PowerShell create a scheduled task

PowerShell create a scheduled task

Shane Young

6 лет назад

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Naveen chandra
Naveen chandra - 14.09.2023 15:17

Good demonstration, however some specific scripts works only when they are connected with VPN's...can you correct my understanding here.

John Z.
John Z. - 08.06.2023 19:04

I have no prior experience with this. Can I set up reminders by clicking on specific words or links within a webpage? Thank you! A brief video similar to the one provided would be fantastic!

Alan Alves
Alan Alves - 02.06.2023 09:55


Raymond Jones
Raymond Jones - 25.05.2023 15:36

Need help transferring file from server to member server on scheduled task. I have the template but I keep getting 0X1 when the task completes. No file is transferred. What I read is it is either privilege or wrong path I am leaning towards wrong path. Any help is appreciated thanks.

family thallam
family thallam - 12.05.2023 21:29

Hi Shane.This is great video. I am getting access Denied error when I run the script. Could you please let me know how can I overcome this.Thanks in Advance.

Helltown Gaming
Helltown Gaming - 07.11.2022 19:08

Great tutorial! Short and to the point. Thanks!

Ambush Gaming
Ambush Gaming - 02.07.2022 23:34

Hi, great video, how do you make it so it runs on Windows start up?

Абылай - 30.05.2022 12:19

Thanks Sir 👍.
I wil try this method on my core server

Hrugved Mumbaikar
Hrugved Mumbaikar - 31.01.2022 18:20

Task scheduler with multiple trigger and repetitive , duration examples

Sid Edu-Tech
Sid Edu-Tech - 05.11.2021 15:40

Hi same script I want to create for list of server ..how I can create ?

Dikerto - 30.10.2021 00:52

Hey man, mine is not working. It does schedule the powershell script and when it comes to the task time or when I press execute powershell opens and closes fast, but I don't think the script is being executed because it does not create the file I wanted. The problem is not my script file because if I execute it, it does work fine and creates the file. I copied your script exactly how you made it and I just changed the directory to my script file. Idk what I'm doing wrong can you help me?

Anjana M
Anjana M - 27.09.2021 14:25

How about creating jobs...???

Surya N
Surya N - 08.05.2021 04:04

Excellent! Just what I wanted.
Thank you.

Pankaj Shinde
Pankaj Shinde - 04.05.2021 16:39

Hi Sir,
Can I track lock PC and unlock PC time somewhere in the PC by powershell?

Sajan Kumar
Sajan Kumar - 28.04.2021 15:57

How would you go about if you need to run a command (custom command) and schedule it using PowerShell scripting and the method you showed in your video

Amarendra Kumar Das
Amarendra Kumar Das - 22.02.2021 08:02

Excellent Demonstration

krishna172225 - 01.02.2021 19:22

I am working on the script to check if service is started if not then start it. I know how to check and restart services but the whole concept is I need to check 3 services and for one of the services I need to put some time frame such as 10 sec and then make sure that run and check others two then also all 3 send out the email. Does anyone know how how to add time-delayed one of the services out of theree and restart the service. Thank you!

Capricorn Sweethearts
Capricorn Sweethearts - 22.01.2021 17:10

Hi would like to ask on How to automate a script for checking restart logs on the server using powershell on windows? Thank you very much and more power

R Danu F
R Danu F - 14.01.2021 06:52

how to open and close application automatically using powershell?

ChandraKishore314 - 21.10.2020 19:24


Jens Koopmann
Jens Koopmann - 13.08.2020 22:44

Great video and great series. Helped me a lot! One question: is there any way to check if a task already exists before adding it to the scheduled tasks?

Pradeep kumar
Pradeep kumar - 22.07.2020 20:35

Hi Shane, Please create a video on Monthly triggers for Clustered-ScheduleTask

Rafiur Rahman
Rafiur Rahman - 18.07.2020 21:53


S2100211 - 02.04.2020 00:38

Brilliant video. This is going to save me hours of work as I have to set up a server restart scheduled task on 70 Windows servers. Thanks.

