EU4 1.32 England Guide - THIS Is How YOU WIN as England

EU4 1.32 England Guide - THIS Is How YOU WIN as England

The Red Hawk

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In this video titled EU4 1.32 England Guide - THIS Is How YOU WIN as England I make an EU4 Guide for England for Europa Universalis 1.32 Origins. With EU4 1.32 Origins releasing the meta and the starting moves for many nations on the map has changed, so of course new and up to date guides are needed. This EU4 England starting moves guide or EU4 England starting moves tutorial will ensure that you get a great start for yourself playing as the nation of England. This guide covers the opening moves, forming Great Britain, getting the personal union over France in the 100 years war, diplomacy, colonizing, estates, alliances, subjects, missions, national ideas and more! England is one of the best nations for playing wide, having an extremely powerful army and navy, being the richest nation in the world with an economy focused on trade and production, domination Europe and the world and more! England / Great Britain has three unique achievements and they are called Anglophile, An Industrial Evolution and One Night in Paris. After watching this EU4 England guide you will ensure a great start for yourself, and you will have an easy and fun campaign. The save file is available for all Tier 1 and above Youtube members in the save-games Discord channel.

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Precise Pickleball
Precise Pickleball - 04.09.2023 08:50

Fun fact, you can ally Brittany and sell Maine as a province for cheap and avoid this event altogether. Usually, France will later declare war on them, and if you have Castille + others as allies, they will respond defensively. Brittany will give you some provinces claimed from that war 😎

Natedynasty13 - 07.07.2023 07:31

What dlc removes the nobility from England? I have rule Britannia and i still have all the estates

sld1776 - 15.06.2023 08:49

"Domineering toward me"

Because you Royal Married them and your heir has low legitimacy.

NuklearOrange - 28.03.2023 09:58

"This isn't a beginner guide"
Me who got Coalitioned just for PUing Milan, and promptly dismantled in my first ironman game yesterday: mmm yes I can handle this.

James - 24.02.2023 15:26

Okay I got France, now 10 years later if I sneeze the whole of Europe gets skittish and start talking about me behind my back. I can't even look at Scotland without getting 70 aggressive expansion.

alex perov
alex perov - 16.01.2023 16:48

Nice guide ,hi from Russia )

An Italian Theorist
An Italian Theorist - 07.01.2023 03:56

I like how i tried it and basically devastated France so hard it collapsed after i made it in a union and broke apart in dozens of duchies making yhe whole thing useless ( besides crashing completely the English economy with 15 loans)

Darth Sasquach
Darth Sasquach - 03.01.2023 12:18

Thanks for this video. I just tried this strat and got mixed results because Paradox game.

I started off really well. Got that rare chance of allying Burgundy, Castile, and Austria. France only allied Aragon. War starts and six months in, France is fully occupied except one or two forts…Castile peace’s out with high enthusiasm and none of their provinces under siege or taken (I didn’t know they could do that). I quickly white peace Aragon. Now for the infuriating part. I had to promise land to Burgundy to call them in. I get Union France and peace out with Burgundy getting two provinces (green thumb). One month later…they break our alliance and rival me.

That all takes maybe a year. I sit and do nothing but please France for about 6 years after and just get them loyal. I am thinking things are going good. I have about 4 months left until my heir (0, 4, 4) is 15. I get the “heir is sick” event. I pay the 50 gold for the good result…and he’s dead. Now the War of the Rose is happening. My new king is 4, 4, 0, still better than Henry. Half my troops are in France because I forgot to bring them back and the transport ships got destroyed in the war with France. Not paying attention to where the rebels will spawn, I choose the one that is 9 units instead of 19…they spawn on the island of Mann. I hope they like that island because it’s going to be 20 loans before I make any transports.

Elmurat Ahmann
Elmurat Ahmann - 05.12.2022 07:18

Instructions unclear accidentally got a pu over castille

GanonDun - 04.12.2022 02:34

Didn't work for me--Castile got their ass kicked and France peaced them out. France were allied to the Papal States who were tough to peace out, and super strong rebels started appearing in England when I had to choose a Lancaster or York heir (the one I introduced was neither).

Jackson I dont what you to know my last name
Jackson I dont what you to know my last name - 27.11.2022 08:34

I don’t own the game but I think it’s fun to watch them

Ryan - 30.10.2022 12:45

If you PU France, how do you get the Angevin Kingdom mission?

Voxeltrot - 19.10.2022 06:53

bruh I just allied with burgundy at the start of my first game lol

Simon Plottke
Simon Plottke - 07.08.2022 17:02

What version of EU4 are you using in this video?

A Templar I Guess
A Templar I Guess - 02.08.2022 00:38

Austria is probably domineering because you have a royal marriage without a (high claim) heir and they claimed your throne

Brooke Lovett
Brooke Lovett - 12.07.2022 21:06

If Castile and Aragon are rivals should I ally both of them or no?

Egg64 - 07.07.2022 05:00

What is wrong with my game I can't even explain how bad things are going for me right now. I'm following everything step by step and as soon as I get into the war with France nothing is going how it's supposed too.

Egg64 - 06.07.2022 23:56

Red Hawk was so lucky that the heir he spawned was a Plantagenet dynasty or York or Lancaster dynasty because if it isn't the war of the roses would have still happened. So if you spawned an heir that doesn't have a name that ends with Lancaster, York, or Plantagenet the war of the roses will happen.

