Technomancer Ultimate Guide! Full Breakdown Of Abilities & Skill Trees (Outriders)

Technomancer Ultimate Guide! Full Breakdown Of Abilities & Skill Trees (Outriders)


3 года назад

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@tenzinmoe6665 - 26.11.2023 07:31

I’m a tiny bit late to the Outriders party, but I would like to give some of my input. Seeing as I’m playing this game 2 years after it came out, and matchmaking is based on story progression, I have been making my way through this game solo. This has benefits and downsides, as on one hand I don’t have to worry about reviving teammates or helping others, but, as I play technomancer, there are MASSIVE problems with melee enemies.

For anyone who would like to know what I’ve found, here it is. For weapons, I like to use some form of machine gun or assault rifle, as it gives a constant stream of health. For the second weapon, a sniper rifle is perfect for taking out distant enemies.

Next, mods. I’ve found that most of the enemies in the game like to group up when attacking, so mods like bone shrapnel, fireworks, or really anything that damages multiple enemies is wonderful. For armor mods, you can do things to help your skills, and I’ll get to that later.

Next, skills. I have a special place in my heart for blighted rounds. This wonderful piece of technology gives the toxic effect to enemies, as well as spreading both the effect and 50% of damage to enemies nearby the target. This can be used to either get enemies out of a hiding spot, or even better, to manage swarms of close range enemies (I’m looking at you perforas and cutthroats.). A added benefit of blighted rounds is that you can make some armor mods that increase grit damage, and all together it the healing it provides is unparalleled.

The second skill I use is the cryo turret. This turret is a life saver when you need to manage smaller enemies before engaging a mini boss, or just whenever you need to control the situation.

The third, and possibly most important skill I use, is the tool of destruction. At face value, it’s a skill that either gets you a minigun or a rocket launcher that does high damage, but the rocket launcher only has four shots, and while using the minigun, you can’t dodge or use other abilities. Except, the mods for this skill are insane. I don’t remember the names, but firstly, a mod that reduces the cooldown by 50%. This makes sure the skill will be there when you need it. Secondly, a mod that gives you a +20% resistance boost, which will turn you into a fortress. Along the line of the last one, a mod that increases your armor by an amount when killing an enemy (I think), will help you fortify that absolute unit you are when using it. The secret benefit to the minigun is that while you aren’t able to dodge, you are un-staggerable, and no matter what hits you, you stay standing. This is amazing for when you have hordes of melee enemies swarming you or difficult melee bosses. This effectively negates the drawbacks of the technomancer setup, making sure you don’t get swarmed and overrun.

When I enter a battle, I typically throw my ice turret as far into enemy territory as possible, run for cover, and try to thin out the ranks of riflemen. If a mini-boss/altered spawns, I then take out as many melee enemies before pulling out the minigun to deal with the boss. Following this is take to the cover again and clean up any remaining snipers/riflemen.

I hope these tips are accurate/useful to people, but they are based on my personal play style, so test things out and see what works for you!!

@yusufhatcher7336 - 14.04.2021 00:20

My overclocked dont work

@roncarter2283 - 10.03.2021 20:13

Hey zKarma, why are are guy's not talking about how your inventory just VANISH from your inventory. Hours of gameplay and farming and everything just gone. Legendary and items purchased from vendors Gone.
How can you have a Looter/Shooter with no Loot!!!!!!!

@rejxdmouse - 01.03.2021 05:37

Tech “ Sha-Men”

@DavidSantos-ix1hu - 01.03.2021 01:58

Why wouldn't u use ice,it can freeze and weaken at the same time,with proper gear u can add more debuffs to ice making your hits melt people's faces off.

@borderlandsdude3543 - 28.02.2021 23:32

Why are all the skill trees for the characters the same but each character has their own set of unique skills...

@Themetasinman - 28.02.2021 08:32

glad to see you making outriders videos now. love your channel and with borderlands and cyberpunk dead....

@chroniclesoflaura - 28.02.2021 03:57

Mia Khalifa? Well, we know what you like now 😂

@infrared6973 - 28.02.2021 00:51

I despise that grenade skill and the animation is way too long to aim and what not all while getting shot. Also u can play aggressive with technomancer just throw all your skills out and go ham reminds me of axton.

@RPG_Bro - 28.02.2021 00:08

During the Insiders Preview, the survivability for the Technomancer gets really crazy at the later levels with the amount of life leech and Vulnerable you can stack.
In my opinion, Technomancer has the best survivability since they don't have to kill to heal which is highly valuable in boss fights.

@monnagram3445 - 27.02.2021 21:55

Damn Mia khalifa out here sniping kids lmao
