MIDSOMMAR (2019) Breakdown | Every Creepy Little Detail Hidden In The Movie

MIDSOMMAR (2019) Breakdown | Every Creepy Little Detail Hidden In The Movie

Heavy Spoilers

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Jamo VFX
Jamo VFX - 14.10.2023 01:57

Lots of people are commenting on Christian being drugged and raped. What people aren't mentioning however, is the fact that all of Christians friends had already disappeared for almost an entire day, and he concluded that his friends were dead. I think by the time he sat down at the table after Dani was crowned as the May Queen, everything sunk in. He was distraught from the drugs, but also extremely disgusted and saddened by what he was watching. All his friends are gone, and he watches Dani's birth into the cult, realizing it's too late. He can't do anything now, his understanding is hindered by the drugs, and he feels a great sense of fear of the cult. He realizes that if he doesn't play along with the cult that they will kill him, and he sees how accepting Dani is in the moment of being crowned the queen. An eerie moment is when he looks at Dani sitting in the chair as the May queen and you can see the horror on his face. When the old man claps in his face, that was his way of letting Christian know that he is completely helpless and the cult is in control. He knows that no matter what he does it's too late. They even laid out the flowers and everyone was making sure he walked into the room to mate with her. It was like they were saying; "this is your path, or else." Also (one more thing,) when Christian is brought into the room with the old woman earlier in the movie when he looks at the bear painting, it never showed if he said yes or no to 'mating' with maya. I think that either way, if he said yes or no, the cult still would've forced him to 'mate' with maya. Although Christian was an a**hole, he didn't deserve any of it.

Overall this is one of the most messed up movies I've seen and I wouldn't watch it again.

MrSlowestD16 - 10.10.2023 08:16

He didn't make the decision to cheat in that hut. He is shown to be thinking "no" by asking if there's a way without participating. But then he's drugged to shit later in the film and he's shown to be barely with it when he finds his way to the bldg.

Not sure if just an inconsistency or in purpose, but it's not realistically possible to suicide like her sister did - that hose was like 75' long, from the garage all the way through the house, up the stairs, to the bedroom. But cars put out a lot of carbon monoxide in when they 1st start up, she'd never have started it and made it upstairs before she collapsed from CO poisoning and subsequently died. Between this and the flower crown on her picture, I think it's supposed to imply that Pelle killed them all to make her more vulnerable. Think the plan was to make her the may queen all along, and I think she was let to win that contest.

As for her ending, I don't think it was her being happy. I think it was just her accepting that she has been broken by the cult's indoctrination, and she's OK with it.

Overall I probably wouldn't watch again, but I liked it, good attention to detail. And it's so nice to have a horror movie that doesn't rely on jump scares or shifty lighting. It always being day time definitely adds to the creepiness.

Masterofreality - 09.10.2023 23:38

Ari is a master when it comes to movies like this. The scenery, music, acting, story, it's all briliant. Of course, people who want stupid jumps cares and cant turn in their brains a little bit will bash his films

Hexum944 - 08.10.2023 06:54

This is one of my all-time favorite movies.

chadwick - 05.10.2023 07:22

You have completely lost your mark after the arrival.

sarahvera - 28.09.2023 04:31

The triangular hut is like a yellow warning traffic sign, the sun from the mural in the beginning of the film resembles Dani’s smiling appearance at the end scene

Boston Emily
Boston Emily - 27.09.2023 21:40


Travis Cornell
Travis Cornell - 27.09.2023 00:27

They're not really "spoilers" if the move is such drivel that the brain goes into hibernation if someone tries to watch it. Midsommar is that bad.
Unless that person happens to be on some heavy mind-altering drugs. Then, of course, that person's thumb print can hold their interest for extended periods of time.