Egg64 - 01.07.2022 00:06

did 1.33 change everything or my game is bugged. When I tried to occupy Paris my brainless army decided the only route to Paris is by sailing 50 million miles directly into an army so much stronger than them instead of walking 2 inches/just ONE province towards Paris.

Egg64 - 30.06.2022 23:24

even though i was in an alliance with castille they said they wont join the war and didnt let me click the call to arms button

Ugly Worn Out Shoe Lace
Ugly Worn Out Shoe Lace - 30.06.2022 01:15

I know u probably get this a lot but Derby is actually pronounced “sheep shaggers”

CandyFlip - 15.06.2022 17:18

amazing tutorial, thank you!

Leonardus Karolus Iulius Tantius
Leonardus Karolus Iulius Tantius - 11.06.2022 16:46

I prefer to sell Maine (so I lose prestige but not stability ), go through the War of the Roses and PU France later.

Titanium Steel
Titanium Steel - 23.05.2022 13:38

Thanks for the guide! Thanks to you I actually beat France as England on Iron Man! (Before I had to rely on cheating to beat France)

Srbenda - 11.05.2022 18:28

Hey man could u tell me how did u avoid War of the Roses, seems like evne if i introduce an heir I always get disaster?

Alexdre - 08.05.2022 09:44

Ngl my first England game I got Castile as a PU in 1446, avoided war of the roses and won against France by sheer luck. I only haf like 150h at the time lol

ant - 29.04.2022 09:24

great guide i was very unlucky tho burgandy ended up annexing holland ect then austria ended up inherriting burgandy and turned into a powerhouse

Brandon Reinhart
Brandon Reinhart - 21.04.2022 19:00

Don't allow yourself to fall a level behind France in mil tech or their Liberty Desire will shoot up. Also if you screw up bad and declare bankruptcy while Indebted to the Burghers, the Indebted privilege will never go away. Sad face.

KDev - 19.04.2022 21:55

Every 3 minutes I get 2x 20 second adverts that I can’t skip. I got as far as the 3rd set of adverts and gave up, sorry.

DudemanOfBorg - 15.04.2022 19:34

Doesn't work for 1.33

H20 - 14.04.2022 00:17

austria broke my alliance way before the war

KirkSolo - 11.04.2022 19:37

Wales guide when!?

codpyry - 08.04.2022 04:22

I only just realized that you choose to strengthen noble privileges every time not despite of the increased influence, but because of it!

Ethan Lee
Ethan Lee - 07.04.2022 19:22

I randomly PUd Castile before Maine but i suck at the game so i failed anyways

RoboTube - 04.04.2022 12:14

Its incredibly hard to get the conditions this dude got. Both Castille and Aragon rivaling France and on top of that he got a Plantagenet heir. Either he is lucky beyond belief or this is staged and from multiple tries.

Scotty Lovell
Scotty Lovell - 03.04.2022 10:36

People don't know what is happening everywhere else in the world, here in America.

Antimatter - 02.04.2022 19:42

He's obviously not British, its Dar-bee mate.

DasPotato - 02.04.2022 11:56

Turns out you got lucky with your introduced heir. In order for the War of the Roses not to fire, your Heir must be of the Plantagenet, York, or Lancaster dynasty.

Bronce Retriever
Bronce Retriever - 31.03.2022 20:22

I seem to be doing sth wrong... castille always engages in stupid battles and eventually peaces out, unfortunately I only have half of france at this time (provence out of the war and 45% warscore) and it only goes downhill from that point.

Also I introduce a new heir but still get the war of the roses... so annoying

Ryan Erne
Ryan Erne - 29.03.2022 08:38

You can't get the "strategic control" mission and PU France in the same war. You have to declare again using that PU cb. Unless something's wrong with my game

🏛️Léiner Ferdinán Alcívar Álvarez🏛️
🏛️Léiner Ferdinán Alcívar Álvarez🏛️ - 25.03.2022 09:37

I dont see the need to hire mercenaries when Castile and Aragon are fighting with you, Scotland is easy to finish, your 30 regimens plus Castile and Aragon armies "if you have them" are bastly enough to deal with France. Maybe you wanted to be didactic but that was a wasting of resources seeing the positive situation you created, instead, it is a good strategy you have shown, probably the unique to take France

scotavius - 24.03.2022 12:50

Does this work for 1.33?

Jake Bak
Jake Bak - 20.03.2022 13:18

lol me without any dlcs so these guides are useless but still fun to see my favourite nations dominate the world

michael garner
michael garner - 20.03.2022 03:38

I won the war with france but I am almost 3000 coins in debt. Is that the normal amount lol?

Elvinia - 13.03.2022 02:51

Never turn off your fort edit actually

Duncan Biswana
Duncan Biswana - 08.03.2022 14:01

Started England yesterday.
My opening is always to sell Maine for 50 ducats to britanny.
Then choose My time to attack France. With full force.

First siege Paris and take mission. White peace France or just continue to wreck his army and also take money.

Next its up to you to eat France or just pu them. I mistakenly lost the pu. Because France was allied to Castille. So I proxy war them via britanny. After that I decided to eat the lands
While also bashing castile. To keep them weak.

I would have loved Castille as ally. But they rival me sadly.

Next I'm colonizing since 1490.
So my start is going good.
