I still don’t know how to swim 💀 my light ahh still sinks 😭
ОтветитьThx for the last one 😊
ОтветитьStranger:hey. What time is it
Me:*puches the guy* hello 911
"If ur dumb ahhh didn't know how to swim"💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀
ОтветитьThe Ice one is deuterium ice, "heavy water" is safe to drink, it is only toxic if more than 40% of the water in your body is heavy water.
ОтветитьNice film
ОтветитьFun facts: my happy place is my room.
ОтветитьDUMB AHH
ОтветитьUnless it heavy water ice heavy water is made of D2O instead of H2O
ОтветитьFact: dont press see more
߲߲߲߲߲߲߲߲߲߲߲߲߲߲߲߲߲߲߲߲߲߲߲߲߲߲߲߲߲߲߬߬߬߬߬߬߬߬߬߬߬߬߬߬߬߬߬߬߬߬߬߬߬߬߫߫߫߫߫߫߫߫߫߫߫߫߫߫߫߫߫߫߫߫߫߫߫ुुुुुुुुुुुुुुुुुुुुुुुूूूूूूूूूूूूूूूूूूूूूूूूेेेेेेेेेेेेेेेेेेेेेेेेेेेंं ྕྕྕྕྕྖྖྖྖྖྲྲྲྲྲྟྟྟྟྚྚྠྛྱྱྱྤྤྥྥྸྸཱ ྡྶྶྜྡྜྡྡྜྔྔྒྒྷྷྗྗྐྐྐྵྐྐྵྑྑླླྭྭྫྫྯྯྮྮྴྴྵྵྩྩྪྪྦྣྦྞྣྞྙྙྨྨ྄྄྄྄྄྄྄྄྄྄྄྄྄྄྄྄྄ེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེེིིིིིིིིིིིིིིིིིིིིིིིིིིིིིིིིིིིིིིིིིིིིིིིིིིིིིིིིིིིིིིིིིིིིིིིིིིིིིིིིིིིིིིིིིིིིིིིིིིིིིིིིིིིིིིིོོོོོོོོོོོོོོོོོོོོོོོོོོོོོོོོོོོོོོོོོོོོོོོོོོོོོོོོོོོོོོོོོོོོོོོོོོོོོིོོོོོོོོོོོོོོོོོོོོོོིིིོིོོོོོོོོིོོོོོོོོོོོོོོོོུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུུܸܸܸܸܸܸܸܸܸܸܸܸܸܸܸܸܸܸܸܸܸܸܹܹܹܹܹܹܹܹܹܹܹܹܹܹܹܹܸܸܼܼܼܼܼܼܼܼ݂݂݂݂݂݂݂݂݂݂݂݂݂݂݂݂̮̮̮̮̮̮̮̮̮̮̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰ܲܲܲܲܲܲܲܲܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܿܿܿܿܿܲܿܿܿܿܿܿܿ̈̈̈̈̈̈̈̈̈̈̈̈̈̈̈̈̈ꩃꩃꩃꩃꩃꩃꩃꩃꩃꩃꩃꩃꩃꩃꩃꩌꩌꩌꩌꩌꩌꩌꩌꩌꩌꩌꩌꩌꩌꩌꨵꨵꨵꨵꨵꨵꨵꨵꨵꨵꨵꨵꨵꨵꨵꨵꨶꨶꨶꨶꨶꨶꨶꨶꨶꨶꨩꨩꨩꨩꨩꨩꨩꨩꨩꨩꨩꨪꨪꨪꨪꨪꨪꨪꨪꨪꨪꨪꨪꨪꨪꨪꨪꨫꨫꨫꨫꨫꨫꨫꨫꨫꨫꨫꨫꨫꨫꨫꨬꨬꨬꨬꨬꨬꨬꨬꨬꨬꨬꨭꨭꨭꨭꨭꨭꨭꨭꨭꨭꨭꨮꨮꨮꨮꨮꨮꨮꨮꨮꨮꨮꨮꨮꨲꨲꨲꨲꨲꨲꨲꨲꨲꨲꨲꨲꨲܝକ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍କ୍
If ur dumb ahh doesn't know how to swim got me 💀💀💀💀
Ответитьjust show them thw-e= wactgh
Ответитьyou should make the intro "5 shocking facts that will shock the rocks out of your socks"
Ответить“Police?… no I just heard a baby crying”
Ответитьmost popular video
ОтветитьBro a purple flag is just jellyfish that sting you bro💀
ОтветитьIf the boys who peed on a pregnancy test and it's positive they are probably gay and gonna get so embarrassed walking around looking fat(no offense)
ОтветитьWhat is the text to speech voice on this video pls
Ответитьdude,if someone doesn't know how to swim,they're not dumb
Ответить"Its a chanak"
This is from the Philippines only
That if there is a baby outside
You almost killed me I was going to send this to my mom but then I heard “ur dumb ahh”
ОтветитьThis guy actually has zero brain cells
ОтветитьYeah no shit how does ice does not float in freaking water I don’t know
ОтветитьFun fact: ur age counts every birthday
Fun fact: double-clicking can make u like automaticity in videos & comments
I drank Pepsi and the ice sunk no lie
ОтветитьThe ice in my Iggy cuffs sometimes stays at the bottom because it's so cold it's sticking to the bottom😊😊
ОтветитьUm I’m sorry for that I say hashtags on it and I don’t know if I typed it there
ОтветитьSo if my cousin ask me for the time she gonna steal from me
ОтветитьThe baby one is fake to
ОтветитьThe water one is fake
ОтветитьI dont now how to swim im not dumb
ОтветитьFourth one relates since theres a filipino creature named tiyanak(also known as the devils baby i think) if u hear a baby crying in the forest do not go there.
Ответитьbut what if theres so many ice they all push themselves together
Ответить“If the ice in your drink isn’t floating it’s poisoned”
Me:Nah,I never knew that
Um drank an drink with ice and the ice warent floating and im still livin
ОтветитьCrawl space is a lie I can tell this because I know someone who is a train worker and these are only on the old train stations and people doing that can lead to their right arm been torn off because the speed of the train drags u into it meaning u have a bigger risk of death climbing out is the safer and faster option also wasn’t trying to make this long but facts
Ответить5 shockingly shocking facts that will shock shockingly
Ответитьlast one was personal💀
ОтветитьIf you dumb ahh 💀
ОтветитьWhy in the hell would i piss on a prenancy test
ОтветитьTeam fake
The purple flag doesn’t necessarily indicate dangerous sealife it can but it usually indicates marine pests that may cause minor injury. For dangerous sealife, it’s more likely that they’ll use the double red flag.
ОтветитьThis is probably American
ОтветитьFeliz, awesome content you deserve more subscribers