Randall Schoverling
Randall Schoverling - 24.09.2023 23:49

Read ‘The Magus’ by John Fowles

Reaper591000 - 19.09.2023 09:11

Reading the comments makes me feel like its a movie about how society hate men so much, they can be raped and burned alive and they still wouldn't be considered victims 😂

Crystaaal - 18.09.2023 10:06

so yes, I'm here after midsommar, because I couldn't sleep

Crash-test Productions
Crash-test Productions - 13.09.2023 23:32

Another small detail is about the tree one of the main characters piss on early in the movie, earning the anger of the villagers, saying the tree has been left here for years, as some sort of religious symbol of the death of one of them. Except it's a lie, when you see the ritual at the end, the tree has been long cut and removed. They invented some bogus laws just to have an excuse to kill some of them for the final sacrifice.

Yvette Cecil
Yvette Cecil - 13.09.2023 21:30

How is this guy who is obviously obsessed with Satanic Practices still allowed to make movies??

Angie - 13.09.2023 19:14

Saying u wish your wife would do that to you about a scene where a man is drugged and assaulted is why male victims never come forward men are 100% their own worst enemies

MOVIES - 12.09.2023 19:59

This movie made me feel uneasy watching cause the tripping scene is one of the most accurate ever on screen. In theater i had a reaction and felt like i was also tripping. It was weird and wonderful. This movie has so many layers. More than a breakup movie. Or cult movie. The artistry is truly masterful

lone pix101
lone pix101 - 12.09.2023 09:15

Tired of people saying Christian cheated on Dani in the end. If the roles were reversed and Dani was the one being preyed on, had a pube put into her food, and then drugged and forced to "mate" with somebody, then people would have called it rape. But because Christian did what he did before it all, it's written off as cheating.

B B - 12.09.2023 03:38

Watched this movie after hearing about Miley Cyrus joining a cult.

wiz wizington
wiz wizington - 10.09.2023 21:44

bro, ur shits a STRETCH

Carley Timmerman
Carley Timmerman - 10.09.2023 10:42

Toxic relationship or not, she shouldn’t have sacrificed him and the fact that she did just shows how far gone she was by the end of this movie. I also don’t think she shared any empathy with the group. It was forced empathy. They started copying her when she was having a mental breakdown. They weren’t empathizing in any normal sense

Belakor Venator
Belakor Venator - 09.09.2023 16:12

In the film, it’s said this sacrificial celebration happens every 90 years, so Pele’s parents weren’t burned the same way.

abitofpaprika - 08.09.2023 00:32


YouRebelChief - 05.09.2023 05:08

The first thing I noticed was the symmetrical shots in the film. I instantly thought of Stanley Kubrick. Great cinematography!

Christian Schwarz
Christian Schwarz - 02.09.2023 15:14

"the dancingin the circle represents how their relationsship is going in circles" i think you went a little too far with that one. Rest was interesting

Gooby - 01.09.2023 02:38

This movie wasn't even that "deep" lmao it had such a predictable plot and nothing was that creative... This is a movie for pretentious people that think it's some sort of masterpiece. It was literally just about a crazy cult sacrificing some people. Is foreshadowing characters deaths like some new thing nobody has ever heard of? I just don't get the praise for this movie.

Sean David
Sean David - 31.08.2023 10:43

She didn’t find a family she’s literally held captive

beezzarro - 31.08.2023 09:09

Honestly, i really found this one hard to like. And i think that it stems from being billed to me as a horror film when its more of a creepy drama. Youd have to be a fool not to immediately understand that the cultists are up to no good, so there isnt really much suspense in the film. There arent any moments that get the movie to even be in "thriller" territory because its just so utterly long. There are a lot of details baked into it, but its ultimately a letdown in the climax. Really the only thing i can say for it is that the acting and the interplay between the characters is fantastic and intriguing to watch. However, even that falls flat because they just end up dying. Theyre round characters, but they just end up dying anyway. Its aster's weakest film for me

MaxTerminateHole - 30.08.2023 21:12

you know movie suck when the movie watched by weirdo who think its deep

RIVAL Content Jammerz
RIVAL Content Jammerz - 30.08.2023 16:34

Whoa, Grimm Reaper. Hey, that's really deep. Huge missed detail.

