The Stagnating Economy of Canada | Economics Explained

The Stagnating Economy of Canada | Economics Explained

Economics Explained

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@anthonymorris5084 - 12.07.2023 07:25

Easily explained: Liberals who continue to spend more money than they have.
Liberals constantly increasing immigration causing rising demand and inflation.
Liberal constantly raising draconian carbon taxes.

@anthonymorris5084 - 12.07.2023 07:26

Canada is over governed, and Canadians pay excessive amounts of taxes to support this massive government infrastructure.

@anthonymorris5084 - 12.07.2023 07:28

Canada's motto should be "Canada, we strive for mediocrity". Or how about "Canada, tthp, better than nothing".

@veronica.baker1 - 16.07.2023 21:30

Government policy and the FED cause inflation. You make no distinction between monetary inflation with price inflation. Just because some people are ignorant doesn't mean that the people criticizing them are not also ignorant. This is the heart of our current culture: to not see a toilet for a toilet; to think that if you clean the toilet you are changing it into something other than a toilet. Replacing one group of psychopaths and narcissists with a different group of psychopaths and narcissists.

@jamesbuchner5875 - 21.07.2023 02:32


@melvrv90 - 26.07.2023 02:15

The US you can have 30% higher salary and a house that cost 150k USD, would cost 400k USD in Canada at the very least. It is madness.
The greed of the government and lobbies to keep housing prices high with making slow to build while taking more immigration that it can handle, is causing Canada to decline.

They don't care that the amount of money wasted in inflated real estate by companies and people is money that could be spent growing the economy with innovation and spending.

Short term greed causes long term pain, and the pain especially for the 99% of the population.

@valkry007 - 06.08.2023 23:07

Turdeau is a TYRANT and a DICTATOR !
He is destroying Canada and Canadian way of life.
And Jagmeet Singh and his communist NDP party enable him and his Liberal party criminals and incompetents to stay in power.

@dorcianefaugue8109 - 26.08.2023 05:35

It's a small mistake I know... But Economics Explained put Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island in the U.S.!

@qizhang2032 - 03.09.2023 15:03

Canada economy is heavily rely on mining, real estate, and fanancail, America on the other hand, is attracting talent and investors from all over the world with high paid hi-tech company,

@Maroth1349 - 06.09.2023 18:33

Subscribed because my country's flag is correct

@user-cr1gy9ng5j - 07.09.2023 15:51

Nortel - a major factor in its demise was the theft of its intellectual property by Chinese hackers. The pesky Chinese again!

@tomboushel2357 - 08.09.2023 21:19

Given the UKs current Brexit mess, how is it possible that Canada is rated lower than the UK?

@landsea7332 - 09.09.2023 21:25

It the 1960's , Canadians were in the driver's seat and this country had everything going for it .
Then Pierre Trudeau , Brian Mulroney and the Laurentian Elites got a hold of Canada and brought in a
crony version of neo liberalism . Maybe its not such a great idea to sign globalization deals * , and ship your country's manufacturing to cheaper labour markets .

* NAFTA 1.0 and 2.0 , China , India , CETA , and TCTPP .

@landsea7332 - 09.09.2023 21:44

Maybe a service based economy , and an economy based on selling off your resources , and an economy based on real estate isn't working out .
Have a look at the TMX - nearly all the Canadian stocks to buy are Financials , Utilities , Telecom's , REIT's and Resources .

@super_hero2 - 13.11.2023 14:04

If Canada have the like of silicon valley giants, the story would be different. Those companies attract talents and investors without them, it is hard to see a good future for Canada. In order to keep up with the world, you must have technology advantage, resources, or mass population which Canada have none and it reflexes in their GDP.

@StevenNess - 23.11.2023 04:44

canada should have score of 6.9

@iluvpurplestew - 03.12.2023 22:34

The Canadian dream is having someone else pay your mortgage. The American dream is building an empire. that is representative of the cultural difference. Canadians are not entrepreneurial and are extremely risk-averse. Its the culture.

@Pawel_Mrozek - 30.12.2023 04:29

The more I watch this channel, the more I come to the conclusion that productivity measured in dollars is bullshit. If you cut off from all your incomes all taxes and deprive yourself of public health care, education and social services, your income on paper will skyrocket only for you to then have to pay for the same things privately two or three times more. Such productivity is fiction. Americans work the hardest in the world just to make the US exchange rate look better and they get nothing out of it. Does this bring us closer to the answer to a central economic problem? Just look where else we are looking to improve productivity by investing in capital. A great example of food production. Even more artificial, even more intensively sprayed and genetically modified. This is a complete dead end.

@dweller6065 - 07.01.2024 04:34

A technical question - when comparing income measures of American workers Vs Canadian did you (or the OECD that you cite) use the spot value of US dollar as the numeraire? Or was some average over a year or several years used? This is important because the US dollar has been very strong in recent years and this might (depending on value methodology used) inflate incomes of US workers Vs incomes of Canadian workers. In other words - valuation effects may explain much of the difference in income levels, leaving less space for real economic factors to play a role (which kind of undercuts the story of your video).

@Blackpilled-Chud-Named-Shane - 20.01.2024 17:32

Bank of Canada released a statement that we have entered a population trap. Something that only happens in third world countries. Due to rapid population growth our economy is declining. Not a few days later our federal housing minister Sean Fraser put out an article claiming Canada still needs more immigrants because we lack skilled workers. I think we have enough cab drivers and sandwich makers. Our education system needs to be reformed because it's impossible for anyone born in Canada to go to school without taking on unrealistic amounts of debt.

@tube.brasil - 14.02.2024 00:28

25% of Canadian workers (pretend to) work in government jobs. That's all you need to know.

