you just proceed forward or start over. Yeah this is something they should’ve allowed you to redo nap anytime you wanted to but at least once let someone respec everything about their character. They could’ve even put in a warning you can only do this once make sure you know what you’re doing. If not, go play around come back. Break the third wall, but make sure the characters know this is the only time you’re going to get to do this

[ OBLYBION ] - 19.12.2022 10:14

I just need to know why even if i have the full atributes on a skill, why does it not increases level?

Arwin Aziz
Arwin Aziz - 15.12.2022 03:11

Anyone know the track that is playing on the background?

Donnie Lee
Donnie Lee - 11.12.2022 12:26

Your is different than mine on pc version. Are you playing on a console?

Anthony Rosa
Anthony Rosa - 02.11.2022 17:37

THIS GAME HAS CHANGED A LOT. I could swear that there were a max of 50 points and that's it.

Aimbreak - 26.10.2022 19:38

Can someone tell me the name of the first background song that plays?

Green Gaster
Green Gaster - 21.10.2022 14:36

In the start I went 54544 is that good for first start just got the game

Among_Chaos - 06.10.2022 19:31

Can we get an updated video :)

Robert Gray
Robert Gray - 03.10.2022 10:42

Imma be an assassin run n gun/technical skill character

Neko~ - 27.09.2022 00:09

Magic the gathering music in the background?
I swear i hear this when i played mtg on steam back in the day

Salty - 26.09.2022 08:57

You're voice sounds so familiar. Like I've watched hundreds of videos about skyrim and fallout with your narration. 🤔 hmmm am I going insane or are you apart of FudgeMuppet?

Anyway thanks for the video! My friends talked me into it because I love classless RPGs like this, skyrim, fallout, etc.

Odd The Quiet
Odd The Quiet - 26.09.2022 01:14

I can read. I know what skills are and what they do.
I needed someone who did the math.
Which is better? By how much and why?

Jjil Lalalac
Jjil Lalalac - 25.09.2022 18:31

pretty hard to mess up attributes tho unless you dont read or invest your attri on tech past 18

Striker - 13.09.2022 22:41

Nice video, have a sub.

Tseten Sun
Tseten Sun - 27.08.2022 04:50

16 minute video, but so much good information! Can’t wait to get this next week. Thanks to you I’ll have a solid start ❤️

Bombastus - 07.08.2022 14:19

Tou can't mess up attributes, skills and perks because it doesn't matter. You will become OP automatically.

Guitars and Synths
Guitars and Synths - 18.07.2022 18:14

I have been doing the side gigs in Watson and putting almost everything into Intelligence to make a strong netrunner build.

Roman Rodgers
Roman Rodgers - 18.07.2022 07:31

Just started yesterday do far I have 8 intelligence 19 tech and a few in reflexes lol I've got a long way to go

Vinmango B
Vinmango B - 27.05.2022 12:31

so how do I pick attributes lol?

Kevin Bartoe
Kevin Bartoe - 18.05.2022 15:49

Answered quite a few questions. Thanks

Infamous Instance
Infamous Instance - 05.05.2022 02:23

This is such an awesome video bro!

Brandon - 26.04.2022 07:23

Most of the perks are nerfed

Mitchell Castillo
Mitchell Castillo - 24.04.2022 08:57

Smooth transition into the plug

Brian Kelly
Brian Kelly - 24.04.2022 06:58

So....get everything? haha

RevStalker - 17.03.2022 03:59

Got to this vid when googling whether distributing attributes equally is viable. Glad to hear it is. My dump stat is Intelligence but all the other stats seem to have something I'm interested in.

r1pbuck - 11.03.2022 18:00

I've put some hours into this game and I must say it's not very transparent...these guides are almost a necessity if getting on in the game. I'm going to go right back to zero and create a new character with many of the tips I've received here and elsewhere. Thanks Dantics.

RAKKAR - 28.02.2022 09:01

Love some of the thought processes and point of views you’ve given! Went all in on some of the perks and even give me a second thoughts on how I use them or whether or not I even wanted of them in the first place.. appreciate it! Sub earned!

Alex Lee
Alex Lee - 28.02.2022 02:26

Could we remake this video but with the 1.5 changes?

Coyo Boyo
Coyo Boyo - 22.02.2022 06:05

This video solved an issue on my second playthrough with how to get the most out of a more tech-ninja type of character. Thank you much! I'd subscribe twice if I could.

Nobless Oblige
Nobless Oblige - 13.02.2022 05:48

You forgot that tech ability is the sole main attribute that is responsible for keeping your favorite gear at a usable level and allows you to craft the most powerful and effective weapons. Also just as important it is the main way to earn Eddie's. The average payout for a job that I've seen in 1000 hours of gameplay is about 3-4k plus bonus if you went for it. you can make triple that in about 3 mins by being level 15-16 in the technical/ crafting area. Yeah tech tree is the prime primary attribute I'd say body/ Intellect second and reflexes or cool third. Mix however your playstyle but regardless of that, you need Eddie's, and you need gear and the ability to keep that gear and clothing you like at level all while increasing armour which is part of the survivability and can open certain areas and unlock special dialogue with characters by having a high enough level in the main attribute.