Eric Fogle
Eric Fogle - 28.08.2023 02:32

You say he “cheated” but hadn’t they ended the relationship and she just injects herself into the trip guilt tripping her ex into letting her go?

Amber Spencer
Amber Spencer - 23.08.2023 15:14

The creepy thing is that cult really exists today so if you're traveling into another country near Sweden don't go there during spring or summer, can't remember which one it was so beware

aaron smith
aaron smith - 18.08.2023 02:04

Well thats one suspicious "love potion" if you ask me. Cause really it kind of seemed like Christian was roofied and you know, sexually assaulted; didn't seem like he was in any state to consent and the whole betrayl thing wasn't actually a choice.

To be frank, the most toxic person in the film seems to be Dani herself. I know she lost her parents but damn, girl bbqed her bf and joins a cult that murdered all her friends. If this isn't a telltale warning about how grief can be used to manipulate someone than I don't know what is. Not saying their relationship was great or Christian was the best bf ever, but he didn't stand there and watch her burn to death.

Edit: I know this vid is old but I do believe there is an upside down camera shot as they are traveling to the commune which (to me) denotes a deviation from the norm or whats comfortable. Others feel its symbolic of entert hell, which is along the same sentiments and I do believe Ari used it in Hereditary as well (specifically when Toni Collettes Character was deteriorating mentally).

Mother Morbid
Mother Morbid - 17.08.2023 08:12

Those weren't pipes connecting to her and her family in the mural, they are very obviously veins, vines or internal organs, they're coming out of her and going into them, they're connected.

jt 1
jt 1 - 13.08.2023 08:17

why are my subtitles in hindi on firestick tv 🤔

Kognitosan - 11.08.2023 02:04

I wanna know what the hell was on that banquet table that was blurry and moving!

V H - 07.08.2023 03:01

She is accepted and loved by her new family. She belongs. She will never have to worry about belonging or acceptance ever again. Having no other persons in her life, she feels accepted and welcomed with the faith. She is truly welcomed home. She will end at 72 as well. The cycle continues . Beautiful ending.

Keep Going
Keep Going - 04.08.2023 15:52

Context, therapy, milk and more therapy. I need all of that in that order after watching.

Teddy in Japan
Teddy in Japan - 01.08.2023 12:12

Someone told me not to watch it or I’d go insane. In the end I was just like “huh?”

Coast Property Buyers
Coast Property Buyers - 23.07.2023 04:15

To me, the telling part of the movie that suggests the whole ‘cult’ or community is a farse is when the two cult members are sacrificed in the fire and one realizes too late and screams in pain due to the heat of the fire (assuming he is lead by the cult to believe otherwise) rather than simply accept his fate.

TanUv90 - 17.07.2023 06:44

pew pew pew!

Pidge - 11.07.2023 06:04

The face in rhe trees is creepy as fuck, the film was unsettling and really enjoyed it.

Spencer Kraisler
Spencer Kraisler - 01.07.2023 00:26

FYI this was in the theatrical cut, as I remember seeing it in theaters.

Tom Lastname
Tom Lastname - 30.06.2023 22:15

The real monster of the movie is Danny.

skycladraven - 30.06.2023 09:07

Danni drove the wedge between her and Christian. Danni is a needy, whiney, low self-esteem shell that is endearing at first, but is later like nails on a chalk board. Christian loved her and did not want to hurt her but with her nails dug in, he found it hard to compassionately let go.

All_mesa_man92 - 28.06.2023 18:23

Its not "midsoMAR" you fucking moron, its "MIDsommar". Pretty much pronounced just like "midsummer"

Jean Vogler
Jean Vogler - 25.06.2023 21:35

U r spot on💜😎

Phoenix_9902 - 17.06.2023 12:07

this movie felt too real. real scary shit. had me thinking about it for days. watching it from 9-12 pm-am. horrible but very good movie

6Kubik - 17.06.2023 03:28

"women blood, i leave it...." Omg, what are you, 12? Its menstruation blood.