TheMaaza11(Meher) - 27.03.2020 14:21

what I have to do to enable 'run whether user logged on or not ' option

stephan23 - 13.03.2020 19:35

Great video, helped me loads. Just one question:
If you want to run a ps1 file but also pass parameters to that ps1 file, how would you do that?

D M - 13.03.2020 17:12

Combination of different length video formats is just fine

Harshal Gaonkar
Harshal Gaonkar - 01.03.2020 07:57

What will be the syntax to schedule the file to run in every 15 minutes?

Erick Silva
Erick Silva - 18.01.2020 05:15

Tip for deleting the task:

Unregister-ScheduledTask -TaskName "Your Task Name"

Or to avoid the confirmation message:

Unregister-ScheduledTask -TaskName "Your Task Name" -Confirm:$False

Warren Randall
Warren Randall - 17.12.2019 18:53

Shane Young that was awesome! I am a new powershell user, doing my best to teach myself. Thank you for this video, I been looking for a way to create task schedulers with powershell. I have a few backup scripts and it has been a pain to manually setup schedules for each one. Thank you very much. :-)

Osama Asif
Osama Asif - 14.12.2019 16:46

Man, your good!

Tuệ Phạm Tài
Tuệ Phạm Tài - 05.06.2019 04:11

thank FYI. but i have a question, how can i create multi triggers. ex -At 10am 11am 6pm in one ps1 file

Tan Le Nhat
Tan Le Nhat - 26.03.2019 13:16

Thank you for your video, it's awesome. However I have a question, how do I create trigger "When I logon" instead 'Daily"? Thank you very much.

Andreas Drbal
Andreas Drbal - 30.01.2019 01:46

Awesome and simple!

kaushal kishore mishra
kaushal kishore mishra - 05.01.2019 05:51

Shane, what about combining 4 scripts in a server, scheduling them and sending the output to a local system, will it be possible?

Hafid Abdel
Hafid Abdel - 23.11.2018 22:32

Thanks good one. Do i need admin right to create new Task ?

Bruno Brito
Bruno Brito - 20.11.2018 04:34

just awesome man!!
Is that possible to create more than one trigger for the same task?

Bengal Tiger
Bengal Tiger - 18.11.2018 08:17

Nice video Shane. You're just awesome! I am also new to PowerShell. Just wanted to know the right syntax of cmdlets for pushing installation of any software on multiple computers that are part of Windows Workgroup. I did try Invoke-Command on one remote computer but it failed. I would be grateful to you if you can throw some light on this issue.

Duncan Shaw
Duncan Shaw - 07.11.2018 09:54

Great video Shane. I’m new to PowerShell and have been having difficulty creating a scheduled task to trigger a bat file. I need the power shell to create the scheduled task and run the bat file silently but have not found any answers to this. I have over a thousand client computers to run this on so obviously the GUI is not an option. Neither is GPO.

Steven ProbynSMA
Steven ProbynSMA - 19.10.2018 10:08

Hi Shane. Great video - I like the 5 minute format. I need my scheduled task to run with admin rights, I will google further. Cheers.

Andrew Christopherson
Andrew Christopherson - 31.08.2018 19:50

This helped me out a lot, thanks for the video!

gadey karthik
gadey karthik - 30.08.2018 11:12

works perfectly in powershell doen't work with jenkins when i run it is showing in task schedular using as $User= "NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" but it is not triggger

Abdellatif Sahlali
Abdellatif Sahlali - 18.06.2018 01:23

Hello shane, New-ScheduledTaskAction is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, I have an operating system windows 7. what is the trouble, do I need to install a module?

Elijah Kazimir
Elijah Kazimir - 17.06.2018 09:46

Anyone know how to create the task in a subfolder?