@ybfhxndrx - 19.02.2024 12:48

Canadians have a gigantic but useless amount of tundra to the North. Young Canadians who are the most successful seldom stay there, case in point 50% of Hollywood is Canadian. If a young person from Canada is a top athlete, he goes down South! If it isnt for its favorable relationship with the USA, it wouldn't do better or worse than a Scandinavian nation.

@mullacy5228 - 04.03.2024 18:12

I know I'm being nit picky, but in part of the video you show New Brunswick and Nova Soctia as part of the USA lol.

@bkohatl - 06.03.2024 19:34

Are you Nigel Farage?

@msbebelle07 - 06.03.2024 21:07

Big companies came to Canada, lots of them profited of break or free taxes benefits or subsidies …Than …they shutdown, put everyone out their jobs and left to somewhere else, some went to the U.S. some went to less developed countries…Canada is a middle country, not a leader, not a country in development…so we lose both ways…

@AnhTuPhucDerrickHoangCanada - 07.03.2024 05:38

I believe voting to bail us out today, as the last generation done with no bigger debt than any today, we too ought to bail ourselves out by voting to exploit our resources. No one man, like Al Gore, has control over it but us! A country's immortality is served by it for Trudeau has bankrupt the treasury!

@Warfreak - 07.03.2024 09:56

Lol, I laughed at the poutine breaks while eating my poutine XD

@pontusvongeijer1240 - 09.03.2024 10:01

Is Canada a joke country or are they being serious?

@user__100 - 11.03.2024 01:15

Canada uses Newcomers to pay pensions of old Europeans through tax

@mariemacisaac7529 - 27.03.2024 23:21

In NS when there is no work employers do not layoff employees. They pay them to do nothing. Because they are in NS. If they layoff their workers they will go to Ontario or Alberta and never come back. Then with no employees they will no company. This is not the case in Ontario or Alberta as they are aready there. They cannot go there. Also NS employees work with equipment that is more than 50 years old.

@mariemacisaac7529 - 27.03.2024 23:24

Also many workers in NS have a 2 hour or more drive to work.This drive to work time is not included in the work hours. Example live in Truro work in Halifax. Reason very over priced rent in Halifax .

@chinchc.5688 - 30.03.2024 20:55

Hysterical old News. Canada's GDP increased 0.6% in January
Thursday's data shows the Canadian economy started 2024 on a strong note after growth stalled in the second half of last year. GDP was flat or negative on a monthly basis in four of the last six months of 2023.2 days ago

@user-xd4bq6mp3s - 05.04.2024 01:02

our prime minister is a moron. the people who voted for him should pay reparations.

@victors.3633 - 12.04.2024 05:16

Are a lot of Canadian doctors moving to the US?

@ionelcalinmicle6176 - 19.04.2024 22:43

Our problem is our incompetent PM Trudeau 😢

@Onatyrade - 01.06.2024 14:08

An Americans opinion, some stats some figures, pro American bias. Complete lack of understanding of a country and people running a land mass bigger than any other nation except Russia with a population of less than California.

@issavibez394 - 09.06.2024 15:27

America isn't any better just saying our government sucks the same all every single issue u complain about is happening here to

@walterhawkins1062 - 11.06.2024 23:41

The problem with chinada is its run by a bunch of woke socialists.

@brianmcintyre8563 - 12.06.2024 06:27

The problem with Canada is we have a terrible govt

@g-forcepcrepair4347 - 13.06.2024 01:01

Americans are being rent gouging, rental properties owners like warren buffett are gouging the American people

@pth6060 - 13.06.2024 18:26

Both of these bums are globalists and useless.

@BrotherTemplar - 17.06.2024 16:57

Jesus christ the standards are petty f**king low if these guys were my opinions

@user-pj6lu9lh1y - 23.06.2024 21:25

Canada needs motivation ( and political's will ) to abolish the Primary Industries but to enhance the Industries into Advanced Industries. Why ship raw materials out to USA and other countries with such low prices ? Why not create the Industries processing the Canadian raw materials to finished products before exporting them? That's a lot of new jobs, new R&D, new spin-offs, and offer most talented Canadians and newcomers the exponential attractiveness of opportunities of growth. Simple law of LOGICS. A

@zaneraue7196 - 29.06.2024 20:29

Prices are why to high. Taxes are misused.
Government corruption.
We need leaders and not politicians. (Society fooled by illusion)

@BraxtonScott452 - 05.07.2024 10:59

Yes you might say that but More and more people might face a tough time in retirement. Low-paying jobs, inflation, and high rents make it hard to save. Now, middle-class Americans find it tough to own a home too, leaving them without a place to retire without any investment. Retirement becomes truly fulfilling when you possess two essential elements: financial resources and a meaningful purpose in life. Make prudent investment choices to secure good returns and ensure a comfortable retirement. .

@rodneyreid1922 - 11.07.2024 02:43

The vaccine industry is the only thing keeping the economy alive. 💉💉💉⚰️⚰️⚰️

@ayushsrivastava767 - 02.09.2024 18:03

I spotted a spelling mistake 😂

@jjmalm - 10.09.2024 08:15

As a Canadian, one thing I notice is a form of "Dutch disease." Workers don't need to be productive because so much is put into resource extraction and real estate. This means talent that would otherwise be out into innovation and high end economic growth gets better options working in mining or oil&gas, or construction.

Because the US is so dominant Canadian businesses outside resources don't get large talent pool and end up focusing on lower value ventures. This shows up in a lack of business drive and what I'd call relatively poor economic decision making. US companies demand tighter deadlines and profits faster. Canada in large part doesn't produce a workforce that shares this drive. People are comfortable with what they have and don't work to death. You will see this in the happiness scale 😁
